+class FileDownloader(object):
+ """File Downloader class.
+ File downloader objects are the ones responsible of downloading the
+ actual video file and writing it to disk if the user has requested
+ it, among some other tasks. In most cases there should be one per
+ program. As, given a video URL, the downloader doesn't know how to
+ extract all the needed information, task that InfoExtractors do, it
+ has to pass the URL to one of them.
+ For this, file downloader objects have a method that allows
+ InfoExtractors to be registered in a given order. When it is passed
+ a URL, the file downloader handles it to the first InfoExtractor it
+ finds that reports being able to handle it. The InfoExtractor extracts
+ all the information about the video or videos the URL refers to, and
+ asks the FileDownloader to process the video information, possibly
+ downloading the video.
+ File downloaders accept a lot of parameters. In order not to saturate
+ the object constructor with arguments, it receives a dictionary of
+ options instead. These options are available through the params
+ attribute for the InfoExtractors to use. The FileDownloader also
+ registers itself as the downloader in charge for the InfoExtractors
+ that are added to it, so this is a "mutual registration".
+ Available options:
+ username: Username for authentication purposes.
+ password: Password for authentication purposes.
+ usenetrc: Use netrc for authentication instead.
+ quiet: Do not print messages to stdout.
+ forceurl: Force printing final URL.
+ forcetitle: Force printing title.
+ forcethumbnail: Force printing thumbnail URL.
+ forcedescription: Force printing description.
+ forcefilename: Force printing final filename.
+ simulate: Do not download the video files.
+ format: Video format code.
+ format_limit: Highest quality format to try.
+ outtmpl: Template for output names.
+ ignoreerrors: Do not stop on download errors.
+ ratelimit: Download speed limit, in bytes/sec.
+ nooverwrites: Prevent overwriting files.
+ retries: Number of times to retry for HTTP error 5xx
+ continuedl: Try to continue downloads if possible.
+ noprogress: Do not print the progress bar.
+ playliststart: Playlist item to start at.
+ playlistend: Playlist item to end at.
+ logtostderr: Log messages to stderr instead of stdout.
+ consoletitle: Display progress in console window's titlebar.
+ nopart: Do not use temporary .part files.
+ updatetime: Use the Last-modified header to set output file timestamps.
+ """
+ params = None
+ _ies = []
+ _pps = []
+ _download_retcode = None
+ _num_downloads = None
+ _screen_file = None
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ """Create a FileDownloader object with the given options."""
+ self._ies = []
+ self._pps = []
+ self._download_retcode = 0
+ self._num_downloads = 0
+ self._screen_file = [sys.stdout, sys.stderr][params.get('logtostderr', False)]
+ self.params = params
+ @staticmethod
+ def pmkdir(filename):
+ """Create directory components in filename. Similar to Unix "mkdir -p"."""
+ components = filename.split(os.sep)
+ aggregate = [os.sep.join(components[0:x]) for x in xrange(1, len(components))]
+ aggregate = ['%s%s' % (x, os.sep) for x in aggregate] # Finish names with separator
+ for dir in aggregate:
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.mkdir(dir)
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_bytes(bytes):
+ if bytes is None:
+ return 'N/A'
+ if type(bytes) is str:
+ bytes = float(bytes)
+ if bytes == 0.0:
+ exponent = 0
+ else:
+ exponent = long(math.log(bytes, 1024.0))
+ suffix = 'bkMGTPEZY'[exponent]
+ converted = float(bytes) / float(1024**exponent)
+ return '%.2f%s' % (converted, suffix)
+ @staticmethod
+ def calc_percent(byte_counter, data_len):
+ if data_len is None:
+ return '---.-%'
+ return '%6s' % ('%3.1f%%' % (float(byte_counter) / float(data_len) * 100.0))
+ @staticmethod
+ def calc_eta(start, now, total, current):
+ if total is None:
+ return '--:--'
+ dif = now - start
+ if current == 0 or dif < 0.001: # One millisecond
+ return '--:--'
+ rate = float(current) / dif
+ eta = long((float(total) - float(current)) / rate)
+ (eta_mins, eta_secs) = divmod(eta, 60)
+ if eta_mins > 99:
+ return '--:--'
+ return '%02d:%02d' % (eta_mins, eta_secs)
+ @staticmethod
+ def calc_speed(start, now, bytes):
+ dif = now - start
+ if bytes == 0 or dif < 0.001: # One millisecond
+ return '%10s' % '---b/s'
+ return '%10s' % ('%s/s' % FileDownloader.format_bytes(float(bytes) / dif))
+ @staticmethod
+ def best_block_size(elapsed_time, bytes):
+ new_min = max(bytes / 2.0, 1.0)
+ new_max = min(max(bytes * 2.0, 1.0), 4194304) # Do not surpass 4 MB
+ if elapsed_time < 0.001:
+ return long(new_max)
+ rate = bytes / elapsed_time
+ if rate > new_max:
+ return long(new_max)
+ if rate < new_min:
+ return long(new_min)
+ return long(rate)
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_bytes(bytestr):
+ """Parse a string indicating a byte quantity into a long integer."""
