- self.to_screen(u'')
- def increment_downloads(self):
- """Increment the ordinal that assigns a number to each file."""
- self._num_downloads += 1
- def prepare_filename(self, info_dict):
- """Generate the output filename."""
- try:
- template_dict = dict(info_dict)
- template_dict['epoch'] = int(time.time())
- autonumber_size = self.params.get('autonumber_size')
- if autonumber_size is None:
- autonumber_size = 5
- autonumber_templ = u'%0' + str(autonumber_size) + u'd'
- template_dict['autonumber'] = autonumber_templ % self._num_downloads
- if template_dict['playlist_index'] is not None:
- template_dict['playlist_index'] = u'%05d' % template_dict['playlist_index']
- sanitize = lambda k,v: sanitize_filename(
- u'NA' if v is None else compat_str(v),
- restricted=self.params.get('restrictfilenames'),
- is_id=(k==u'id'))
- template_dict = dict((k, sanitize(k, v)) for k,v in template_dict.items())
- filename = self.params['outtmpl'] % template_dict
- return filename
- except KeyError as err:
- self.report_error(u'Erroneous output template')
- return None
- except ValueError as err:
- self.report_error(u'Insufficient system charset ' + repr(preferredencoding()))
- return None
- def _match_entry(self, info_dict):
- """ Returns None iff the file should be downloaded """
- title = info_dict['title']
- matchtitle = self.params.get('matchtitle', False)
- if matchtitle:
- if not re.search(matchtitle, title, re.IGNORECASE):
- return u'[download] "' + title + '" title did not match pattern "' + matchtitle + '"'
- rejecttitle = self.params.get('rejecttitle', False)
- if rejecttitle:
- if re.search(rejecttitle, title, re.IGNORECASE):
- return u'"' + title + '" title matched reject pattern "' + rejecttitle + '"'
- date = info_dict.get('upload_date', None)
- if date is not None:
- dateRange = self.params.get('daterange', DateRange())
- if date not in dateRange:
- return u'[download] %s upload date is not in range %s' % (date_from_str(date).isoformat(), dateRange)
- return None
- def extract_info(self, url, download=True, ie_key=None, extra_info={}):
- '''
- Returns a list with a dictionary for each video we find.
- If 'download', also downloads the videos.
- extra_info is a dict containing the extra values to add to each result
- '''
- if ie_key:
- ie = get_info_extractor(ie_key)()
- ie.set_downloader(self)
- ies = [ie]
- else:
- ies = self._ies
- for ie in ies:
- if not ie.suitable(url):
- continue
- if not ie.working():
- self.report_warning(u'The program functionality for this site has been marked as broken, '
- u'and will probably not work.')
- try:
- ie_result = ie.extract(url)
- if ie_result is None: # Finished already (backwards compatibility; listformats and friends should be moved here)
- break
- if isinstance(ie_result, list):
- # Backwards compatibility: old IE result format
- for result in ie_result:
- result.update(extra_info)
- ie_result = {
- '_type': 'compat_list',
- 'entries': ie_result,
- }
- else:
- ie_result.update(extra_info)
- if 'extractor' not in ie_result:
- ie_result['extractor'] = ie.IE_NAME
- return self.process_ie_result(ie_result, download=download)
- except ExtractorError as de: # An error we somewhat expected
- self.report_error(compat_str(de), de.format_traceback())
- break
- except Exception as e:
- if self.params.get('ignoreerrors', False):
- self.report_error(compat_str(e), tb=compat_str(traceback.format_exc()))
- break
- else:
- raise
- else:
- self.report_error(u'no suitable InfoExtractor: %s' % url)
- def process_ie_result(self, ie_result, download=True, extra_info={}):
- """
- Take the result of the ie(may be modified) and resolve all unresolved
- references (URLs, playlist items).
- It will also download the videos if 'download'.
- Returns the resolved ie_result.
- """
- result_type = ie_result.get('_type', 'video') # If not given we suppose it's a video, support the default old system
- if result_type == 'video':
- if 'playlist' not in ie_result:
- # It isn't part of a playlist
- ie_result['playlist'] = None
- ie_result['playlist_index'] = None
- if download:
- self.process_info(ie_result)
- return ie_result
- elif result_type == 'url':
- # We have to add extra_info to the results because it may be
- # contained in a playlist
- return self.extract_info(ie_result['url'],
- download,
- ie_key=ie_result.get('ie_key'),
- extra_info=extra_info)
- elif result_type == 'playlist':
- # We process each entry in the playlist
- playlist = ie_result.get('title', None) or ie_result.get('id', None)
- self.to_screen(u'[download] Downloading playlist: %s' % playlist)
- playlist_results = []
- n_all_entries = len(ie_result['entries'])
- playliststart = self.params.get('playliststart', 1) - 1
- playlistend = self.params.get('playlistend', -1)
- if playlistend == -1:
- entries = ie_result['entries'][playliststart:]
- else:
- entries = ie_result['entries'][playliststart:playlistend]
- n_entries = len(entries)
- self.to_screen(u"[%s] playlist '%s': Collected %d video ids (downloading %d of them)" %
- (ie_result['extractor'], playlist, n_all_entries, n_entries))
- for i,entry in enumerate(entries,1):
- self.to_screen(u'[download] Downloading video #%s of %s' %(i, n_entries))
- extra = {
- 'playlist': playlist,
- 'playlist_index': i + playliststart,
- }
- if not 'extractor' in entry:
- # We set the extractor, if it's an url it will be set then to
- # the new extractor, but if it's already a video we must make
- # sure it's present: see issue #877
- entry['extractor'] = ie_result['extractor']
- entry_result = self.process_ie_result(entry,
- download=download,
- extra_info=extra)
- playlist_results.append(entry_result)
- ie_result['entries'] = playlist_results
- return ie_result
- elif result_type == 'compat_list':
- def _fixup(r):
- r.setdefault('extractor', ie_result['extractor'])
- return r
- ie_result['entries'] = [
- self.process_ie_result(_fixup(r), download=download)
- for r in ie_result['entries']
- ]
- return ie_result
- else:
- raise Exception('Invalid result type: %s' % result_type)
- def process_info(self, info_dict):
- """Process a single resolved IE result."""
