1 (function(){var f
=this;function n(a
){for(var c
];else return null;return d
}function ba(){}function ca(a
.getInstance=function(){return a
=new a
2 function da(a
){var b
=typeof a
instanceof Array
instanceof Object
)return b
;var c
);if("[object Window]"==c
)return"object";if("[object Array]"==c
||"number"==typeof a
&&"undefined"!=typeof a
&&"undefined"!=typeof a
.propertyIsEnumerable("splice"))return"array";if("[object Function]"==c
||"undefined"!=typeof a
&&"undefined"!=typeof a
.propertyIsEnumerable("call"))return"function"}else return"null";
3 else if("function"==b
&&"undefined"==typeof a
)return"object";return b
}function q(a
){return void 0!==a
}function ea(a
){return null!=a
}function t(a
)}function fa(a
){var b
&&"number"==typeof a
}function u(a
){return"string"==typeof a
}function ga(a
){return"number"==typeof a
}function ha(a
)}function ia(a
){var b
=typeof a
}function ja(a
){return a
4 var ka
=0;function ma(a
){return a
)}function na(a
)throw Error();if(2<arguments
){var d
,2);return function(){var c
);return a
)}}return function(){return a
5 function v(a
.toString().indexOf("native code")?ma:na
;return v
)}function oa(a
){var c
,1);return function(){var b
);return a
)}}function pa(a
){for(var c
in b
]}var w
||function(){return+new Date
6 function qa(a
){var c
[0]in d
.execScript("var "+c
[0]);for(var e
||void 0===b
}function y(a
){function c(){}c
.prototype=new c
){var c
);return v
)}return v(this,a
)};function ra(a
="CustomError";function sa(a
){for(var c
.shift();return d
.join("%s")}function ua(a
){return decodeURIComponent(a
.replace(/\+/g," "))}function va(a
))return a
,"""));return a
}var xa
7 function Ba(a
){for(var c
++){var k
=RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)","g");do{var r
8 0:parseInt(x
)}return c
}function Ca(a
){var b
);return 0==b
}function Da(a
){return String(a
){return c
9 function Ea(a
){var b
=u(void 0)?"undefined".replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g,"\\$1").replace(/\x08/g,"\\x08"):"\\s";return a
){return b
.toUpperCase()})};function Fa(a
){return a
10 var Ga
){return Ga
))return u(b
in a
)return c
){for(var d
in e
){return Ga
){for(var d
11 0,h
in h
){var m
)}return e
){return Ga
){for(var d
in g
));return e
){return Ga
){for(var d
in e
){return Ga
12 b
){for(var d
in e
))return!1;return!0};function Ma(a
){var c
.call(void 0,a
},void 0);return c
}function Na(a
);return 0>b
]}function Oa(a
){for(var d
in e
))return g
;return-1}function Pa(a
){var c
,void 0);return 0>c
13 function Qa(a
){for(var d
in d
))return e
;return-1}function A(a
){return 0<=Ha(a
)}function Ra(a
){return 0==a
}function Sa(a
))for(var b
--)delete a
=0}function Ta(a
)}function Ua(a
){var c
);return d
}function Va(a
,1)}function Wa(a
){var c
,void 0);0<=c
14 function Xa(a
){return Ga
)}function Ya(a
){var b
){for(var c
];return c
}return[]}function Za(a
){for(var c
++){var d
);else if(e
)for(var g
];else a
)}}function $a(a
15 function ab(a
){return 2>=arguments
)}function bb(a
){for(var b
;){var e
):(typeof e
}function cb(a
){for(var d
;){var h
)}return g
}function db(a
)}function fb(a
){var c
){return c(a
16 function gb(a
)return!1;var d
;for(var e
]))return!1;return!0}function eb(a
){return a
?-1:0}function hb(a
){return a
}function ib(a
)}function jb(a
){for(var b
++){var d
)}return b
};function kb(a
.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g,"@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r\u2028\u2029\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,"]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:[\s\u2028\u2029]*\[)+/g,"")))try{return eval("("+a
){}throw Error("Invalid JSON string: "+a
);}function lb(a
){return eval("("+a
+")")}function mb(a
){return nb(new ob(void 0),a
)}function ob(a
17 function nb(a
){var c
);return c
18 function pb(a
){switch(typeof b
){case "string":qb(b
);break;case "number":c
)?b:"null");break;case "boolean":c
);break;case "undefined":c
.push("null");break;case "object":if(null==b
)){var d
.push("[");for(var e
in b
],"function"!=typeof e
19 pb(a
.push("}");break;case "function":break;default:throw Error("Unknown type: "+typeof b
);}}var rb
20 function qb(a
in rb
)return rb
];var b
+="0");return rb
.toString(16)}),'"')};function tb(a
){return Math
)};function B(a
.clone=function(){return new B(this.x
)};function ub(a
){var c
;return Math
)}function vb(a
){return new B(a
);return this};f
);return this};f
);return this};
21 f
){var c
;return this};function wb(a
.clone=function(){return new wb(this.top
){return this&&a
instanceof wb
22 f
);return this};f
);return this};f
);return this};
23 f
){var c
;return this};function C(a
}function xb(a
){return a
.clone=function(){return new C(this.width
)};function yb(a
){return a
);return this};f
);return this};
24 f
);return this};f
){var c
;return this};function zb(a
){return a
)};function Ab(a
.clone=function(){return new Ab(this.left
)};function Bb(a
){return new Ab(a
){return a
instanceof Ab
25 f
);return this};f
);return this};f
);return this};
26 f
){var c
;return this};function Cb(a
){for(var d
in a
)}function Db(a
){for(var c
in a
.call(void 0,a
))return!1;return!0}function Eb(a
){var b
in a
];return b
}function Fb(a
){var b
in a
;return b
}function Gb(a
){for(var c
in a
)return!0;return!1}function Hb(a
){for(var c
in a
.call(void 0,a
))return c
}function Ib(a
){for(var b
in a
)return!1;return!0}function Jb(a
){var b
in a
];return b
27 function Kb(a
){var b
)return a
.clone();var b
in a
]);return b
}return a
}var Lb
="constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" ");function Mb(a
){for(var c
in d
];for(var g
28 function Nb(a
){var b
[0]))return Nb
%2)throw Error("Uneven number of arguments");for(var c
+1];return c
};function Ob(a
){return function(){throw a
;}};var Pb
;function Wb(){return l
.userAgent:null}function Xb(){return l
=!1;var Yb
=Wb()){var Zb
}var $b
29 var fc
||"").indexOf("X11");function gc(){var a
;return a
.documentMode:void 0}var hc
;t:{var ic
)var kc
="function"==typeof kc
;else if(ac
)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/:bc&&(jc=/WebKit
)var lc
){var mc
);break t
}var nc
={};function pc(a
){return oc
30 function qc(a
){return D
}var sc
,10):5):void 0;var tc
;function yc(a
;return u(a
.match(/\S+/g)||[]}function zc(a
){for(var c
.join(" ");a
;return c
}function Ac(a
){var c
).join(" ");a
}function Bc(a
){return Ia(a
)})}function Cc(a
){return A(yc(a
)}function Dc(a
)}function Ec(a
){var c
)};function Fc(a
){return a
?new Gc(Hc(a
=new Gc
)}function Ic(a
){return u(a
}function Jc(a
){var c
;return c
)}function E(a
){var c
31 function Kc(a
){var d
))return c
){for(var d
;return d
}return c
,"function"==typeof a
;return d
}return c
32 function Lc(a
in Mc
})}var Mc
33 function Nc(a
;return new C(a
)}function Oc(a
){var b
;return D
?new B(b
):new B(a
34 function Pc(a
){var d
.push(' name="',va(h
.push(' type="',va(h
),'"');var k
);delete k
,2);return g
35 function Qc(a
){function e(c
++){var g
)}}function Sc(a
){return document
)}function Tc(a
){return document
))}function Uc(a
,1)}function Vc(a
){for(var b
)}function F(a
36 function Wc(a
){if(void 0!=a
;else for(a
;return a
}function Xc(a
instanceof l
))return a
;return ia(a
37 function Yc(a
)return a
);if("undefined"!=typeof a
)return a
;return b
}function Hc(a
){return 9==a
38 function Zc(a
){if("textContent"in a
;else if(a
}else Vc(a
)))}function $c(a
){var c
=[];return ad(a
[0]:void 0}function ad(a
}return!1}var bd
={IMG:" ",BR:"\n"};
39 function dd(a
in bd
);else if(a
in cd
]);else for(a
}function Rc(a
&&"number"==typeof a
))return"function"==typeof a
||"string"==typeof a
))return"function"==typeof a
}return!1}function ed(a
){return b
40 function fd(a
;for(var e
))return a
++}return null}function Gc(a
){return u(a
){return this.a
)};function gd(a
}function hd(a
){return Oc(a
41 f
){return vc
&&void 0!=a
){return 1==a
;function id(a
))}function jd(a
){var d
),void 0===a
),void 0!==a
;break t
)}function kd(a
){var c
);return c
)||"":""}function ld(a
){return kd(a
42 function md(a
){var d
instanceof B
)}function od(a
){return new B(a
)}function pd(a
){var b
);return b
43 function qd(a
&&!qc(8))return a
;var b
))return a
;return null}
44 function rd(a
){for(var b
=new wb(0,Infinity
,"overflow"))){var h
&&!pc("1.9")){var m
))var p
=new B(m
,"borderTopWidth")))}else k
=new B(k
45 k
);return 0<=b
46 function sd(a
){var b
=new B(0,0),h
)return g
;else if(c
47 b
)}return g
}function ud(a
){var c
);return new B(c
48 function wd(a
){var b
=new B(b
));var c
=new B(c
&&!pc(12)){var d
="-moz-transform");var e
))?new B(parseFloat(a
[2])):new B(0,0):new B(0,0);a
=new B(b
)}else a
;return a
49 function vd(a
)return wd(a
);var b
[0]);return new B(c
)}function yd(a
instanceof C
;else if(void 0==c
)throw Error("missing height argument");zd(a
,!0)}function nd(a
){"number"==typeof a
)+"px");return a
}function zd(a
50 function Ad(a
){var b
,"display"))return b(a
);var c
;return a
}function Bd(a
){var b
;return q(b
?new C(b
),new C(a
))}function Cd(a
){var b
);return new Ab(b
51 function Dd(a
){var c
;"opacity"in c
=b:"MozOpacity"in c
=b:"filter"in c
+")")}function td(a
52 function Ed(a
){var b
)return b
,"height","pixelHeight"),new C(b
=new C(a
);return new C(c
53 function Fd(a
))return parseInt(b
,10);var e
;return b
}function Id(a
){var c
]:null;return c
54 function Gd(a
){var b
,"paddingBottom");return new wb(d
,"paddingBottom");return new wb(parseFloat(d
))}var Jd
55 function Kd(a
+"Style"]:null))return 0;var c
+"Width"]:null;return c
in Jd
,"left","pixelLeft")}function Hd(a
){var b
,"borderBottom");return new wb(d
,"borderBottomWidth");return new wb(parseFloat(d
56 var Ld
57 function Od(a
){var b
)return parseInt(b
in Md
)return Fd(a
in Nd
)return a
);return b
}var xd
\([0-9\.\-]+, [0-9\.\-]+, [0-9\.\-]+, [0-9\.\-]+, ([0-9\.\-]+)p
?, ([0-9\.\-]+)p
?\)/;var Pd
="StopIteration"in l
.StopIteration:Error("StopIteration");function Qd(){}Qd
.prototype.next=function(){throw Pd
.prototype.Kd=function(){return this};function Rd(a
instanceof Qd
)return a
;if("function"==typeof a
)return a
)){var b
=new Qd
)throw Pd
in a
)return a
++}};return c
}throw Error("Not implemented");}
58 function Sd(a
)throw d
.next(),void 0,a
)throw e
;}}}function Td(a
))return Ya(a
);var b
)});return b
};function Ud(a
=0;var c
%2)throw Error("Uneven number of arguments");for(var d
+1])}else if(a
instanceof Ud
));for(var e
.fb=function(){return this.Q
.hc=function(){Vd(this);for(var a
]]);return a
.nc=function(){Vd(this);return this.a
59 f
.fb())return!1;var c
;Vd(this);for(var d
)))return!1;return!0};function Wd(a
){return a
.isEmpty=function(){return 0==this.Q
){return Xd(this.b
)?(delete this.b
60 function Vd(a
){for(var b
;){var d
){for(var e
){return Xd(this.b
.clone=function(){return new Ud(this)};
61 f
){Vd(this);var b
=new Qd
)throw Error("The map has changed since the iterator was created");if(b
)throw Pd
;var h
++];return a
]}};return h
};function Xd(a
){return Object
)};function Yd(a
){if("function"==typeof a
)return a
))return a
)){for(var b
]);return b
}return Eb(a
)}function Zd(a
){if("function"==typeof a
);else if(fa(a
);else{var d
;if("function"==typeof a
.nc();else if("function"!=typeof a
=[];for(var e
)}else d
);else d
=void 0;for(var e
)}};function $d(a
){var g
);return g
}var ae
=RegExp("^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://(?:([^/?#]*)@)?([^/#?]*?)(?::([0-9]+))?(?=[/#?]|$))?([^?#]+)?(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$");function be(a
=!1;var b
){var c
)throw ce
=!0,Error();}}return a
)}var ce
;function de(a
62 function ee(a
)}function fe(a
[1]){var b
[1]=void 0)}return a
.join("")}function ge(a
))for(var d
);else null!=b
)))}function he(a
);return a
63 function ie(a
){for(var c
in b
);return a
}function je(a
){return fe(2==arguments
,1))}function ke(a
)));return fe(a
)}function le(a
){for(var e
;){var g
)return b
+1}return-1}var me
64 function oe(a
){for(var c
));return g
,"$1")};function pe(a
){var c
instanceof pe
);else if(a
[1]||"",!0);var d
[7]||"",!0)}else this.Ze
=new ve(null,0,this.Ze
65 f
.toString=function(){var a
.push("//");var c
));return a
.clone=function(){return new pe(this)};
66 function qe(a
.replace(/:$/,""))}function re(a
}function se(a
)throw Error("Bad port number "+b
}else a
=null}function te(a
instanceof ve
=new ve(b
))}function De(a
)}function Ee(a
)}function ue(a
;return a
67 function Ge(a
.random())^w()).toString(36));return a
}function He(a
){return a
instanceof pe
.clone():new pe(a
,void 0)}function Ie(a
){var e
=new pe(null,void 0);a
);return e
}function we(a
){return u(a
):null}function Je(a
68 var xe
;function ve(a
}function Ke(a
=new Ud
))for(var b
++){var d
.fb=function(){Ke(this);return this.Q
69 f
);var c
++;return this};f
);return Xd(this.Ha
.isEmpty=function(){Ke(this);return 0==this.Q
};function Me(a
);return Xd(a
70 f
.nc=function(){Ke(this);for(var a
++)for(var e
]);return c
){Ke(this);var b
.hc();for(var c
])}return b
++;return this};
71 f
){var c
):[];return 0<c
};function Fe(a
)return this.a
)return"";for(var a
++)for(var d
++){var h
)}return this.a
72 f
.clone=function(){var a
=new ve
);return a
};function Le(a
){var c
.toLowerCase());return c
}function Be(a
){var e
};var Ne
={};function Oe(a
)}function G(a
){return a
)}var Qe
={};function Pe(a
){return Qe
){return c
.toUpperCase()}))};var Re
);var Se
=0}function Te(a
){return a
},!0,void 0)}function Ue(a
){var c
);return c
[0]:null}function Ve(a
in b
)return b
];var c
in b
)return b
in b
)return b
in b
)return b
in b
)return b
73 function We(a
){var c
});return c
}function Xe(a
in b
in b
in b
in b
in b
?"webkit"+a:null};var Ye
);var Ze
);var $e
);var af
);var bf
);function cf(a
)}function ef(a
){return a
in Ye
}function ff(a
)}function gf(a
){return a
in Ze
]:void 0}
74 function H(a
));var c
);return c
}function jf(a
));var c
);return c
}function I(a
)}function kf(a
)}function hf(a
){return a
?function(){try{return a
){throw lf(b
}function lf(a
){var b
75 function mf(a
)}function J(a
){var d
in $e
)for(var e
in d
,"gi"),function(){return d
]});return a
}function nf(a
){return of(a
in $e
)}function of(a
){var c
){return 1==a
+""}function df(a
){var c
[1]}else{var d
in d
]}};function pf(a
){for(var b
in a
in qf
=void 0!=a
=void 0!=a
76 document
;var d
=void 0!=a
=void 0!=a
77 a
%120?"WebkitTransform"in document
78 f
79 var qf
={stopPropagation:1,preventMouseEvent:1,preventManipulation:1,preventDefault:1,layerX:1,layerY:1,scale:1,rotation:1};var rf
);var sf
);function tf(a
){return Hb(rf
){return e
80 function K(a
;var e
)return e
;var e
||"onmouseenter"in document
=new pf(d
){return b
},!0))return d
=new pf(b
;return c
81 h
&&"MozBoxSizing"in document
);return e
}function uf(a