+ matchobj = re.match(r'(?i)^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([kMGTPEZY]?)$', bytestr)
+ if matchobj is None:
+ return None
+ number = float(matchobj.group(1))
+ multiplier = 1024.0 ** 'bkmgtpezy'.index(matchobj.group(2).lower())
+ return long(round(number * multiplier))
+ def add_info_extractor(self, ie):
+ """Add an InfoExtractor object to the end of the list."""
+ self._ies.append(ie)
+ ie.set_downloader(self)
+ def add_post_processor(self, pp):
+ """Add a PostProcessor object to the end of the chain."""
+ self._pps.append(pp)
+ pp.set_downloader(self)
+ def to_screen(self, message, skip_eol=False, ignore_encoding_errors=False):
+ """Print message to stdout if not in quiet mode."""
+ try:
+ if not self.params.get('quiet', False):
+ terminator = [u'\n', u''][skip_eol]
+ print >>self._screen_file, (u'%s%s' % (message, terminator)).encode(preferredencoding()),
+ self._screen_file.flush()
+ except (UnicodeEncodeError), err:
+ if not ignore_encoding_errors:
+ raise
+ def to_stderr(self, message):
+ """Print message to stderr."""
+ print >>sys.stderr, message.encode(preferredencoding())
+ def to_cons_title(self, message):
+ """Set console/terminal window title to message."""
+ if not self.params.get('consoletitle', False):
+ return
+ if os.name == 'nt' and ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow():
+ # c_wchar_p() might not be necessary if `message` is
+ # already of type unicode()
+ ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(message))
+ elif 'TERM' in os.environ:
+ sys.stderr.write('\033]0;%s\007' % message.encode(preferredencoding()))
+ def fixed_template(self):
+ """Checks if the output template is fixed."""
+ return (re.search(ur'(?u)%\(.+?\)s', self.params['outtmpl']) is None)
+ def trouble(self, message=None):
+ """Determine action to take when a download problem appears.
+ Depending on if the downloader has been configured to ignore
+ download errors or not, this method may throw an exception or
+ not when errors are found, after printing the message.
+ """
+ if message is not None:
+ self.to_stderr(message)
+ if not self.params.get('ignoreerrors', False):
+ raise DownloadError(message)
+ self._download_retcode = 1
+ def slow_down(self, start_time, byte_counter):
+ """Sleep if the download speed is over the rate limit."""
+ rate_limit = self.params.get('ratelimit', None)
+ if rate_limit is None or byte_counter == 0:
+ return
+ now = time.time()
+ elapsed = now - start_time
+ if elapsed <= 0.0:
+ return
+ speed = float(byte_counter) / elapsed
+ if speed > rate_limit:
+ time.sleep((byte_counter - rate_limit * (now - start_time)) / rate_limit)
+ def temp_name(self, filename):
+ """Returns a temporary filename for the given filename."""
+ if self.params.get('nopart', False) or filename == u'-' or \
+ (os.path.exists(filename) and not os.path.isfile(filename)):
+ return filename
+ return filename + u'.part'
+ def undo_temp_name(self, filename):
+ if filename.endswith(u'.part'):
+ return filename[:-len(u'.part')]
+ return filename
+ def try_rename(self, old_filename, new_filename):
+ try:
+ if old_filename == new_filename:
+ return
+ os.rename(old_filename, new_filename)
+ except (IOError, OSError), err:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to rename file')
+ def try_utime(self, filename, last_modified_hdr):
+ """Try to set the last-modified time of the given file."""
+ if last_modified_hdr is None:
+ return
+ if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ return
+ timestr = last_modified_hdr
+ if timestr is None:
+ return
+ filetime = timeconvert(timestr)
+ if filetime is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ os.utime(filename,(time.time(), filetime))
+ except:
+ pass
+ def report_destination(self, filename):
+ """Report destination filename."""
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] Destination: %s' % filename, ignore_encoding_errors=True)
+ def report_progress(self, percent_str, data_len_str, speed_str, eta_str):
+ """Report download progress."""
+ if self.params.get('noprogress', False):
+ return
+ self.to_screen(u'\r[download] %s of %s at %s ETA %s' %
+ (percent_str, data_len_str, speed_str, eta_str), skip_eol=True)
+ self.to_cons_title(u'youtube-dl - %s of %s at %s ETA %s' %
+ (percent_str.strip(), data_len_str.strip(), speed_str.strip(), eta_str.strip()))
+ def report_resuming_byte(self, resume_len):
+ """Report attempt to resume at given byte."""
