- self._report_progress_status(
- ('100%% of %s in %s' %
- (data_len_str, self.format_seconds(tot_time))),
- is_last_line=True)
+ s['_speed_str'] = 'Unknown speed'
+ if s.get('total_bytes') is not None:
+ s['_total_bytes_str'] = format_bytes(s['total_bytes'])
+ msg_template = '%(_percent_str)s of %(_total_bytes_str)s at %(_speed_str)s ETA %(_eta_str)s'
+ elif s.get('total_bytes_estimate') is not None:
+ s['_total_bytes_estimate_str'] = format_bytes(s['total_bytes_estimate'])
+ msg_template = '%(_percent_str)s of ~%(_total_bytes_estimate_str)s at %(_speed_str)s ETA %(_eta_str)s'
+ else:
+ if s.get('downloaded_bytes') is not None:
+ s['_downloaded_bytes_str'] = format_bytes(s['downloaded_bytes'])
+ if s.get('elapsed'):
+ s['_elapsed_str'] = self.format_seconds(s['elapsed'])
+ msg_template = '%(_downloaded_bytes_str)s at %(_speed_str)s (%(_elapsed_str)s)'
+ else:
+ msg_template = '%(_downloaded_bytes_str)s at %(_speed_str)s'
+ else:
+ msg_template = '%(_percent_str)s % at %(_speed_str)s ETA %(_eta_str)s'
+ self._report_progress_status(msg_template % s)