parser.error('invalid max_filesize specified')
opts.max_filesize = numeric_limit
if opts.retries is not None:
- try:
- opts.retries = int(opts.retries)
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- parser.error('invalid retry count specified')
+ if opts.retries in ('inf', 'infinite'):
+ opts_retries = float('inf')
+ else:
+ try:
+ opts_retries = int(opts.retries)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ parser.error('invalid retry count specified')
if opts.buffersize is not None:
numeric_buffersize = FileDownloader.parse_bytes(opts.buffersize)
if numeric_buffersize is None:
'verboseOutput': opts.verbose,
'exec_cmd': opts.exec_cmd,
+ if opts.xattr_set_filesize:
+ try:
+ import xattr
+ xattr # Confuse flake8
+ except ImportError:
+ parser.error('setting filesize xattr requested but python-xattr is not available')
ydl_opts = {
'usenetrc': opts.usenetrc,
'ignoreerrors': opts.ignoreerrors,
'ratelimit': opts.ratelimit,
'nooverwrites': opts.nooverwrites,
- 'retries': opts.retries,
+ 'retries': opts_retries,
'buffersize': opts.buffersize,
'noresizebuffer': opts.noresizebuffer,
'continuedl': opts.continue_dl,
'writeannotations': opts.writeannotations,
'writeinfojson': opts.writeinfojson,
'writethumbnail': opts.writethumbnail,
+ 'write_all_thumbnails': opts.write_all_thumbnails,
'writesubtitles': opts.writesubtitles,
'writeautomaticsub': opts.writeautomaticsub,
'allsubtitles': opts.allsubtitles,
'fixup': opts.fixup,
'source_address': opts.source_address,
'call_home': opts.call_home,
+ 'sleep_interval': opts.sleep_interval,
+ 'external_downloader': opts.external_downloader,
+ 'list_thumbnails': opts.list_thumbnails,
+ 'playlist_items': opts.playlist_items,
+ 'xattr_set_filesize': opts.xattr_set_filesize,
with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
ydl.warn_if_short_id(sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv)
- parser.error('you must provide at least one URL')
+ parser.error(
+ 'You must provide at least one URL.\n'
+ 'Type youtube-dl --help to see a list of all options.')
if opts.load_info_filename is not None: