- size_q = formats_el.attrib['href']
- size_id = size_q.rpartition('#videos-')[2]
- if size_id not in size_cache:
- size_url = url + size_q
- sizepage_html = self._download_webpage(
- size_url, movie,
- note=u'Downloading size info %s' % size_id,
- errnote=u'Error while downloading size info %s' % size_id,
- )
- _doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(sizepage_html)
- size_cache[size_id] = _doc
- sizepage_doc = size_cache[size_id]
- links = sizepage_doc.findall('.//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}ul/{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}li/{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a')
- for vid_a in links:
- href = vid_a.get('href')
- if not href.endswith(target):
- continue
- detail_q = href.partition('#')[0]
- detail_url = url + '/' + detail_q
- m = re.match(r'includes/(?P<detail_id>[^/]+)/', detail_q)
- detail_id = m.group('detail_id')
- detail_html = self._download_webpage(
- detail_url, movie,
- note=u'Downloading detail %s %s' % (detail_id, size_id),
- errnote=u'Error while downloading detail %s %s' % (detail_id, size_id)
- )
- detail_doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(detail_html)
- movie_link_el = detail_doc.find('.//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a')
- assert movie_link_el.get('class') == 'movieLink'
- movie_link = movie_link_el.get('href').partition('?')[0].replace('_', '_h')
- ext = determine_ext(movie_link)
- assert ext == 'mov'
- formats.append({
- 'format': format_code,
- 'ext': ext,
- 'url': movie_link,
- })
- info = {
+ formats = []
+ for format in settings['metadata']['sizes']:
+ # The src is a file pointing to the real video file
+ format_url = re.sub(r'_(\d*p.mov)', r'_h\1', format['src'])
+ formats.append({
+ 'url': format_url,
+ 'format': format['type'],
+ 'width': format['width'],
+ 'height': int(format['height']),
+ })
+ self._sort_formats(formats)
+ playlist.append({