+ return _filter
+ def build_format_selector(self, format_spec):
+ def syntax_error(note, start):
+ message = (
+ 'Invalid format specification: '
+ '{0}\n\t{1}\n\t{2}^'.format(note, format_spec, ' ' * start[1]))
+ return SyntaxError(message)
+ FormatSelector = collections.namedtuple('FormatSelector', ['type', 'selector', 'filters'])
+ def _parse_filter(tokens):
+ filter_parts = []
+ for type, string, start, _, _ in tokens:
+ if type == tokenize.OP and string == ']':
+ return ''.join(filter_parts)
+ else:
+ filter_parts.append(string)
+ def _remove_unused_ops(tokens):
+ # Remove operators that we don't use and join them with the surrounding strings
+ # for example: 'mp4' '-' 'baseline' '-' '16x9' is converted to 'mp4-baseline-16x9'
+ ALLOWED_OPS = ('/', '+', ',', '(', ')')
+ last_string, last_start, last_end, last_line = None, None, None, None
+ for type, string, start, end, line in tokens:
+ if type == tokenize.OP and string == '[':
+ if last_string:
+ yield tokenize.NAME, last_string, last_start, last_end, last_line
+ last_string = None
+ yield type, string, start, end, line
+ # everything inside brackets will be handled by _parse_filter
+ for type, string, start, end, line in tokens:
+ yield type, string, start, end, line
+ if type == tokenize.OP and string == ']':
+ break
+ elif type == tokenize.OP and string in ALLOWED_OPS:
+ if last_string:
+ yield tokenize.NAME, last_string, last_start, last_end, last_line
+ last_string = None
+ yield type, string, start, end, line
+ elif type in [tokenize.NAME, tokenize.NUMBER, tokenize.OP]:
+ if not last_string:
+ last_string = string
+ last_start = start
+ last_end = end
+ else:
+ last_string += string
+ if last_string:
+ yield tokenize.NAME, last_string, last_start, last_end, last_line
+ def _parse_format_selection(tokens, inside_merge=False, inside_choice=False, inside_group=False):
+ selectors = []
+ current_selector = None
+ for type, string, start, _, _ in tokens:
+ # ENCODING is only defined in python 3.x
+ if type == getattr(tokenize, 'ENCODING', None):
+ continue
+ elif type in [tokenize.NAME, tokenize.NUMBER]:
+ current_selector = FormatSelector(SINGLE, string, [])
+ elif type == tokenize.OP:
+ if string == ')':
+ if not inside_group:
+ # ')' will be handled by the parentheses group
+ tokens.restore_last_token()
+ break
+ elif inside_merge and string in ['/', ',']:
+ tokens.restore_last_token()
+ break
+ elif inside_choice and string == ',':
+ tokens.restore_last_token()
+ break
+ elif string == ',':
+ if not current_selector:
+ raise syntax_error('"," must follow a format selector', start)
+ selectors.append(current_selector)
+ current_selector = None
+ elif string == '/':
+ if not current_selector:
+ raise syntax_error('"/" must follow a format selector', start)
+ first_choice = current_selector
+ second_choice = _parse_format_selection(tokens, inside_choice=True)
+ current_selector = FormatSelector(PICKFIRST, (first_choice, second_choice), [])
+ elif string == '[':
+ if not current_selector:
+ current_selector = FormatSelector(SINGLE, 'best', [])
+ format_filter = _parse_filter(tokens)
+ current_selector.filters.append(format_filter)
+ elif string == '(':
+ if current_selector:
+ raise syntax_error('Unexpected "("', start)
+ group = _parse_format_selection(tokens, inside_group=True)
+ current_selector = FormatSelector(GROUP, group, [])
+ elif string == '+':
+ video_selector = current_selector
+ audio_selector = _parse_format_selection(tokens, inside_merge=True)
+ if not video_selector or not audio_selector:
+ raise syntax_error('"+" must be between two format selectors', start)
+ current_selector = FormatSelector(MERGE, (video_selector, audio_selector), [])
+ else:
