-import json
-import math
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import base64
+import itertools
import random
import re
+import string
import time
from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..compat import (
+ compat_ord,
+ compat_str,
+ compat_urllib_parse_urlencode,
from ..utils import (
+ get_element_by_attribute,
+ try_get,
class YoukuIE(InfoExtractor):
- _VALID_URL = r'(?:http://)?v\.youku\.com/v_show/id_(?P<ID>[A-Za-z0-9]+)\.html'
- def _gen_sid(self):
- nowTime = int(time.time() * 1000)
- random1 = random.randint(1000,1998)
- random2 = random.randint(1000,9999)
- return "%d%d%d" %(nowTime,random1,random2)
- def _get_file_ID_mix_string(self, seed):
- mixed = []
- source = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/\:._-1234567890")
- seed = float(seed)
- for i in range(len(source)):
- seed = (seed * 211 + 30031 ) % 65536
- index = math.floor(seed / 65536 * len(source) )
- mixed.append(source[int(index)])
- source.remove(source[int(index)])
- #return ''.join(mixed)
- return mixed
- def _get_file_id(self, fileId, seed):
- mixed = self._get_file_ID_mix_string(seed)
- ids = fileId.split('*')
- realId = []
- for ch in ids:
- if ch:
- realId.append(mixed[int(ch)])
- return ''.join(realId)
+ IE_NAME = 'youku'
+ IE_DESC = '优酷'
+ _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
+ (?:
+ http://(?:v|player)\.youku\.com/(?:v_show/id_|player\.php/sid/)|
+ youku:)
+ (?P<id>[A-Za-z0-9]+)(?:\.html|/v\.swf|)
+ '''
+ _TESTS = [{
+ # MD5 is unstable
+ 'url': 'http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc1ODE5Njcy.html',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'XMTc1ODE5Njcy_part1',
+ 'title': '★Smile﹗♡ Git Fresh -Booty Music舞蹈.',
+ 'ext': 'flv'
+ }
+ }, {
+ 'url': 'http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDgyMDQ2NTQw/v.swf',
+ 'only_matching': True,
+ }, {
+ 'url': 'http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODgxNjg1Mzk2_ev_1.html',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'XODgxNjg1Mzk2',
+ 'title': '武媚娘传奇 85',
+ },
+ 'playlist_count': 11,
+ 'skip': 'Available in China only',
+ }, {
+ 'url': 'http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI1OTczNDM5Mg==.html',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'XMTI1OTczNDM5Mg',
+ 'title': '花千骨 04',
+ },
+ 'playlist_count': 13,
+ }, {
+ 'url': 'http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjA1NzA2Njgw.html',
+ 'note': 'Video protected with password',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'XNjA1NzA2Njgw',
+ 'title': '邢義田复旦讲座之想象中的胡人—从“左衽孔子”说起',
+ },
+ 'playlist_count': 19,
+ 'params': {
+ 'videopassword': '100600',
+ },
+ }, {
+ # /play/get.json contains streams with "channel_type":"tail"
+ 'url': 'http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTUxMzg4NDMy.html',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'XOTUxMzg4NDMy',
+ 'title': '我的世界☆明月庄主☆车震猎杀☆杀人艺术Minecraft',
+ },
+ 'playlist_count': 6,
+ }]
+ def construct_video_urls(self, data):
+ # get sid, token
+ def yk_t(s1, s2):
+ ls = list(range(256))
+ t = 0
+ for i in range(256):
+ t = (t + ls[i] + compat_ord(s1[i % len(s1)])) % 256
+ ls[i], ls[t] = ls[t], ls[i]
+ s = bytearray()
+ x, y = 0, 0
+ for i in range(len(s2)):
+ y = (y + 1) % 256
+ x = (x + ls[y]) % 256
+ ls[x], ls[y] = ls[y], ls[x]
+ s.append(compat_ord(s2[i]) ^ ls[(ls[x] + ls[y]) % 256])
+ return bytes(s)
+ sid, token = yk_t(
+ b'becaf9be', base64.b64decode(data['security']['encrypt_string'].encode('ascii'))
+ ).decode('ascii').split('_')
+ # get oip
+ oip = data['security']['ip']
+ fileid_dict = {}
+ for stream in data['stream']:
+ if stream.get('channel_type') == 'tail':
+ continue
+ format = stream.get('stream_type')
+ fileid = try_get(
+ stream, lambda x: x['segs'][0]['fileid'],
+ compat_str) or stream['stream_fileid']
+ fileid_dict[format] = fileid
+ def get_fileid(format, n):
