- collections = bootstrapped_data['show']['collections']
- collection, video_info = self.find_collection_containing_video(collections, episode_path)
- # Video wasn't found in the collections, let's try `slugged_video`.
- if video_info is None:
- if bootstrapped_data.get('slugged_video', {}).get('slug') == episode_path:
- video_info = bootstrapped_data['slugged_video']
- else:
- raise ExtractorError('Unable to find video info')
- show = bootstrapped_data['show']
- show_title = show['title']
- segment_ids = [clip['videoPlaybackID'] for clip in video_info['clips']]
- episode_id = video_info['id']
- episode_title = video_info['title']
- episode_description = video_info['description']
- episode_duration = video_info.get('duration')
- entries = []
- for part_num, segment_id in enumerate(segment_ids):
- segment_url = 'http://www.adultswim.com/videos/api/v0/assets?id=%s&platform=mobile' % segment_id
- segment_title = '%s - %s' % (show_title, episode_title)
- if len(segment_ids) > 1:
- segment_title += ' Part %d' % (part_num + 1)
- idoc = self._download_xml(
- segment_url, segment_title,
- 'Downloading segment information', 'Unable to download segment information')
- segment_duration = float_or_none(
- xpath_text(idoc, './/trt', 'segment duration').strip())
- formats = []
- file_els = idoc.findall('.//files/file')
- for file_el in file_els:
- bitrate = file_el.attrib.get('bitrate')
- ftype = file_el.attrib.get('type')
- formats.append({
- 'format_id': '%s_%s' % (bitrate, ftype),
- 'url': file_el.text.strip(),
- # The bitrate may not be a number (for example: 'iphone')
- 'tbr': int(bitrate) if bitrate.isdigit() else None,
- 'quality': 1 if ftype == 'hd' else -1
- })
- self._sort_formats(formats)
+ show_data = initial_data['show']
+ if not episode_path:
+ entries = []
+ for video in show_data.get('videos', []):
+ slug = video.get('slug')
+ if not slug:
+ continue
+ entries.append(self.url_result(
+ 'http://adultswim.com/videos/%s/%s' % (show_path, slug),
+ 'AdultSwim', video.get('id')))
+ return self.playlist_result(
+ entries, show_data.get('id'), show_data.get('title'),
+ strip_or_none(show_data.get('metadata', {}).get('description')))
+ video_data = show_data['sluggedVideo']
+ video_id = video_data['id']
+ info = self._extract_cvp_info(
+ 'http://www.adultswim.com/videos/api/v0/assets?platform=desktop&id=' + video_id,
+ video_id, {
+ 'secure': {
+ 'media_src': 'http://androidhls-secure.cdn.turner.com/adultswim/big',
+ 'tokenizer_src': 'http://www.adultswim.com/astv/mvpd/processors/services/token_ipadAdobe.do',
+ },
+ }, {
+ 'url': url,
+ 'site_name': 'AdultSwim',
+ 'auth_required': video_data.get('auth'),
+ })