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] Resuming download at byte %s' % resume_len)
+ def report_retry(self, count, retries):
+ """Report retry in case of HTTP error 5xx"""
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] Got server HTTP error. Retrying (attempt %d of %d)...' % (count, retries))
+ def report_file_already_downloaded(self, file_name):
+ """Report file has already been fully downloaded."""
+ try:
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] %s has already been downloaded' % file_name)
+ except (UnicodeEncodeError), err:
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] The file has already been downloaded')
+ def report_unable_to_resume(self):
+ """Report it was impossible to resume download."""
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] Unable to resume')
+ def report_finish(self):
+ """Report download finished."""
+ if self.params.get('noprogress', False):
+ self.to_screen(u'[download] Download completed')
+ else:
+ self.to_screen(u'')
+ def increment_downloads(self):
+ """Increment the ordinal that assigns a number to each file."""
+ self._num_downloads += 1
+ def prepare_filename(self, info_dict):
+ """Generate the output filename."""
+ try:
+ template_dict = dict(info_dict)
+ template_dict['epoch'] = unicode(long(time.time()))
+ template_dict['autonumber'] = unicode('%05d' % self._num_downloads)
+ filename = self.params['outtmpl'] % template_dict
+ return filename
+ except (ValueError, KeyError), err:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: invalid system charset or erroneous output template')
+ return None
+ def process_info(self, info_dict):
+ """Process a single dictionary returned by an InfoExtractor."""
+ filename = self.prepare_filename(info_dict)
+ # Do nothing else if in simulate mode
+ if self.params.get('simulate', False):
+ # Forced printings
+ if self.params.get('forcetitle', False):
+ print info_dict['title'].encode(preferredencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+ if self.params.get('forceurl', False):
+ print info_dict['url'].encode(preferredencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+ if self.params.get('forcethumbnail', False) and 'thumbnail' in info_dict:
+ print info_dict['thumbnail'].encode(preferredencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+ if self.params.get('forcedescription', False) and 'description' in info_dict:
+ print info_dict['description'].encode(preferredencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+ if self.params.get('forcefilename', False) and filename is not None:
+ print filename.encode(preferredencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+ return
+ if filename is None:
+ return
+ if self.params.get('nooverwrites', False) and os.path.exists(filename):
+ self.to_stderr(u'WARNING: file exists and will be skipped')
+ return
+ try:
+ self.pmkdir(filename)
+ except (OSError, IOError), err:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to create directories: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ try:
+ success = self._do_download(filename, info_dict['url'].encode('utf-8'), info_dict.get('player_url', None))
+ except (OSError, IOError), err:
+ raise UnavailableVideoError
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to download video data: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ except (ContentTooShortError, ), err:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: content too short (expected %s bytes and served %s)' % (err.expected, err.downloaded))
+ return
+ if success:
+ try:
+ self.post_process(filename, info_dict)
+ except (PostProcessingError), err:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: postprocessing: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ def download(self, url_list):
+ """Download a given list of URLs."""
+ if len(url_list) > 1 and self.fixed_template():
+ raise SameFileError(self.params['outtmpl'])
+ for url in url_list:
+ suitable_found = False
+ for ie in self._ies:
+ # Go to next InfoExtractor if not suitable
+ if not ie.suitable(url):
+ continue
+ # Suitable InfoExtractor found
+ suitable_found = True
+ # Extract information from URL and process it
+ ie.extract(url)
+ # Suitable InfoExtractor had been found; go to next URL
+ break
+ if not suitable_found:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: no suitable InfoExtractor: %s' % url)
+ return self._download_retcode
+ def post_process(self, filename, ie_info):
+ """Run the postprocessing chain on the given file."""
+ info = dict(ie_info)
+ info['filepath'] = filename
+ for pp in self._pps:
+ info = pp.run(info)
+ if info is None:
+ break
+ def _download_with_rtmpdump(self, filename, url, player_url):
+ self.report_destination(filename)
+ tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
+ # Check for rtmpdump first
+ try:
+ subprocess.call(['rtmpdump', '-h'], stdout=(file(os.path.devnull, 'w')), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: RTMP download detected but "rtmpdump" could not be run')
+ return False
+ # Download using rtmpdump. rtmpdump returns exit code 2 when
+ # the connection was interrumpted and resuming appears to be
+ # possible. This is part of rtmpdump's normal usage, AFAIK.
