+ {
+ 'url': 'http://m.vk.com/video-43215063_169084319?list=125c627d1aa1cebb83&from=wall-43215063_2566540',
+ 'md5': '0c45586baa71b7cb1d0784ee3f4e00a6',
+ 'note': 'ivi.ru embed',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '60690',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': 'Книга Илая',
+ 'duration': 6771,
+ 'upload_date': '20140626',
+ 'view_count': int,
+ },
+ 'skip': 'Only works from Russia',
+ },
+ {
+ # video (removed?) only available with list id
+ 'url': 'https://vk.com/video30481095_171201961?list=8764ae2d21f14088d4',
+ 'md5': '091287af5402239a1051c37ec7b92913',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': '171201961',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': 'ТюменцевВВ_09.07.2015',
+ 'uploader': 'Anton Ivanov',
+ 'duration': 109,
+ 'upload_date': '20150709',
+ 'view_count': int,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ # youtube embed
+ 'url': 'https://vk.com/video276849682_170681728',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'V3K4mi0SYkc',
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'title': "DSWD Awards 'Children's Joy Foundation, Inc.' Certificate of Registration and License to Operate",
+ 'description': 'md5:bf9c26cfa4acdfb146362682edd3827a',
+ 'duration': 179,
+ 'upload_date': '20130116',
+ 'uploader': "Children's Joy Foundation",
+ 'uploader_id': 'thecjf',
+ 'view_count': int,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ # removed video, just testing that we match the pattern
+ 'url': 'http://vk.com/feed?z=video-43215063_166094326%2Fbb50cacd3177146d7a',
+ 'only_matching': True,
+ },
+ {
+ # age restricted video, requires vk account credentials
+ 'url': 'https://vk.com/video205387401_164765225',
+ 'only_matching': True,
+ },
+ {
+ # vk wrapper
+ 'url': 'http://www.biqle.ru/watch/847655_160197695',
+ 'only_matching': True,
+ }