- assert info_dict.get('_type', 'video') == 'video'
- #We increment the download the download count here to match the previous behaviour.
- self.increment_downloads()
- info_dict['fulltitle'] = info_dict['title']
- if len(info_dict['title']) > 200:
- info_dict['title'] = info_dict['title'][:197] + u'...'
- # Keep for backwards compatibility
- info_dict['stitle'] = info_dict['title']
- if not 'format' in info_dict:
- info_dict['format'] = info_dict['ext']
- reason = self._match_entry(info_dict)
- if reason is not None:
- self.to_screen(u'[download] ' + reason)
- return
- max_downloads = self.params.get('max_downloads')
- if max_downloads is not None:
- if self._num_downloads > int(max_downloads):
- raise MaxDownloadsReached()
- filename = self.prepare_filename(info_dict)
- # Forced printings
- if self.params.get('forcetitle', False):
- compat_print(info_dict['title'])
- if self.params.get('forceid', False):
- compat_print(info_dict['id'])
- if self.params.get('forceurl', False):
- compat_print(info_dict['url'])
- if self.params.get('forcethumbnail', False) and 'thumbnail' in info_dict:
- compat_print(info_dict['thumbnail'])
- if self.params.get('forcedescription', False) and 'description' in info_dict:
- compat_print(info_dict['description'])
- if self.params.get('forcefilename', False) and filename is not None:
- compat_print(filename)
- if self.params.get('forceformat', False):
- compat_print(info_dict['format'])
- # Do nothing else if in simulate mode
- if self.params.get('simulate', False):
- return
- if filename is None:
- return
+ clear_line = (u'\x1b[K' if sys.stderr.isatty() and os.name != 'nt' else u'')
+ self.to_screen(u'\r%s[download] 100%% of %s in %s' %
+ (clear_line, data_len_str, self.format_seconds(tot_time)))
+ def _download_with_rtmpdump(self, filename, url, player_url, page_url, play_path, tc_url, live):
+ def run_rtmpdump(args):
+ start = time.time()
+ resume_percent = None
+ resume_downloaded_data_len = None
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ cursor_in_new_line = True
+ proc_stderr_closed = False
+ while not proc_stderr_closed:
+ # read line from stderr
+ line = u''
+ while True:
+ char = proc.stderr.read(1)
+ if not char:
+ proc_stderr_closed = True
+ break
+ if char in [b'\r', b'\n']:
+ break
+ line += char.decode('ascii', 'replace')
+ if not line:
+ # proc_stderr_closed is True
+ continue
+ mobj = re.search(r'([0-9]+\.[0-9]{3}) kB / [0-9]+\.[0-9]{2} sec \(([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9])%\)', line)
+ if mobj:
+ downloaded_data_len = int(float(mobj.group(1))*1024)
+ percent = float(mobj.group(2))
+ if not resume_percent:
+ resume_percent = percent
+ resume_downloaded_data_len = downloaded_data_len
+ eta = self.calc_eta(start, time.time(), 100-resume_percent, percent-resume_percent)
+ speed = self.calc_speed(start, time.time(), downloaded_data_len-resume_downloaded_data_len)
+ data_len = None
+ if percent > 0:
+ data_len = int(downloaded_data_len * 100 / percent)
+ data_len_str = u'~' + format_bytes(data_len)
+ self.report_progress(percent, data_len_str, speed, eta)
+ cursor_in_new_line = False
+ self._hook_progress({
+ 'downloaded_bytes': downloaded_data_len,
+ 'total_bytes': data_len,
+ 'tmpfilename': tmpfilename,
+ 'filename': filename,
+ 'status': 'downloading',
+ 'eta': eta,
+ 'speed': speed,
+ })
+ elif self.params.get('verbose', False):
+ if not cursor_in_new_line:
+ self.to_screen(u'')
+ cursor_in_new_line = True
+ self.to_screen(u'[rtmpdump] '+line)
+ proc.wait()
+ if not cursor_in_new_line:
+ self.to_screen(u'')
+ return proc.returncode