+ basic_args = ['rtmpdump', '-q'] + [[], ['-W', player_url]][player_url is not None] + ['-r', url, '-o', tmpfilename]
+ retval = subprocess.call(basic_args + [[], ['-e', '-k', '1']][self.params.get('continuedl', False)])
+ while retval == 2 or retval == 1:
+ prevsize = os.path.getsize(tmpfilename)
+ self.to_screen(u'\r[rtmpdump] %s bytes' % prevsize, skip_eol=True)
+ time.sleep(5.0) # This seems to be needed
+ retval = subprocess.call(basic_args + ['-e'] + [[], ['-k', '1']][retval == 1])
+ cursize = os.path.getsize(tmpfilename)
+ if prevsize == cursize and retval == 1:
+ break
+ if retval == 0:
+ self.to_screen(u'\r[rtmpdump] %s bytes' % os.path.getsize(tmpfilename))
+ self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.trouble(u'\nERROR: rtmpdump exited with code %d' % retval)
+ return False
+ def _do_download(self, filename, url, player_url):
+ # Check file already present
+ if self.params.get('continuedl', False) and os.path.isfile(filename) and not self.params.get('nopart', False):
+ self.report_file_already_downloaded(filename)
+ return True
+ # Attempt to download using rtmpdump
+ if url.startswith('rtmp'):
+ return self._download_with_rtmpdump(filename, url, player_url)
+ tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
+ stream = None
+ open_mode = 'wb'
+ # Do not include the Accept-Encoding header
+ headers = {'Youtubedl-no-compression': 'True'}
+ basic_request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
+ request = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
+ # Establish possible resume length
+ if os.path.isfile(tmpfilename):
+ resume_len = os.path.getsize(tmpfilename)
+ else:
+ resume_len = 0
+ # Request parameters in case of being able to resume
+ if self.params.get('continuedl', False) and resume_len != 0:
+ self.report_resuming_byte(resume_len)
+ request.add_header('Range','bytes=%d-' % resume_len)
+ open_mode = 'ab'
+ count = 0
+ retries = self.params.get('retries', 0)
+ while count <= retries:
+ # Establish connection
+ try:
+ data = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+ break
+ except (urllib2.HTTPError, ), err:
+ if (err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600) and err.code != 416:
+ # Unexpected HTTP error
+ raise
+ elif err.code == 416:
+ # Unable to resume (requested range not satisfiable)
+ try:
+ # Open the connection again without the range header
+ data = urllib2.urlopen(basic_request)
+ content_length = data.info()['Content-Length']
+ except (urllib2.HTTPError, ), err:
+ if err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600:
+ raise
+ else:
+ # Examine the reported length
+ if (content_length is not None and
+ (resume_len - 100 < long(content_length) < resume_len + 100)):
+ # The file had already been fully downloaded.
+ # Explanation to the above condition: in issue #175 it was revealed that
+ # YouTube sometimes adds or removes a few bytes from the end of the file,
+ # changing the file size slightly and causing problems for some users. So
+ # I decided to implement a suggested change and consider the file
+ # completely downloaded if the file size differs less than 100 bytes from
+ # the one in the hard drive.
+ self.report_file_already_downloaded(filename)
+ self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
+ return True
+ else:
+ # The length does not match, we start the download over
+ self.report_unable_to_resume()
+ open_mode = 'wb'
+ break
+ # Retry
+ count += 1
+ if count <= retries:
+ self.report_retry(count, retries)
+ if count > retries:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: giving up after %s retries' % retries)
+ return False
+ data_len = data.info().get('Content-length', None)
+ if data_len is not None:
+ data_len = long(data_len) + resume_len
+ data_len_str = self.format_bytes(data_len)
+ byte_counter = 0 + resume_len
+ block_size = 1024
+ start = time.time()
+ while True:
+ # Download and write
+ before = time.time()
+ data_block = data.read(block_size)
+ after = time.time()
+ if len(data_block) == 0:
+ break
+ byte_counter += len(data_block)
+ # Open file just in time
+ if stream is None:
+ try:
+ (stream, tmpfilename) = sanitize_open(tmpfilename, open_mode)
+ filename = self.undo_temp_name(tmpfilename)
+ self.report_destination(filename)
+ except (OSError, IOError), err:
+ self.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to open for writing: %s' % str(err))
+ return False
+ try:
+ stream.write(data_block)
+ except (IOError, OSError), err:
+ self.trouble(u'\nERROR: unable to write data: %s' % str(err))
+ return False
+ block_size = self.best_block_size(after - before, len(data_block))
+ # Progress message
+ percent_str = self.calc_percent(byte_counter, data_len)
+ eta_str = self.calc_eta(start, time.time(), data_len - resume_len, byte_counter - resume_len)
+ speed_str = self.calc_speed(start, time.time(), byte_counter - resume_len)
+ self.report_progress(percent_str, data_len_str, speed_str, eta_str)
+ # Apply rate limit
+ self.slow_down(start, byte_counter - resume_len)
+ stream.close()
+ self.report_finish()
+ if data_len is not None and byte_counter != data_len:
+ raise ContentTooShortError(byte_counter, long(data_len))
+ self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
+ # Update file modification time
+ if self.params.get('updatetime', True):
+ self.try_utime(filename, data.info().get('last-modified', None))
+ return True
+class InfoExtractor(object):
+ """Information Extractor class.
