+ f = match_filter_func('playlist_id = 42')
+ res = get_videos(f)
+ self.assertEqual(res, ['1'])
+ f = match_filter_func('uploader = "變態妍字幕版 太妍 тест"')
+ res = get_videos(f)
+ self.assertEqual(res, ['1'])
+ f = match_filter_func('uploader != "變態妍字幕版 太妍 тест"')
+ res = get_videos(f)
+ self.assertEqual(res, ['2'])
+ f = match_filter_func('creator = "тест \' 123 \' тест--"')
+ res = get_videos(f)
+ self.assertEqual(res, ['1'])
+ f = match_filter_func("creator = 'тест \\' 123 \\' тест--'")
+ res = get_videos(f)
+ self.assertEqual(res, ['1'])
+ f = match_filter_func(r"creator = 'тест \' 123 \' тест--' & duration > 30")
+ res = get_videos(f)
+ self.assertEqual(res, [])
+ def test_playlist_items_selection(self):
+ entries = [{
+ 'id': compat_str(i),
+ 'title': compat_str(i),
+ 'url': TEST_URL,
+ } for i in range(1, 5)]
+ playlist = {
+ '_type': 'playlist',
+ 'id': 'test',
+ 'entries': entries,
+ 'extractor': 'test:playlist',
+ 'extractor_key': 'test:playlist',
+ 'webpage_url': 'http://example.com',
+ }
+ def get_ids(params):
+ ydl = YDL(params)
+ # make a copy because the dictionary can be modified
+ ydl.process_ie_result(playlist.copy())
+ return [int(v['id']) for v in ydl.downloaded_info_dicts]
+ result = get_ids({})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3, 4])
+ result = get_ids({'playlistend': 10})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3, 4])
+ result = get_ids({'playlistend': 2})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2])
+ result = get_ids({'playliststart': 10})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [])
+ result = get_ids({'playliststart': 2})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [2, 3, 4])
+ result = get_ids({'playlist_items': '2-4'})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [2, 3, 4])
+ result = get_ids({'playlist_items': '2,4'})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [2, 4])
+ result = get_ids({'playlist_items': '10'})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [])
+ result = get_ids({'playlist_items': '3-10'})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [3, 4])
+ result = get_ids({'playlist_items': '2-4,3-4,3'})
+ self.assertEqual(result, [2, 3, 4])
+ def test_urlopen_no_file_protocol(self):
+ # see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/8227
+ ydl = YDL()
+ self.assertRaises(compat_urllib_error.URLError, ydl.urlopen, 'file:///etc/passwd')
+ def test_do_not_override_ie_key_in_url_transparent(self):
+ ydl = YDL()
+ class Foo1IE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'foo1:'
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ return {
+ '_type': 'url_transparent',
+ 'url': 'foo2:',
+ 'ie_key': 'Foo2',
+ 'title': 'foo1 title',
+ 'id': 'foo1_id',
+ }
+ class Foo2IE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'foo2:'
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ return {
+ '_type': 'url',
+ 'url': 'foo3:',
+ 'ie_key': 'Foo3',
+ }
+ class Foo3IE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'foo3:'
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ return _make_result([{'url': TEST_URL}], title='foo3 title')
+ ydl.add_info_extractor(Foo1IE(ydl))
+ ydl.add_info_extractor(Foo2IE(ydl))
+ ydl.add_info_extractor(Foo3IE(ydl))
+ ydl.extract_info('foo1:')
+ downloaded = ydl.downloaded_info_dicts[0]
+ self.assertEqual(downloaded['url'], TEST_URL)
+ self.assertEqual(downloaded['title'], 'foo1 title')
+ self.assertEqual(downloaded['id'], 'testid')
+ self.assertEqual(downloaded['extractor'], 'testex')
+ self.assertEqual(downloaded['extractor_key'], 'TestEx')