){var c
;return c
)},void 0)}
82 function wf(a
.toLowerCase();var d
.substr(1);else if(Xe("touchstart",document
){case "down":d
="start";break;case "up":d
="end";break;case "over":d
="enter";break;case "out":d
){var d
=new pf(a
)})}}return K(a
)}function xf(a
){return a
83 function zf(a
){return yf(a
){return Cc(a
)})}function yf(a
){var e
;return K(e
){var b
){return a
))})}function vf(a
&&("string"==typeof a
in rf
){var c
);delete rf
84 function Af(a
){for(var b
in rf
)}function Bf(a
){var c
)}else c
)};function Cf(){return!!We(["fullscreenEnabled","fullScreenEnabled"],document
)}function Df(){return We(["fullscreenElement","fullScreenElement"],document
)};function Ef(a
}var Ff
85 Ef
.prototype.clone=function(){var a
=new Ef
in this){var c
}return a
};var If
=0;function Kf(a
){var c
=new Image
]&&b();delete If
=eval("null")}};function Lf(){}Lf
.prototype.ha=function(){return this.Pc
=!0,this.F())};function L(a
))}function Mf(a
,void 0))}Lf
.shift()()};function Nf(a
&&"function"==typeof a
.dispose()}function Of(a
){for(var b
){var d
)}};function Pf(a
86 "cuePlaylist",this.Wr
87 this.us
88 this.removeEventListener
89 y(Pf
);function N(a
.Zr=function(){return Fb(this.g
.M=function(){return this.b
){var c
){var c
)});var d
90 f
){var c
in this.o
){var c
in d
&&delete d
){var c
.gs=function(){return this.app
,void 0,this.a
.getCurrentTime=function(){var a
;return a
91 f
.Ph=function(){var a
;return a
.Um=function(){return this.app
){var b
.us=function(){return this.app
.Jj=function(){var a
.es=function(){return this.app
92 f
.$r=function(){return this.app
.ds=function(){return $f(this.app
){var b
.as=function(){return bg(this.app
.js=function(){var a
);return Math
.ks=function(){return 1E3
.ms=function(){return cg(this.app
.os=function(){return 0};f
93 f
){var d
){var d
,new hg(fg(a
){var d
){var d
,new hg(a
.rs=function(){return kg(this.app
.bs=function(){return lg(this.app
94 f
){var e
){var e
){var b
){var b
){var b
95 f
.ub=function(){var a
)return null;for(var b
;return b
.Wj=function(){var a
.pa:null;return null==a
.hs=function(){return this.app
){return tg(this.app
){return tg(this.app
){return ug(this.app
.getVideoData=function(){var a
96 f
.vs=function(){var a
.is=function(){var a
.getVideoData()){var c
)}return b
){for(var a
in this.g
in this.j
.call(this)};function yg(a
97 f
){var b
,new hg(a
);var d
.Fx=function(){var a
.Kx=function(){var a
){var c
.start(),delete c
98 f
){var b
){var b
.Gx=function(){return this.app
.getVideoData=function(){var a
;return a
){return a
99 f
){return a
.call(this)};function Gg(a
,void 0,this.a
)};function Q(a
){return a
.J=function(){return this.app
.ub=function(){return this.app
.getVideoData=function(){return this.app
)};function Hg(a
){var c
.prototype.b=function(){return this.a
))};function Ig(a
;){var c
)}};function Kg(a
,"value");var c
)return!0});return e
.prototype.b=function(){return Kg(this,this.G
100 function Jg(a
))};function Lg(){};function Mg(){}y(Mg
.prototype.fb=function(){var a
++});return a
.prototype.clear=function(){var a
)})};function Ng(a
)return!1;try{return this.a
)throw"Storage mechanism: Storage disabled";throw"Storage mechanism: Quota exceeded";}};f
)throw"Storage mechanism: Invalid value was encountered";return a
101 f
.fb=function(){return this.a
){var b
=new Qd
)throw Pd
;var d
)return d
))throw"Storage mechanism: Invalid value was encountered";return d
};return d
){return this.a
)};function Og(){var a
);function Pg(a
=new ob
){var b
)try{return kb(b
){throw"Storage: Invalid value was encountered";}};f
)};function Qg(){var a
);function Rg(a
);function Sg(a
}function Tg(a
instanceof Sg
?a:new Sg(a
instanceof Object
)return a
;throw"Storage: Invalid value was encountered";};Rg
))throw"Storage: Invalid value was encountered";}else a
=void 0;return a
};function Ug(a
);function Vg(a
){var b
){var c
);else return c
};function Wg(a
);function Xg(a
){var c
){var b
){if("Storage: Invalid value was encountered"==g
)return;throw g
);return c
}function Yg(a
){var c
)};function Zg(a
){var d
,void 0));try{d
)}}}function bh(a
)return null;var b
){return null}if(!u(b
))return null;try{b
,void 0)}catch(d
){}return b
}function ch(a
)}var $g
=new Og
.isAvailable()?new Wg(dh
):null;var ah
=new Qg
.isAvailable()?new Wg(eh
):null;function fh(a
){var b
){var c
=new Og
=(new Pg(c
))}return b
}function gh(){var a
=void 0==b
;return a
};function hh(a
=new Hg(16):this.j
=new Ig(16,0.6);a
=new Hg(4):this.b
=new Ig(16,0.6);a
=new Ig(8,0.6):a
=new Ig(16,0.6):a
=new Ig(24,0.6):"play"==a
=new Hg(15):this.a
=new Ig(15,0.6);var b
)}function ih(a
.b();return a
}function jh(a
.b();return 0<a
?a:1};function kh(){this.a
){var d
]=[]);var e
);return e
]){var d
){return d
}))return this.Wc(a
102 f
)return this.b
),!1;var b
){var c
);delete this.a
];delete this.a
+1];delete this.a
){var c
++;for(var d
++){var h
);return 0!=e
103 f
){var b
,this),delete this.Qb
])}else this.a
){var b
];return b
in this.Qb
);return a
.call(this);delete this.a
;delete this.Qb
;delete this.b
};function lh(a
=ja(this)}function mh(a
){return a
){return a
+", "+this.end
+"]"};function nh(a
||"";void 0!=a
=new kh
.getId=function(){return this.Ba
};function oh(a
){return a
?-1:1};function ph(a
=!1};function qh(a
[" "](a
);return a
[" "]=ba
;var rh
&&pc("9");function th(a
104 f
){var c
;var d
){var e
=!0;break t
=void 0!==a
=void 0!==a
105 this.altKey
&&this.preventDefault();delete this.se
.call(this);var a
.preventDefault();else if(a
.$x=function(){return this.re
};var uh
.random()|0);function vh(a
){return!1}}var wh
=0;function xh(a
=!1}function yh(a
=null};function zh(a
){var g
++);var h
=new xh(b
));return a
in this.$a
))return!1;var e
&&(delete this.$a
106 function Bh(a
){var c
in a
))return!1;var d
&&(delete a
--));return d
){var b
in this.$a
){for(var d
]);delete this.$a
--}return b
};function Ch(a
107 function Ah(a
){for(var e
){var g
)return e
}return-1};var Dh
={};function Gh(a
)){for(var g
);return null}c
)throw Error("Invalid event type");c
;var h
=new zh(a
in Fh
}return a
108 function Ih(){var a
){return a
)return c
};return b
}function Kh(a
))for(var g
);else c
109 function Mh(a
)return!1;var b
))return Bh(b
);var c
in Fh
=null,delete Eh
);delete Dh
];return!0}function Nh(a
){var c
)return 0;var d
in c
)for(var g
;return d
110 function Oh(a
){var e
++){var g
))}return Boolean(e
)}function Ph(a
){var c
);return c
111 function Jh(a
){var c
=new th(c
||void 0!=c
)){t:{var g
=-1;break t
||void 0==c
);for(var g
)}return e
}return Ph(a
,new th(b
112 function Lh(a
){return a
)]||null:null}var Qh
.random()>>>0);function Hh(a
){return ha(a
){return a
)})};function Rh(){this.jd
=new zh(this);this.U
113 function Sh(a
){var c
=[];for(var e
}var d
=new ph(e
);else if(e
instanceof ph
;else{var h
=new ph(g
)}var h
)for(var m
114 f
.removeAll(void 0);this.Ml
){return this.jd
){return this.jd
)};function Th(a
);for(var e
){var h
){var k
}}return e
};function Uh(a
=null;function Vh(a
){var a
115 f
.call(this);this.stop();delete this.b
};function Wh(a
));else if(a
&&"function"==typeof a
);else throw Error("Invalid listener argument");return 2147483647<b
||0)};function Xh(){this.a
=[]}function Yh(a
){for(var c
){var e
)break}return c
}function Zh(a
){for(var d
){var g
)}return d
}function $h(a
){for(var c
){var e
);return c
[0]};var ai
=!1;var fi
=!0)));var gi
;var li
;var ni
)( Simulator
=void 0;else{var pi
)( Simulator
)?; (U
; )?CPU (iPhone
)?OS (\d_
)&&0<=Wb().search("Safari")&&Wb().search("Version");var qi
;function ri(){return si("(ps3; leanback shell)")}function si(a
){var b
=Wb();return b
.toLowerCase()):!1};function ti(){}var ui
=new ti
=0;function wi(a
){var c
.load())}function yi(a
.getType=function(){return this.type
.getCurrentTime=function(){return this.Sl
116 function cg(a
){var b
)return 1;if(b
){var c
);return a
}return 0}function Ai(a
.play()}function Bi(a
=null))}function Ci(a
=null}function Di(a
117 function zi(a
){var b
.getCurrentTime();for(var c
))return c
;return 0}f
.inUnbufferedArea=function(){var a
)return!0;var b
)return!1;var c
=this.getCurrentTime();return a
};function Ei(a
118 f
=!0)};var Fi
=[202,203];function Hi(a
=null;function Ii(a
){return b
&16?a:new Hi(b
)}function Ji(a
){return Ii(a
)}function P(a
)}function Ki(a
){return P(a
,4)?2:-1}function Li(){var a
;return a
=14};function R(){this.G
=new kh
){return this.ha()?0:this.G
){return this.ha()?!1:this.G
){return this.ha()?!1:this.G
){return this.ha()?!1:this.G
)};function Mi(a
=new Uh(250);this.j
=new Xh
);var c
119 function Ni(a
){var c
=!1;Oi(this);for(var a
120 function Pi(a
=null;for(var c
++){var e
)for(var g
)}else P(b
121 Wh(v(a
.Xb())}function Qi(a
){var c
)return c
);for(var d
++){var e
]))}return c
122 f
)for(var a
){Oi(this);for(var b
++){var e
123 (this.Jg
--}};function Oi(a
=null)}function Ri(a
){return P(a
.call(this)};function Si(a
){for(var c
++){var h
){var k
in d
}}return d
}function Ti(a
){var c
){var g
)))})});return c
)}function Ui(a
.substr(1));return Si(a
124 function Vi(a
[0])):{}}function Wi(a
[0]="";return a
.join("")}function S(a
){return fe(ie([a
))}var Xi
;function Yi(){var a
);return $d(a
[4])}function Zi(a
){var c
[0];var c
[0];var d
in b
];return S(a
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=null;"undefined"!=typeof XMLHttpRequest
?$i=function(){return new XMLHttpRequest
}:"undefined"!=typeof ActiveXObject
&&($i=function(){return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")});function aj(a
&&"status"in a
.status:-1){case 0:case 200:case 201:case 202:case 203:case 204:case 205:case 206:case 304:return!0;default:return!1}};function bj(a
){var k
&&$i();if("open"in k
&&"readyState"in k
))for(var m
in e
);return k
125 function cj(a
||{};var c
)[1]||null;var e
["X-YouTube-Page-Timestamp"]=ef("PAGE_BUILD_TIMESTAMP"));return b
126 function dj(a
){var b
)return!0;var d
];return d
){return A(d
127 function ej(a
){var c
);var d
));var e
));var g
);var d
){case "XML":d
,10);break t
;case "RAW":d
=!0;break t
}var e
128 a
));return k
}function fj(a
){var c
){case "JSON":var d
));break;case "XML":if(d
)})}return c
129 function gj(a
){return a
=("responseXML"in a
[0]:null:null}function hj(a
){var b
});return b
}var ij
130 function kj(a
,0);else{var g
){var c
)}})}};function lj(a
.slice(3);return a
.join("")}function mj(a
){var c
;return a
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=""};function oj(a
||null}function pj(a
){return 2==a
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){return 0<=a
.indexOf("mp4a")}function rj(a
){return 0<=a
.indexOf("avc1")};var sj
={my:"auto",aD:"tiny",dC:"light",SMALL:"small",nC:"medium",LARGE:"large",JB:"hd720",IB:"hd1080",QB:"highres",fD:"unknown"};function tj(a
){for(var d
++){var e
;break t
="tiny"}else a
||0}var uj
="auto highres hd1080 hd720 large medium small tiny".split(" "),vj
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+1}function xj(a
.split("-");return 2==a
=new wj(parseInt(a
.prototype.toString=function(){return this.start
)};var yj
="corp.google.com youtube.com youtube-nocookie.com prod.google.com sandbox.google.com docs.google.com drive.google.com mail.google.com play.google.com".split(" "),zj
="www.google.com/aclk www.google.com/pagead/conversion googleadservices.com/aclk googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/conversion".split(" ");function Bj(){return-1!=document
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132 function Qj(a){for(var b=Rj(a,!1);236==b;)Sj(a),b=Rj(a,!1);return b}function Tj(a){var b=Rj(a,!0),c=a.b.byteOffset+a.a,d=Math.min(b,a.b.buffer.byteLength-c),c=new DataView(a.b.buffer,c,d),c=new Pj(c,a.g+a.a);a.a+=b;return c}function Uj(a){for(var b=Rj(a,!0),c=Vj(a),d=1;d<b;d++)c=(c<<8)+Vj(a);return c}function Sj(a){var b=Rj(a,!0);a.a+=b}function Rj(a,b){var c=Vj(a);if(1==c){for(var d=c=0;7>d;d++)c=256*c+Vj(a);return c}for(var e=128,d=0;6>d&&e>c;d++)c=256*c+Vj(a),e*=128;return b?c-e:c}
133 function Vj(a){return a.b.getUint8(a.a++)};function Wj(a,b,c,d){this.info=b;this.j=new Jj(a);this.o=c;this.k=d;this.g=this.b=null;this.i=!1;this.index=new Mj;b=parseInt;c=a.search(me);d=le(a,0,"clen
",c);if(0>d)a=null;else{var e=a.indexOf("&",d);if(0>e||e>c)e=c;d+=5;a=ua(a.substr(d,e-d))}this.a=b(a,10)}function Xj(a){return!(!a.b||!a.index.fb())}
134 function Yj(a,b){var c=new Ej(a,a.o,1),d=new Ej(a,a.k,2),e=[],g=[c];Gj(c,d)?g.push(d):e.push([d]);isNaN(a.a)?b=0:b>a.a&&(b=a.a);c=g[g.length-1];d=c.ka.end-g[0].ka.start+1;b>d&&(c=new wj(c.ka.end+1,c.ka.end+1+(b-d)-1),g.push(new Ej(a,c,4)));e.push(g);return e}
135 function Zj(a,b,c,d){for(var e=[];b<a.index.fb();b++){var g;g=a.index.a[b];g=new wj(g,g+(b+1<a.index.Q||a.index.g?a.index.a[b+1]-a.index.a[b]:-1)-1);var h=a.index.b[b],k;k=a.index;var m=b;k=m+1<k.Q||k.g?k.b[m+1]-k.b[m]:-1;var m=Math.max(0,c-g.start),p=Math.min(g.end+1,c+d)-(g.start+m),s=b==a.index.fb()-1&&m+p==g.length;e.push(new Ej(a,g,3,b,h,k,m,p,s));if(g.start+m+p>=c+d)break}return e}
136 function ak(a,b){for(var c=0;c+1<a.index.fb()&&b.ka.start>=a.index.a[c+1];)c++;return Zj(a,c,b.ka.start,b.ka.length)}Wj.prototype.Uh=function(a,b){Xj(this);if(!Xj(this)){var c=new wj(a.ka.end+1,a.ka.end+1+b-1);c.end+1>this.a&&(c=new wj(c.start,this.a-1));return[new Ej(a.a,c,4)]}4==a.type&&(c=ak(this,a),a=c[c.length-1]);var c=0,d=a.ka.start+a.Yb+a.kb;3==a.type&&(c=a.i,d==a.ka.end+1&&(c+=1));return Zj(this,c,d,b)};function bk(a,b,c){b=Nj(a.index,b);return Zj(a,b,a.index.a[b],c)};function ck(){this.duration=0;this.a={}}var dk=/PT(([0-9]*)H)?(([0-9]*)M)?(([0-9.]*)S)?/;function ek(a){var b=new ck;z(a,function(a){var d=a.type,e=a.itag,g=null;rj(d)&&(g=a.size.split("x
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",b.toString());a.k&&(c=S(c,{sigh:a.k}));return c}function kk(a,b){var c=Math.floor(b/(a.a*a.g)),d=a.a*a.g,e=b%d,g=e%a.a,e=Math.floor(e/a.a),h=a.g,k=a.b-d*c;k<d&&(h=Math.ceil(k/a.a));return{url:jk(a,c),su:g,wi:a.a,row:e,rows:h,eo:a.o*a.a,co:a.G*h}};function lk(a){var b=[];a=a.split("|");for(var c=a[0],d,e,g,h,k,m,p,s,r=1;r<a.length;r++)d=a[r].split("#"),e=r-1,g=parseInt(d[0],10),h=parseInt(d[1],10),k=parseInt(d[2],10),m=parseInt(d[3],10),p=parseInt(d[4],10),s=d[6],d=d[7],b.push(new ik(g,h,k,m,p,c,s,d,e));this.a=b;this.b={};1<this.a.length&&-1!=this.a[0].j.indexOf("default")&&this.a.splice(0,1)}function mk(a,b){var c=a.a[0].b-1;return tb(Math.round(c*b),0,c)}
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140 function Bk(){for(var a=Ak(),b=[],c=0;c<a.length;c++)b.push("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
"[a[c]&63]);return b.join("")}function Ck(){return Ja(Ak(),function(a){return(a&15).toString(16)}).join("")};function Dk(a,b,c){b={cpn:b};c&&(b.ibw="1369843");return{url:S(a,b),type:"application
",itag:"93"}};function T(a,b){return void 0==b?a:"1"==b?!0:!1}function Ek(a,b,c){for(var d in c)if(c[d]==b)return c[d];return a}function U(a,b){return void 0==b?a:b}function Fk(a,b){var c=U(a,b);c&&(c=Dj(c));return c}function Gk(a){if(!a)return 0;a=a.split(":");var b=parseFloat(a[0]),c=1;2==a.length&&(c=parseFloat(a[1]));return isNaN(b)||isNaN(c)||0==c?0:b/c};function Hk(a,b){this.a=a;this.b=b}Hk.prototype.clone=function(){return new Hk(this.a,this.b)};function Ik(a){this.a=[];if(a)t:{var b,c;if(a instanceof Ik){if(b=a.nc(),c=a.hc(),0>=a.fb()){a=this.a;for(var d=0;d<b.length;d++)a.push(new Hk(b[d],c[d]));break t}}else b=Fb(a),c=Eb(a);for(d=0;d<b.length;d++)Jk(this,b[d],c[d])}}function Jk(a,b,c){var d=a.a;d.push(new Hk(b,c));b=d.length-1;a=a.a;for(c=a[b];0<b;)if(d=b-1>>1,a[d].a>c.a)a[b]=a[d],b=d;else break;a[b]=c}f=Ik.prototype;
141 f.remove=function(){var a=this.a,b=a.length,c=a[0];if(!(0>=b)){if(1==b)Sa(a);else{a[0]=a.pop();for(var a=0,b=this.a,d=b.length,e=b[a];a<d>>1;){var g=2*a+1,h=2*a+2,g=h<d&&b[h].a<b[g].a?h:g;if(b[g].a>e.a)break;b[a]=b[g];a=g}b[a]=e}return c.b}};f.hc=function(){for(var a=this.a,b=[],c=a.length,d=0;d<c;d++)b.push(a[d].b);return b};f.nc=function(){for(var a=this.a,b=[],c=a.length,d=0;d<c;d++)b.push(a[d].a);return b};f.clone=function(){return new Ik(this)};f.fb=function(){return this.a.length};
142 f.isEmpty=function(){return Ra(this.a)};f.clear=function(){Sa(this.a)};function Kk(){Ik.call(this)}y(Kk,Ik);function Lk(a){R.call(this);this.a=a;this.g=new Kk;this.i={}}y(Lk,R);Lk.prototype.b=!1;function Mk(a,b,c){var d;for(c=nk(a.a,c);0<=c;){d=a.a.a[c];if(d=d.i[Math.floor(b/(d.a*d.g))]?kk(d,b):null)return d;c--}return kk(a.a.a[0],b)}function Nk(a){if(!a.b)if(a.g.isEmpty())a.b=!1;else{a.b=!0;var b=a.g.remove(),c=new Image;c.src=jk(a.a.a[b.zn],b.An);c.onload=v(a.j,a,b.zn,b.An)}}
143 Lk.prototype.j=function(a,b){this.b=!1;var c=this.a.a[a];c.i[b]=!0;Nk(this);var d,e=c.a*c.g;d=b*e;c=Math.min(d+e-1,c.b-1);d=[d,c];this.u("l
",d[0],d[1])};function Ok(a,b,c){this.b=a;this.a=b;this.g=c}var Pk={playready:["com
"];function Rk(a,b,c){if(!a.addKey&&!a.webkitAddKey)return null;for(var d=0;d<Qk.length;d++){var e=Qk[d];if(c[e])for(var g=Pk[e],h=0;h<g.length;h++){var k=g[h];if(a.canPlayType(b,k))return new Ok(e,k,c[e])}}return null};function Sk(a,b){this.a=a;this.b=b;this.i=0;Object.defineProperty(this,"timestampOffset
",{get:this.Ru})}f=Sk.prototype;f.append=function(a){this.a.webkitSourceAppend(this.b,a)};f.abort=function(){this.a.webkitSourceAbort(this.b)};f.Ru=function(){return this.a.webkitSourceState==this.a.SOURCE_CLOSED?new Tk:this.a.webkitSourceBuffered(this.b)};f.Su=function(){return this.i};
144 f.Tu=function(a){this.i=a;this.a.webkitSourceTimestampOffset(this.b,a)};function Tk(){this.length=0};function Uk(a){this.activeSourceBuffers=this.sourceBuffers=[];this.a=a;this.b=NaN;this.g=0;Object.defineProperty(this,"duration
",v(this.Pu,this),!0)}function Vk(a){return window.MediaSource?new window.MediaSource:window.WebKitMediaSource?new window.WebKitMediaSource:HTMLMediaElement.prototype.webkitSourceAddId?new Uk(a):null}f=Uk.prototype;
145 f.addEventListener=function(a,b,c){this.a.addEventListener(a,b,c)};f.on=function(){return this.a.webkitMediaSourceURL};f.addSourceBuffer=function(a){var b=(this.g++).toString();this.a.webkitSourceAddId(b,a);a=new Sk(this.a,b);this.sourceBuffers.push(a);return a};
146 f.removeSourceBuffer=function(a){for(var b in this.sourceBuffers)if(a===this.sourceBuffers[b]){this.a.webkitSourceRemoveId(a.b);for(a=b+1;a<this.sourceBuffers.length;a++)this.sourceBuffers[a-1]=this.sourceBuffers[a];this.sourceBuffers.pop();break}};f.Ou=function(){switch(this.a.webkitSourceState){case this.a.SOURCE_CLOSED:return"closed
";case this.a.SOURCE_OPEN:return"open
";case this.a.SOURCE_ENDED:return"ended
147 f.endOfStream=function(a){var b=this.a.EOS_NO_ERROR;"network
"==a&&(b=this.a.EOS_DECODE_ERR);this.a.webkitSourceEndOfStream(b)};f.Pu=function(){Sa(this.sourceBuffers)};f.Nu=function(){return this.b};f.Qu=function(a){this.b=a;this.a.webkitSourceSetDuration&&this.a.webkitSourceSetDuration(a)};function Wk(){this.a=[]}Wk.prototype.listen=function(a,b,c){if(t(b))for(var d=0;d<b.length;d++)this.listen(a,b[d],c);else c=v(c,this),a.addEventListener(b,c,!1),this.a.push(a,b,c)};Wk.prototype.removeAll=function(){if(this.a)for(;this.a.length;){var a=this.a.shift(),b=this.a.shift(),c=this.a.shift();a.removeEventListener&&a.removeEventListener(b,c)}};Wk.prototype.ha=function(){return null===this.a};Wk.prototype.dispose=function(){this.removeAll();this.a=null};function Xk(a,b,c,d){this.a=[];this.Af=this.zd=null;this.i=b;this.g=Vk(a);this.b="";this.j=null;this.listen(this.g,["sourceopen
"],this.Ut)}y(Xk,Wk);var Yk={};f=Xk.prototype;f.Va=function(a){this.isOpen()?this.g.duration=a:this.i=a};f.isOpen=function(){return"open
148 f.Vt=function(a,b){isNaN(this.i)||(this.g.duration=this.i,this.i=NaN,this.zd=this.g.addSourceBuffer(a),this.Af=this.g.addSourceBuffer(b),this.j&&(this.j(this),this.j=null))};f.Ut=function(){this.dispose()};f.dispose=function(){Zk(this.b);this.b="";Xk.C.dispose.call(this)};function Zk(a){if(a)try{window.URL.revokeObjectURL(a)}catch(b){}}
149 function $k(a,b){var c={};if(window.MediaSource&&window.MediaSource.isTypeSupported)Ja(a,function(a){c[a]=window.MediaSource.isTypeSupported(a)}),H(oa(b,c),0);else{for(var d=!1,e=0;e<a.length;e++){var g=Yk[a[e]];if(void 0!=g)c[a[e]]=g;else{d=!0;break}}if(d){var d=xk(),e=Vk(d),g=e.on?e.a.webkitMediaSourceURL:window.URL.createObjectURL(e),h=oa(al,a,b,d,e,g);e.addEventListener("sourceopen
",h,!1);d.src=g}else H(oa(b,c),0)}}
150 function al(a,b,c,d,e){for(var g={},h=0;h<a.length;h++){var k=Yk[a[h]];if(void 0==k){try{var m=d.addSourceBuffer(a[h]);d.removeSourceBuffer(m);k=!0}catch(p){p.code==DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR&&(k=!1)}Yk[a[h]]=k}g[a[h]]=k}c.src="";Zk(e);b(g)};function bl(a,b,c,d){this.a=c;this.b=a;this.j=d||"";this.i=b;this.g={}}function xi(a){if(a.a)a=a.b;else if(a.i){var b;b=(new pe(a.b)).a.get("id
");b="http://www.youtube.com/api/manifest/t2b/source/youtube/id/"+encodeURIComponent(b);b+="/itag/"+a.j;b+="/mfmt/amf";a=ue(new pe(S(a.b,a.g)),b).toString()}else a=S(a.b,a.g);return a};function cl(a,b){var c=b.Sa in dl&&ri();this.i=(this.a=!!(a instanceof Array))?null:new bl(a,c,this.a,b.Sa);this.b=this.a?a[0]:null;this.g=this.a?a[1]:null;this.mc=b}cl.prototype.getInfo=function(){return this.mc};var el={'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2"':"maybe"},fl={"application/x-mpegURL":"maybe"},gl={"application/x-mpegURL":"maybe"};
151 function hl(a
){if(!yk())return[];var d
;var e
++){var g
in kl
)){var h
}}var k
)});return k
}function jl(a
){var b
]);return b
152 var dl
={EB:160,AB:133,CB:134,uB:135,qB:136,mB:137,vB:138,kB:140,BB:142,DB:143,xB:144,zB:222,yB:223,rB:145,tB:224,sB:225,nB:146,pB:226,oB:227,wB:147,lB:149,jB:261,FB:161,wD:171,vD:172,DD:194,AD:195,CD:220,BD:221,zD:196,yD:197,xD:198,JD:242,KD:243,GD:244,ID:245,HD:246,FD:247,ED:248};function ml(a
){var b
,"auto","0"))});return b
153 function nl(a
){var g
=new nj
=new tj(c
.replace(/"/g,'"'));return new cl(a
,new oj(d
))}function il(a
){for(var c
++){var e
)}return c
154 function ol(a
){for(var d
++){var g
){var h
))}return hl(d
)}function pl(a
){var c
);return hl(c
155 function ql(a
){var h
={};for(var k
in a
in a
))}}else c([])}
156 function rl(a
){var h
in ll
){var s
.indexOf("vp9")&&si("cros armv7"))){if(r
.canPlayType('audio/mp4; codecs="aac51"',"com.widevine.alpha"))continue}if(s
);var x
157 [];x
.push(new cl([k
){var c
.getInfo();return d
)};function hg(a
=new C(0,0);this.O
);var tl
="author cc_asr cc_load_policy iv_new_window iv_load_policy keywords subscribed rvs title ttsurl ypc_buy_url ypc_full_video_length ypc_item_thumbnail ypc_item_title ypc_item_url ypc_offer_button_text ypc_offer_description ypc_offer_headline ypc_offer_id ypc_price_string ypc_preview ypc_video_rental_bar_text".split(" ");
158 f
159 function Eg(a
){var c
in c
160 function sl(a
){var c
=void 0==(c
161 c
=1==(void 0==c
162 a
=void 0==(c
163 (a
&&void 0===a
});var d
164 !c
165 c
.push("ypc_clickwrap");void 0!=c
);void 0!=c
166 function Bl(a
);else if(a
){var b
167 f
){var b
=new ck
=(new DOMParser
,"text/xml").getElementsByTagName("MPD")[0];var c
,"mediaPresentationDuration")){var d
)}else c
++){var d
+'; codecs="'+h
168 h
=new tj(parseInt(gk(d
,"height"),10)));var m
=new nj
);var p
.trim());else p
=new oj(e
169 h
=new Wj(g
=!1;break t
))};function Cl(a
170 function El(a
),0)}function Fl(a
){return Ja(a
){return a
}).concat(["auto"])}function Gl(a
){var c
)return c
,!0});return c
}function Hl(a
){var b
)return null;pa(b
));return b
}function Dl(a
){var b
);return b
171 function Il(a
){return u(a
]:null}function Jl(a
=new lk(a
));return a
}function Kl(a
){var b
=new Lk(b
));return a
}function Ll(a
){var c
||this.ul()))};function zl(a
){var c
,10);return Gb(pk
172 function wl(a
.split(",");return a
){return Ui(a
)})}function yl(a
){var c
);return c
}function vl(a
){var b
){var d
]=!0});return b
}function xl(a
){var c
[0])}}function Ml(a
]}function Al(a
){var c
);return isNaN(d
)};function Nl(a
.prototype.toString=function(){return this.type
};function Ol(a
]=new hg(a
&&("string"==typeof a
){case "user_uploads":Pl(this,a
);break;case "user_favorites":Ql(this,a
);break;case "search":Rl(this,a
173 this.g
=new Nl(a
})}else if(a
){var b
.push(new hg({video_id:a
=!0}else a
.push(new hg(a
174 y(Ol
=null;function Tl(a
=0;else return null;rg(a
);return qg(a
)}function Ul(a
-1;else return null;rg(a
);return qg(a
)}function qg(a
){var c
=void 0!=b
in a
;return c
175 function sg(a
;var c
=[];for(var d
++){var e
.u("shuffle")}function rg(a
=0}function Vl(a
){return a
}function Pl(a
=new Nl("UU","PLAYER_"+b
176 function Ql(a
=new Nl("FL","PLAYER_"+b
}))}function Rl(a
=new Nl("SR",b
);var c
)}}function Sl(a
177 function Wl(a
;var c
.push(new hg(a
.call(this)};var Xl
){return a
;return u(a
){return a
){return A(Yl(a
?" "+b:b
){var c
="";for(var d
in c
178 " "+d:d
){return a
}).join(" "))},am
)}).join(" ")};function X(a
)}function bm(a
){var c
);return c
};function cm(a
){return this.$f
){var b
=new Qd
.next=function(){for(var d
.next();return a
)};return d
};function dm(a
;var b
=new Og
?new cm(b
=new Pg(a
){var b
){var b
179 function em(a
)}function fm(a
)}function gm(a
)}function hm(a
.u("command_show_dialog_area")}function im(a
.create=function(){var a
180 f
)};function jm(a
){var d
in b
={};for(var g
in c
.Oi=function(){return null};
181 function km(a
)return null;var c
)}return c
}function lm(a
){}}function mm(a
)}function nm(a
)}function om(a
.u("command_stop_redirect_controls")}function pm(a
)}function qm(a
182 f
.Xh=function(){};function rm(a
.load=function(){};function sm(a
);function tm(a
){var d
]){var g
.join(" "));if(g
++){var h
);else if(ia(h
)){var g
=void 0;for(m
in h
]))}else u(h
);return e
.M=function(){return this.b
183 function wm(a
){var d
.split(" ");if(1<d
);else a
)};function um(a
){return u(d
){for(var b
in a
])};function xm(a
]){var d
184 function vm(a
=[];for(var e
++){var g
.call(this)};function ym(a
="block")}function zm(a
="none")}function Am(a
){var c
);return H(function(){c
||0)};function Z(a
=new sm(a
.M=function(){return this.element
);return a
185 f
){return this.element
186 f
.call(this)};function Bm(){Z
);function Cm(a
}))};function Dm(a
=new Bm
187 Dm
){var c
?c:""};function Em(a
||{};var d
instanceof Array
,-1);return d
}function Fm(a
){for(var b
--){var c
.removeRule(0)}};function Gm(a
=null;function Hm(a
,"ad-container-single-media-element"));return a
}function Im(a
188 function Km(a
){var b
)}else b
}return a
=null;delete this.V
189 function Lm(a
){var b
){var c
=new Ab(c
}else b
,["video-stream","ad-video"])}return a
};function Om(a
;var e
);function Qm(a
))}function Rm(a
.prototype.N=function(){return this.a
190 Om
.prototype.show=function(){var a
.prototype.F=function(){var a
){var a
.call(this)};function Sm(a
.call(this,new Date
.call(this)};function Tm(){Sm
);var Um
;function Wm(a
){var c
191 Tm
.fill();var a
.restore();Wm(this,0)};function Xm(a
){var b
%60);var e
+="0");return e
};var Ym
192 Fr:"html5-context-menu-copy-debug-info",Gr:"html5-context-menu-copy-embed-html",Hr:"html5-context-menu-copy-video-url",Ir:"html5-context-menu-copy-video-url-at-current-time",Jr:"html5-context-menu-link",Kr:"html5-context-menu-report-playback-issue",Lr:"html5-context-menu-show-video-info",BA:"html5-show-video-info-template",pC:"html5-modal-panel",WB:"html5-info-bar",Yz:"autohide-off",Zz:"autohide-on",Xz:"autohide-fade",Vz:"autohide-auto",Wz:"autohide-embeds",$z:"autohide-seekbar",Uz:"autohide-aspect",
193 KB:"hide-controls",LB:"hide-info-bar",MB:"html5-hide-share",NB:"html5-hide-volume",sD:"video-thumbnail",DC:"html5-popup-dialog",Oz:"html5-async-progress",Pz:"html5-async-success",Nz:"html5-async-error",pA:"html5-center-overlay",NC:"ytp-scalable-icon-shrink",MC:"ytp-scalable-icon-grow",RB:"house-brand"};function Zm(a
))}function $m(a
,"hid")):!1}function an(a
,!0)})}function bn(a
,!1)})}function cn(a
){var b
;if(void 0!=b
])return a
.substr(1);for(var c
++)if(void 0!=b
])return c
194 function dn(a
)};var en
=4/3;function gn(a
){var d
){case 30:d
}return d(a
)}function jn(a
)return b
)return b
}return b
):""}function hn(a
){return b
195 function kn(a
.charCodeAt(0)%ef("THUMBNAIL_NUM_SHARDS",1)+1)+".")};function ln(a
||{}}var nn
=/__([a-z]+(?:_[a-z]+)*)__/g;function on(a
){var c
.replace(/(\s*--\x3e)?\s*$/,"");return new ln(c
,void 0)}function mn(a
){var b
in c
))});return b
196 function pn(a
){var e
));return d
);return a
)};function qn(a
;var c
197 f
;var c
=!0));var e
);var g
198 this.a
,void 0,!0);X(this.a
.M=function(){return this.a
.Hu=function(){var a
=new Date
199 f
){var b
){case 13:case 32:this.select(),a
.preventDefault()}};function sn(a
="";delete this.pb
200 f
){var a
=new Tm
,"videowall-still-autoplay",!0);var b
=new Om(a
=new Date
201 function tn(a
="";var b
-=30;var c
=0;else{var e
);for(var k
);){var s
++;else if(s
202 k
++;else break;p
=new C(h
=new C(Math
;Em(".feature-video .videowall-still:first-child",g
203 function un(a
){var c
=new qn(a
);return c
}function vn(a
.aw=function(){var a
,tn(this))};function wn(a
=new Dm(this.a
=new sn(this.a
=new rm(this.a
=null;function xn(a
){var b
;return yn(b
){return xn(a
204 f
.call(this);var a
=new nh(a
=new nh(2147483647,2147483647,{id:"load",priority:6});this.yf(a
205 f
)};function An(a
){return xn(a
)?new wn(a
):null};var Bn
206 Portions of this code are from MochiKit, received by
207 The Closure Authors under the MIT license. All other code is Copyright
208 2005-2009 The Closure Authors. All Rights Reserved.
