.B \-\-exec \f[I]CMD\f[]
-Execute a command on the file after downloading, similar to find\[aq]s
-\-exec syntax.
+Execute a command on the file after downloading and post\-processing,
+similar to find\[aq]s \-exec syntax.
Example: \-\-exec \[aq]adb push {} /sdcard/Music/ && rm {}\[aq]
These two error codes indicate that the service is blocking your IP
address because of overuse.
-Contact the service and ask them to unblock your IP address, or \- if
-you have acquired a whitelisted IP address already \- use the
-\f[C]\-\-proxy\f[] or \f[C]\-\-source\-address\f[] options to select
-another IP address.
+Usually this is a soft block meaning that you can gain access again
+after solving CAPTCHA.
+Just open a browser and solve a CAPTCHA the service suggests you and
+after that pass cookies to youtube\-dl.
+Note that if your machine has multiple external IPs then you should also
+pass exactly the same IP you\[aq]ve used for solving CAPTCHA with
+Also you may need to pass a \f[C]User\-Agent\f[] HTTP header of your
+browser with \f[C]\-\-user\-agent\f[].
+If this is not the case (no CAPTCHA suggested to solve by the service)
+then you can contact the service and ask them to unblock your IP
+address, or \- if you have acquired a whitelisted IP address already \-
+use the \f[C]\-\-proxy\f[] or \f[C]\-\-source\-address\f[] options to
+select another IP address.
.SS SyntaxError: Non\-ASCII character
The error
.IP " 8." 4
Make sure your code follows youtube\-dl coding conventions and check the
code with
-flake8 (http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/index.html#quickstart):
+flake8 (https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/index.html#quickstart):
.RS 4