+ Information extractors are the classes that, given a URL, extract
+ information from the video (or videos) the URL refers to. This
+ information includes the real video URL, the video title and simplified
+ title, author and others. The information is stored in a dictionary
+ which is then passed to the FileDownloader. The FileDownloader
+ processes this information possibly downloading the video to the file
+ system, among other possible outcomes. The dictionaries must include
+ the following fields:
+ id: Video identifier.
+ url: Final video URL.
+ uploader: Nickname of the video uploader.
+ title: Literal title.
+ stitle: Simplified title.
+ ext: Video filename extension.
+ format: Video format.
+ player_url: SWF Player URL (may be None).
+ The following fields are optional. Their primary purpose is to allow
+ youtube-dl to serve as the backend for a video search function, such
+ as the one in youtube2mp3. They are only used when their respective
+ forced printing functions are called:
+ thumbnail: Full URL to a video thumbnail image.
+ description: One-line video description.
+ Subclasses of this one should re-define the _real_initialize() and
+ _real_extract() methods, as well as the suitable() static method.
+ Probably, they should also be instantiated and added to the main
+ downloader.
+ """
+ _ready = False
+ _downloader = None
+ def __init__(self, downloader=None):
+ """Constructor. Receives an optional downloader."""
+ self._ready = False
+ self.set_downloader(downloader)
+ @staticmethod
+ def suitable(url):
+ """Receives a URL and returns True if suitable for this IE."""
+ return False
+ def initialize(self):
+ """Initializes an instance (authentication, etc)."""
+ if not self._ready:
+ self._real_initialize()
+ self._ready = True
+ def extract(self, url):
+ """Extracts URL information and returns it in list of dicts."""
+ self.initialize()
+ return self._real_extract(url)
+ def set_downloader(self, downloader):
+ """Sets the downloader for this IE."""
+ self._downloader = downloader
+ def _real_initialize(self):
+ """Real initialization process. Redefine in subclasses."""
+ pass
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ """Real extraction process. Redefine in subclasses."""
+ pass
+class YoutubeIE(InfoExtractor):
+ """Information extractor for youtube.com."""
+ _VALID_URL = r'^((?:https?://)?(?:youtu\.be/|(?:\w+\.)?youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/)(?:(?:(?:v|embed)/)|(?:(?:watch(?:_popup)?(?:\.php)?)?(?:\?|#!?)(?:.+&)?v=)))?([0-9A-Za-z_-]+)(?(1).+)?$'
+ _LANG_URL = r'http://www.youtube.com/?hl=en&persist_hl=1&gl=US&persist_gl=1&opt_out_ackd=1'
+ _LOGIN_URL = 'https://www.youtube.com/signup?next=/&gl=US&hl=en'
+ _AGE_URL = 'http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/&gl=US&hl=en'
+ _NETRC_MACHINE = 'youtube'
+ # Listed in order of quality
+ _available_formats = ['38', '37', '22', '45', '35', '34', '43', '18', '6', '5', '17', '13']
+ _video_extensions = {
+ '13': '3gp',
+ '17': 'mp4',
+ '18': 'mp4',
+ '22': 'mp4',
+ '37': 'mp4',
+ '38': 'video', # You actually don't know if this will be MOV, AVI or whatever
+ '43': 'webm',
+ '45': 'webm',
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def suitable(url):
+ return (re.match(YoutubeIE._VALID_URL, url) is not None)
+ def report_lang(self):
+ """Report attempt to set language."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] Setting language')
+ def report_login(self):
+ """Report attempt to log in."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] Logging in')
+ def report_age_confirmation(self):
+ """Report attempt to confirm age."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] Confirming age')
+ def report_video_webpage_download(self, video_id):
+ """Report attempt to download video webpage."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] %s: Downloading video webpage' % video_id)
+ def report_video_info_webpage_download(self, video_id):
+ """Report attempt to download video info webpage."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] %s: Downloading video info webpage' % video_id)
+ def report_information_extraction(self, video_id):
+ """Report attempt to extract video information."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] %s: Extracting video information' % video_id)
+ def report_unavailable_format(self, video_id, format):
+ """Report extracted video URL."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] %s: Format %s not available' % (video_id, format))
+ def report_rtmp_download(self):
+ """Indicate the download will use the RTMP protocol."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] RTMP download detected')
+ def _real_initialize(self):
+ if self._downloader is None:
+ return
+ username = None
+ password = None
+ downloader_params = self._downloader.params
+ # Attempt to use provided username and password or .netrc data
+ if downloader_params.get('username', None) is not None:
+ username = downloader_params['username']
