- searched_idx = multinames.index(TARGET_CLASSNAME)
- searched_class_id = None
- class_count = u30()
- for class_id in range(class_count):
- name_idx = u30()
- if name_idx == searched_idx:
- # We found the class we're looking for!
- searched_class_id = class_id
- u30() # super_name idx
- flags = read_byte()
- if flags & 0x08 != 0: # Protected namespace is present
- u30() # protected_ns_idx
- intrf_count = u30()
- for _c2 in range(intrf_count):
- u30()
- u30() # iinit
- trait_count = u30()
- for _c2 in range(trait_count):
- parse_traits_info()
- if searched_class_id is None:
- raise ExtractorError(u'Target class %r not found' %
- method_names = {}
- method_idxs = {}
- for class_id in range(class_count):
- u30() # cinit
- trait_count = u30()
- for _c2 in range(trait_count):
- trait_methods = parse_traits_info()
- if class_id == searched_class_id:
- method_names.update(trait_methods.items())
- method_idxs.update(dict(
- (idx, name)
- for name, idx in trait_methods.items()))
- # Scripts
- script_count = u30()
- for _c in range(script_count):
- u30() # init
- trait_count = u30()
- for _c2 in range(trait_count):
- parse_traits_info()
- # Method bodies
- method_body_count = u30()
- Method = collections.namedtuple('Method', ['code', 'local_count'])
- methods = {}
- for _c in range(method_body_count):
- method_idx = u30()
- u30() # max_stack
- local_count = u30()
- u30() # init_scope_depth
- u30() # max_scope_depth
- code_length = u30()
- code = read_bytes(code_length)
- if method_idx in method_idxs:
- m = Method(code, local_count)
- methods[method_idxs[method_idx]] = m
- exception_count = u30()
- for _c2 in range(exception_count):
- u30() # from
- u30() # to
- u30() # target
- u30() # exc_type
- u30() # var_name
- trait_count = u30()
- for _c2 in range(trait_count):
- parse_traits_info()
- assert p + code_reader.tell() == len(code_tag)
- assert len(methods) == len(method_idxs)
- method_pyfunctions = {}
- def extract_function(func_name):
- if func_name in method_pyfunctions:
- return method_pyfunctions[func_name]
- if func_name not in methods:
- raise ExtractorError(u'Cannot find function %r' % func_name)
- m = methods[func_name]
- def resfunc(args):
- registers = ['(this)'] + list(args) + [None] * m.local_count
- stack = []
- coder = io.BytesIO(m.code)
- while True:
- opcode = struct.unpack('!B', coder.read(1))[0]
- if opcode == 36: # pushbyte
- v = struct.unpack('!B', coder.read(1))[0]
- stack.append(v)
- elif opcode == 44: # pushstring
- idx = u30(coder)
- stack.append(constant_strings[idx])
- elif opcode == 48: # pushscope
- # We don't implement the scope register, so we'll just
- # ignore the popped value
- stack.pop()
- elif opcode == 70: # callproperty
- index = u30(coder)
- mname = multinames[index]
- arg_count = u30(coder)
- args = list(reversed(
- [stack.pop() for _ in range(arg_count)]))
- obj = stack.pop()
- if mname == u'split':
- assert len(args) == 1
- assert isinstance(args[0], compat_str)
- assert isinstance(obj, compat_str)
- if args[0] == u'':
- res = list(obj)
- else:
- res = obj.split(args[0])
- stack.append(res)
- elif mname == u'slice':
- assert len(args) == 1
- assert isinstance(args[0], int)
- assert isinstance(obj, list)
- res = obj[args[0]:]
- stack.append(res)
- elif mname == u'join':
- assert len(args) == 1
- assert isinstance(args[0], compat_str)
- assert isinstance(obj, list)
- res = args[0].join(obj)
- stack.append(res)
- elif mname in method_pyfunctions:
- stack.append(method_pyfunctions[mname](args))
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- u'Unsupported property %r on %r'
- % (mname, obj))
- elif opcode == 72: # returnvalue
- res = stack.pop()
- return res
- elif opcode == 79: # callpropvoid
- index = u30(coder)
- mname = multinames[index]
- arg_count = u30(coder)
- args = list(reversed(
- [stack.pop() for _ in range(arg_count)]))
- obj = stack.pop()
- if mname == u'reverse':
- assert isinstance(obj, list)
- obj.reverse()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- u'Unsupported (void) property %r on %r'
- % (mname, obj))
- elif opcode == 93: # findpropstrict
- index = u30(coder)
- mname = multinames[index]
- res = extract_function(mname)
- stack.append(res)
- elif opcode == 97: # setproperty
- index = u30(coder)
- value = stack.pop()
- idx = stack.pop()
- obj = stack.pop()
- assert isinstance(obj, list)
- assert isinstance(idx, int)
- obj[idx] = value
- elif opcode == 98: # getlocal
- index = u30(coder)
- stack.append(registers[index])
- elif opcode == 99: # setlocal
- index = u30(coder)
- value = stack.pop()
- registers[index] = value
- elif opcode == 102: # getproperty
- index = u30(coder)
- pname = multinames[index]
- if pname == u'length':
- obj = stack.pop()
- assert isinstance(obj, list)
- stack.append(len(obj))
- else: # Assume attribute access
- idx = stack.pop()
- assert isinstance(idx, int)
- obj = stack.pop()
- assert isinstance(obj, list)
- stack.append(obj[idx])
- elif opcode == 128: # coerce
- u30(coder)
- elif opcode == 133: # coerce_s
- assert isinstance(stack[-1], (type(None), compat_str))
- elif opcode == 164: # modulo
- value2 = stack.pop()
- value1 = stack.pop()
- res = value1 % value2
- stack.append(res)
- elif opcode == 208: # getlocal_0
- stack.append(registers[0])
- elif opcode == 209: # getlocal_1
- stack.append(registers[1])
- elif opcode == 210: # getlocal_2
- stack.append(registers[2])
- elif opcode == 211: # getlocal_3
- stack.append(registers[3])
- elif opcode == 214: # setlocal_2
- registers[2] = stack.pop()
- elif opcode == 215: # setlocal_3
- registers[3] = stack.pop()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- u'Unsupported opcode %d' % opcode)
- method_pyfunctions[func_name] = resfunc
- return resfunc
- initial_function = extract_function(u'decipher')