-youtube-dl (2013.06.21-1~1.gbpaf4437) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+youtube-dl (2013.07.02-1~1.gbpfeb502) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ ** SNAPSHOT build @feb5020b37d7d3ba4005a8bac6f4efece4ce4b8c **
+ * Imported Upstream version 2013.07.02. Highlights:
+ + Add support for hotnewhiphop.com.
+ + Add support for auengine.com.
+ + Add support for gamespot.com.
+ + Add support for RingTV.
+ + Add support for wat.tv.
+ + Add support for traileraddict.com.
+ + Add support for tu.tv.
+ + Add support for instagram.com.
+ + Improve support for encrypted signatures in Youtube.
+ + Improve support for videos from ArteTv.
+ + Minor improvements to the generic fallback information extractor.
+ + Change the default naming of videos to the template:
+ `%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s`
+ -- Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br> Thu, 04 Jul 2013 08:48:57 -0300
+youtube-dl (2013.06.34-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Imported Upstream version 2013.06.26
+ * Imported Upstream version 2013.06.33. Highlights:
+ + VimeoIE: allow to download password protected videos. (Closes: #523326)
+ + YoutubeIE: A lot of work for downloading VEVO videos.
+ + Add support for Statigr.am.
+ + Add support for break.com.
+ + Add support for tudou.com. (Closes: #657148)
+ + Add support for Jukebox.
+ + Add specific code for VEVO videos.
+ + Modularize the code so that each site has its code in a
+ respective file (usable as python modules, as, for instance,
+ `youtube_dl.extractor.youtube`).
+ + Modularize the code so that the downloading class is split in two:
+ - YoutubeDL is the class that coordinates everything.
+ - FileDownloader gets a filename and an info dict and downloads the
+ video.
+ + Fix downloading from Google+ videos (new URL format).
+ * Imported Upstream version 2013.06.34. Highlights:
+ + Add support for downloading automatic transcribed subtitles.
+ + Add support for downloading subtitles in WebVTT (vtt) format.
+ + Add support for Wimp.com.
+ + Add support for CSpan. (Closes: #659623)
+ + Improve support for Youtube's crypto signing fields.
+ * debian/control:
+ + Add mplayer{,2} as recommends, needed for mms:// or rtsp:// schemes.
+ + Make explicit version of Python that we require.
+ * debian/rules: Use python2 plugin with debhelper.
+ * debian/control:
+ + Make determination of python versions automatic.
+ + Fix syntax error in Depends: field.
+ -- Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br> Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:10:54 -0300
+youtube-dl (2013.06.21-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control:
+ + Add missing Build-Dependency on python-pkg-resources.
+ Thanks to Sven Joachim <svenjoac@gmx.de> for the hint (Closes: #713835)
+ * debian/rules:
+ + Fix misplaced README.txt.gz.
+ Thanks to Sven Joachim <svenjoac@gmx.de> for the patch (Closes: #713834)
- ** SNAPSHOT build @af4437a63aad80c6b92ae0089cddfc68bef35911 **
+ -- Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br> Sun, 23 Jun 2013 18:59:25 -0300
+youtube-dl (2013.06.21-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version.
+ Closes: #711733, #697086, #697594, #645925, #683795, #659515.
* Imported Upstream version 2013.05.14
* debian/watch:
+ Update to track github tags. Thanks to Bart Martens for the rewrite.
* debian/README.source:
+ Update my own instructions.
* Imported Upstream version 2013.05.23
- * debian/watch: Download version specific for distributors.
- * debian/control: Bump build-dep on debhelper to >= 9.
- * debian/compat: Use level 9 of debhelper.
+ * debian/watch:
+ + Download version specific for distributors.
+ * debian/control:
+ + Bump build-dep on debhelper to >= 9.
+ * debian/compat:
+ + Use level 9 of debhelper.
* Imported Upstream version 2013.06.21
- * debian/install: Remove, as we let setup.py install things. (Closes: #699043)
- * debian/rules: Simplify rules file with use of buildsystem.
- * debian/control: Remove B-D on pandoc.
- * debian/control: Remove B-D-I on perl.
- * debian/control: Remove obsolete DMUA flag.
+ * debian/install:
+ + Remove, as we let setup.py install things. (Closes: #699043)
+ * debian/rules:
+ + Simplify rules file with use of buildsystem.
+ * debian/control:
+ + Remove B-D on pandoc.
+ + Remove B-D-I on perl.
+ + Remove obsolete DMUA flag.
+ * debian/rules:
+ + Move incorrectly (bash completion) installed file to its right place.
+ + Remove egg-info directory in the clean target.
-- Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br> Wed, 22 May 2013 21:01:15 -0300