+ number = hex(int(str(n), 10))[2:].upper()
+ if len(number) == 1:
+ number = '0' + number
+ streamfileids = fileid_dict[format]
+ fileid = streamfileids[0:8] + number + streamfileids[10:]
+ return fileid
+ # get ep
+ def generate_ep(format, n):
+ fileid = get_fileid(format, n)
+ ep_t = yk_t(
+ b'bf7e5f01',
+ ('%s_%s_%s' % (sid, fileid, token)).encode('ascii')
+ )
+ ep = base64.b64encode(ep_t).decode('ascii')
+ return ep
+ # generate video_urls
+ video_urls_dict = {}
+ for stream in data['stream']:
+ if stream.get('channel_type') == 'tail':
+ continue
+ format = stream.get('stream_type')
+ video_urls = []
+ for dt in stream['segs']:
+ n = str(stream['segs'].index(dt))
+ param = {
+ 'K': dt['key'],
+ 'hd': self.get_hd(format),
+ 'myp': 0,
+ 'ypp': 0,
+ 'ctype': 12,
+ 'ev': 1,
+ 'token': token,
+ 'oip': oip,
+ 'ep': generate_ep(format, n)
+ }
+ video_url = \
+ 'http://k.youku.com/player/getFlvPath/' + \
+ 'sid/' + sid + \
+ '_00' + \
+ '/st/' + self.parse_ext_l(format) + \
+ '/fileid/' + get_fileid(format, n) + '?' + \
+ compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(param)
+ video_urls.append(video_url)
+ video_urls_dict[format] = video_urls
+ return video_urls_dict
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_ysuid():
+ return '%d%s' % (int(time.time()), ''.join([
+ random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(3)]))
+ def get_hd(self, fm):
+ hd_id_dict = {
+ '3gp': '0',
+ '3gphd': '1',
+ 'flv': '0',
+ 'flvhd': '0',
+ 'mp4': '1',
+ 'mp4hd': '1',
+ 'mp4hd2': '1',
+ 'mp4hd3': '1',
+ 'hd2': '2',
+ 'hd3': '3',
+ }
+ return hd_id_dict[fm]
+ def parse_ext_l(self, fm):
+ ext_dict = {
+ '3gp': 'flv',
+ '3gphd': 'mp4',
+ 'flv': 'flv',
+ 'flvhd': 'flv',
+ 'mp4': 'mp4',
+ 'mp4hd': 'mp4',
+ 'mp4hd2': 'flv',
+ 'mp4hd3': 'flv',
+ 'hd2': 'flv',
+ 'hd3': 'flv',
+ }
+ return ext_dict[fm]
+ def get_format_name(self, fm):
+ _dict = {
+ '3gp': 'h6',
+ '3gphd': 'h5',
+ 'flv': 'h4',
+ 'flvhd': 'h4',
+ 'mp4': 'h3',
+ 'mp4hd': 'h3',
+ 'mp4hd2': 'h4',
+ 'mp4hd3': 'h4',
+ 'hd2': 'h2',
+ 'hd3': 'h1',
+ }
+ return _dict[fm]
def _real_extract(self, url):
- mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
- if mobj is None:
- raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid URL: %s' % url)
- video_id = mobj.group('ID')
- info_url = 'http://v.youku.com/player/getPlayList/VideoIDS/' + video_id
- jsondata = self._download_webpage(info_url, video_id)
- self.report_extraction(video_id)
- try:
- config = json.loads(jsondata)
- video_title = config['data'][0]['title']
- seed = config['data'][0]['seed']
- format = self._downloader.params.get('format', None)
- supported_format = list(config['data'][0]['streamfileids'].keys())
- if format is None or format == 'best':
- if 'hd2' in supported_format:
- format = 'hd2'
- else:
- format = 'flv'
- ext = u'flv'
- elif format == 'worst':
- format = 'mp4'
- ext = u'mp4'
+ video_id = self._match_id(url)
+ self._set_cookie('youku.com', '__ysuid', self.get_ysuid())
+ def retrieve_data(req_url, note):
+ headers = {
+ 'Referer': req_url,
+ }
+ headers.update(self.geo_verification_headers())
+ self._set_cookie('youku.com', 'xreferrer', 'http://www.youku.com')
+ raw_data = self._download_json(req_url, video_id, note=note, headers=headers)
+ return raw_data['data']
+ video_password = self._downloader.params.get('videopassword')
+ # request basic data
+ basic_data_url = 'http://play.youku.com/play/get.json?vid=%s&ct=12' % video_id
+ if video_password:
+ basic_data_url += '&pwd=%s' % video_password
+ data = retrieve_data(basic_data_url, 'Downloading JSON metadata')
+ error = data.get('error')
+ if error:
+ error_note = error.get('note')
+ if error_note is not None and '因版权原因无法观看此视频' in error_note:
+ raise ExtractorError(
+ 'Youku said: Sorry, this video is available in China only', expected=True)
+ elif error_note and '该视频被设为私密' in error_note:
