+def ytdl_is_updateable():
+ """ Returns if youtube-dl can be updated with -U """
+ from zipimport import zipimporter
+ return isinstance(globals().get('__loader__'), zipimporter) or hasattr(sys, 'frozen')
+def args_to_str(args):
+ # Get a short string representation for a subprocess command
+ return ' '.join(shlex_quote(a) for a in args)
+def mimetype2ext(mt):
+ _, _, res = mt.rpartition('/')
+ return {
+ 'x-ms-wmv': 'wmv',
+ 'x-mp4-fragmented': 'mp4',
+ 'ttml+xml': 'ttml',
+ }.get(res, res)
+def urlhandle_detect_ext(url_handle):
+ try:
+ url_handle.headers
+ getheader = lambda h: url_handle.headers[h]
+ except AttributeError: # Python < 3
+ getheader = url_handle.info().getheader
+ cd = getheader('Content-Disposition')
+ if cd:
+ m = re.match(r'attachment;\s*filename="(?P<filename>[^"]+)"', cd)
+ if m:
+ e = determine_ext(m.group('filename'), default_ext=None)
+ if e:
+ return e
+ return mimetype2ext(getheader('Content-Type'))
+def age_restricted(content_limit, age_limit):
+ """ Returns True iff the content should be blocked """
+ if age_limit is None: # No limit set
+ return False
+ if content_limit is None:
+ return False # Content available for everyone
+ return age_limit < content_limit
+def is_html(first_bytes):
+ """ Detect whether a file contains HTML by examining its first bytes. """
+ BOMS = [
+ (b'\xef\xbb\xbf', 'utf-8'),
+ (b'\x00\x00\xfe\xff', 'utf-32-be'),
+ (b'\xff\xfe\x00\x00', 'utf-32-le'),
+ (b'\xff\xfe', 'utf-16-le'),
+ (b'\xfe\xff', 'utf-16-be'),
+ ]
+ for bom, enc in BOMS:
+ if first_bytes.startswith(bom):
+ s = first_bytes[len(bom):].decode(enc, 'replace')
+ break
+ else:
+ s = first_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ return re.match(r'^\s*<', s)
+def determine_protocol(info_dict):
+ protocol = info_dict.get('protocol')
+ if protocol is not None:
+ return protocol
+ url = info_dict['url']
+ if url.startswith('rtmp'):
+ return 'rtmp'
+ elif url.startswith('mms'):
+ return 'mms'
+ elif url.startswith('rtsp'):
+ return 'rtsp'
+ ext = determine_ext(url)
+ if ext == 'm3u8':
+ return 'm3u8'
+ elif ext == 'f4m':
+ return 'f4m'
+ return compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url).scheme
+def render_table(header_row, data):
+ """ Render a list of rows, each as a list of values """
+ table = [header_row] + data
+ max_lens = [max(len(compat_str(v)) for v in col) for col in zip(*table)]
+ format_str = ' '.join('%-' + compat_str(ml + 1) + 's' for ml in max_lens[:-1]) + '%s'
+ return '\n'.join(format_str % tuple(row) for row in table)
+def _match_one(filter_part, dct):
+ '<': operator.lt,
+ '<=': operator.le,
+ '>': operator.gt,
+ '>=': operator.ge,
+ '=': operator.eq,
+ '!=': operator.ne,
+ }
+ operator_rex = re.compile(r'''(?x)\s*
+ (?P<key>[a-z_]+)
+ \s*(?P<op>%s)(?P<none_inclusive>\s*\?)?\s*
+ (?:
+ (?P<intval>[0-9.]+(?:[kKmMgGtTpPeEzZyY]i?[Bb]?)?)|
+ (?P<strval>(?![0-9.])[a-z0-9A-Z]*)
+ )
+ \s*$
+ ''' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, COMPARISON_OPERATORS.keys())))
+ m = operator_rex.search(filter_part)
+ if m:
+ op = COMPARISON_OPERATORS[m.group('op')]
+ if m.group('strval') is not None:
+ if m.group('op') not in ('=', '!='):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Operator %s does not support string values!' % m.group('op'))
+ comparison_value = m.group('strval')
+ else:
+ try:
+ comparison_value = int(m.group('intval'))
+ except ValueError:
+ comparison_value = parse_filesize(m.group('intval'))
+ if comparison_value is None:
+ comparison_value = parse_filesize(m.group('intval') + 'B')
+ if comparison_value is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Invalid integer value %r in filter part %r' % (