210 function Cn(a
=void 0;this.H
instanceof Cn
){var b
;delete this.i
||this.a(new Dn
)};function En(a
211 function Gn(a
)throw new Hn
)};function In(a
);return a
}function Jn(a
){var b
=new Cn
);return b
}function Kn(a
){return Ka(a
){return ha(a
212 function Fn(a
),delete a
--,delete a
);for(var b
;){var e
)try{var k
instanceof Error
instanceof Cn
),0))}function Hn(){ra
="Deferred has already fired";
213 Hn
="AlreadyCalledError";function Dn(){ra
="Deferred was canceled";Dn
="CanceledError";function Ln(a
){var c
,oc:void 0},h
=new Cn(Mn
.a(new On(1,"Timeout reached for loading script "+a
.a(new On(0,"Error while loading script "+a
214 src:a
);return h
}function Pn(a
){var b
[0]}function Mn(){if(this&&this.Xo
){var a
)}}function Nn(a
)},0)}function On(a
){var c
="Jsloader error (code #"+a
+=": "+b
);function Qn(a
=new pe(a
}var Rn
={});var e
)for(var g
in a
),void 0);return{Ba:d
215 Qn
,!1))};function Tn(a
){return function(){Un(a
)}}function Sn(a
){return function(c
.apply(void 0,arguments
)}}function Un(a
?delete l
)};function Vn(a
=pn(new ln("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/live/broadcasts/__video_id__/states?v=2&alt=json-in-script"),{video_id:a
=new Uh(15E3
.prototype.b=function(){(new Qn(this.g
216 Vn
.prototype.i=function(){this.u("error");var a
)};function Wn(){this.g
=new sm(["div","html5-fresca-module",["div","html5-fresca-band-slate",["hgroup","html5-fresca-message",["h2","html5-fresca-heading","{{heading}}"],["h3","html5-fresca-subheading","{{subheading}}"],["h4","html5-fresca-long-test","{{long_text}}"]],["span","html5-fresca-countdown","{{countdown}}"]]]);L(this,this.g
.prototype.M=function(){return this.b
217 Wn
){case 6:a
="";break t
;case 8:case 7:a
218 function Xn(a
){var b
.floor((new Date
);return b
.prototype.j=function(){var a
.call(this)};function Yn(a
=-1;function Zn(a
){var c
){var d
=new Date(d
){return a
}))}};function $n(a
.Xa=function(){return Ml(this.a
=new Wn
||new Vn(this.a
219 f
=new Yn
=new Yn(a
220 function bo(a
){var c
){case 6:a
);break;case 8:case 7:c
.unload()}function co(a
){return Ml(a
.getVideoData(),"fresca_module")?new $n(a
):null};function eo(a
);return a
};function fo(a
);return b
}function go(a
=[]};function ho(a
.call(this);this.stop();delete this.a
;delete this.b
)};var io
=null;function ko(a
);delete io
.stop()}function lo(){jo
=new ho(function(){mo()},20));var a
.start()}function mo(){var a
)||lo()};function oo(){Rh
)};function po(a
))throw Error("Start and end parameters must be arrays");if(a
)throw Error("Start and end points must be the same length");this.g
221 function qo(a
;else if(1==a
);var b
=1;var c
in io
222 function no(a
.pl()}function ro(a
);for(var c
){Sh(this,new so(a
,this))};function so(a
);var to
=/#(.)(.)(.)/;function uo(a
))throw Error("'"+a
+"' is not a valid hex color");4==a
.substr(5,2),16)]}var vo
=/^#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;function wo(a
.call(this)};function xo(a
)throw Error("Start and end points must be 2D");wo
223 xo
[1])+"px"};function yo(a
){return a
}function zo(a
){return 1-Math
,3)};function Ao(a
=!1}function Bo(a
){var c
){var c
));return c
.M=function(){return this.element
224 f
.Oo=function(){var a
)};function Do(a
);function Eo(a
){var b
=new xo(a
225 function Fo(a
){var b
=new xo(a
226 function Go(a
,444,56);var b
,"click",v(function(){var a
227 Io(this.uk
);var a
&&Fo(this)};function Jo(a
);function Ko(a
=[];for(var d
++){var e
=new Om(a
228 Jo
);for(var c
)};function Mo(a
;for(var c
.prototype.getSelected=function(){return this.b
229 function Lo(a
){var c
,"ytp-segmented-control-selected")}else c
){for(var b
){var c
.call(this)};function No(a
){return null!=b
)}function Oo(a
){for(var c
in a
)return!0;return!1}function Po(a
){var e
=new Qo
,/.+/);return Ro(a
)}function So(a
){var d
=new Qo
,0)))return null;a
;return Ro(a
230 function To(a
){var e
=new Qo
;return Ro(a
)}function Uo(a
){var g
=new Qo
);return Ro(a
)}function Vo(a
){var d
=new Qo
};return Ro(a
)}function Wo(a
){var d
=new Qo
){return parseFloat(a
)};return Ro(a
231 function Xo(a
){var b
=new Qo
){return parseInt(a
,10)};return Ro(a
)}function Yo(a
){var k
=new Qo
);return g
){return null!=a
};return Ro(a
232 function Zo(a
){var c
=new Qo
)return null;var b
)});return c
};return Ro(a
)}function $o(a
){return null==b
)}function ap(a
])return null;var g
=new Qo
);return Ro(a
233 function Ro(a
){var c
)throw"Required field missing.";c
}}else c
):null;return c
234 function cp(a
){function c(a
){return Ia(a
.split(/ +/),function(a
})}return null!=a
]:[]}function bp(a
){for(var c
){var e
)}return c
]:[]}function Qo(){this.a
=null;function dp(a
){return null==a
235 function ep(a
){return null!=a
};function fp(a
}function gp(a
,"value");return new fp(a
)};function hp(){}function ip(a
){var b
,"subscription_token","OPTIONAL");return b
?new hp:null};function jp(a
}var kp
={DA:"current",tC:"new"};function lp(a
){var b
))return null;var c
)return null;Vo(a
,"trusted",!1);var d
,"show_link_icon",!0);return new jp(b
)}function mp(a
){return a
.value:null};function np(a
}var op
={CLICK:"click",ny:"close",oy:"hidden",LC:"rollOut",py:"rollOver",qy:"shown"};function qp(a
){var b
,"OPTIONAL");return b
?new np(b
):null};function rp(a
236 function sp(a
){var b
,"gloss",16,0,255,!1,0);var h
.padding:null)?new wb(parseFloat(r
237 parseFloat(r
;var x
,"OPTIONAL");return new rp(b
)}function up(a
238 function tp(a
){var b
,"opacity2",10,0,100,!0,0);return new up(b
)};function vp(a
}function wp(a
){var b
,"video_id","OPTIONAL","");return new vp(b
)};function xp(a
){var d
);var g
/100,k=360*b.height*a/100;return new Ab(0==d
)}function yp(a
){var d
}function zp(a
){var d
};function Ap(a
}function Bp(a
){var c
,"scaleDimension","OPTIONAL","xy");return b(c
239 function Cp(a
,new Ab(a
));return c
}function Dp(a
){return Bp(a
){return new Ap(a
)})};function Ep(a
);function Fp(a
){var b
,"sy",0);return Bp(a
){return new Ep(a
)})};function Gp(a
}var Hp
={ly:"anchored",HC:"rect"};function Ip(a
){var b
,"REPEATED");return new Gp(b
)}function Jp(a
){return a
[0]:null};function Kp(a
}function Lp(a
,"timeRelative","OPTIONAL");var b
,"REPEATED"))?new Kp(b
):null};function Mp(a
}var Np
={AC:"playerControlShow",py:"rollOver",qy:"shown"};function Op(a
){var b
,"ref","OPTIONAL","");return b
?new Mp(b
):null};function Pp(a
}function Qp(a
){var b
,"hide_delay",!1);return b
?new Pp(b
):null}function Rp(a
)};function Sp(a
}var Tp
240 function Wp(a
){var b
){return 0!=a
=sp({}));var r
241 "logable",!0),Y
,"log_data","OPTIONAL","");return b
?new Sp(b
):null}function Ho(a
){return null!=a
},void 0))?a
.url:null}function Xp(a
){return Ka(a
){return null!=a
},void 0)}function Yp(a
){return Ka(a
},void 0)}function Zp(a
)}function $p(a
)}function aq(a
,void 0)}
242 function bq(a
):null}function cq(a
){var c
);return c
.a:"xy"):1}function dq(a
){var c
);return c
.a:"xy"):1};function eq(a
){var c
){return a
))};function fq(a
){var c
;return b
};function gq(a
)}function hq(a
){return new eq(a
,this);var a
243 function iq(a
)};function kq(){};function lq(a
);function mq(){this.Rb
=!0;var nq
=0;delete this.Zf
;delete this.md
;delete this.aj
;return this};function oq(a
244 f
){var b
)throw Error("Path cannot start with lineTo");1!=b
+=2){var c
.close=function(){var a
)throw Error("Path cannot start with close");4!=a
);return this};
245 function pq(a
){var g
]}function qq(a
){for(var c
++){var h
246 f
.clone=function(){var a
=new this.constructor;a
;return a
.isEmpty=function(){return 0==this.Rb
};function rq(a
);function sq(a
};function tq(a
);var uq
);for(var g
++){var h
}return this};f
))for(var g
);else e
),delete this.a
]);return this};
247 f
.handleEvent=function(){throw Error("EventHandler.handleEvent not implemented");};function vq(){}ca(vq
.getInstance();function wq(a
.getId=function(){return this.Ba
.M=function(){return this.Of
248 f
.dispose(),delete this.j
.call(this)};function xq(a
,void 0)};function yq(a
.prototype.kh=function(){return this.Ye
)?new C(this.width
):null};function zq(a
){var b
.kh();return b
?new C(a
.kh()).width:0};function Aq(a
.M=function(){return this.rh
.call(this);var a
.removeAll(void 0):Nh(ja(a
),void 0);else{var a
in Eh
)}};function Bq(a
instanceof rq
);else if(d
instanceof lq
;var e
in c
){var e
249 y2:d
+")")}else a
);function Eq(a
);function Fq(a
);function Gq(a
);function Hq(a
.prototype.clear=function(){Vc(this.M())};function Iq(a
);function Jq(a
);function Kq(a
=new tq(this)}var Lq
);var Mq
=0;function Cq(a
)for(var d
in c
]);return a
250 f
.Op=function(){var a
=new Hq(b
?this.Vo():this.M().setAttribute("viewBox","0 0 "+(this.g
+" "+this.k:"")))};
251 f
){var a
+" "+a
+") translate(0 0)"))}};
252 f
)return this.Ye
.call(this);var a
))return null;var e
/100);d&&(e=e||this.M().parentNode,g=g||Ad(e),b=parseFloat(b)*g.height/100);return new C(a
={}};function Nq(a
=new Iq(b
253 function Oq(a
){var b
){case 0:b
);break;case 1:b
);break;case 2:b
);break;case 3:var e
[5]);break;case 4:b
.push("Z")}});return b
.join(" ")}function Dq(a
in a
)return a
];var d
);return d
254 f
.F=function(){delete this.a
;delete this.i
;delete this.b
.call(this)};function Pq(){Lq
=new Uh(400),Lq
.start());return Lq
};function Qq(a
255 f
){var a
;var c
[0]:null);var d
=new mq
&&this.i())}};function Rq(a
}var Sq
))throw Error('Invalid cookie name "'+a
))throw Error('Invalid cookie value "'+b
?";expires="+(new Date(1970,1,1)).toUTCString():";expires="+(new Date(w()+1E3
256 f
){for(var c
,0))return g
)return""}return b
){var d
);return d
.nc=function(){return Tq(this).keys
.hc=function(){return Tq(this).Sv
.fb=function(){return this.a
.clear=function(){for(var a
257 function Tq(a
);for(var b
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=new Rq(document
=3950;var Vq
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){var b
=null;"transition"in a
="transition-duration":"webkitTransition"in a
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=n("yt.pubsub.instance_")||new kh
);function Yq(a
){var d
=Zq();return d
,function(){var a
258 function $q(){var a
&&("number"==typeof a
]:"string"==typeof a
)}))}function ar(a
){var c
=Zq();return c
):!1}function Zq(){return n("yt.pubsub.instance_")};function br(a
){var h
){var m
,new B(m
||new B
)){var p
){var r
259 m
){var s
=new B(0,0),x
;do{var ta
=new B(a
260 h
,65,void 0)}
261 function cr(a
.clone();var k
262 h
263 !D
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="ontouchstart"in document
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){case "mouseover":case "mouseout":d
=3;break;case "mouseenter":case "mouseleave":d
=9}return fd(c
){return Cc(a
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){var b
&&"mouseenter"in dr
&&"mouseleave"in dr
in dr
){var b
in c
){var e
){return a
in b
265 K(document
));var hr
);function ir(a
.getInstance();var b
in hr
)};function jr(){this.a
.prototype.qq=function(){return!0};function kr(a
){var d
,void 0),e
in dr
]=new kh
){var d
))){var e
)}};function lr(a
?delete a
266 function $(a
?"-"+b:"")};function mr(){this.a
267 f
))){var d=function(a
){var b
)){var d
268 function pr(a
){var g
.preventDefault())};function qr(a
){var c
);return d
269 function sr(a
){var d
);var e
){var d
270 function tr(a
){var e
=0}else 39==d
);return a
}function ur(a
){var c
);return c
271 function vr(a
){var e
=6));var p
=null);var s
=new wb(-s
=new B(0,1);Cc(b
272 d
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,"button-menu-root-container")){var b
,"button-menu-root-container");return ed(a
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273 f
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274 c
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,"button-menu-action",!1);var d
=null)},1)}var e
276 G(b
,"button-context-menu-listener")}}function xr(a
){var c
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277 f
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){var d
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&&"innerText"in c
.replace(/ \xAD /g
," ").replace(/\xAD/g,
278 "");g
.replace(/ +/g
," "));" "!=g
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279 function nr(a
,"button-toggle")){var c
,"button-toggle-group")){var d
)})}else Ec(b
)){var b
,"button-action")};function zr(a
=null;function Ar(a
=!1,Br(this))};function Br(a
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={});var d
="undefined"!=typeof a
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in b
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281 function Lr(a
)return-1;var c
)return-1;var c
=-1;return c
282 ;function Mr(a
}function Io(a
)}function Co(a
){var d
){var e
=new ve(b
)})}return d
283 function Nr(a
){case "text":switch(a
){case "popup":return 1;case "speech":return 2;case "anchored":return 8;case "label":return 9;case "title":return 4;default:return 0}case "highlight":return 3;case "image":switch(a
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)};function Or(a
.prototype.clone=function(){return new Or(this.start
)};function Pr(){}f
=null;function Qr(a
=new Kq(b
,void 0,void 0,void 0),a
.M()));return a
.M=function(){return this.Pl
.ae=function(){};function Rr(a
){var d
)});for(var e
]);return d
}function Sr(a
){var c
);return c
};function Tr(a
){var c
,operator:"in"}));return Sr(a
284 function Ur(a
){var c
,type:"matrix",values:"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0"})),d
,type:"matrix",values:"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0"})),d
}));return Sr(a
285 function Vr(a
){return b
}function Wr(a
){var b
){case "bevel":a
;break t
;case "dropshadow":a
;break t
)});return b
}function Xr(a
){return a
in Yr
){return Yr
]});return a
}function Zr(a
)return null;var c
in a
)return d
);return 0<d
286 function $r(a
){return Na(a
})?new wb(0,7,7,0):new wb(0,0,0,0)}var Yr
={bevel:1,dropshadow:2};function as(a
)}function bs(a
){var d
=new mq
.close();return d
}function cs(a
287 function ds(a
){var e
=new lq(e
=new rq(a
));return a
}function es(a
){var c
=new wb(a
+=void 0,c
+=void 0,c
);return Bb(c
)}function fs(a
))};function gs(){}y(gs
288 gs
){var d
?1:0)?new sq(e
)){var h
)){var k
[0]:null){var m
,new Ab(k
=new B(a
=new Ab(m
,1,1);var g
289 a
);var g
=new Ab(h
=new B(m
);var p
=new mq
290 b
291 function hs(a
){var c
){case c:return"t";case d:return"r";case e:return"b";case g:return"l"}return"i"}gs
){function e(a
)}var g
);return new Or(k
)};function is(){}y(is
){var d
,new Ab(0,0,b
,new sq(!a
),new rq("#000",0)),b
)))};function js(a
);function ks(a
){var c
)/2):(c=a.height*b,e=(a.width-c)/2));return new Ab(e
292 js
){var d
)){var e
);var g
=new rq("#000",0),e
=new Jq(e
293 this.M()){var k
){var k
=new sq(b
=new Ab(0,0,d
/2+1);var p
="mask"in g
;else{var p
294 md(e
)}}};function ls(){}y(ls
){var d
){var e
);var d
?1:0)?new sq(g
=new Ab(0,0,e
)}}};function ms(){}y(ms
){function e(a
)}var g
);return new Or(k
)};function ns(a
295 function os(a
){var c
,void 0),c
+"</tbody></table>");var e
)));return c
};function ps(a
=new eo(this)}f
=null;function qs(a
){var c
296 function ss(a
){var b
},void 0))b
=os(new ns("annotation-close-button-template",[]),{});if(!(b
instanceof Element
}var c=function(a
297 function rs(a
){return v(function(a
);else if(a
instanceof Element
);var e
,1);var a
298 f
,0);var a
,vs(this)))};function vs(a
){return a
299 function jq(a
){var b
){var c
);var e
=new wb(360*ws(a
+"px "+e
+"px "+e
+"px "+e
=new C(e
300 e
)var g
=new B(b
);else e
=new B(b
,new C(18,18));var e
?new B(b
?new B(b
?new B(b
?new B(b
301 9-g
-9):new B(-9,b
302 a
)}}}}function ws(a
){var b
;return b
.padding:new wb("speech"==a
303 f
.show=function(){var a
){var d
){var e
=new is:"popup"==this.a
=new ls:"anchored"==this.a
=new gs:"speech"==this.a
=new ms:"image"==this.a
=new js(4/3,16/9,!0):"channel"==this.a
=new js
304 e
305 "image"!=this.a
;break t
306 Dd(this.la
.M())};function us(a
}function ts(a
){var b
;return b
)?new Ab(-b
):null:new Ab(0,0,b
):null};function xs(a
=new Mr(this.G
.J());var b
=new Jo(a
307 this.D("e",this.Ar
=new Qq(b
=0;function ys(a
){return E("video-annotations",Q(a
)?new xs(a
308 function zs(a
.Xa=function(){return zs(this.a
309 f
.wr=function(){var a
310 f
.call(this);As(this,"tooltip-alt");var a
311 f
.call(this)};function As(a
){var c
){var d
312 function Bs(a
){for(var c
++){var e
){var g
];else if("html_blob"==e
.trim();continue}else g
))}return c
313 f
--;var c
=!0);var c
in this.b
){var e
=null;else var g
};else e
=null;else e
314 (e
=new nh(e
in this.i
=new nh(e
)}}};function Ds(a
){var c
)return null;$p(b
);return new gq(a
315 function Fs(a
){var c
);var d
){case "video":d