+ raise ExtractorError(
+ 'Youku said: Sorry, this video is private', expected=True)
- format = 'flv'
- ext = u'flv'
+ msg = 'Youku server reported error %i' % error.get('code')
+ if error_note is not None:
+ msg += ': ' + error_note
+ raise ExtractorError(msg)
+ # get video title
+ title = data['video']['title']
- fileid = config['data'][0]['streamfileids'][format]
- keys = [s['k'] for s in config['data'][0]['segs'][format]]
- except (UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError, KeyError):
- raise ExtractorError(u'Unable to extract info section')
+ # generate video_urls_dict
+ video_urls_dict = self.construct_video_urls(data)
- files_info=[]
- sid = self._gen_sid()
- fileid = self._get_file_id(fileid, seed)
+ # construct info
+ entries = [{
+ 'id': '%s_part%d' % (video_id, i + 1),
+ 'title': title,
+ 'formats': [],
+ # some formats are not available for all parts, we have to detect
+ # which one has all
+ } for i in range(max(len(v.get('segs')) for v in data['stream']))]
+ for stream in data['stream']:
+ if stream.get('channel_type') == 'tail':
+ continue
+ fm = stream.get('stream_type')
+ video_urls = video_urls_dict[fm]
+ for video_url, seg, entry in zip(video_urls, stream['segs'], entries):
+ entry['formats'].append({
+ 'url': video_url,
+ 'format_id': self.get_format_name(fm),
+ 'ext': self.parse_ext_l(fm),
+ 'filesize': int(seg['size']),
+ 'width': stream.get('width'),
+ 'height': stream.get('height'),
+ })
- #column 8,9 of fileid represent the segment number
- #fileid[7:9] should be changed
- for index, key in enumerate(keys):
+ return {
+ '_type': 'multi_video',
+ 'id': video_id,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'entries': entries,
+ }
- temp_fileid = '%s%02X%s' % (fileid[0:8], index, fileid[10:])
- download_url = 'http://f.youku.com/player/getFlvPath/sid/%s_%02X/st/flv/fileid/%s?k=%s' % (sid, index, temp_fileid, key)
- info = {
- 'id': '%s_part%02d' % (video_id, index),
- 'url': download_url,
- 'uploader': None,
- 'upload_date': None,
- 'title': video_title,
- 'ext': ext,
- }
- files_info.append(info)
+class YoukuShowIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?youku\.com/show_page/id_(?P<id>[0-9a-z]+)\.html'
+ IE_NAME = 'youku:show'
+ _TEST = {
+ 'url': 'http://www.youku.com/show_page/id_zc7c670be07ff11e48b3f.html',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'zc7c670be07ff11e48b3f',
+ 'title': '花千骨 未删减版',
+ 'description': 'md5:578d4f2145ae3f9128d9d4d863312910',
+ },
+ 'playlist_count': 50,
+ }
+ _PAGE_SIZE = 40
+ def _find_videos_in_page(self, webpage):
+ videos = re.findall(
+ r'<li><a[^>]+href="(?P<url>https?://v\.youku\.com/[^"]+)"[^>]+title="(?P<title>[^"]+)"', webpage)
+ return [
+ self.url_result(video_url, YoukuIE.ie_key(), title)
+ for video_url, title in videos]
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ show_id = self._match_id(url)
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, show_id)
+ entries = self._find_videos_in_page(webpage)
+ playlist_title = self._html_search_regex(
+ r'<span[^>]+class="name">([^<]+)</span>', webpage, 'playlist title', fatal=False)
+ detail_div = get_element_by_attribute('class', 'detail', webpage) or ''
+ playlist_description = self._html_search_regex(
+ r'<span[^>]+style="display:none"[^>]*>([^<]+)</span>',
+ detail_div, 'playlist description', fatal=False)
+ for idx in itertools.count(1):
+ episodes_page = self._download_webpage(
+ 'http://www.youku.com/show_episode/id_%s.html' % show_id,
+ show_id, query={'divid': 'reload_%d' % (idx * self._PAGE_SIZE + 1)},
+ note='Downloading episodes page %d' % idx)
+ new_entries = self._find_videos_in_page(episodes_page)
+ entries.extend(new_entries)
+ if len(new_entries) < self._PAGE_SIZE:
+ break
- return files_info
+ return self.playlist_result(entries, show_id, playlist_title, playlist_description)