+\f[C]url\f[] (media download URL) or \f[C]formats\f[]
+In fact only the last option is technically mandatory (i.e.
+if you can\[aq]t figure out the download location of the media the
+extraction does not make any sense).
+But by convention youtube\-dl also treats \f[C]id\f[] and \f[C]title\f[]
+as mandatory.
+Thus the aforementioned metafields are the critical data that the
+extraction does not make any sense without and if any of them fail to be
+extracted then the extractor is considered completely broken.
+field (https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/7f41a598b3fba1bcab2817de64a08941200aa3c8/youtube_dl/extractor/common.py#L188-L303)
+apart from the aforementioned ones are considered \f[B]optional\f[].
+That means that extraction should be \f[B]tolerant\f[] to situations
+when sources for these fields can potentially be unavailable (even if
+they are always available at the moment) and \f[B]future\-proof\f[] in
+order not to break the extraction of general purpose mandatory fields.
+.SS Example
+Say you have some source dictionary \f[C]meta\f[] that you\[aq]ve
+fetched as JSON with HTTP request and it has a key \f[C]summary\f[]:
+meta\ =\ self._download_json(url,\ video_id)
+Assume at this point \f[C]meta\f[]\[aq]s layout is:
+\ \ \ \ ...
+\ \ \ \ "summary":\ "some\ fancy\ summary\ text",
+\ \ \ \ ...
+Assume you want to extract \f[C]summary\f[] and put it into the
+resulting info dict as \f[C]description\f[].
+Since \f[C]description\f[] is an optional meta field you should be ready
+that this key may be missing from the \f[C]meta\f[] dict, so that you
+should extract it like:
+description\ =\ meta.get(\[aq]summary\[aq])\ \ #\ correct
+and not like:
+description\ =\ meta[\[aq]summary\[aq]]\ \ #\ incorrect
+The latter will break extraction process with \f[C]KeyError\f[] if
+\f[C]summary\f[] disappears from \f[C]meta\f[] at some later time but
+with the former approach extraction will just go ahead with
+\f[C]description\f[] set to \f[C]None\f[] which is perfectly fine
+(remember \f[C]None\f[] is equivalent to the absence of data).
+Similarly, you should pass \f[C]fatal=False\f[] when extracting optional
+data from a webpage with \f[C]_search_regex\f[],
+\f[C]_html_search_regex\f[] or similar methods, for instance:
+description\ =\ self._search_regex(
+\ \ \ \ r\[aq]<span[^>]+id="title"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ webpage,\ \[aq]description\[aq],\ fatal=False)
+With \f[C]fatal\f[] set to \f[C]False\f[] if \f[C]_search_regex\f[]
+fails to extract \f[C]description\f[] it will emit a warning and
+continue extraction.
+You can also pass \f[C]default=<some\ fallback\ value>\f[], for example:
+description\ =\ self._search_regex(
+\ \ \ \ r\[aq]<span[^>]+id="title"[^>]*>([^<]+)<\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ webpage,\ \[aq]description\[aq],\ default=None)
+On failure this code will silently continue the extraction with
+\f[C]description\f[] set to \f[C]None\f[].
+That is useful for metafields that may or may not be present.
+.SS Provide fallbacks
+When extracting metadata try to do so from multiple sources.
+For example if \f[C]title\f[] is present in several places, try
+extracting from at least some of them.
+This makes it more future\-proof in case some of the sources become
+.SS Example
+Say \f[C]meta\f[] from the previous example has a \f[C]title\f[] and you
+are about to extract it.
+Since \f[C]title\f[] is a mandatory meta field you should end up with
+something like:
+title\ =\ meta[\[aq]title\[aq]]
+If \f[C]title\f[] disappears from \f[C]meta\f[] in future due to some
+changes on the hoster\[aq]s side the extraction would fail since
+\f[C]title\f[] is mandatory.
+That\[aq]s expected.
+Assume that you have some another source you can extract \f[C]title\f[]
+from, for example \f[C]og:title\f[] HTML meta of a \f[C]webpage\f[].