+ m.group('intval'), filter_part))
+ actual_value = dct.get(m.group('key'))
+ if actual_value is None:
+ return m.group('none_inclusive')
+ return op(actual_value, comparison_value)
+ '': lambda v: v is not None,
+ '!': lambda v: v is None,
+ }
+ operator_rex = re.compile(r'''(?x)\s*
+ (?P<op>%s)\s*(?P<key>[a-z_]+)
+ \s*$
+ ''' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, UNARY_OPERATORS.keys())))
+ m = operator_rex.search(filter_part)
+ if m:
+ op = UNARY_OPERATORS[m.group('op')]
+ actual_value = dct.get(m.group('key'))
+ return op(actual_value)
+ raise ValueError('Invalid filter part %r' % filter_part)
+def match_str(filter_str, dct):
+ """ Filter a dictionary with a simple string syntax. Returns True (=passes filter) or false """
+ return all(
+ _match_one(filter_part, dct) for filter_part in filter_str.split('&'))
+def match_filter_func(filter_str):
+ def _match_func(info_dict):
+ if match_str(filter_str, info_dict):
+ return None
+ else:
+ video_title = info_dict.get('title', info_dict.get('id', 'video'))
+ return '%s does not pass filter %s, skipping ..' % (video_title, filter_str)
+ return _match_func
+def parse_dfxp_time_expr(time_expr):
+ if not time_expr:
+ return 0.0
+ mobj = re.match(r'^(?P<time_offset>\d+(?:\.\d+)?)s?$', time_expr)
+ if mobj:
+ return float(mobj.group('time_offset'))
+ mobj = re.match(r'^(\d+):(\d\d):(\d\d(?:\.\d+)?)$', time_expr)
+ if mobj:
+ return 3600 * int(mobj.group(1)) + 60 * int(mobj.group(2)) + float(mobj.group(3))
+def srt_subtitles_timecode(seconds):
+ return '%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d' % (seconds / 3600, (seconds % 3600) / 60, seconds % 60, (seconds % 1) * 1000)
+def dfxp2srt(dfxp_data):
+ _x = functools.partial(xpath_with_ns, ns_map={'ttml': 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml'})
+ def parse_node(node):
+ str_or_empty = functools.partial(str_or_none, default='')
+ out = str_or_empty(node.text)
+ for child in node:
+ if child.tag in (_x('ttml:br'), 'br'):
+ out += '\n' + str_or_empty(child.tail)
+ elif child.tag in (_x('ttml:span'), 'span'):
+ out += str_or_empty(parse_node(child))
+ else:
+ out += str_or_empty(xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring(child))
+ return out
+ dfxp = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(dfxp_data.encode('utf-8'))
+ out = []
+ paras = dfxp.findall(_x('.//ttml:p')) or dfxp.findall('.//p')
+ if not paras:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid dfxp/TTML subtitle')
+ for para, index in zip(paras, itertools.count(1)):
+ begin_time = parse_dfxp_time_expr(para.attrib['begin'])
+ end_time = parse_dfxp_time_expr(para.attrib.get('end'))
+ if not end_time:
+ end_time = begin_time + parse_dfxp_time_expr(para.attrib['dur'])
+ out.append('%d\n%s --> %s\n%s\n\n' % (
+ index,
+ srt_subtitles_timecode(begin_time),
+ srt_subtitles_timecode(end_time),
+ parse_node(para)))
+ return ''.join(out)
+class PerRequestProxyHandler(compat_urllib_request.ProxyHandler):
+ def __init__(self, proxies=None):
+ # Set default handlers
+ for type in ('http', 'https'):
+ setattr(self, '%s_open' % type,
+ lambda r, proxy='__noproxy__', type=type, meth=self.proxy_open:
+ meth(r, proxy, type))
+ return compat_urllib_request.ProxyHandler.__init__(self, proxies)
+ def proxy_open(self, req, proxy, type):
+ req_proxy = req.headers.get('Ytdl-request-proxy')
+ if req_proxy is not None:
+ proxy = req_proxy
+ del req.headers['Ytdl-request-proxy']
+ if proxy == '__noproxy__':
+ return None # No Proxy
+ return compat_urllib_request.ProxyHandler.proxy_open(
+ self, req, proxy, type)