+ if cipher:
+ if 's' in url_data or self._downloader.params.get('youtube_include_dash_manifest', True):
+ ASSETS_RE = r'"assets":.+?"js":\s*("[^"]+")'
+ jsplayer_url_json = self._search_regex(
+ embed_webpage if age_gate else video_webpage,
+ 'JS player URL (1)', default=None)
+ if not jsplayer_url_json and not age_gate:
+ # We need the embed website after all
+ if embed_webpage is None:
+ embed_url = proto + '://www.youtube.com/embed/%s' % video_id
+ embed_webpage = self._download_webpage(
+ embed_url, video_id, 'Downloading embed webpage')
+ jsplayer_url_json = self._search_regex(
+ ASSETS_RE, embed_webpage, 'JS player URL')
+ player_url = json.loads(jsplayer_url_json)
+ if player_url is None:
+ player_url_json = self._search_regex(
+ r'ytplayer\.config.*?"url"\s*:\s*("[^"]+")',
+ video_webpage, 'age gate player URL')
+ player_url = json.loads(player_url_json)
+ if 'sig' in url_data:
+ url += '&signature=' + url_data['sig'][0]
+ elif 's' in url_data:
+ encrypted_sig = url_data['s'][0]
+ if self._downloader.params.get('verbose'):
+ if player_url is None:
+ player_version = 'unknown'
+ player_desc = 'unknown'
+ else:
+ if player_url.endswith('swf'):
+ player_version = self._search_regex(
+ r'-(.+?)(?:/watch_as3)?\.swf$', player_url,
+ 'flash player', fatal=False)
+ player_desc = 'flash player %s' % player_version
+ else:
+ player_version = self._search_regex(
+ [r'html5player-([^/]+?)(?:/html5player(?:-new)?)?\.js',
+ r'(?:www|player(?:_ias)?)-([^/]+)(?:/[a-z]{2,3}_[A-Z]{2})?/base\.js'],
+ player_url,
+ 'html5 player', fatal=False)
+ player_desc = 'html5 player %s' % player_version
+ parts_sizes = self._signature_cache_id(encrypted_sig)
+ self.to_screen('{%s} signature length %s, %s' %
+ (format_id, parts_sizes, player_desc))
+ signature = self._decrypt_signature(
+ encrypted_sig, video_id, player_url, age_gate)
+ sp = try_get(url_data, lambda x: x['sp'][0], compat_str) or 'signature'
+ url += '&%s=%s' % (sp, signature)
+ if 'ratebypass' not in url:
+ url += '&ratebypass=yes'
+ dct = {
+ 'format_id': format_id,
+ 'url': url,
+ 'player_url': player_url,
+ }
+ if format_id in self._formats:
+ dct.update(self._formats[format_id])
+ if format_id in formats_spec:
+ dct.update(formats_spec[format_id])
+ # Some itags are not included in DASH manifest thus corresponding formats will
+ # lack metadata (see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/pull/5993).
+ # Trying to extract metadata from url_encoded_fmt_stream_map entry.
+ mobj = re.search(r'^(?P<width>\d+)[xX](?P<height>\d+)$', url_data.get('size', [''])[0])
+ width, height = (int(mobj.group('width')), int(mobj.group('height'))) if mobj else (None, None)
+ if width is None:
+ width = int_or_none(fmt.get('width'))
+ if height is None:
+ height = int_or_none(fmt.get('height'))
+ filesize = int_or_none(url_data.get(
+ 'clen', [None])[0]) or _extract_filesize(url)
+ quality = url_data.get('quality', [None])[0] or fmt.get('quality')
+ quality_label = url_data.get('quality_label', [None])[0] or fmt.get('qualityLabel')
+ tbr = (float_or_none(url_data.get('bitrate', [None])[0], 1000)
+ or float_or_none(fmt.get('bitrate'), 1000)) if format_id != '43' else None
+ fps = int_or_none(url_data.get('fps', [None])[0]) or int_or_none(fmt.get('fps'))
+ more_fields = {
+ 'filesize': filesize,
+ 'tbr': tbr,
+ 'width': width,
+ 'height': height,
+ 'fps': fps,
+ 'format_note': quality_label or quality,
+ }
+ for key, value in more_fields.items():
+ if value:
+ dct[key] = value
+ type_ = url_data.get('type', [None])[0] or fmt.get('mimeType')
+ if type_:
+ type_split = type_.split(';')
+ kind_ext = type_split[0].split('/')
+ if len(kind_ext) == 2:
+ kind, _ = kind_ext
+ dct['ext'] = mimetype2ext(type_split[0])
+ if kind in ('audio', 'video'):
+ codecs = None
+ for mobj in re.finditer(
+ r'(?P<key>[a-zA-Z_-]+)=(?P<quote>["\']?)(?P<val>.+?)(?P=quote)(?:;|$)', type_):
+ if mobj.group('key') == 'codecs':
+ codecs = mobj.group('val')
+ break
+ if codecs:
+ dct.update(parse_codecs(codecs))
+ if dct.get('acodec') == 'none' or dct.get('vcodec') == 'none':
+ dct['downloader_options'] = {
+ # Youtube throttles chunks >~10M
+ 'http_chunk_size': 10485760,
+ }
+ formats.append(dct)
+ else:
+ manifest_url = (
+ url_or_none(try_get(
+ player_response,
+ lambda x: x['streamingData']['hlsManifestUrl'],
+ compat_str))
+ or url_or_none(try_get(
+ video_info, lambda x: x['hlsvp'][0], compat_str)))
+ if manifest_url:
+ formats = []
+ m3u8_formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
+ manifest_url, video_id, 'mp4', fatal=False)
+ for a_format in m3u8_formats:
+ itag = self._search_regex(
+ r'/itag/(\d+)/', a_format['url'], 'itag', default=None)
+ if itag:
+ a_format['format_id'] = itag
+ if itag in self._formats:
+ dct = self._formats[itag].copy()
+ dct.update(a_format)
+ a_format = dct
+ a_format['player_url'] = player_url
+ # Accept-Encoding header causes failures in live streams on Youtube and Youtube Gaming
+ a_format.setdefault('http_headers', {})['Youtubedl-no-compression'] = 'True'
+ formats.append(a_format)
+ else:
+ error_message = extract_unavailable_message()
+ if not error_message:
+ error_message = clean_html(try_get(
+ player_response, lambda x: x['playabilityStatus']['reason'],
+ compat_str))
+ if not error_message:
+ error_message = clean_html(
+ try_get(video_info, lambda x: x['reason'][0], compat_str))
+ if error_message:
+ raise ExtractorError(error_message, expected=True)
+ raise ExtractorError('no conn, hlsvp, hlsManifestUrl or url_encoded_fmt_stream_map information found in video info')