- results = self._download_json(
- 'https://www.funk.net/api/v3.0/content/videos/filter', channel_id,
- headers={
- 'authorization': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGllbnROYW1lIjoiY3VyYXRpb24tdG9vbCIsInNjb3BlIjoic3RhdGljLWNvbnRlbnQtYXBpLGN1cmF0aW9uLWFwaSxzZWFyY2gtYXBpIn0.q4Y2xZG8PFHai24-4Pjx2gym9RmJejtmK6lMXP5wAgc',
- 'Referer': url,
- }, query={
- 'channelId': channel_id,
- 'size': 100,
- })['result']
- video = next(r for r in results if r.get('alias') == alias)
+ headers = self._make_headers(url)
+ video = None
+ # Id-based channels are currently broken on their side: webplayer
+ # tries to process them via byChannelAlias endpoint and fails
+ # predictably.
+ for page_num in itertools.count():
+ by_channel_alias = self._download_json(
+ 'https://www.funk.net/api/v3.1/webapp/videos/byChannelAlias/%s'
+ % channel_id,
+ 'Downloading byChannelAlias JSON page %d' % (page_num + 1),
+ headers=headers, query={
+ 'filterFsk': 'false',
+ 'sort': 'creationDate,desc',
+ 'size': 100,
+ 'page': page_num,
+ }, fatal=False)
+ if not by_channel_alias:
+ break
+ video_list = try_get(
+ by_channel_alias, lambda x: x['_embedded']['videoList'], list)
+ if not video_list:
+ break
+ try:
+ video = next(r for r in video_list if r.get('alias') == alias)
+ break
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ if not try_get(
+ by_channel_alias, lambda x: x['_links']['next']):
+ break
+ if not video:
+ by_id_list = self._download_json(
+ 'https://www.funk.net/api/v3.0/content/videos/byIdList',
+ channel_id, 'Downloading byIdList JSON', headers=headers,
+ query={
+ 'ids': alias,
+ }, fatal=False)
+ if by_id_list:
+ video = try_get(by_id_list, lambda x: x['result'][0], dict)
+ if not video:
+ results = self._download_json(
+ 'https://www.funk.net/api/v3.0/content/videos/filter',
+ channel_id, 'Downloading filter JSON', headers=headers, query={
+ 'channelId': channel_id,
+ 'size': 100,
+ })['result']
+ video = next(r for r in results if r.get('alias') == alias)