+ password = downloader_params['password']
+ elif downloader_params.get('usenetrc', False):
+ try:
+ info = netrc.netrc().authenticators(self._NETRC_MACHINE)
+ if info is not None:
+ username = info[0]
+ password = info[2]
+ else:
+ raise netrc.NetrcParseError('No authenticators for %s' % self._NETRC_MACHINE)
+ except (IOError, netrc.NetrcParseError), err:
+ self._downloader.to_stderr(u'WARNING: parsing .netrc: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ # Set language
+ request = urllib2.Request(self._LANG_URL)
+ try:
+ self.report_lang()
+ urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.to_stderr(u'WARNING: unable to set language: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ # No authentication to be performed
+ if username is None:
+ return
+ # Log in
+ login_form = {
+ 'current_form': 'loginForm',
+ 'next': '/',
+ 'action_login': 'Log In',
+ 'username': username,
+ 'password': password,
+ }
+ request = urllib2.Request(self._LOGIN_URL, urllib.urlencode(login_form))
+ try:
+ self.report_login()
+ login_results = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ if re.search(r'(?i)<form[^>]* name="loginForm"', login_results) is not None:
+ self._downloader.to_stderr(u'WARNING: unable to log in: bad username or password')
+ return
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.to_stderr(u'WARNING: unable to log in: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ # Confirm age
+ age_form = {
+ 'next_url': '/',
+ 'action_confirm': 'Confirm',
+ }
+ request = urllib2.Request(self._AGE_URL, urllib.urlencode(age_form))
+ try:
+ self.report_age_confirmation()
+ age_results = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to confirm age: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ # Extract video id from URL
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: invalid URL: %s' % url)
+ return
+ video_id = mobj.group(2)
+ # Get video webpage
+ self.report_video_webpage_download(video_id)
+ request = urllib2.Request('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s&gl=US&hl=en&has_verified=1' % video_id)
+ try:
+ video_webpage = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to download video webpage: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ # Attempt to extract SWF player URL
+ mobj = re.search(r'swfConfig.*?"(http:\\/\\/.*?watch.*?-.*?\.swf)"', video_webpage)
+ if mobj is not None:
+ player_url = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', mobj.group(1))
+ else:
+ player_url = None
+ # Get video info
+ self.report_video_info_webpage_download(video_id)
+ for el_type in ['&el=embedded', '&el=detailpage', '&el=vevo', '']:
+ video_info_url = ('http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?&video_id=%s%s&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en'
+ % (video_id, el_type))
+ request = urllib2.Request(video_info_url)
+ try:
+ video_info_webpage = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ video_info = parse_qs(video_info_webpage)
+ if 'token' in video_info:
+ break
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to download video info webpage: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ if 'token' not in video_info:
+ if 'reason' in video_info:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: YouTube said: %s' % video_info['reason'][0].decode('utf-8'))
+ else:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: "token" parameter not in video info for unknown reason')
+ return
+ # Start extracting information
+ self.report_information_extraction(video_id)
+ # uploader
+ if 'author' not in video_info:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract uploader nickname')
+ return
+ video_uploader = urllib.unquote_plus(video_info['author'][0])
+ # title
+ if 'title' not in video_info:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract video title')
+ return
+ video_title = urllib.unquote_plus(video_info['title'][0])
+ video_title = video_title.decode('utf-8')
+ video_title = sanitize_title(video_title)
+ # simplified title
+ simple_title = re.sub(ur'(?u)([^%s]+)' % simple_title_chars, ur'_', video_title)
+ simple_title = simple_title.strip(ur'_')
+ # thumbnail image
+ if 'thumbnail_url' not in video_info:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'WARNING: unable to extract video thumbnail')
+ video_thumbnail = ''
+ else: # don't panic if we can't find it
+ video_thumbnail = urllib.unquote_plus(video_info['thumbnail_url'][0])
+ # upload date
+ upload_date = u'NA'
+ mobj = re.search(r'id="eow-date".*?>(.*?)</span>', video_webpage, re.DOTALL)
+ if mobj is not None:
+ upload_date = ' '.join(re.sub(r'[/,-]', r' ', mobj.group(1)).split())
+ format_expressions = ['%d %B %Y', '%B %d %Y']
+ for expression in format_expressions:
+ try:
+ upload_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(upload_date, expression).strftime('%Y%m%d')
+ except:
+ pass
+ # description
+ video_description = 'No description available.'
