+ def extract_info(self, url, download=True, ie_key=None, extra_info={}):
+ '''
+ Returns a list with a dictionary for each video we find.
+ If 'download', also downloads the videos.
+ extra_info is a dict containing the extra values to add to each result
+ '''
+ if ie_key:
+ ie = get_info_extractor(ie_key)()
+ ie.set_downloader(self)
+ ies = [ie]
+ else:
+ ies = self._ies
+ for ie in ies:
+ if not ie.suitable(url):
+ continue
+ if not ie.working():
+ self.report_warning(u'The program functionality for this site has been marked as broken, '
+ u'and will probably not work.')
+ try:
+ ie_result = ie.extract(url)
+ if ie_result is None: # Finished already (backwards compatibility; listformats and friends should be moved here)
+ break
+ if isinstance(ie_result, list):
+ # Backwards compatibility: old IE result format
+ for result in ie_result:
+ result.update(extra_info)
+ ie_result = {
+ '_type': 'compat_list',
+ 'entries': ie_result,
+ }
+ else:
+ ie_result.update(extra_info)
+ if 'extractor' not in ie_result:
+ ie_result['extractor'] = ie.IE_NAME
+ return self.process_ie_result(ie_result, download=download)
+ except ExtractorError as de: # An error we somewhat expected
+ self.report_error(compat_str(de), de.format_traceback())
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ if self.params.get('ignoreerrors', False):
+ self.report_error(compat_str(e), tb=compat_str(traceback.format_exc()))
+ break
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.report_error(u'no suitable InfoExtractor: %s' % url)
+ def process_ie_result(self, ie_result, download=True, extra_info={}):
+ """
+ Take the result of the ie(may be modified) and resolve all unresolved
+ references (URLs, playlist items).
+ It will also download the videos if 'download'.
+ Returns the resolved ie_result.
+ """
+ result_type = ie_result.get('_type', 'video') # If not given we suppose it's a video, support the default old system
+ if result_type == 'video':
+ if 'playlist' not in ie_result:
+ # It isn't part of a playlist
+ ie_result['playlist'] = None
+ ie_result['playlist_index'] = None
+ if download:
+ self.process_info(ie_result)
+ return ie_result
+ elif result_type == 'url':
+ # We have to add extra_info to the results because it may be
+ # contained in a playlist
+ return self.extract_info(ie_result['url'],
+ download,
+ ie_key=ie_result.get('ie_key'),
+ extra_info=extra_info)
+ elif result_type == 'playlist':
+ # We process each entry in the playlist
+ playlist = ie_result.get('title', None) or ie_result.get('id', None)
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] Downloading playlist: %s' % playlist)
+ playlist_results = []
+ n_all_entries = len(ie_result['entries'])
+ playliststart = self.params.get('playliststart', 1) - 1
+ playlistend = self.params.get('playlistend', -1)
+ if playlistend == -1:
+ entries = ie_result['entries'][playliststart:]
+ else:
+ entries = ie_result['entries'][playliststart:playlistend]
+ n_entries = len(entries)
+ self.to_screen(u"[%s] playlist '%s': Collected %d video ids (downloading %d of them)" %
+ (ie_result['extractor'], playlist, n_all_entries, n_entries))
+ for i,entry in enumerate(entries,1):
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] Downloading video #%s of %s' %(i, n_entries))
+ extra = {
+ 'playlist': playlist,
+ 'playlist_index': i + playliststart,
+ }
+ entry_result = self.process_ie_result(entry,
+ download=download,
+ extra_info=extra)
+ playlist_results.append(entry_result)
+ ie_result['entries'] = playlist_results
+ return ie_result
+ elif result_type == 'compat_list':
+ def _fixup(r):
+ r.setdefault('extractor', ie_result['extractor'])
+ return r
+ ie_result['entries'] = [
+ self.process_ie_result(_fixup(r), download=download)
+ for r in ie_result['entries']
+ ]
+ return ie_result
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Invalid result type: %s' % result_type)