complete --command youtube-dl --long-option metadata-from-title --description 'Parse additional metadata like song title / artist from the video title. The format syntax is the same as --output. Regular expression with named capture groups may also be used. The parsed parameters replace existing values. Example: --metadata-from-title "%(artist)s - %(title)s" matches a title like "Coldplay - Paradise". Example (regex): --metadata-from-title "(?P<artist>.+?) - (?P<title>.+)"'
complete --command youtube-dl --long-option xattrs --description 'Write metadata to the video file'"'"'s xattrs (using dublin core and xdg standards)'
complete --command youtube-dl --long-option fixup --description 'Automatically correct known faults of the file. One of never (do nothing), warn (only emit a warning), detect_or_warn (the default; fix file if we can, warn otherwise)'
-complete --command youtube-dl --long-option prefer-avconv --description 'Prefer avconv over ffmpeg for running the postprocessors (default)'
-complete --command youtube-dl --long-option prefer-ffmpeg --description 'Prefer ffmpeg over avconv for running the postprocessors'
+complete --command youtube-dl --long-option prefer-avconv --description 'Prefer avconv over ffmpeg for running the postprocessors'
+complete --command youtube-dl --long-option prefer-ffmpeg --description 'Prefer ffmpeg over avconv for running the postprocessors (default)'
complete --command youtube-dl --long-option ffmpeg-location --description 'Location of the ffmpeg/avconv binary; either the path to the binary or its containing directory.'
complete --command youtube-dl --long-option exec --description 'Execute a command on the file after downloading, similar to find'"'"'s -exec syntax. Example: --exec '"'"'adb push {} /sdcard/Music/ && rm {}'"'"''
complete --command youtube-dl --long-option convert-subs --description 'Convert the subtitles to other format (currently supported: srt|ass|vtt|lrc)'