+ if self._downloader.params.get('forcedescription', False):
+ mobj = re.search(r'<meta name="description" content="(.*)"(?:\s*/)?>', video_webpage)
+ if mobj is not None:
+ video_description = mobj.group(1)
+ # token
+ video_token = urllib.unquote_plus(video_info['token'][0])
+ # Decide which formats to download
+ req_format = self._downloader.params.get('format', None)
+ if 'fmt_url_map' in video_info:
+ url_map = dict(tuple(pair.split('|')) for pair in video_info['fmt_url_map'][0].split(','))
+ format_limit = self._downloader.params.get('format_limit', None)
+ if format_limit is not None and format_limit in self._available_formats:
+ format_list = self._available_formats[self._available_formats.index(format_limit):]
+ else:
+ format_list = self._available_formats
+ existing_formats = [x for x in format_list if x in url_map]
+ if len(existing_formats) == 0:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: no known formats available for video')
+ return
+ if req_format is None:
+ video_url_list = [(existing_formats[0], url_map[existing_formats[0]])] # Best quality
+ elif req_format == '-1':
+ video_url_list = [(f, url_map[f]) for f in existing_formats] # All formats
+ else:
+ # Specific format
+ if req_format not in url_map:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: requested format not available')
+ return
+ video_url_list = [(req_format, url_map[req_format])] # Specific format
+ elif 'conn' in video_info and video_info['conn'][0].startswith('rtmp'):
+ self.report_rtmp_download()
+ video_url_list = [(None, video_info['conn'][0])]
+ else:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: no fmt_url_map or conn information found in video info')
+ return
+ for format_param, video_real_url in video_url_list:
+ # At this point we have a new video
+ self._downloader.increment_downloads()
+ # Extension
+ video_extension = self._video_extensions.get(format_param, 'flv')
+ # Find the video URL in fmt_url_map or conn paramters
+ try:
+ # Process video information
+ self._downloader.process_info({
+ 'id': video_id.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'url': video_real_url.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'uploader': video_uploader.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'upload_date': upload_date,
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'stitle': simple_title,
+ 'ext': video_extension.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'format': (format_param is None and u'NA' or format_param.decode('utf-8')),
+ 'thumbnail': video_thumbnail.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'description': video_description.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'player_url': player_url,
+ })
+ except UnavailableVideoError, err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'\nERROR: unable to download video')
+class MetacafeIE(InfoExtractor):
+ """Information Extractor for metacafe.com."""
+ _VALID_URL = r'(?:http://)?(?:www\.)?metacafe\.com/watch/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/.*'
+ _DISCLAIMER = 'http://www.metacafe.com/family_filter/'
+ _FILTER_POST = 'http://www.metacafe.com/f/index.php?inputType=filter&controllerGroup=user'
+ _youtube_ie = None
+ def __init__(self, youtube_ie, downloader=None):
+ InfoExtractor.__init__(self, downloader)
+ self._youtube_ie = youtube_ie
+ @staticmethod
+ def suitable(url):
+ return (re.match(MetacafeIE._VALID_URL, url) is not None)
+ def report_disclaimer(self):
+ """Report disclaimer retrieval."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[metacafe] Retrieving disclaimer')
+ def report_age_confirmation(self):
+ """Report attempt to confirm age."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[metacafe] Confirming age')
+ def report_download_webpage(self, video_id):
+ """Report webpage download."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[metacafe] %s: Downloading webpage' % video_id)
+ def report_extraction(self, video_id):
+ """Report information extraction."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[metacafe] %s: Extracting information' % video_id)
+ def _real_initialize(self):
+ # Retrieve disclaimer
+ request = urllib2.Request(self._DISCLAIMER)
+ try:
+ self.report_disclaimer()
+ disclaimer = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to retrieve disclaimer: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ # Confirm age
+ disclaimer_form = {
+ 'filters': '0',
+ 'submit': "Continue - I'm over 18",
+ }
+ request = urllib2.Request(self._FILTER_POST, urllib.urlencode(disclaimer_form))
+ try:
+ self.report_age_confirmation()
+ disclaimer = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to confirm age: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ # Extract id and simplified title from URL
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: invalid URL: %s' % url)
+ return
+ video_id = mobj.group(1)
+ # Check if video comes from YouTube
+ mobj2 = re.match(r'^yt-(.*)$', video_id)
+ if mobj2 is not None:
+ self._youtube_ie.extract('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s' % mobj2.group(1))
+ return
+ # At this point we have a new video
+ self._downloader.increment_downloads()
+ simple_title = mobj.group(2).decode('utf-8')
+ # Retrieve video webpage to extract further information
+ request = urllib2.Request('http://www.metacafe.com/watch/%s/' % video_id)
+ try:
+ self.report_download_webpage(video_id)
+ webpage = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable retrieve video webpage: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ # Extract URL, uploader and title from webpage
