Update mail address
[userbundle] / Resources /
2021-05-08 Raphaël GertzAdd preUpdate life cycle callback
2021-02-23 Raphaël GertzAdd security context service 0.1.6
2021-02-23 Raphaël GertzRename title in civility
2021-02-23 Raphaël GertzRename title in civility
2020-12-28 Raphaël GertzAdd rapsys_user translate, locales and languages config... 0.1.5
2020-12-07 Raphaël GertzAdd classname alias to avoid argument binding failure
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzPrefix with bundle name slugger alias to avoid conflict 0.1.3
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzDefine slugger class before the class requiring it
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzReplace service Rapsys\UserBundle\Utils\Slugger with...
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzRename role field in title
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzRemove Title entity short field and related methods
2019-11-26 Raphaël GertzAdd configurations files 0.1.1
2019-11-14 Raphaël GertzRevert doctrine Resources/config/doctrine/*.orm.yaml...
2019-11-07 Raphaël GertzRename to yaml doctrine config files
2019-10-28 Raphaël GertzRemove config files moved in recipes
2018-07-01 Raphaël GertzFirst version 0.0.1