+ temp_filename = prepend_extension(filename, 'temp')
+ args = ['-c', 'copy', '-map', '0:v:0', '-map', '1:a:0']
+ self._downloader.to_screen('[ffmpeg] Merging formats into "%s"' % filename)
+ self.run_ffmpeg_multiple_files(info['__files_to_merge'], temp_filename, args)
+ os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
+ return info['__files_to_merge'], info
+ def can_merge(self):
+ # TODO: figure out merge-capable ffmpeg version
+ if self.basename != 'avconv':
+ return True
+ required_version = '10-0'
+ if is_outdated_version(
+ self._versions[self.basename], required_version):
+ warning = ('Your copy of %s is outdated and unable to properly mux separate video and audio files, '
+ 'youtube-dl will download single file media. '
+ 'Update %s to version %s or newer to fix this.') % (
+ self.basename, self.basename, required_version)
+ if self._downloader:
+ self._downloader.report_warning(warning)
+ return False
+ return True
+class FFmpegFixupStretchedPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
+ def run(self, info):
+ stretched_ratio = info.get('stretched_ratio')
+ if stretched_ratio is None or stretched_ratio == 1:
+ return [], info
+ filename = info['filepath']
+ temp_filename = prepend_extension(filename, 'temp')
+ options = ['-c', 'copy', '-aspect', '%f' % stretched_ratio]
+ self._downloader.to_screen('[ffmpeg] Fixing aspect ratio in "%s"' % filename)
+ self.run_ffmpeg(filename, temp_filename, options)
+ os.remove(encodeFilename(filename))
+ os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
+ return [], info
+class FFmpegFixupM4aPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
+ def run(self, info):
+ if info.get('container') != 'm4a_dash':
+ return [], info
+ filename = info['filepath']
+ temp_filename = prepend_extension(filename, 'temp')
+ options = ['-c', 'copy', '-f', 'mp4']
+ self._downloader.to_screen('[ffmpeg] Correcting container in "%s"' % filename)
+ self.run_ffmpeg(filename, temp_filename, options)
+ os.remove(encodeFilename(filename))
+ os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
+ return [], info
+class FFmpegFixupM3u8PP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
+ def run(self, info):
+ filename = info['filepath']
+ temp_filename = prepend_extension(filename, 'temp')
+ options = ['-c', 'copy', '-f', 'mp4', '-bsf:a', 'aac_adtstoasc']
+ self._downloader.to_screen('[ffmpeg] Fixing malformated aac bitstream in "%s"' % filename)
+ self.run_ffmpeg(filename, temp_filename, options)
+ os.remove(encodeFilename(filename))
+ os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
+ return [], info
+class FFmpegSubtitlesConvertorPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
+ def __init__(self, downloader=None, format=None):
+ super(FFmpegSubtitlesConvertorPP, self).__init__(downloader)
+ self.format = format
+ def run(self, info):
+ subs = info.get('requested_subtitles')
+ filename = info['filepath']
+ new_ext = self.format
+ new_format = new_ext
+ if new_format == 'vtt':
+ new_format = 'webvtt'
+ if subs is None:
+ self._downloader.to_screen('[ffmpeg] There aren\'t any subtitles to convert')
+ return [], info
+ self._downloader.to_screen('[ffmpeg] Converting subtitles')
+ sub_filenames = []
+ for lang, sub in subs.items():
+ ext = sub['ext']
+ if ext == new_ext:
+ self._downloader.to_screen(
+ '[ffmpeg] Subtitle file for %s is already in the requested'
+ 'format' % new_ext)
+ continue
+ old_file = subtitles_filename(filename, lang, ext)
+ sub_filenames.append(old_file)
+ new_file = subtitles_filename(filename, lang, new_ext)
+ if ext == 'dfxp' or ext == 'ttml' or ext == 'tt':
+ self._downloader.report_warning(
+ 'You have requested to convert dfxp (TTML) subtitles into another format, '
+ 'which results in style information loss')
+ dfxp_file = old_file
+ srt_file = subtitles_filename(filename, lang, 'srt')
+ with io.open(dfxp_file, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ srt_data = dfxp2srt(f.read())
+ with io.open(srt_file, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(srt_data)
+ old_file = srt_file
+ subs[lang] = {
+ 'ext': 'srt',
+ 'data': srt_data
+ }
+ if new_ext == 'srt':
+ continue
+ else:
+ sub_filenames.append(srt_file)
+ self.run_ffmpeg(old_file, new_file, ['-f', new_format])
+ with io.open(new_file, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ subs[lang] = {
+ 'ext': new_ext,
+ 'data': f.read(),
+ }