+ raise syntax_error('Operator not recognized: "{0}"'.format(string), start)
+ elif type == tokenize.ENDMARKER:
+ break
+ if current_selector:
+ selectors.append(current_selector)
+ return selectors
+ def _build_selector_function(selector):
+ if isinstance(selector, list):
+ fs = [_build_selector_function(s) for s in selector]
+ def selector_function(formats):
+ for f in fs:
+ for format in f(formats):
+ yield format
+ return selector_function
+ elif selector.type == GROUP:
+ selector_function = _build_selector_function(selector.selector)
+ elif selector.type == PICKFIRST:
+ fs = [_build_selector_function(s) for s in selector.selector]
+ def selector_function(formats):
+ for f in fs:
+ picked_formats = list(f(formats))
+ if picked_formats:
+ return picked_formats
+ return []
+ elif selector.type == SINGLE:
+ format_spec = selector.selector
+ def selector_function(formats):
+ formats = list(formats)
+ if not formats:
+ return
+ if format_spec == 'all':
+ for f in formats:
+ yield f
+ elif format_spec in ['best', 'worst', None]:
+ format_idx = 0 if format_spec == 'worst' else -1
+ audiovideo_formats = [
+ f for f in formats
+ if f.get('vcodec') != 'none' and f.get('acodec') != 'none']
+ if audiovideo_formats:
+ yield audiovideo_formats[format_idx]
+ # for audio only (soundcloud) or video only (imgur) urls, select the best/worst audio format
+ elif (all(f.get('acodec') != 'none' for f in formats) or
+ all(f.get('vcodec') != 'none' for f in formats)):
+ yield formats[format_idx]
+ elif format_spec == 'bestaudio':
+ audio_formats = [
+ f for f in formats
+ if f.get('vcodec') == 'none']
+ if audio_formats:
+ yield audio_formats[-1]
+ elif format_spec == 'worstaudio':
+ audio_formats = [
+ f for f in formats
+ if f.get('vcodec') == 'none']
+ if audio_formats:
+ yield audio_formats[0]
+ elif format_spec == 'bestvideo':
+ video_formats = [
+ f for f in formats
+ if f.get('acodec') == 'none']
+ if video_formats:
+ yield video_formats[-1]
+ elif format_spec == 'worstvideo':
+ video_formats = [
+ f for f in formats
+ if f.get('acodec') == 'none']
+ if video_formats:
+ yield video_formats[0]
+ else:
+ extensions = ['mp4', 'flv', 'webm', '3gp', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'aac', 'wav']
+ if format_spec in extensions:
+ filter_f = lambda f: f['ext'] == format_spec
+ else:
+ filter_f = lambda f: f['format_id'] == format_spec
+ matches = list(filter(filter_f, formats))
+ if matches:
+ yield matches[-1]
+ elif selector.type == MERGE:
+ def _merge(formats_info):
+ format_1, format_2 = [f['format_id'] for f in formats_info]
+ # The first format must contain the video and the
+ # second the audio
+ if formats_info[0].get('vcodec') == 'none':
+ self.report_error('The first format must '
+ 'contain the video, try using '
+ '"-f %s+%s"' % (format_2, format_1))
+ return
+ output_ext = (
+ formats_info[0]['ext']
+ if self.params.get('merge_output_format') is None
+ else self.params['merge_output_format'])
+ return {
+ 'requested_formats': formats_info,
+ 'format': '%s+%s' % (formats_info[0].get('format'),
+ formats_info[1].get('format')),
+ 'format_id': '%s+%s' % (formats_info[0].get('format_id'),
+ formats_info[1].get('format_id')),
+ 'width': formats_info[0].get('width'),
+ 'height': formats_info[0].get('height'),
+ 'resolution': formats_info[0].get('resolution'),
+ 'fps': formats_info[0].get('fps'),
+ 'vcodec': formats_info[0].get('vcodec'),
+ 'vbr': formats_info[0].get('vbr'),
+ 'stretched_ratio': formats_info[0].get('stretched_ratio'),
+ 'acodec': formats_info[1].get('acodec'),
+ 'abr': formats_info[1].get('abr'),
+ 'ext': output_ext,
+ }
+ video_selector, audio_selector = map(_build_selector_function, selector.selector)