=new Do(b
,new eo(a
);return d
}function Cs(a
){for(var c
++){var e
){var b
316 f
.getId();var b
.getId())};function Gs(a
){var c
},void 0);c
317 function Is(a
){var e
.hide();else if(b
=new ho(a
.hide();var b
,"hidden")}};function Hs(a
=new ho(a
.show();var b
318 f
){var b
){var b
319 function Js(a
){case "log":a
);break;case "openUrl":var e
.tr=function(){this.u(fq("playerControlShow",void 0),!1,void 0)};
320 f
.yr=function(){this.u(fq("playerControlShow",void 0),!0,void 0)};f
){var b
321 function Es(a
)){var c
},void 0);return new ps(b
)}return null}function Ks(a
)for(var b
in Tp
322 function Ls(a
){var g
);return g
323 f
)for(var c
++){var e
,"logable",!0)){var g
)}}};var Ms
;function Ns(a
.join(" "));if(""===b
||void 0==b
){var c
={atomic:!1,autocomplete:"none",dropeffect:"none",haspopup:!1,live:"off",multiline:!1,multiselectable:!1,orientation:"vertical",readonly:!1,relevant:"additions text",required:!1,sort:"none",busy:!1,disabled:!1,hidden:!1,invalid:"false"});c
;"pressed"in c
.removeAttribute("aria-pressed")}else a
)};function Os(a
);function Ps(a
)}function Qs(a
)}function Rs(a
.call(this)};function Ss(a
=new Os(a
=new Os(a
=new Os(a
=new Os(a
324 this.o
)};function Ts(a
){var b
,"loginPopup","width=375,height=440,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes",!0)){var c
);function Us(){this.a
325 f
)){var b
));var b
326 f
){var b
=0;var c
=w();var c
)};function Ys(a
);var c
327 function Ws(a
){return G(a
328 function Vs(a
){var c
){var d
,"tip");var e
,"tip-body");var g
,"tip-arrow");var h
,"tip-content");var k
329 c
);var p
330 function at(a
);var h
=new B((a
.height:0);var k
);cr(new B(k
);var m
/2);e&&(e.style.left="3px",e.style.height=c.height+"px",e.style.width=c.width+"px");e=!!(h.height<k.y+a.height);a=!!(k.y<a.height);g=!!(k.x<m);h=!!(h.width<k.x+m);k=(c.width+3)/-2- -5;b
=-5;else if("right"==b
331 "px";return!(e
)}function Xs(a
){var c
,"content-id"))}}function Zs(a
);var d
);return b
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){var c
,"tip-mask")));return c
332 function bt(a
){var b
){return b
))};function ct(){this.a
333 ct
334 var dt
335 f
){var b
);else if(c
){var b
);var e
}}else d
)}else ft(this,a
336 f
){var c
337 function gt(a
){var b
){var b
338 function ht(a
){var c
));return Ia(c
){return b
){var d
){var d
)};function ft(a
){var c
)};function it(a
.call(this);var a
=new Date
339 it
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++){var c
="rgba(189, 189, 189, "+e
.call(this)};function jt(){Z
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.call(this)};function nt(a
=new eo(this);this.j
.Rj=function(){var a
=new Ss(this.i
340 f
.L:void 0,!1,this.Ns
){var a
=new it
);return bm(this.a
341 f
=!0;var b
.L:void 0};this.g
342 f
){if(!this.ha()){var c
);var e
);var g
343 "";d
;var h
=new jt
+", "+g
345 f
){if(!this.ha()){var c
=new mt
.select());for(var d
++){var g
=new lt(this.i
=new kt(this.i
=new Om(this.i
346 this.eb
.Wn=function(){var a
.call(this)};function qt(){Z
.call(this,["div","ytp-playlist-tray-index-length",["span","ytp-playlist-tray-index","{{index}}"],["span",""," / "],["span","ytp-playlist-tray-length","{{length}}"]])}y(qt
+1)};function rt(a
);function st(a
=new rt(a
=new qt
);function tt(a
);function ut(a
){var b
=new eo(this);this.b
.call(this)};function vt(a
=new eo
347 function wt(a
+" ("+a
?" video)":" videos)")),a
["playlist-index"];var b
,"Currently playing"):Zc(this.b
,"Switch to");Zc(this.i
348 f
+" ("+this.Ua
?" video)":" videos)"))};function xt(a
){var b
349 f
.removeAll();for(var a
++){var d
350 (b
.call(this)};function zt(a
351 zt
)};function At(){Z
=new eo(this);this.b
);function Bt(a
);for(var a
){var b
=new zt(qg(this.a
352 At
};var b
.call(this)};function Ct(a
);var b
=new eo(this);this.B
=new vt(b
=new sm(["div",["ytp-playlist-tray-container","html5-stop-propagation"],["div",["ytp-playlist-tray-info","show-more-info"]]]);L(this,this.j
=new At
353 this.D("fullscreentoggled",this.gr
=new st(this.B
.T(E("html5-title",void 0),0),this.A
354 f
.create=function(){var a
);for(var b
.Wj());var a
355 f
)this.unload();else if(this.u("command_clear_video_overlays"),this.load(),this.wm(),!this.H
){var a
=new Ss(this.B
=new tt(this.B
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356 f
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=new ut(this.B
.hide=function(){var a
357 f
){var c
.removeAll();var d
);for(var g
++){var h
=new lt(c
=new kt(c
=new mt
){var b
358 f
.Wj());var a
.wm=function(){var a
.call(this)};function Dt(a
){return new Ct(a
)};var Et
=RegExp("^(ar|dv|he|iw|fa|nqo|ps|sd|ug|ur|yi|.*[-_](Arab|Hebr|Thaa|Nkoo|Tfng))(?!.*[-_](Latn|Cyrl)($|-|_))($|-|_)","i");function Ft(a
)};function Gt(a
,this)}var Ht
="ontouchstart"in document
=!1;function Kt(){Ht
){for(var b
=new B(a
359 function Lt(a
.setTimeout(function(){var b
360 f
,this,!0),100);var b
=new B(b
361 f
=new B(a
)&&this.Hi())};function Nt(a
));return a
362 f
.removeEventListener("touchcancel",Mt(this),!1)};function Mt(a
));return a
)};function Ot(a
))};function Pt(a
);function Qt(a
,"ytp-button-fullscreen-enter");var b
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.call(this)};function Tt(a
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,"ytp-button-play");var b
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=new Om(a
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){var e
+"px "+-1*b
+"px "+e
+"px"})};function Xt(){this.a
=new zr(this.Rv
="none";for(var c
364 function Yt(a
){var c
.Rv=function(){for(var a
++){for(var c
=void 0,h
=void 0;0<=e
]){var g
365 function Zt(a
);var c
.call(this)};function $t(a
};function au(){Z
366 function bu(a
){var c
))var d
);else d
;return new $t(d
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){var b
/2+2;return new $t(b
367 function du(a
){var c
+"px";var k
368 0==d
.call(this)};function eu(){}y(eu
)&&fu(this)};function fu(a
){var b
.call(this)};function gu(a
=new eo(this);this.Ra
=new eo(this);this.ra
=new eo(this);this.A
369 function hu(a
370 a
371 f
=new B(a
;var b
)}};function ju(a
,"html5-progress-magnifier-hover");var b
372 f
373 f
){var b
=new B(a
;else{var c
=!0;else{var d
}else{ku(this);return}}}else this.R
374 function lu(a
){var b
){var c
,!0);var d
=new $t(c
=new $t(a
375 b
=new $t(a
.cx=function(){var a
=0);else if(0<this.j
=0);else return;var b
376 function ku(a
)};function ou(a
377 f
?mu(this):iu(this);var b
)};function mu(a
){return a
)}function iu(a
){return new $t(a
378 function pu(a
)}function nu(a
;var d
379 function qu(a
){var b
380 f
.call(this)};function ru(a
=new Z(["div","ytp-drop-down-menu","{{content}}"]);L(this,this.a
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381 y(ru
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;tu(this)};function uu(a
+"px")}function tu(a
=[]);var b
.call(this)};function vu(a
=new Z(["div","ytp-drop-down-menu-button-check"]);L(this,this.j
])};function wu(a
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=new Z(["div","ytp-menu-drop-down-content"]);L(this,this.j
=new ru(a
,void 0,this.j
);function Au(a
){var b
=new vu(this.g
.Aa(new xu(Cu(this,a
382 function zu(a
=new xu(a
,new xu(Cu(a
)))}function Cu(a
){return a
.toUpperCase())}function Bu(a
.call(this)};function Du(a
=new Z(["div","ytp-menu-drop-down-content"]);L(this,this.i
=new ru(a
,void 0,this.i
);function Eu(a
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=new vu(this.g
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){return 1==b
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.call(this)};function Iu(){Z
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.call(this)};function Ju(a
=new eo(this);this.A
=new eo(this);this.k
=new eo(this)}y(Ju
384 function Ku(a
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=new Tt(a
);new Gt(a
=new Vt(a
,"previousvideo"));var d
=new gu(a
=new Iu
385 a
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386 a
,!1)};function Lu(a
387 function Mu(a
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="none";for(var c
){var b
)};function Nu(a
388 function Ou(a
){var d
.Dn=function(){this.u("mutetoggled")};function Pu(a
){var c
,"ytp-button-stop");var d
.getMsg("YTP_BUTTON_STOP")}else c
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389 f
,"changing");var b
){var b
.preventDefault()};function Qu(a
){var c
390 f
.Ot=function(){this.u("fullscreentoggled")};function Ru(a
));else if(a
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391 f
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392 f
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393 f
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="100%";function Xu(a
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=Pc("span",{"class":"captions-text",style:"visibility: hidden"});this.Eb
394 f
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396 f
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="Caption window ("+this.id
+"): "+this.eh
in this.qa
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397 function Zu(a
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]?" "+a
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=[];this.Te("")};function $u(a
=[];var c
.Ui=function(){return this.Ob
[0].offsetHeight:0};function av(a
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398 f
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399 f
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400 f
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++){var c
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=new Uh(433);this.Yf
,"100%");var a
401 f
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)this.$i();else{for(var c
402 function dv(a
);else{var b
=0);for(var c
++){var e
]++;else break}ev(a
.start())}}function fv(a
){return a
403 f
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404 function cv(a
="\u2014";var b
=" ";b
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+", "+this.zc
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+", "+this.zc
+": "+this.ge
405 function iv(a
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.getAttribute("t"),10));var d
.getAttribute("d")));var e
406 a
=!0);return new hv(b
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,"application/xml");if("undefined"!=typeof ActiveXObject
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){case "window":var d
=void 0;t:{var h
.getAttribute("op")){case "kill":g
407 null;break t
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=kv();var k
408 10));d
409 (k
=new jv(d
)}else g
);break;case "text":e
410 mv
=null;function nv(a
||!1};function ov(a
=new nv(a
411 function pv(a
){var b
});return b
412 function qv(a
){var b
){var c
.push(" (",c
.push(" - ",a
.push(" >> ",a
);return b
.toString=function(){var a
,": ",this.fc
," (",this.Kb
.push(" >> ",this.a
);return a
)return!1;var b
)return!1}else if(b
)return!1;return this.b
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=-1;function sv(a
){return b
}function tv(a
){case "asr":return uv(b
;return uv(b
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){return Na(b
),!0)};function vv(a
=new rv
=null;function wv(a
){return Na(sv(a
){return a
})}function xv(a
){var c
);return c
413 function yv(a
){var d
=new mv(a
)}function zv(a
){var b
,!0);return 0>b
414 function Av(a
){var c
){for(var c
++){var p
415 tv(c
,new ov({format:p
.push(new nv(k
416 a
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);var b
417 "INPUT");xf(E("captions-settings-text-opacity",b
418 v(this.yw
=new ns(a
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419 v(this.Ew
=new Xu(99,Uu
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421 f
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422 f
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423 f
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){var b
+" -- "+a
424 f
);var a
){this.log_("Caption track list loaded, found "+a
+" tracks.");z(a
){var b
)}},this);var b
=!0,this.load()),this.u("publish_external_event","onCaptionsTrackListChanged"))}else this.log_("No captions found."),
425 this.unload(),bn(this.Ff
){var c
);this.log_("Caption track loaded with "+c
+" events.");Fv(this);this.Me
){return new nh(a
426 f
){var b
);var b
427 f
428 function Kv(a
instanceof jv
){var c
),delete a
]){var c
;var g
?0:1){case 0:e
=new $u(e
);break t
;case 2:e
=new bv(e
);break t
=new Xu(e
429 2:b
)}}else c
/360;Dv(this);for(var a
in this.Ga
430 function Nv(a
){var b
in a
){var d
instanceof $u
){return b
;var e
in b
;var h
431 f
.stop();var a
in this.fe
)delete this.fe
){return a
});for(var c
in this.Ga
),delete this.Ga
]);Nv(this);this.log_("Refreshing caption display...")};function Ov(a
){var c
+" input[type=radio]"),d
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432 f
433 f
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.uw=function(){var a
434 f
.Gp=function(){Pv(this,1)};function Pv(a
)}function Qv(a
){var c
=!0)}function Rv(a
){var d
))}function Fv(a
435 function Jv(a
));else if(a
){var c
);var h
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436 f
;var b
){case "translate":this.yi
));break;case "settings":im(this);hm(this);Sv(this);an(this.Hl
);break;case "captions-off":this.unload()}else(a
),this.log_("Caption change failed for "+a
)):this.log_("onCaptionTrackClicked_ empty, ignoring")};
437 function Iv(a
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.Rp=function(){var a
){var b
438 f
){this.ao();var a
;t:{var b
++){var c
;break t
=new ov
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=Em(".captions-text, .caption-row","background-color: rgba("+b
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="font-variant: small-caps;"}a
+"font-family: "+b
+" !important;",{Ib:a
443 reset:!0});a
="font-size: "+Math
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){var b
=Em('.html5-popup-dialog button[data-color="'+c
+'"]',"border: 3px solid #992121;",b
=Em('.html5-popup-dialog button[data-background="'+d
+'"]',"border: 3px solid #992121;",b
=Em('.html5-popup-dialog button[data-windowcolor="'+e
+'"]',"border: 3px solid #992121;",b
445 function Tv(a
){var b
){var c
+": "+c
+" !important")},a
);var d
=Em(".caption-window-transform","background-color: rgba("+d
[2]+", 1)",c
)}function Hv(a
))}function Uv(a
){return Bv
)?new Bv(a
446 f
){case "fontSize":return isNaN(b
;case "reload":b
,this));break;case "track":if(b
))break;var c
=new ov(b
.toString()))}else return this.dc
):{};return"";case "tracklist":return this.Z
){return pv(a
447 f
))};function Ev(a
)};function Vv(){var a
.indexOf("NVIDIA 3D Vision")){b
=!0;break t
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.setAttribute("style","visibility: hidden");c
448 "image/jps");Uc(document
.NvGetDriverVersion();break t
=!1}}return b
.indexOf("Sony"))};function Wv(a
);var b
,this));var c
=null;function Yv(a
449 f
,void 0);Wv
.call(this)};function $v(a
){return Wv
)?new Wv(a
.Hv=function(){aw(this,!1)};function aw(a
){var c
){var c
450 function Xv(a
)))}function bw(a
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=new sm(["div","ytp-ypc-clickwrap-overlay",["h2","header",J("YPC_CLICKWRAP_HEADER")],["div","description",J("YPC_CLICKWRAP_DESCRIPTION")],["button","confirm-button",J("YPC_CLICKWRAP_BUTTON")]]);zm(this.b
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){return Ml(a
.getVideoData(),"ypc_clickwrap_module")?new cw(a
.xu=function(){fm(this);this.destroy()};function ew(a
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="ypc";function iw(a
){var b
.getVideoData();return a
.Xa=function(){return iw(this.a
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){return iw(a
)?new hw(a
.call(this);var a
=new ew(a
454 f
.call(this);var a
=new gw(a
=new nh(2147483647,2147483647,{priority:2}),this.yf(a
455 f
,{})+"";else if(this.b
){var a
)}};var kw
459 var nw
460 function ow(a
){return Ml(a
.Xa=function(){return ow(this.a
.call(this);var a
=new nh(1E3
,this)};function pw(a
){return ow(a
)?new mw(a
461 function qw(a
){var c
;void 0==c
);var d
){var a
462 f
;var b
in nw
in nw
,void 0)):(this.g
.Xv=function(){rw(this,"timeout")};function rw(a
){var c
,void 0)}else qw(a
)};function tw(){this.a
){var b
;var c
;for(var d
in this.j
)}}else b
)))}};function uw(a
463 function vw(a
))})}function ww(a
=[]}function tg(a
){return b
):null:null}function ug(a
)return Ja(a
){return a
});var c
);return c
.jp():[]}function dg(a
){return Na(a
){return a
464 function xw(a
){var b
)});return b
||null)};function yw(a
={};for(var b
++){var c
}}function zw(a
){return a
});return a
};function Aw(a
};function Bw(){this.ke
.Za=function(){var a
)){var c
;var d
