- # The following extraction logic is proposed by @Belderak and @gdkchan
- # and declared to be used freely in youtube-dl
- # See https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/9706
- numbers_js = self._download_webpage(
- 'https://openload.co/assets/js/obfuscator/n.js', video_id,
- note='Downloading signature numbers')
- signums = self._search_regex(
- r'window\.signatureNumbers\s*=\s*[\'"](?P<data>[a-z]+)[\'"]',
- numbers_js, 'signature numbers', group='data')
- linkimg_uri = self._search_regex(
- r'<img[^>]+id="linkimg"[^>]+src="([^"]+)"', webpage, 'link image')
- linkimg = self._request_webpage(
- linkimg_uri, video_id, note=False).read()
- width, height, pixels = decode_png(linkimg)
- output = ''
- for y in range(height):
- for x in range(width):
- r, g, b = pixels[y][3 * x:3 * x + 3]
- if r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0:
- break
- else:
- output += compat_chr(r)
- output += compat_chr(g)
- output += compat_chr(b)
- img_str_length = len(output) // 200
- img_str = [[0 for x in range(img_str_length)] for y in range(10)]
- sig_str_length = len(signums) // 260
- sig_str = [[0 for x in range(sig_str_length)] for y in range(10)]
- for i in range(10):
- for j in range(img_str_length):
- begin = i * img_str_length * 20 + j * 20
- img_str[i][j] = output[begin:begin + 20]
- for j in range(sig_str_length):
- begin = i * sig_str_length * 26 + j * 26
- sig_str[i][j] = signums[begin:begin + 26]
- parts = []
- # TODO: find better names for str_, chr_ and sum_
- str_ = ''
- for i in [2, 3, 5, 7]:
- str_ = ''
- sum_ = float(99)
- for j in range(len(sig_str[i])):
- for chr_idx in range(len(img_str[i][j])):
- if sum_ > float(122):
- sum_ = float(98)
- chr_ = compat_chr(int(math.floor(sum_)))
- if sig_str[i][j][chr_idx] == chr_ and j >= len(str_):
- sum_ += float(2.5)
- str_ += img_str[i][j][chr_idx]
- parts.append(str_.replace(',', ''))
- video_url = 'https://openload.co/stream/%s~%s~%s~%s' % (parts[3], parts[1], parts[2], parts[0])
+ # The following decryption algorithm is written by @yokrysty and
+ # declared to be freely used in youtube-dl
+ # See https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/10408
+ enc_data = self._html_search_regex(
+ r'<span[^>]*>([^<]+)</span>\s*<span[^>]*>[^<]+</span>\s*<span[^>]+id="streamurl"',
+ webpage, 'encrypted data')
+ enc_code = self._html_search_regex(r'<script[^>]+>(゚ω゚[^<]+)</script>',
+ webpage, 'encrypted code')
+ js_code = self.openload_decode(enc_code)
+ jsi = JSInterpreter(js_code)
+ m_offset_fun = self._search_regex(r'slice\(0\s*-\s*(%s)\(\)' % _NAME_RE, js_code, 'javascript offset function')
+ m_diff_fun = self._search_regex(r'charCodeAt\(0\)\s*\+\s*(%s)\(\)' % _NAME_RE, js_code, 'javascript diff function')
+ offset = jsi.call_function(m_offset_fun)
+ diff = jsi.call_function(m_diff_fun)
+ video_url_chars = []
+ for idx, c in enumerate(enc_data):
+ j = compat_ord(c)
+ if j >= 33 and j <= 126:
+ j = ((j + 14) % 94) + 33
+ if idx == len(enc_data) - offset:
+ j += diff
+ video_url_chars += compat_chr(j)
+ video_url = 'https://openload.co/stream/%s?mime=true' % ''.join(video_url_chars)