- return auth_result
- def construct_video_urls(self, data, video_id, _uuid, tvid):
- def do_xor(x, y):
- a = y % 3
- if a == 1:
- return x ^ 121
- if a == 2:
- return x ^ 72
- return x ^ 103
- def get_encode_code(l):
- a = 0
- b = l.split('-')
- c = len(b)
- s = ''
- for i in range(c - 1, -1, -1):
- a = do_xor(int(b[c - i - 1], 16), i)
- s += chr(a)
- return s[::-1]
- def get_path_key(x, format_id, segment_index):
- mg = ')(*&^flash@#$%a'
- tm = self._download_json(
- 'http://data.video.qiyi.com/t?tn=' + str(random.random()), video_id,
- note='Download path key of segment %d for format %s' % (segment_index + 1, format_id)
- )['t']
- t = str(int(math.floor(int(tm) / (600.0))))
- return md5_text(t + mg + x)
- video_urls_dict = {}
- need_vip_warning_report = True
- for format_item in data['vp']['tkl'][0]['vs']:
- if 0 < int(format_item['bid']) <= 10:
- format_id = self.get_format(format_item['bid'])
- else:
- continue
- video_urls = []
- video_urls_info = format_item['fs']
- if not format_item['fs'][0]['l'].startswith('/'):
- t = get_encode_code(format_item['fs'][0]['l'])
- if t.endswith('mp4'):
- video_urls_info = format_item['flvs']
- for segment_index, segment in enumerate(video_urls_info):
- vl = segment['l']
- if not vl.startswith('/'):
- vl = get_encode_code(vl)
- is_vip_video = '/vip/' in vl
- filesize = segment['b']
- base_url = data['vp']['du'].split('/')
- if not is_vip_video:
- key = get_path_key(
- vl.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0], format_id, segment_index)
- base_url.insert(-1, key)
- base_url = '/'.join(base_url)
- param = {
- 'su': _uuid,
- 'qyid': uuid.uuid4().hex,
- 'client': '',
- 'z': '',
- 'bt': '',
- 'ct': '',
- 'tn': str(int(time.time()))
- }
- api_video_url = base_url + vl
- if is_vip_video:
- api_video_url = api_video_url.replace('.f4v', '.hml')
- auth_result = self._authenticate_vip_video(
- api_video_url, video_id, tvid, _uuid, need_vip_warning_report)
- if auth_result is False:
- need_vip_warning_report = False
- break
- param.update({
- 't': auth_result['data']['t'],
- # cid is hard-coded in com/qiyi/player/core/player/RuntimeData.as
- 'cid': 'afbe8fd3d73448c9',
- 'vid': video_id,
- 'QY00001': auth_result['data']['u'],
- })
- api_video_url += '?' if '?' not in api_video_url else '&'
- api_video_url += compat_urllib_parse.urlencode(param)
- js = self._download_json(
- api_video_url, video_id,
- note='Download video info of segment %d for format %s' % (segment_index + 1, format_id))
- video_url = js['l']
- video_urls.append(
- (video_url, filesize))
- video_urls_dict[format_id] = video_urls
- return video_urls_dict
- def get_format(self, bid):
- matched_format_ids = [_format_id for _bid, _format_id in self._FORMATS_MAP if _bid == str(bid)]
- return matched_format_ids[0] if len(matched_format_ids) else None
- def get_bid(self, format_id):
- matched_bids = [_bid for _bid, _format_id in self._FORMATS_MAP if _format_id == format_id]
- return matched_bids[0] if len(matched_bids) else None
- def get_raw_data(self, tvid, video_id, enc_key, _uuid):
- tm = str(int(time.time()))
- tail = tm + tvid
- param = {
- 'key': 'fvip',
- 'src': md5_text('youtube-dl'),
- 'tvId': tvid,