in b
.push(new Aw(a
=new yw(d
}return b
.Za();this.Za();return null!=this.ke
.Za();this.Za();var c
];var d
);return c
465 f
.Za();this.Za();var c
.Za();this.Za();var c
&&delete this.fd
;delete this.ke
&&delete this.fd
466 f
.constructor)return!1;for(var b
++){var d
)){var e
])return!1}else if(e
467 function Dw(a
){for(var c
++){var e
&&delete a
];var g
){var h
])}else h
.clone=function(){var a
=new this.constructor;a
,this));return a
};function Cw(a
){var c
];return null==c
468 function Ew(a
.Za=function(){return a
||(new a
).Za()}};var Fw
={Xy:0,HA:1,SA:2,Wy:3,ez:4,FA:5,QA:6,NA:7,OA:8,PA:9,LA:10,MA:11,gz:12,fz:13,Vy:14,Py:15,GA:20,UA:21,Oy:22,IA:23,TA:24,RA:25,bz:30,VA:31,az:32,cz:33,KA:40,JA:41,hz:42,iz:43,Qy:50,Ty:51,Yy:52,Zy:53,$y:54,Ly:55,My:56,dz:57,Uy:58,Sy:60,Ry:61,Ny:70,Ky:80,jz:90};function Gw(){Bw
);function Hw(){Bw
);function Iw(){Bw
);function Jw(){Bw
);function Kw(){Bw
);function Lw(){Bw
469 Ew(Gw
470 eD:1}},6:{name:"ad_instream_long",aa:8,type:Boolean
471 Ew(Iw
472 Ew(Jw
473 Ew(Kw
474 Ew(Lw
475 aa:4,type:String
}});function Mw(a
);var d
,void 0,this.a
)};function Nw(a
);var Ow
={vC:"0",wC:"1",gB:"2",my:"3",bA:"4",OC:"5"};var Pw
={IC:"red",LD:"white"};var Qw
={oy:"0",SC:"1",CA:"2"};var Rw
476 var Uw
="ad blogger books docs google-live play picasaweb".split(" "),Vw
477 Ub:!0},olympics:{Fg:!1,Gg:!1,Mh:!0,Gb:!0},picasaweb:{Rd:!1,ff:!1,lc:!1,Wb:!1,qc:!1,Tb:!1,sc:!1,Vb:"pw"},touch:{Fg:!1,Gg:!1,Gb:!0}};
478 function Ww(a
;var b
=!1;else{var b
479 a
480 U(this.N
481 a
482 T(this.lg
){var d
?b:new C(c
483 this.Pd
&&delete this.b
=!1);si("nintendo wiiu")&&(c
484 f
485 function Zw(a
=void 0==b
486 function $w(a
){var c
in Rw
in Sw
]:void 0),c
)){var d
))break t
=void 0}c
487 function bx(a
){var b
);return b
488 function Xw(a
.split(",");var c
489 a
490 function cx(a
){case 38:var c
+1);return S("//play.google.com/books/volumes/"+d
});case 30:return d
});case 33:return S("//google-liveplayer.appspot.com/get_video_info",{key:b
});default:return d
491 b
492 function ax(a
){return a
?"//s.youtube.com/":"//video.google.com/"}function ex(a
){return a
493 function ot(a
);for(var e
in d
}return a
494 function fx(a
){var b
);return S("//www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/request.py",b
)}function dx(a
)?new C(a
):new C(Number
)}function Mv(a
){return a
?new C(a
):new C(Number
495 function gx(a
){var b
)return b
);return b
496 function hx(a
){var b
)return b();var c
);return c
}function yn(a
?!1:!0}function Bg(a
?!1:!0}function Yw(a
)&&Bj();var b
)&&!Bj();return a
.call(this)};function ix(a
=0}function jx(a
}function kx(a
;){var b
497 ix
){for(var b
++){var e
.push(new Hj(b
)}else 3==a
)};function lx(a
}function mx(a
){return Xj(a
498 function nx(a
=null);return a
}function ox(a
){var b
){return a
=!0}else a
);else a
499 function qx(a
){var b
)}}function rx(a
){var b
;return b
))}function sx(a
){return Ka(a
){return a
})}function tx(a
){return Ma(a
500 ix
};function px(a
=null};function ux(a
=null;for(var c
=new wj(b
501 f
.start=function(){var a
-1;var b
;var c
502 f
++;var a
;var b
503 this),!1),0<this.k
){if(!this.ha()){var b
);var e
;else{var h
504 f
);var b
;var c
,new Uint8Array(a
)))break t
,wx(this,3);else if(a
;for(var d
=new Uint8Array(a
++){var k
?new Uint8Array(a
505 g
)):new Uint8Array(d
.push(new Hj(k
&&(vx(this),wx(this,6))}};function vx(a
){return a
)}function wx(a
506 f
){var a
){var b
=0}else a
};function Ax(a
){var b
.abort()}};function Bx(a
=!1}function zx(a
);var c
)}function xx(a
){var b
}function yx(a
=!0)};function Cx(a
=new ix(c
=new ix(d
);var Dx
507 function Fx(a
=null}function Gx(a
){var b
)}}function Hx(a
));return Math
508 function Ix(a
){var c
));return Math
509 function Jx(a
)){var c
)){var d
)+1)){var d
){var d
510 h
)break t
=new ux(a
511 Kx(a
=new ux(a
))}else d
=new ux(a
)}}}}function Kx(a
=0);var d
=new Bx(a
512 f
){if(!this.ha()){var b
))t:{var b
)break t
}else if(2==a
.fb())break t
){var e
=new DataView(a
);var h
513 4,!1),h
++){var r
}}else b
=new Pj(new DataView(b
514 Qj(h
);else if(2807730==r
);else if(17545==r
){var g
}else Sj(h
=new Pj(new DataView(k
=null;else if(r
515 x
++}else Sj(h
){return Ij(a
516 function Lx(a
){var b
){var b
=!0}}}function Ex(a
),0))}function Nx(a
517 f
){var a
){var b
518 this.b
)){var a
);var b
519 function Ox(a
)return!0;var e
=null);var g
520 a
=new Ej(a
=new Ej(a
=new Hj(e
521 c
=!0);return c
}function Px(a
){for(var c
)return a
);return NaN
}function Qx(a
.ha()){var c
522 function Rx(a
)return ox(b
);var e
)return c
=new ux(a
))return nx(b
)}else nx(b
);else b
,!1);return c
523 function Sx(a
){var d
){var c
=new ux(this.a
.call(this)};function Mx(a
.isOpen()){var c
.dispose()};function Tx(){this.B
};function Ux(a
};function Vx(a
);function Ag(a
)){for(var c
in a
}else Wx(a
524 f
525 function Xx(a
){var c
={Authorization:"Bearer "+a
});var d
526 f
=new Uint8Array(a
);var b
.pop();var b
\/1.\d ([0-9]{1,3}) (\w
));for(var d
=new Ux(d
));break t
527 if(null==e
))}else this.Rn(a
528 function Wx(a
.dispose()};function Yx(a
529 Yx
){var b
){t:{for(var c
=new DataView(a
;){var d
530 28,!1);if(16!=c
);break t
)}}};function Zx(a
){var d
instanceof DOMException
531 Yx
]){var b
=new Vx(this.b
))};function $x(a
}function ay(a
){var c
;return c
532 function by(a
){var c
;var e
?new C(window
;t:{var d
];var k
533 k
;break t
[0])}return c
};function cy(){this.b
}function dy(a
)return 500<c
;return!1};var ey
=[102,107,108];var Zf
=[0.25,0.5,1,1.5,2];function fy(a
}function ao(a
){return P(a
)?-1:0};function gy(a
=new cy
=new Mi(v(this.getCurrentTime
=new $x(a
=new Hi
=new eo(this);this.b
534 f
=null};function iy(a
){var c
=new nh(1E3
535 function hy(a
.getVideoData=function(){return this.a
.J=function(){return this.o
};function ly(a
)}function my(a
,2);return!1}function ny(a
,Ji(new Hi
,v(function(){if(ly(this))ry(this);else if(!this.a
)if(sy(this))ry(this);else{var a
536 function ty(a
){var b
.Cq=function(){var a
)};function ry(a
?new Hi:new Hi(Li()))};
537 function wg(a
,void 0)}function sw(a
))var e
;else var g
}))}function zy(a
){return b
.hg=function(){return P(this.i
,2)};function sy(a
.Dq=function(){return this.i
};function Ay(a
538 function Mm(a
=null)}function Cy(a
){var b
){var c
=new Xk(a
=new bl(b
539 function ag(a
,128)){var d
;var e
){var h
,!1)))}else{var g
=new Tx
540 (k
=new Cx(a
in Yk
541 Yk
=!1;break t
,211)}else a
){var b
542 f
)};function xy(a
543 function Ey(a
||0;var e
=0)}else b
=new ho(a
)}else a
||0}function Hy(a
544 f
){var a
))return this.H
;var a
);return a
545 f
.rd=function(){var a
);return a
};function Jy(a
){var c
.rd();return Infinity
546 f
.pr=function(){var a
;var b
}else a
={};return a
547 f
)};function ky(a
)}function qy(a
,0);else{var c
548 function By(a
){z("loadstart loadeddata loadedmetadata play playing pause ended suspend progress seeking seeked timeupdate durationchange error waiting abort".split(" "),function(a
549 f
){var b
){case "durationchange":this.a
));break;case "ended":oy(this,Ii(this.i
,4));break;case "loadedmetadata":this.a
.pause());case "loadeddata":this.$&&I(this.$);break;case "loadstart":kf(this.fa
,this),100);var b
550 case "progress":this.O
));case "suspend":Iy(this);this.u("onLoadProgress",this,this.b
):0);break;case "seeking":Ky(this);break;case "timeupdate":Ky(this),Iy(this),this.u("onVideoProgress",this,b
;else{var c
){case "ended":if(0>=g
551 c
=null;break;case "pause":P(b
=null);break;case "playing":c
=null;break;case "abort":case "error":c
){case a
=200;break;case a
=201;break;case a
=202;break;case a
|=128);break;case "canplay":c
&=-2;break;case "progress":P(b
|=1));break;case "seeked":c
552 -18;break;case "seeking":c
&=-3;break;case "waiting":P(b
|=1);break;case "timeupdate":P(b
;break t
553 f
){var a
.log_("Attempted to start sending initial pings twice.");else{a
[0]);var b
&&(void 0!=a
.log_("Do not call startSendingDetailedPings_ twice"):
554 (b
.log_("Tried to logUserWatch inappropriately.",Ne
);else{var b
555 if(a
.log_("Tried to logGetVideo inappropriately.",Ne
);else{var b
556 f
=void 0,Ai(this.b
557 function Iy(a
){var c
){var d
));var d
.hg()){var g
558 0<g
){var h
559 f
560 function oy(a
){var c
=new fy(b
561 function Py(a
){var c
)){var d
=new ln("error-__ec__"));c
)}}function Ky(a
)}function wy(a
))}function Dy(a
562 function Ry(a
){var b
=new Yx(a
){var b
563 function vy(a
))};function Sy(){}ca(Sy
)return Jn(this.ic
=new Cn
,this);return this.ic
.getVersion=function(){return this.Ri
.load("3",void 0))};
564 f
){this.Zp(Error("Google Ads SDK Failed to load: "+a
)};function Ty(a
){return a
.toString().search(/(?:true|1)/i):!1}function Uy(a
){var c
="getErrorCode"in a
)}}function Vy(a
.getInstance().getVersion()){var c
){var d
565 function Wy(a
])return Ty(a
]);var c
in a
)return Ty(a
]);return!1};function Xy(a
){var b
?!0:!1)}function Yy(a
){var b
&3))};function Zy(a
;function $y(a
)}function az(a
);var b
){var c
)}function ez(a
);var b
);else{var c
)}function fz(a
);var b
566 function cz(a
){var b
.getType();return b
}function bz(a
="InstreamAdDisplay ("+a
.getType()+")")};function gz(a
=new Zy(this,this.a
=new eo(this)}y(gz
567 f
=w();var a
;else{var b
){var d
?new hg({video_id:b
,dash:"0"}):null}else a
;var e
568 this.ia
=new Ww(a
);this.qn()};function lz(a
.Ln=function(){lz(this);var a
569 f
.Gv=function(){var a
=by(new $x(this.a
=new pe(xi(a
),jz(this)):iz(this,Error("Failed to determine ad media resource.")):iz(this,Error("Failed to determine ad media format."))};
570 function jz(a
.J();var b
571 google
.Gk();var d
572 f
,1));if(0==this.Cf()){var a
.getError())};function iz(a
.Mn=function(){lz(this);iz(this,Error("Request to get video data failed."))};
573 f
=new B(a
.lu=function(){var a
574 f
.getType=function(){return this.o
.Zg=function(){return this.b
575 f
.Cf=function(){return this.Ya
.np=function(){return this.Ya
.Zo=function(){return this.Ya
.Gk=function(){var a
)};function oz(a
=new Zy(this,this.a
=new eo(this);this.g
576 f
.show=function(){var a
);var a
577 google
||"Video player error."))};
578 f
.getError())};function rz(a
=new B(a
579 f
580 f
,this);var a
581 this.Cg
.getType=function(){return this.o
.Zg=function(){return this.b
.Cf=function(){return this.g
.np=function(){return this.ia
)return null;var a
);return a
.ck=function(){var a
)};function tz(a
.getType()}function uz(a
)}function vz(a
){var b
);var c
.getType();return b
};function wz(a
=new tz(this,b
=new eo(this)}y(wz
582 f
.start();var a
=w();var b
583 this.pn
.Zg=function(){return this.a
.getType=function(){return this.k
.Bt=function(){var a
=w();var b
584 f
);var a
=w();var b
){var c
?null:new B(a
)};function xz(a
585 f
.zg=function(){var a
)};function yz(a
.prototype.show=function(){var a
);this.u("adEnd",this)};function zz(a
.prototype.getType=function(){return"1_3"};function Az(a
=!1;function Bz(a
){return 0==a
}function Cz(a
}function Dz(a
))throw Error("Preroll status is undefined before ad load.");return 0==a
586 function Ez(a
="loading";var b
.getId=function(){return this.Ba
};function Jz(a
instanceof Dn
587 f
instanceof gz
instanceof oz
instanceof yz
instanceof zz
="loaded";Iz(this)};function Iz(a
588 f
instanceof wz
instanceof gz
){Jz(this);var a
){var b
589 f
=!1};function Hz(a
=0};function Lz(a
}function Mz(a
){try{var b
.getAttribute("time");return Ca(a
)});return new Lz(c
){return new Lz([0])}};function Nz(a
="";function Oz(a
){var b
);return b
};function Pz(a
=new Nz(b
=new eo(this);this.i
=new eo(this)}y(Pz
590 f
)return this.Dd
=new Cn
;var a
;var c
);this.Qe(Error("The player size is too small."))}else In(this.ga
,this);return this.Dd
591 f
.Tk=function(){var a
=new google
;return a
};function Rz(a
;var c
592 f
){var b
=new google
=this.o();var c
);var c
594 f
.getUserRequestContext()===this){try{var b
;if("3.1"==hz()){var c
)}else b
595 try{b
.removeAll();var c
)){case 0:Sz(this);break;case 1:a
.destroy();this.Qe(Error("Unable to create a display state."));break;case 2:c
.destroy();this.Qe(Error("Fallback to next ad."));break;default:a
596 f
){var b
?new oz(this.j
):new gz(this.j
);return 0};f
){var c
;Rz(this,new wz(this.j
));return 0};
597 f
instanceof Dn
.cancel();else{var b
)}};function Sz(a
)}};function Tz(a
};function Uz(a
.prototype.Zg=function(){return null};function Vz(a
=new Tz(this.ga
.prototype.Tk=function(){var a
=!0;return a
598 Vz
.prototype.o=function(){var a
599 a
=1);var a
in a
.call(void 0,a
)return 1;0==this.g
);return Vz
600 Vz
){var b
&4?(Rz(this,new Uz(this.ga
)};function Wz(a
;var c
=null;function Xz(a
=new Wz(this.ga
601 Xz
.prototype.o=function(){var a
.push("480x70");var d
602 "text/xml";ri()&&(c
&&"sz"in c
&&delete c
603 Xz
){var c
.getTraffickingParameters();return Wy(c
),Rz(this,new zz(this.ga
,"hideMaster")?(Rz(this,new zz(this.ga
?1:"3.1"==hz()?(Rz(this,new wz(this.j
)),0):1};function Yz(a
.sendImpressionUrls()};function Zz(a
){var d
;var e
);function $z(a
){var b
=new Cn
+" timed out"))},onError:function(c
.a(Error("Problem loading "+a
+" with status code "+c
)}});return b
604 Zz
){var c
)throw Error("Invalid expanded forced ad URL");a
,{video_format:"43"});return $z(a
,this)):this.Ed(Error("Invalid URL: "+this.k
605 this.Ed(Error("Invalid request type: "+c
))};function aA(a
?"html5_tv_leanback":"html5"};function bA(a
=new aA(this.ga
606 bA
.prototype.o=function(){var a
){var b
?"short":"long";var c
607 g
,"&")}else a
="";return a
){return 0!=this.g
.prototype.Rg=function(){return 1};function cA(a
){case 1:return new Vz(a
);case 2:return new Xz(a
);case 4:return new bA(a
);case 3:return new Zz(a
);default:return null}};function dA(a
};function eA(a
;var c
)}var fA
608 eA
){var b
;var h
609 a
){return b
610 a
611 a
=!0;function gA(a
=null;function hA(a
){return a
){return 0==a
)))}function iA(a
){var b
612 f
){var b
)){var e
)}}else this.i
613 function kA(a
){var d
)){var e
=new nh(d
)}}function jA(a
.getId()]),delete a
);delete this.i
614 f
){var b
)}else Dz(a
)}else a
.call(this)};function mA(a
)}function nA(a
){var b
);return b
};function oA(a
={};var c
=new mA(this.i
)}var pA
615 function sA(a
)return!1;var c
;return A(pA
))?!1:!0};function tA(a
=new Gm(this.a
);var Qz
=new C(0,0);f
616 f
=new eA(this.J(),this.a
=new oA(this,this.a
=!1;var a
,null,this);t:{var a
=new dA(this),b
=[];try{var c
){var e
);else{var g
){var h
=new Lz(h
)}else g
=new Lz([0]);e
}else d
=new Lz([0]);for(var k
++){var m
;var p
=[];var r
.push(new cA(3,
617 0));else{r
.push(new cA(4,1));r
.push(new cA(2,g
.push(new cA(1,g
.push(new cA(1,4))}}else{e
=[];var x
.push(new cA(3,0));else{x
.push(new cA(4,1));if(x
){var M
.push(new cA(2,M
.push(new cA(1,M
;var ta
=new Az(m
){}finally{break t
618 "bd");this.Td
=new gA(this,k
=null;var a
.getVideoData=function(){return this.app
.J=function(){return this.app
619 function Gz(a
||{};var d
;var e
)){var g
in c
in d
=null;break t
={}}}function Kz(a
620 f
.Oi=function(){return this.xe
.call(this)};function hz(){return Sy
.getInstance().getVersion()}function pz(a
){var b
=new Ww(a
=new gy(b
,2)}return a
}function mz(a
){var b
-=27);return b
}function dz(a
){return a
,new Ab(0,0,a
))}function lA(a
621 function nz(a
){case 1:a
.u("publish_external_event","onAdStart");break;case 2:a
.u("publish_external_event","onAdEnd")}}function kz(a
622 f
);var b
,["play_pause"],void 0),mm(a
623 f
);var b
instanceof wz
624 f
)return this.ni
;var a
=new Mw(this.app
,2);var b
=new b(c
,void 0,d
)return a
=Error("AdModule.getVideoElement returned an invalid element."),b
=new Cn
=new google
))}return this.ni
=new google
625 function Fz(a
){var c
)};function uA(a
.toString=function(){var a
+"}"};function vA(a
){return a
.toString():"null"}function wA(a
){return vA(a
)}).join(",")+"]"};function xA(a
}};function yA(a
626 function zA(a
){return a
.toString():"null"}).join(",")+"]"};function AA(){return"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(a
){var b
&3|8).toString(16)})}function BA(a
){return Na(a
){return a
})}function CA(a
){return Ja(a
){return a
.oq()})}function DA(a
){return Ja(a
){return yA(a
)})}function EA(a
){return Ja(a
){return new xA(a
)})}function FA(a
){return a
627 function GA(a
){return Na(a
){return a
})}function HA(a
){return Ja(a
}})}function IA(a
){return Ja(a
){return new uA(a
)})}function JA(a
){return a
.lb:!1:!0}function KA(a
){return a
.Cb:!1:!0}function LA(a
){return Na(a
){return JA(a
)})}function MA(a
){return Na(a
){return b
})};function NA(){var a
,void 0,"/","youtube.com"))}function OA(){var a
);return a
}function RA(a
))return[];var b
);return Ja(a
){return 0==b
)})}function SA(a
628 function PA(){if(TA
)return TA
;var a
));for(var b
;return TA
