+def ohdave_rsa_encrypt(data, exponent, modulus):
+ '''
+ Implement OHDave's RSA algorithm. See http://www.ohdave.com/rsa/
+ Input:
+ data: data to encrypt, bytes-like object
+ exponent, modulus: parameter e and N of RSA algorithm, both integer
+ Output: hex string of encrypted data
+ Limitation: supports one block encryption only
+ '''
+ payload = int(binascii.hexlify(data[::-1]), 16)
+ encrypted = pow(payload, exponent, modulus)
+ return '%x' % encrypted
+def encode_base_n(num, n, table=None):
+ FULL_TABLE = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
+ if not table:
+ table = FULL_TABLE[:n]
+ if n > len(table):
+ raise ValueError('base %d exceeds table length %d' % (n, len(table)))
+ if num == 0:
+ return table[0]
+ ret = ''
+ while num:
+ ret = table[num % n] + ret
+ num = num // n
+ return ret
+def decode_packed_codes(code):
+ mobj = re.search(
+ r"}\('(.+)',(\d+),(\d+),'([^']+)'\.split\('\|'\)",
+ code)
+ obfucasted_code, base, count, symbols = mobj.groups()
+ base = int(base)
+ count = int(count)
+ symbols = symbols.split('|')
+ symbol_table = {}
+ while count:
+ count -= 1
+ base_n_count = encode_base_n(count, base)
+ symbol_table[base_n_count] = symbols[count] or base_n_count
+ return re.sub(
+ r'\b(\w+)\b', lambda mobj: symbol_table[mobj.group(0)],
+ obfucasted_code)
+def parse_m3u8_attributes(attrib):
+ info = {}
+ for (key, val) in re.findall(r'(?P<key>[A-Z0-9-]+)=(?P<val>"[^"]+"|[^",]+)(?:,|$)', attrib):
+ if val.startswith('"'):
+ val = val[1:-1]
+ info[key] = val
+ return info