+In this case you can provide a fallback scenario:
+title\ =\ meta.get(\[aq]title\[aq])\ or\ self._og_search_title(webpage)
+This code will try to extract from \f[C]meta\f[] first and if it fails
+it will try extracting \f[C]og:title\f[] from a \f[C]webpage\f[].
+.SS Regular expressions
+.SS Don\[aq]t capture groups you don\[aq]t use
+Capturing group must be an indication that it\[aq]s used somewhere in
+the code.
+Any group that is not used must be non capturing.
+.SS Example
+Don\[aq]t capture id attribute name here since you can\[aq]t use it for
+anything anyway.
+.SS Make regular expressions relaxed and flexible
+When using regular expressions try to write them fuzzy, relaxed and
+flexible, skipping insignificant parts that are more likely to change,
+allowing both single and double quotes for quoted values and so on.
+.SS Example
+Say you need to extract \f[C]title\f[] from the following HTML code:
+<span\ style="position:\ absolute;\ left:\ 910px;\ width:\ 90px;\ float:\ right;\ z\-index:\ 9999;"\ class="title">some\ fancy\ title</span>
+The code for that task should look similar to:
+title\ =\ self._search_regex(
+\ \ \ \ r\[aq]<span[^>]+class="title"[^>]*>([^<]+)\[aq],\ webpage,\ \[aq]title\[aq])
+Or even better:
+title\ =\ self._search_regex(
+\ \ \ \ r\[aq]<span[^>]+class=(["\\\[aq]])title\\1[^>]*>(?P<title>[^<]+)\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ webpage,\ \[aq]title\[aq],\ group=\[aq]title\[aq])
+Note how you tolerate potential changes in the \f[C]style\f[]
+attribute\[aq]s value or switch from using double quotes to single for
+\f[C]class\f[] attribute:
+The code definitely should not look like:
+title\ =\ self._search_regex(
+\ \ \ \ r\[aq]<span\ style="position:\ absolute;\ left:\ 910px;\ width:\ 90px;\ float:\ right;\ z\-index:\ 9999;"\ class="title">(.*?)</span>\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ webpage,\ \[aq]title\[aq],\ group=\[aq]title\[aq])
+.SS Long lines policy
+There is a soft limit to keep lines of code under 80 characters long.
+This means it should be respected if possible and if it does not make
+readability and code maintenance worse.
+For example, you should \f[B]never\f[] split long string literals like
+URLs or some other often copied entities over multiple lines to fit this
+.SS Use safe conversion functions
+Wrap all extracted numeric data into safe functions from
+\f[C]youtube_dl/utils.py\f[] (https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/master/youtube_dl/utils.py):
+\f[C]int_or_none\f[], \f[C]float_or_none\f[].
+Use them for string to number conversions as well.
+Use \f[C]url_or_none\f[] for safe URL processing.
+Use \f[C]try_get\f[] for safe metadata extraction from parsed JSON.
+\f[C]youtube_dl/utils.py\f[] (https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/master/youtube_dl/utils.py)
+for more useful convenience functions.
+.SS More examples
+.SS Safely extract optional description from parsed JSON
+description\ =\ try_get(response,\ lambda\ x:\ x[\[aq]result\[aq]][\[aq]video\[aq]][0][\[aq]summary\[aq]],\ compat_str)
+.SS Safely extract more optional metadata
+video\ =\ try_get(response,\ lambda\ x:\ x[\[aq]result\[aq]][\[aq]video\[aq]][0],\ dict)\ or\ {}
+description\ =\ video.get(\[aq]summary\[aq])
+duration\ =\ float_or_none(video.get(\[aq]durationMs\[aq]),\ scale=1000)
+view_count\ =\ int_or_none(video.get(\[aq]views\[aq]))
+youtube\-dl makes the best effort to be a good command\-line program,
+and thus should be callable from any programming language.
+If you encounter any problems parsing its output, feel free to create a
+report (https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/new).
+From a Python program, you can embed youtube\-dl in a more powerful
+fashion, like this:
+from\ __future__\ import\ unicode_literals
+import\ youtube_dl
+ydl_opts\ =\ {}
+with\ youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts)\ as\ ydl:
+\ \ \ \ ydl.download([\[aq]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc\[aq]])
+Most likely, you\[aq]ll want to use various options.