}function UA(){return bh("yt-remote-session-browser-channel")}function QA(){return bh("yt-remote-session-screen-id")}
629 function VA(a
-5));var b
){return a
){return a
)}function WA(){return bh("yt-remote-local-screens")||[]}function XA(){return bh("yt-remote-online-screens")||[]}function YA(a
,30)}function ZA(){return bh("yt-remote-online-dial-devices")||[]}
630 function $A(a
):ch("yt-remote-session-list-id")}function aB(a
)}var TA
="";function bB(){var a
)});return CA(Xa(a
))};function cB(a
){return dB(a
631 function dB(a
){var c
.push("[...circular reference...]");else if(a
)+"(");for(var d
.push(", ");var g
];switch(typeof g
){case "object":g
?"object":"null";break;case "string":break;case "number":g
);break;case "boolean":g
?"true":"false";break;case "function":g
=typeof g
.push("[exception trying to get caller]\n")}}else a
632 c
.push("[...long stack...]"):c
.push("[end]");return c
.join("")}function eB(a
])return fB
]){var b
=/function ([^\(]+)/.exec(a
[1]:"[Anonymous]"}return fB
]}var fB
={};function gB(a
=null;var hB
){"number"==typeof e
;delete this.b
;delete this.a
.prototype.getMessage=function(){return this.k
};function iB(a
=null;function jB(a
.prototype.toString=function(){return this.name
};var kB
=new jB("SHOUT",1200),lB
=new jB("SEVERE",1E3
=new jB("WARNING",900),nB
=new jB("INFO",800);f
={});return this.a
633 f
){var d
=new gB(a
;var e
;var g
;try{var h
;var k
,name:"Unknown error",lineNumber:"Not available",fileName:k
,stack:"Not available"};else{var m
||"Not available"}catch(r
="Not available",s
="Not available",s
634 "Not available",name:c
||"Not available"}}e
="Message: "+va(h
)+'\nUrl: <a href="view-source:'+h
+'" target="_new">'+h
+"</a>\nLine: "+h
+"\n\nBrowser stack:\n"+va(h
+"-> ")+"[end]\n\nJS stack traversal:\n"+va(cB(g
)+"-> ")}catch(M
="Exception trying to expose exception! You win, we lose. "+M
}return d
.info=function(){};var oB
=null;function qB(){pB
=new iB(""),oB
635 function rB(a
){qB();var b
=new iB(a
);var c
}return b
};function sB(){this.a
=w()}var tB
=new sB
.prototype.get=function(){return this.a
};function uB(a
=!1;function vB(a
){return 10>a
)}function wB(a
){var c
=2;else for(;100>c
=" "+d
;return d
}function xB(a
636 function yB(a
){var c
," ");if(a
){var d
=new Date(b
.getDate())+" "+vB(d
.getMilliseconds()/10)),"] ")}c
.get()),"s] ");c
,"] ");c
.push("\n");return c
.join("")};function zB(a
=new ob(a
){return nb(this.b
){return this.a(a
)};function AB(){};function BB(){}BB
=null;var CB
;function DB(){}y(DB
);function EB(a
))?new ActiveXObject(a
):new XMLHttpRequest
}function GB(a
){var b
[1]=!0);return b
637 function FB(a
&&"undefined"==typeof XMLHttpRequest
&&"undefined"!=typeof ActiveXObject
){for(var b
++){var d
];try{return new ActiveXObject(d
){}}throw Error("Could not create ActiveXObject. ActiveX might be disabled, or MSXML might not be installed");}return a
=new DB
;function HB(a
=new tq(this);this.k
=new Uh
638 function IB(a
){case 0:return"Non-200 return code ("+b
+")";case 1:return"XMLHTTP failure (no data)";case 2:return"HttpConnection timeout";default:return"Unknown error"}}var JB
};function LB(a
,null)}function NB(a
639 function MB(a
=new zr(v(a
);var c
.wc(1);var d
)for(var c
++){var g
)var h
640 g
+"=redacted&")}else c
.info("XMLHTTP REQ ("+a
+") [attempt "+a
+"]: "+a
;var b
.debug("Throttling readystatechange."),Ar(b
641 f
)t:{var b
)break t
}else if(3>b
))break t
.wc(2));SB(this);var e
;var g
.debug("No response text for uri "+this.Jb
+" status "+e
.info("XMLHTTP RESP ("+this.g
+") [ attempt "+this.i
+"]: "+this.Bf
+" "+e
642 b
.indexOf("Unknown SID")?3:0,XB(),TB(this),YB(this))}}catch(h
.debug("Failed call to OnXmlHttpReadyStateChanged_"),this.Qa
643 function UB(a
){for(var d
;){var e
,null,"[Incomplete Response]");break}else if(e
,"[Invalid Chunk]");d
=!1;break}else VB(a
,"[Invalid Chunked Response]"),TB(a
.Ft=function(){var a
644 function ZB(a
){var c
)return KB
))return JB
)return KB
;var e
;return e
645 function $B(a
);var c
=new ActiveXObject("htmlfile")}catch(d
);return}var e
646 c
='<iframe src="'+a
.info("TRIDENT REQ ("+a
+") [ attempt "+a
+"]: GET\n"+a
){var b
.info("TRIDENT TEXT ("+this.g
+"): "+bC(b
.info("TRIDENT TEXT ("+this.g
+"): "+a
647 function OB(a
)}function cC(a
)throw Error("WatchDog timer not null");a
)}function SB(a
=null;var a
.info("TIMEOUT: "+this.Jb
)};function YB(a
648 function TB(a
){var b
=null)}function WB(a
){}};function dC(){}function VB(a
.info("XMLHTTP TEXT ("+b
+"): "+bC(a
?" "+d:""))}dC
649 function bC(a
)return b
;try{var c
)for(var d
])){var e
)){var g
)){var h
)for(var k
]=""}}}return mb(c
){return a
.debug("Exception parsing expected JS array - probably was not JS"),b
}};function eC(a
){(new dC
).debug("TestLoadImageWithRetries: "+e
)c(!1);else{var g
650 function fC(a
){var d
=new dC
.debug("TestLoadImage: loading "+a
);var e
=new Image
.debug("TestLoadImage: loaded"),gC(e
.debug("TestLoadImage: error"),gC(e
.debug("TestLoadImage: abort"),gC(e
.debug("TestLoadImage: timeout"),gC(e
651 function gC(a
=null};function hC(a
=new zB(null,!0)}f
=w();var b
=new HB(this,this.b
,void 0,void 0,void 0),this.Nb
652 function jC(a
){var b
=2,kC(this);else{XB();var b
.debug("Test Connection Blocked");b
653 function kC(a
.debug("TestConnection: starting stage 2");var b
.debug("TestConnection: skipping stage 2, precomputed result is "+b
,!0));else if(a
=new HB(a
,void 0,void 0,void 0),a
,"TYPE","html");var c
){return this.a
654 f
655 f
.debug("TestConnection: Got data for stage 1"),b
){try{var c
[1]}else this.b
.debug("TestConnection: Null responseText"),pC(this.a
,this);else if(2==this.Pb
=w();else if("11111"==b
.debug("Test connection succeeded; using streaming connection"),XB(),nC(this.a
656 this,!0)}else XB(),this.Di
657 f
.debug("TestConnection: request failed, in state "+this.Pb
,this);else if(0==this.Pb
.debug("TestConnection: request complete for initial check"),this.fh
=2,kC(this));else if(2==this.Pb
.debug("TestConnection: request complete for stage 2");var a
.debug("Test connection succeeded; using streaming connection"),XB(),
658 nC(this.a
.debug("Test connection failed; not using streaming"),XB(),nC(this.a
.mi=function(){return this.a
)};function qC(a
=new Ud
);var rC
659 f
)throw Error("[goog.net.XhrIo] Object is active with another request="+this.A
+"; newUri="+a
,this);try{AB(tC(this,"Opening Xhr")),this.N
){AB(tC(this,"Error opening Xhr: "+e
660 var g
instanceof l
);"withCredentials"in this.a
),AB(tC(this,"Will abort after "+this.o
+"ms if incomplete, xhr2 "+
661 this.H
,this)),AB(tC(this,"Sending request")),this.G
){AB(tC(this,"Send error: "+h
)}};function vC(a
.oc=function(){"undefined"!=typeof aa
="Timed out after "+this.o
+"ms, aborting",this.i
662 function uC(a
)}function yC(a
663 function AC(a
&&"undefined"!=typeof aa
,"Local request error detected and ignored");else if(a
);else if(Sh(a
,"Request complete");a
=!1;try{var b
){case 200:case 201:case 202:case 204:case 206:case 304:case 1223:d
=!0;break t
)){var e
){var g
)var h
664 g
=6;var k
+" ["+QB(a
)}}}function zC(a
);var c
){}}}function wC(a
=null)}function PB(a
){return a
.readyState:0}function QB(a
){try{return 2<PB(a
665 function RB(a
){try{return a
){return""}}function tC(a
){return b
+" ["+a
+" "+a
+" "+QB(a
)+"]"};function BC(a
=new dC
=new zB(null,!0);this.A
?c:null}function CC(a
=8;var DC
=new Rh
;function EC(a
666 function FC(a
);function GC(a
=new hC(this,this.a
667 f
){var a
=new HB(this,this.a
,void 0);a
.clone());(new Image
)}JC(this)};function HC(a
668 f
.xc=function(){return 0==this.b
};function LC(a
){var b
++;return b
}function MC(a
669 f
++;var b
=new HB(this,this.a
,void 0);b
=null;var c
=2}}else 3==this.b
.debug("startForwardChannel_ returned: nothing to send"):this.zb
.debug("startForwardChannel_ finished, sent request")))};
670 function OC(a
){var c
));var e
=new HB(a
)}function IC(a
){var c
671 function NC(a
){var b
=0;for(var e
++){var g
));return c
.join("&")}function PC(a
672 function QC(a
.debug("Going to retry GET");a
673 f
.debug("Creating new HttpRequest");this.Ka
=new HB(this,this.a
=0;var a
,"TYPE","html");var b
.debug("New Request created")};
674 function nC(a
.debug("Test Connection Finished");a
)}function pC(a
.debug("Test Connection Failed");a
675 f
){var c
){var e
.debug("Server claims our backchannel is missing."),this.Id
.debug("But we are currently starting the request.");else{if(this.Ka
=null;else break t
;QC(this);XB()}else this.uo
+" bytes (in "+
676 c
+" arrays) are outstanding on the BackChannel"),37500>e
)))}else this.a
.debug("Bad POST response data returned"),mC(this,11)}else"y2f%"!=b
.debug("Bad data returned - missing/invald magic cookie"),mC(this,11));else if(this.Ka
++){var g
677 this.nb
=null,QC(this),XB())};function KC(a
678 f
.debug("Request complete");var b
=2;else if(this.zb
=1;else return;this.xd
,new FC(DC
=0):PC(this);else{var c
.debug("Not retrying due to error type");else{this.a
.debug("Maybe retrying, last error: "+IB(c
));var d
.debug("Going to retry POST"),
679 this.ie
.debug("Exceeded max number of retries")}this.a
.debug("Error: HTTP request failed");switch(c
){case 1:mC(this,5);break;case 4:mC(this,10);break;case 3:mC(this,6);break;case 7:mC(this,12);break;default:mC(this,2)}}};function RC(a
){var c
.debug("Inactive channel"),c
*=2);return c
680 f
))throw Error("Unexpected channel state: "+this.b
);};function mC(a
.info("Error code "+b
){var c
=null);var d
=new pe("//www.google.com/images/cleardot.gif"),Ge(c
)}else XB();SC(a
.info("Successfully pinged google.com"),XB()):(this.a
.info("Failed to ping google.com"),XB(),SC(this,8))};
681 function SC(a
.debug("HttpChannel: error - "+b
)}function JC(a
.debug("Number of undelivered maps, pending: "+a
+", outgoing: "+a
);var b
)}}function iC(a
){var c
.debug("GetForwardChannelUri: "+c
);return c
}function oC(a
.debug("GetBackChannelUri: "+b
);return b
682 function lC(a
){var d
);else var e
);return d
)throw Error("Can't create secondary domain capable XhrIo object.");a
=new qC
=!1;return a
};function aC(a
))throw Error("Fn must not be null and must be a function");return l
,new GC(DC
683 function XB(){Sh(DC
,new EC(DC
||qc(10))};function TC(){}f
.bq=function(){return{}};function UC(){v(this.i
=new xB
={}}function VC(){var a
]){var b
){case kB:YC(c
);break;case lB:YC(c
);break;case mB:YC(c
)}else window
}};var WC
;function YC(a
);else a
)};var ZC
=!1;function dD(a
){var b
)}function eD(a
){var b
[0]){var c
?c:-1;do{var d
=!1}}function fD(a
){var c
+": "+b
,void 0),d
);var e
+": "+b
,void 0);z(d
)})}}else d
)||dD(new gB(nB
),"yt.remote"))};function gD(a
)}function hD(a
){var b
684 function kD(){if(!lD
,ZA());var a
;"cast"in window
="ActivityStatus"in a
&&"Api"in a
&&"LaunchRequest"in a
&&"Receiver"in a
),gD("API initialized in the other binary");else{a
=new cast
=new xB
=n("yt.remote.debug.logger_");var b
=new UC
685 window
));gD("API initialized")}lD
686 function oD(a
){var b
){return b
))}function nD(a
){gD("Updating receivers: "+mb(a
),gD("Detected device: "+a
+" is tab projected. Firing DEVICE_TAB_PROJECTED event."),ar("yt-remote-cast-device-tab-projected",a
687 function tD(a
){gD("Updating "+a
+" activity status: "+mb(b
));var c
)):gD("Device not found")}function qD(){kD();return EA(mD
688 function pD(a
){var c
;return c
)}function sD(a
){var b
=qD();return Na(b
){return b
})||null}function rD(a
){var b
689 function uD(a
){kD();var b
?(gD("Stopping cast activity"),c
))):gD("Dropping cast activity stop")}function iD(){return n("yt.remote.castapi.api_")}var jD
);function vD(a
){return a
.id:!1};function wD(a
||null};function xD(a
));else if(a
);else throw Error("Invalid listener argument");this.o
){var a
.call(this)};function yD(a
=new kh
=new xD(this.fu
){return this.g
){return this.g
){return this.g
){return this.g
690 f
+"/bind";var d
=new BC("1",c
)||this.debug("BrowserChannelServices.Channel: unexpected reconnect state: "+e
691 f
)this.debug("Ignoring message: "+a
);else{var c
);this.debug("Sending message: "+mb(c
));var d
)throw Error("Invalid operation: sending map when state is closed");1E3
.push(new CC(d
692 f
.to=function(){var a
){var c
.bq=function(){var a
);return a
693 f
){this.debug("Channel received array: "+b
.u("handlerMessage",new wD(b
[1]))};function zD(a
.stop()}function AD(a
){return a
)};function BD(){this.xb
=-1;CD(this)}function CD(a
=w()}function DD(a
){return a
]}function ED(a
=w()}function FD(a
){case 1:return(w()-a
;case -1E3:return 0}return a
}function GD(a
){var c
)}function HD(a
694 BD
){return a
){var b
=DD(this);return Ua(this.xb
),!0):!1};function ID(){R
=IA(WA());this.log_("Initializing local screens: "+wA(this.Bc
=[];this.Ai(qD());this.log_("Initializing DIAL devices: "+zA(this.a
));var a
);this.log_("Initializing online screens: "+wA(this.b
);var LD
695 function MD(a
){var b
.match(/MSIE ([\d
,"10.0")))return a
);return $d("https",null,b
)}function KD(a
696 f
){if(this.ha())return!1;this.log_("Firing "+a
);return this.G
.Np=function(){var a
.bl=function(){var a
)};function QD(a
){return Ia(b
){return a
697 f
){var b
){var c
&&(this.log_("Renaming screen id "+c
+" from "+c
+" to "+a
&&(this.log_("Renaming due to DIAL."),RD(this));YA(DA(a
));var c
&&this.log_("Updating DIAL devices: "+zA(this.a
)+" to "+zA(a
698 f
){var b
&&(this.log_("Updating DIAL device: "+b
+") from status: "+b
+" to status: "+a
+" and from activityId: "+b
+" to activityId: "+a
)};function JD(a
);var d
.log_("Updating online screens: "+wA(a
)+" -> "+wA(b
699 function OD(a
){var c
))});var e
){var c
])});var e
700 function PD(a
){var b
){return a
.log_("Updating lounge tokens for: "+mb(c
)}}))}function TD(a
){var d
){return a
701 function RD(a
){var b
.log_("Saving local screens: "+wA(b
)+" to "+wA(a
.bl())}function UD(a
){var d
){return JA(c
);return e
702 f
){var d
&&(this.log_("Pairing DIAL device "+a
+" with "+c
+" timed out."),d
=!0);var e
)this.log_("Pairing DIAL device "+a
+" with "+c
+" failed: no device for "+a
=!0;else if("ERROR"==e
)this.log_("Pairing DIAL device "+a
+" with "+c
+" failed: launch error on "+a
){VD(this);var d
=new uA(b
703 d
;var m
);this.log_("Paired with "+(m
?"a new":"an old")+" local screen:"+vA(d
);this.log_("Pairing "+c
+" succeeded.");this.u("screenPair",d
)},onError:function(){this.log_("Polling pairing code: "+c
704 function WD(a
){var g
=AA();kD();var h
){var m
=new cast
=new cast
=new cast
));gD("Sending a cast launch request with params: "+
705 m
))}else gD("No cast API or no cast device. Dropping cast launch.")}a
[0])}else a
.log_("No DIAL device with id: "+b
)}function VD(a
}function SD(a
){var c
.log_("Found screen: "+vA(c
)+" with key: "+b
);return c
}function XD(a
){var c
.log_("Found online screen: "+vA(c
)+" with key: "+b
);return c
706 function YD(a
){var c
){var d
.log_("Found DIAL: "+(c
.toString():"null")+" with key: "+b
);return c
}function ND(a
){return Xa(a
))};function ZD(a
){var c
=new ID
=new yD("/api/lounge/bc",{device:"REMOTE_CONTROL",id:c
,this);this.log_("Initializing with device id = "+c
+", name = "+a
+", app = "+b
707 f
)};function $D(a
){var b
=QA();return b
):null}function aE(a
)}function bE(a
.log_("Firing "+b
708 function cE(a
))}function dE(a
.u("playlistChange")}function eE(a
.log_("Changing current screen id from: "+a
+" to "+b
.log_("Removing current screen id: "+a
709 function fE(a
){return a
){this.log_("Connecting to the receiver: "+mb(a
));var b
):H(v(function(){bE(this,"connectionError")},this),0)};function iE(a
=0);return a
710 function gE(a
.log_("Connecting to screen: "+vA(b
));var c
).join(",");var d
.log_("Connecting with empty params"):a
.log_("Connecting with setPlaylist and params: "+mb(c
711 1,UA());a
=new BD
)}function hE(a
.log_("Connecting to DIAL device: "+(b
);var c
){this.log_("Paired with a DIAL screen: "+vA(a
712 f
.disconnect=function(){this.log_("Disconnecting with user intent.");pE(this);aB();this.g
.disconnect(1)};function pE(a
);var b
.log_("Did not stop DIAL device, because another remote is connected: "+mb(b
.log_("Stopping DIAL device: "+a
.log_("Stopping DIAL device: "+b
713 function jE(a
.log_("Disconnecting from screen.");a
.disconnect(2)}function qE(a
){var c
){return c
.log_("Found current receiver: "+mb(d
)+" in "+mb(b
));return d
}function rE(a
){return sE(a
.a:null}function tE(a
.log_("Sending: action="+b
+", params="+mb(c
.log_("Sending: action="+b
.log_("Action = "+b
+" was ignored due to reconnecting."):a
714 function vE(a
})}function wE(a
,function(){return d
715 function xE(a
){var b
.log_("Watch context changed: videoId from "+b
+" to "+d
+" listId from "+c
+" to "+e
);var g
716 function yE(a
.qo=function(){tE(this,"getNowPlaying")};function sE(a
