- username: Username for authentication purposes.
- password: Password for authentication purposes.
- usenetrc: Use netrc for authentication instead.
- quiet: Do not print messages to stdout.
- forceurl: Force printing final URL.
- forcetitle: Force printing title.
- simulate: Do not download the video files.
- format: Video format code.
- format_limit: Highest quality format to try.
- outtmpl: Template for output names.
- ignoreerrors: Do not stop on download errors.
- ratelimit: Download speed limit, in bytes/sec.
- nooverwrites: Prevent overwriting files.
- retries: Number of times to retry for HTTP error 5xx
- continuedl: Try to continue downloads if possible.
- noprogress: Do not print the progress bar.
+ username: Username for authentication purposes.
+ password: Password for authentication purposes.
+ usenetrc: Use netrc for authentication instead.
+ quiet: Do not print messages to stdout.
+ forceurl: Force printing final URL.
+ forcetitle: Force printing title.
+ forcethumbnail: Force printing thumbnail URL.
+ forcedescription: Force printing description.
+ simulate: Do not download the video files.
+ format: Video format code.
+ format_limit: Highest quality format to try.
+ outtmpl: Template for output names.
+ ignoreerrors: Do not stop on download errors.
+ ratelimit: Download speed limit, in bytes/sec.
+ nooverwrites: Prevent overwriting files.
+ retries: Number of times to retry for HTTP error 5xx
+ continuedl: Try to continue downloads if possible.
+ noprogress: Do not print the progress bar.
+ playliststart: Playlist item to start at.
+ playlistend: Playlist item to end at.
+ logtostderr: Log messages to stderr instead of stdout.