+For a list of options available, have a look at
+\f[C]youtube_dl/YoutubeDL.py\f[] (https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/3e4cedf9e8cd3157df2457df7274d0c842421945/youtube_dl/YoutubeDL.py#L137-L312).
+For a start, if you want to intercept youtube\-dl\[aq]s output, set a
+\f[C]logger\f[] object.
+Here\[aq]s a more complete example of a program that outputs only errors
+(and a short message after the download is finished), and
+downloads/converts the video to an mp3 file:
+from\ __future__\ import\ unicode_literals
+import\ youtube_dl
+class\ MyLogger(object):
+\ \ \ \ def\ debug(self,\ msg):
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ pass
+\ \ \ \ def\ warning(self,\ msg):
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ pass
+\ \ \ \ def\ error(self,\ msg):
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ print(msg)
+def\ my_hook(d):
+\ \ \ \ if\ d[\[aq]status\[aq]]\ ==\ \[aq]finished\[aq]:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ print(\[aq]Done\ downloading,\ now\ converting\ ...\[aq])
+ydl_opts\ =\ {
+\ \ \ \ \[aq]format\[aq]:\ \[aq]bestaudio/best\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ \[aq]postprocessors\[aq]:\ [{
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[aq]key\[aq]:\ \[aq]FFmpegExtractAudio\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[aq]preferredcodec\[aq]:\ \[aq]mp3\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[aq]preferredquality\[aq]:\ \[aq]192\[aq],
+\ \ \ \ }],
+\ \ \ \ \[aq]logger\[aq]:\ MyLogger(),
+\ \ \ \ \[aq]progress_hooks\[aq]:\ [my_hook],
+with\ youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts)\ as\ ydl:
+\ \ \ \ ydl.download([\[aq]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc\[aq]])
+Bugs and suggestions should be reported at:
+Unless you were prompted to or there is another pertinent reason (e.g.
+GitHub fails to accept the bug report), please do not send bug reports
+via personal email.
+For discussions, join us in the IRC channel
+#youtube\-dl (irc://chat.freenode.net/#youtube-dl) on freenode
+(webchat (https://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=youtube-dl)).
+\f[B]Please include the full output of youtube\-dl when run with
+\f[BC]\-v\f[B]\f[], i.e.
+\f[B]add\f[] \f[C]\-v\f[] flag to \f[B]your command line\f[], copy the
+\f[B]whole\f[] output and post it in the issue body wrapped in ``` for
+better formatting.
+It should look similar to this:
+$\ youtube\-dl\ \-v\ <your\ command\ line>
+[debug]\ System\ config:\ []
+[debug]\ User\ config:\ []
+[debug]\ Command\-line\ args:\ [u\[aq]\-v\[aq],\ u\[aq]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKcj\[aq]]
+[debug]\ Encodings:\ locale\ cp1251,\ fs\ mbcs,\ out\ cp866,\ pref\ cp1251
+[debug]\ youtube\-dl\ version\ 2015.12.06
+[debug]\ Git\ HEAD:\ 135392e
+[debug]\ Python\ version\ 2.6.6\ \-\ Windows\-2003Server\-5.2.3790\-SP2
+[debug]\ exe\ versions:\ ffmpeg\ N\-75573\-g1d0487f,\ ffprobe\ N\-75573\-g1d0487f,\ rtmpdump\ 2.4
+[debug]\ Proxy\ map:\ {}
+\f[B]Do not post screenshots of verbose logs; only plain text is
+The output (including the first lines) contains important debugging
+Issues without the full output are often not reproducible and therefore
+do not get solved in short order, if ever.
+Please re\-read your issue once again to avoid a couple of common
+mistakes (you can and should use this as a checklist):
+.SS Is the description of the issue itself sufficient?
+We often get issue reports that we cannot really decipher.
+While in most cases we eventually get the required information after
+asking back multiple times, this poses an unnecessary drain on our
+Many contributors, including myself, are also not native speakers, so we
+may misread some parts.
+So please elaborate on what feature you are requesting, or what bug you
+want to be fixed.
+Make sure that it\[aq]s obvious