){var b
)}function nE(a
=null;this.log_("Connecting timeout");bE(this,"connectionError");aB();this.g
)}function zE(a
}function AE(a
}function oE(a
717 f
.dv=function(){this.log_("Channel opened");var a
);var a
)?this.log_("Wait for playlist data to be loaded."):xE(this))};function BE(a
718 f
.$u=function(){this.log_("Channel closed");var a
){uE(this)?this.log_("Channel error: "+a
+" with reconnection in "+AD(this.g
)+" ms"):this.log_("Channel error: "+a
+" without reconnection");uE(this)||BE(this);zE(this);bE(this,"connectionError")};
719 function CE(a
){case "loungeStatus":var c
){return new vD(a
)});break;case "loungeScreenDisconnected":Wa(a
});break;case "remoteConnected":var d
=new vD(kb(b
){return a
);break;case "remoteDisconnected":d
=new vD(kb(b
){return a
720 function DE(a
){var c
});else if("loungeScreenConnected"==b
=!0;else if("loungeScreenDisconnected"==b
=!1;else return;c
.disconnect())}function uE(a
721 f
?this.log_("Received: action="+a
+", params="+mb(a
)):this.log_("Received: action="+a
);if(sE(this)){var b
)&&(delete a
722 Ib(a
,dE(this,"playerChange"));else if(DD(this.a
723 (b
724 b
&&!fE(this)?(this.log_("Dropping current screen with id: "+this.j
=null):$D(this)||aB()};function EE(){ZD
.prototype.B=function(){jE(this)};function FE(a
=new zr(this.Js
725 f
726 f
){var c
){case "control_toggle_play_pause":case "control_play":case "control_pause":IE(this,this.a
.getCurrentTime());break;case "control_seek":IE(this,c
727 f
){var c
){case "control_toggle_play_pause":1==c
.jb(!0));break;case "control_play":yE(this.b
.jb(!0);break;case "control_pause":JE(this);break;case "control_seek":this.o
);break;case "control_subtitles_set_track":KE(this,d
[0])}};function JE(a
){var b
728 f
.Js=function(){var a
729 function KE(a
)){var c
}}function IE(a
);var c
730 f
){if(HE(this)){var b
;var d
731 f
.fn=function(){if(HE(this)){var a
){case 1:OE(this);this.a
.jb(!0);break;case 3:var b
);break;case 0:this.a
);break;case 2:this.a
));break;case -1:this.a
.jb(!1);break;case -1E3:var b
732 a
,this))}else this.a
733 function QE(a
){var b
){var c
){return a
)}else a
734 function HE(a
){var b
}function OE(a
),500))}function GE(a
}function LE(a
){var c
,void 0)};function RE(){Z
.call(this)};function SE(a
,"html5-bezel-fade")};function TE(a
735 TE
);var b
;if(void 0!=cn("backgroundSize"))d
)+")";else{var d
.call(this)}};function UE(a
=new ln(J("REMOTE_PLAYER_RECONNECT_TIME"),["formatted_time"]);this.B
=new ln(J("REMOTE_CONNECTED_STATUS"),["receiver_name"]);this.H
=new ln(J("REMOTE_CONNECTING_STATUS"),["receiver_name"]);this.N
=new ln(J("REMOTE_ERROR_STATUS"),["receiver_name"]);this.j
736 b
=new Om(this.R
=new TE(a
=new RE
=new it
737 "html5-center-transform");this.b
=null};function WE(a
.show()}function NE(a
.show()}function PE(a
,!0)}function XE(a
738 function YE(a
.show()}function VE(a
,{receiver_name:'<span class="mdx-receiver">'+a
+"</span>"},void 0,!0))};function ZE(a
)};function aF(a
){var c
)}function bF(a
){var c
739 function $E(a
);var c
))};function cF(a
);var b
.log_("Connecting with the delayed connect data: "+mb(a
}),ch("yt-remote-delayed-connect-key");else{var c
.log_("Skipping connecting because current connection exists."):(a
.log_("Resuming MDx session: "+vA(c
740 new BD
.log_("Skipping connecting because no session screen found."))}this.A
=new ZE(E("html5-remote-button",b
);var eF
.Xa=function(){return this.app
741 f
.call(this);var a
&&this.load()};function gF(a
742 f
.destroy=function(){var a
743 f
.call(this);this.ng();var a
=new UE(this,a
=new FE(this,this.b
);var b
744 f
.call(this)};function mE(a
){return a
.getVideoData().Na:""}function kE(a
){var b
=[];for(var c
;return a
745 function lE(a
){var b
.ub());for(var c
}else b
=["VI"];return b
}function dF(a
){var b
;return b
.Nm=function(){var a
746 f
){var b
.qg())}else if(a
),this.load()};function hF(a
.ng=function(){var a
747 function iF(a
)}function ME(a
){ME(this);var b
)};function jF(){Z
.call(this,["div","html5-video-info-panel",["span","html5-video-info-panel-close",{role:"button",title:"close"},"[x]"],["div","html5-video-info-panel-content",["table","html5-video-info-table",["tr","",["th","","Video ID:"],["td","","{{video_id}}"]],["tr","",["th","","Dimensions:"],["td","","{{dimensions}}"]],["tr","",["th","","Resolution:"],["td","","{{resolution}}"]],["tr","",["th","","Volume:"],["td","","{{volume}}"]],["tr","",["th","","Stream Type:"],["td","","{{stream_type}}"]],
748 ["tr","",["th","","Mime Type:"],["td","","{{mime}}"]],["tr","",["th","","DASH:"],["td","","{{dash}}"]],["tr","",["th","","DRM:"],["td","","{{drm}}"]]],["table",["html5-video-info-table","html5-video-element-info-table"],["tr","",["th","","Decoded Frames"],["th","","Dropped Frames"],["th","","Parsed Frames"],["th","","Presented Frames"]],["tr","",["td","","{{decoded_frames}}"],["td","","{{dropped_frames}}"],["td","","{{parsed_frames}}"],["td","","{{presented_frames}}"]],["tr","",["th","","Video Bytes Decoded"],
749 ["th","","Audio Bytes Decoded"],["th","","Painted Frames"],["th","","Paint Delay"]],["tr","",["td","","{{video_bytes_decoded}}"],["td","","{{audio_bytes_decoded}}"],["td","","{{painted_frames}}"],["td","","{{paint_delay}}"]]]]]);this.a
+" x "+a
+" x "+a
+" / "+a
750 jF
.call(this)};function kF(a
);var lF
.xj=function(){var a
751 function mF(a
);var c
){try{var b
752 f
.yj=function(){var a
=new jF
753 this),250)};f
){var a
.isEmpty()){var b
){var g
)}else yd(this.b
754 f
.removeAttribute("title"));var c
.Ko=function(){};function nF(a
){return a
?new C(a
):new C(0,0)}
755 function oF(a
){return a
?new C(a
):new C(0,0)}function qF(a
=new C(a
=new C(a
);return new Ab((b
)}function pF(a
).isEmpty()}function Lv(a
){var c
756 function vg(a
757 f
.Mp=function(){var a
758 "-",audio_bytes_decoded:c
.call(this)};function rF(){this.a
);var Nm
;for(var b
++){var c
759 function sF(a
){var b
){var c
));return b
;var b
.Cy=function(){return this.a
760 f
){return this.a
;function tF(a
){var c
));cr(new B(b
,5)};function uF(){this.a
=new eo(this)}y(uF
.call(this)};function vF(a
=new eo(this);this.a
=new eo(this);this.b
=new uF
=null;function wF(a
){for(var d
){var c
761 f
.Qr=function(){var a
762 function yF(a
763 f
.Sr=function(){var a
,delete c
764 f
765 f
.call(this)};function AF(a
);function CF(a
){for(var b
){for(var d
)return c
}return b
766 function BF(a
;var d
;for(var e
++){var m
.call(this);var a
=new Date
767 AF
.prototype.H=function(){var a
.call(this)};function DF(){Z
=[];if(void 0==wk
){var a
=new AF(1,1),this.a
.prototype.show=function(){var a
768 function EF(a
.call(this)};function FF(){this.b
){return J(a
)};function pt(a
)};function HF(a
){var c
;var d
){var e
);var g
in e
769 b
)}else c
=null}else c
)}function IF(a
){var b
){if(u(void 0)){var c
=24==(void 0).length
&&"UC"==(void 0).slice(0,2)?(void 0).substr(2):22==(void 0).length
?void 0:null;if(b
)}};function JF(a
770 function KF(a
){var d
&&IF("dislike")};function LF(a
,"html5-async-progress"))return null;X(c
)return null;Ft(c
){return function(){Ft(a
){return function(){Ft(a
);return b
?0:1};function MF(a
);!("watch_actions_ajax"in Ze
){var b
771 f
.ek=function(){var a
.call(this);var b
,"show-more-info")};function NF(a
){var c
772 f
.call(this)};function OF(a
773 f
.ha=function(){return this.b
};var PF
=null;function RF(){Z
,0)};function SF(a
.call(this)};function TF(a
774 function Pm(a
){var d
=new OF(b
){var a
=new RF
}else d
)));var e
=new B(k
=new B(m
))var p
,new B(p
.show();var s
775 r
776 function GF(a
,function(){var a
;var h
,"ytp-identity-tooltip");var k
;var h
}else b
;return b
777 TF
=null;for(var a
in this.a
.call(this)};function UF(a
);function VF(a
))}function WF(a
))}function XF(a
){for(var b
.prototype.F=function(){XF(this)};function YF(a
;var c
){var d
=new eu
;var g
=new au
=new Xt
?new C(c
778 c
):new C(0,0),e
779 function ZF(a
){var b
780 function $F(a
){var d
){var b
]){var c
){var b
)){var c
){var b
781 f
){var b
){var b
);var c
;var b
)+"% at "+Math
)+" of "+Math
)+" seconds"}};f
782 f
783 f
){var b
);var c
)}else b
.cloneNode(!0);for(var c
784 f
)};function aG(a
785 WF(this,"fullscreentoggled",this.Us
=new YF(a
);var c
){var d
=new Os(d
786 "ytp-settings-button",d
.setAttribute("tabindex",10);var e
=new Rt
=new yu(d
=new Jo(d
787 "change",d
=new Du(d
788 f
){var b
){var d
,"ytp-button-fullscreen-exit");var e
}else Qt(b
789 f
,"ytp-button-replay");var b
.kt=function(){var a
790 f
));var c
791 f
){var b
);var d
.split(" "),e
+"px "+e
="0px";else{var g
)+"px "+e
792 (a
?" "+J("HTML5_VOLUME_MUTED"):"");b
){var b
){var b
793 f
);var b
){var b
794 f
795 f
.Jv=function(){var a
);var d
){case "PL":d
?"action_add_to_new_playlist":"action_add_to_playlist";break;case "FL":d
796 break;case "WL":d
){var c
){var e
)}};function bG(a
))};var gG
={0:"autohide-off",1:"autohide-on",2:"autohide-fade",3:"autohide-auto",4:"autohide-embeds",5:"autohide-seekbar"};function hG(a
=new ho(this.ak
797 f
798 f
.xj=function(){var a
&&!zk()){var b
="www-player-css";var d
);this.gp(200)}else this.ra
799 f
){var b
));this.u("templateready")}else this.u("templateerror")};f
800 f
);iG(this);var a
]);var b
=yb(new C(this.a
801 "1.8"!=b
=new Ju(this.A
=new aG(this.app
));var b
=new vF(this.app
);var e
802 Ue("input",e
);var c
in c
=new it(2);V(this.k
803 this.a
=new MF(g
=new TE(a
);this.$=new RE
)){var c
804 f
805 f
){var b
=["ended-mode"];else{var c
806 function kG(a
){var b
){var c
){return oG(a
=new Gt(a
.hasTags(void 0)&&this.mo(a
))}else K(a
));var d
807 v(function(){var a
){var b
808 f
){var b
;var b
))};function oG(a
809 f
){var b
810 f
){var b
){var c
+5,muted:!1});else if(40==b
-5,muted:!1});else if(37==b
){var d
,!1,250,void 0)}else 39==b
,!1,250,void 0));a
811 f
;var b
,!1);var a
.px=function(){var a
812 f
){var a
;var b
.cb("onHideControls"))}};function mG(a
.Bj=function(){var a
813 f
=new DF
));var b
;for(var d
,"content",new xu(c
814 "_blank");this.i
){var b
.tf=function(){var a
815 function pG(a
){var c
+") !important;";b
="translate(-50%, -50%) "+c
);return["transform: "+c
,"-webkit-transform: "+c
,"-moz-transform: "+c
,"-o-transform: "+c
,"-ms-transform: "+c
]}function lG(a
.isEmpty()){var c
816 f
)};function iG(a
=new FF
;var b
=new TF(a
=this.$=null};function ig(a
){"string"==typeof a
});var e
[2]:null;return fg(a
)}function fg(a
={endSeconds:void 0,list:b
,mediaContentUrl:void 0,startSeconds:c
)){for(var e
in b
}return b
};function qG(){this.a
=!0}var rG
={"-1":"N",3:"B",0:"EN",2:"PA",1:"PL"};function Fy(a
817 qG
.prototype.k=function(){var a
in this.a
)){var c
){var e
);"hmewdrop"in e
818 "live");c
in a
);sG(this)}tG(this)};function uG(a
);for(var b
in a
){var b
.toFixed(3))};function tG(a
)}function vG(a
)}function sG(a
)}function wG(a
819 function Gy(a
){void 0!=c
){var a
),this.k())}};function xG(a
820 b
821 f
){var a
822 f
.xi=function(){var a
823 "1");this.ba
=this.$);void 0!=this.ua
);void 0!=this.G
.toString());void 0!=this.ca
);void 0!=this.rb
);void 0!=this.oa
);void 0!=this.k
,void 0!=this.o
824 (a
))):(void 0!=this.K
),void 0!=this.O
),void 0!=this.da
));void 0!=this.fa
).join(","));return a
.toFixed(3)).toString()};function yG(a
825 b
?"1":void 0;this.I
=new C(window
826 a
){var a
827 f
.xi=function(){var a
828 partnerid:this.qd
=this.$);void 0!=
829 this.oa
);void 0!=this.G
);void 0!=this.ua
);void 0!=this.da
);void 0!=this.va
);void 0!=this.fa
830 a
).join(","));for(var b
in a
)});return a
.toFixed(3)).toString()};function zG(){this.o
=new qG
=0;function AG(a
){var b
.Pj());return b
831 f
-1);var b
)};function My(a
.Bq=function(){var a
){var d
832 function BG(a
);else if(3<a
}function Ly(a
){var c
=new xG(a
=new yG(a
.K();return d
833 function Ny(a
){var b
;var c
.join(",")||void 0,feature:c
||void 0,ytr:a
||void 0,list:a
);return c
}function py(a
834 function Qy(a
);var c
)}var c
;t:{var e
)){var g
,32))break t
835 function Oy(a
){var c
=0}function yy(a
836 function uy(a,b){var c=a.b,d=a.a,e={ns:c.Vb,el:c.Y,eurl:c.b,fmt:d.a?d.a.Sa:0,html5:1,list:d.Na,plid:d.ab,ei:d.j,ps:c.Ja,noflv:1,st:a.lf(),video_id:d.L};c.Sb&&(b.autoplay="1");d.kj&&(b.tmi="1");pa(e,b);pa(e,bx(c));Kf(S("//www.youtube.com/live_204",e))}f.log_=function(){};f.F=function(){zG.C.F.call(this);My(this);void 0!=this.A&&kf(this.A)};function CG(a,b,c){R.call(this);this.o=1;this.$={};this.D("openingpage",v(this.Qq,this));this.D("initializingmode",v(this.Nq,this));this.D("internalenvironmentdatachange",v(this.Mq,this));this.D("internalvolumechange",v(this.ym,this));this.K=null;b instanceof Ef||(b=new Ef(b));this.K=b;b=this.K.args;Nf(this.a);this.a=new Ww(b||{});this.u("internalenvironmentdatachange","newdata");this.ba=Yw(this.a)?new yg(this,1):new Pf(this,1);L(this,this.ba);this.U=new Gg(this);L(this,this.U);this.I=new Gg(this,
837 1);L(this,this.I
=new hh(this.a
=new tw
=new gy(this.a
){var d
in e
;for(var h
in g
838 "internalvideodatachange",this.Hm
=new hG(this);L(this,this.P
839 this.dr
840 c
841 f
=0;var EG
842 function FG(a
){var b
),!1);else{var b
843 function GG(a
);var b
=null}}function Jm(a
,new C(a
)}function qz(a
);var c
in c
844 function sz(a
);var c
in c
&&delete a
))}function O(a
){return b
}function HG(a
){var b
);var c
845 function Cg(a
=new cF(a
));var b
846 function JG(a
847 a
)}function Dg(a
){var c
.J=function(){return this.a
848 f
.uj=function(){var a
=1);return a
.or=function(){var a
){var b
)}return a
,5,void 0,void 0)};
849 f
.yj();var a
;for(var b
in a
in a
;var c
=new hg(a
){var d
;var e
850 void 0;d
.xk()};function MG(a
851 function LG(a
,3)}function DG(a
){return function(){var c
){var d
)};function Yf(a
){var c
){return a
){return a
852 function $f(a
){var c
);return c
.i:"unknown"}function cG(a
,void 0))?ay(a
.getCurrentTime():0};function Fg(a
){var c
);return c
.rd():0}function bg(a
){var c
){return a
);return c
853 function lg(a
){var c
){var e
=(new Date
).toString();return mb(d
854 function Zv(a
){var c
,"3DModeEvent"))}function xg(a
855 f
){var b
){case "loadedmetadata":Gr("fvb")||Er("fvb");this.P
.tf();break;case "loadstart":Gr("gv")||Er("gv");break;case "progress":case "timeupdate":Gr("l2s")||(a
){var b
)}else a
856 f
857 f
){var g
.J();var h
858 h
859 f
,256)){var b
);var c
860 this.u("onError",c
861 f
=[];for(var d
in this.B
,205,"DEVICE_FALLBACK",void 0):d
862 !this.a
,207,"DEVICE_FALLBACK",void 0);if(c
863 f
))){var d
=new zG
=!1;var e
=new $x(e
864 this.getVideoData().zh
){var c
&&zg(this)};function zg(a
){var b
){var c
]:void 0)a
})}}function KG(a
=new Ol(b
865 function QG(a
in a
=new nh(c
){var b
866 function OG(a
){var b
=!0)}function IG(a
))}function NG(a
))}function xF(a
){var c
867 f
){var c
.ar=function(){this.cb("endseeking")};function fG(a
)}function Sf(a
)}function Tf(a
)}function jg(a
){var c
=(new pe(b
){var d
868 function eg(a
=new hg(b
);return SG(a
,void 0,c
)}function SG(a
){var e
)return!1;void 0!=c
);return!0}function pg(a
){var c
,void 0)}function Qf(a
=!0)}function gg(a
){var d
869 function rn(a
)throw Error("Playback source is invalid");b
,void 0,void 0,void 0)):eg(a
=new hg(b
)}function mg(a
){"string"==typeof b
instanceof Array
870 f
.Jn=function(){var a
)};function zn(a
){var b
)}function PG(a
){return a
),!0):!1}function ng(a
=!1))}function og(a
=!1))}function RG(){var a
=n("yt.www.watch.lists.getState");return a
871 function kg(a
){var c
.getCurrentTime(1))});return ot(a
){var c
){var c
){var c
){for(var c
){var c
872 function TG(a
){var b
){var c
){var b
in b
;for(var e
in d
,void 0]))Hr(d
873 s:"youtube",action:ef("TIMING_ACTION")};var g
in g
;delete c
)try{var k
));for(var p
in c
874 k
;for(var s
in b
=[];for(var r
in e
875 f
.Lt=function(){if(!Wf(this,"audio")){var a
876 f
){var b
=void 0==a
));else{var b
877 function UG(a
){var c
){var e
878 f
){var c
))}else this.u
){var c
879 f
){var c
))};function Xf(a
){var c
){var d
)))}}function Uf(a
,"play_pause")){var c
880 function Vf(a
,"play_pause")){var c
)}}function eG(a
.hasTags(void 0))){var c
,void 0))&&(c
,void 0):a
,void 0))}}function Rf(a
,"seek")){var g
881 function dG(a
){var c
);else a
)}function zF(a
882 f
){var a
=QA();var b
=new tA(this))&&JG(this,this.A
883 HG(this)}else a
,ypc_preview:1},1)):(this.log_("No available formats"),sw(this.b
||si("iemobile")||si("xbox")&&si("trident")||si("nintendo wiiu")||(a
,void 0)}else HG(this)};f
884 function VG(a
){var c
)}function nG(a
){var b
=new C(a
),void 0);a
.cb("onResize")}}function Wf(a
885 f
||"defaultcontext";var c
||"defaultcontext";var c
)){var e
886 f
)};function jG(a
){var b
.getVideoData();return b
);function WG(a
};for(var e
in b
)}function XG(a
){var h
)}function YG(a
)}function ZG(a
]=null);var c
=new CG(a