if [ ! -f "updates_key.pem" ]; then echo 'ERROR: updates_key.pem missing'; exit 1; fi
/bin/echo -e "\n### First of all, testing..."
-make cleanall
+make clean
if $skip_tests ; then
/bin/echo -e "\n### Changing version in version.py..."
sed -i "s/__version__ = '.*'/__version__ = '$version'/" youtube_dl/version.py
-/bin/echo -e "\n### Committing README.md and youtube_dl/version.py..."
-make README.md
-git add README.md youtube_dl/version.py
+/bin/echo -e "\n### Committing documentation and youtube_dl/version.py..."
+make README.md CONTRIBUTING.md supportedsites
+git add README.md CONTRIBUTING.md docs/supportedsites.md youtube_dl/version.py
git commit -m "release $version"
/bin/echo -e "\n### Now tagging, signing and pushing..."
(cd build/$version/ && sha1sum $RELEASE_FILES > SHA1SUMS)
(cd build/$version/ && sha256sum $RELEASE_FILES > SHA2-256SUMS)
(cd build/$version/ && sha512sum $RELEASE_FILES > SHA2-512SUMS)
-git checkout HEAD -- youtube-dl youtube-dl.exe
/bin/echo -e "\n### Signing and uploading the new binaries to yt-dl.org ..."
for f in $RELEASE_FILES; do gpg --passphrase-repeat 5 --detach-sig "build/$version/$f"; done