+ self.report_extraction(video_id)
+ mobj = re.search(r'(?m)&mediaURL=([^&]+)', webpage)
+ if mobj is not None:
+ mediaURL = urllib.unquote(mobj.group(1))
+ video_extension = mediaURL[-3:]
+ # Extract gdaKey if available
+ mobj = re.search(r'(?m)&gdaKey=(.*?)&', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ video_url = mediaURL
+ else:
+ gdaKey = mobj.group(1)
+ video_url = '%s?__gda__=%s' % (mediaURL, gdaKey)
+ else:
+ mobj = re.search(r' name="flashvars" value="(.*?)"', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract media URL')
+ return
+ vardict = parse_qs(mobj.group(1))
+ if 'mediaData' not in vardict:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract media URL')
+ return
+ mobj = re.search(r'"mediaURL":"(http.*?)","key":"(.*?)"', vardict['mediaData'][0])
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract media URL')
+ return
+ mediaURL = mobj.group(1).replace('\\/', '/')
+ video_extension = mediaURL[-3:]
+ video_url = '%s?__gda__=%s' % (mediaURL, mobj.group(2))
+ mobj = re.search(r'(?im)<title>(.*) - Video</title>', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract title')
+ return
+ video_title = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
+ video_title = sanitize_title(video_title)
+ mobj = re.search(r'(?ms)By:\s*<a .*?>(.+?)<', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract uploader nickname')
+ return
+ video_uploader = mobj.group(1)
+ try:
+ # Process video information
+ self._downloader.process_info({
+ 'id': video_id.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'url': video_url.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'uploader': video_uploader.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'upload_date': u'NA',
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'stitle': simple_title,
+ 'ext': video_extension.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'format': u'NA',
+ 'player_url': None,
+ })
+ except UnavailableVideoError:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'\nERROR: unable to download video')
+class DailymotionIE(InfoExtractor):
+ """Information Extractor for Dailymotion"""
+ _VALID_URL = r'(?i)(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?dailymotion\.[a-z]{2,3}/video/([^_/]+)_([^/]+)'
+ def __init__(self, downloader=None):
+ InfoExtractor.__init__(self, downloader)
+ @staticmethod
+ def suitable(url):
+ return (re.match(DailymotionIE._VALID_URL, url) is not None)
+ def report_download_webpage(self, video_id):
+ """Report webpage download."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[dailymotion] %s: Downloading webpage' % video_id)
+ def report_extraction(self, video_id):
+ """Report information extraction."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[dailymotion] %s: Extracting information' % video_id)
+ def _real_initialize(self):
+ return
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ # Extract id and simplified title from URL
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: invalid URL: %s' % url)
+ return
+ # At this point we have a new video
+ self._downloader.increment_downloads()
+ video_id = mobj.group(1)
+ simple_title = mobj.group(2).decode('utf-8')
+ video_extension = 'flv'
+ # Retrieve video webpage to extract further information
+ request = urllib2.Request(url)
+ try:
+ self.report_download_webpage(video_id)
+ webpage = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+ except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable retrieve video webpage: %s' % str(err))
+ return
+ # Extract URL, uploader and title from webpage
+ self.report_extraction(video_id)
+ mobj = re.search(r'(?i)addVariable\(\"video\"\s*,\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\)', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract media URL')
+ return
+ mediaURL = urllib.unquote(mobj.group(1))
+ # if needed add http://www.dailymotion.com/ if relative URL
+ video_url = mediaURL
+ # '<meta\s+name="title"\s+content="Dailymotion\s*[:\-]\s*(.*?)"\s*\/\s*>'
+ mobj = re.search(r'(?im)<title>Dailymotion\s*[\-:]\s*(.+?)</title>', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract title')
+ return
+ video_title = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
+ video_title = sanitize_title(video_title)
+ mobj = re.search(r'(?im)<Attribute name="owner">(.+?)</Attribute>', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract uploader nickname')
+ return
+ video_uploader = mobj.group(1)
+ try:
+ # Process video information
+ self._downloader.process_info({
+ 'id': video_id.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'url': video_url.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'uploader': video_uploader.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'upload_date': u'NA',
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'stitle': simple_title,
+ 'ext': video_extension.decode('utf-8'),
+ 'format': u'NA',
+ 'player_url': None,
+ })
+ except UnavailableVideoError:
+ self._downloader.trouble(u'\nERROR: unable to download video')
+class GoogleIE(InfoExtractor):
+ """Information extractor for video.google.com."""
+ _VALID_URL = r'(?:http://)?video\.google\.(?:com(?:\.au)?|co\.(?:uk|jp|kr|cr)|ca|de|es|fr|it|nl|pl)/videoplay\?docid=([^\&]+).*'
+ def __init__(self, downloader=None):
+ InfoExtractor.__init__(self, downloader)
+ @staticmethod
+ def suitable(url):
+ return (re.match(GoogleIE._VALID_URL, url) is not None)
+ def report_download_webpage(self, video_id):
+ """Report webpage download."""
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[video.google] %s: Downloading webpage' % video_id)