- for f in info_dict['requested_formats']:
- new_info = dict(info_dict)
- new_info.update(f)
- fname = self.prepare_filename(new_info)
- fname = prepend_extension(fname, 'f%s' % f['format_id'])
- downloaded.append(fname)
- partial_success = dl(fname, new_info)
- success = success and partial_success
- info_dict['__postprocessors'] = postprocessors
- info_dict['__files_to_merge'] = downloaded
+ def compatible_formats(formats):
+ video, audio = formats
+ # Check extension
+ video_ext, audio_ext = audio.get('ext'), video.get('ext')
+ if video_ext and audio_ext:
+ ('mp3', 'mp4', 'm4a', 'm4p', 'm4b', 'm4r', 'm4v'),
+ ('webm')
+ )
+ for exts in COMPATIBLE_EXTS:
+ if video_ext in exts and audio_ext in exts:
+ return True
+ # TODO: Check acodec/vcodec
+ return False
+ filename_real_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]
+ filename_wo_ext = (
+ os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+ if filename_real_ext == info_dict['ext']
+ else filename)
+ requested_formats = info_dict['requested_formats']
+ if self.params.get('merge_output_format') is None and not compatible_formats(requested_formats):
+ info_dict['ext'] = 'mkv'
+ self.report_warning('You have requested formats incompatible for merge. '
+ 'The formats will be merged into mkv')
+ # Ensure filename always has a correct extension for successful merge
+ filename = '%s.%s' % (filename_wo_ext, info_dict['ext'])
+ if os.path.exists(encodeFilename(filename)):
+ self.to_screen(
+ '[download] %s has already been downloaded and '
+ 'merged' % filename)
+ else:
+ for f in requested_formats:
+ new_info = dict(info_dict)
+ new_info.update(f)
+ fname = self.prepare_filename(new_info)
+ fname = prepend_extension(fname, 'f%s' % f['format_id'], new_info['ext'])
+ downloaded.append(fname)
+ partial_success = dl(fname, new_info)
+ success = success and partial_success
+ info_dict['__postprocessors'] = postprocessors
+ info_dict['__files_to_merge'] = downloaded