def _prepare_frag_download(self, ctx):
- self.to_screen('[%s] Total fragments: %d' % (self.FD_NAME, ctx['total_frags']))
+ if 'live' not in ctx:
+ ctx['live'] = False
+ self.to_screen(
+ '[%s] Total fragments: %s'
+ % (self.FD_NAME, ctx['total_frags'] if not ctx['live'] else 'unknown (live)'))
dl = HttpQuietDownloader(
'continuedl': True,
'quiet': True,
'noprogress': True,
- 'ratelimit': self.params.get('ratelimit', None),
+ 'ratelimit': self.params.get('ratelimit'),
'retries': self.params.get('retries', 0),
'test': self.params.get('test', False),
'filename': ctx['filename'],
'tmpfilename': ctx['tmpfilename'],
start = time.time()
- ctx['started'] = start
+ ctx.update({
+ 'started': start,
+ # Total complete fragments downloaded so far in bytes
+ 'complete_frags_downloaded_bytes': 0,
+ # Amount of fragment's bytes downloaded by the time of the previous
+ # frag progress hook invocation
+ 'prev_frag_downloaded_bytes': 0,
+ })
def frag_progress_hook(s):
if s['status'] not in ('downloading', 'finished'):
- frag_total_bytes = s.get('total_bytes', 0)
- if s['status'] == 'finished':
- state['downloaded_bytes'] += frag_total_bytes
- state['frag_index'] += 1
- estimated_size = (
- (state['downloaded_bytes'] + frag_total_bytes) /
- (state['frag_index'] + 1) * total_frags)
time_now = time.time()
- state['total_bytes_estimate'] = estimated_size
state['elapsed'] = time_now - start
+ frag_total_bytes = s.get('total_bytes') or 0
+ if not ctx['live']:
+ estimated_size = (
+ (ctx['complete_frags_downloaded_bytes'] + frag_total_bytes) /
+ (state['frag_index'] + 1) * total_frags)
+ state['total_bytes_estimate'] = estimated_size
if s['status'] == 'finished':
- progress = self.calc_percent(state['frag_index'], total_frags)
+ state['frag_index'] += 1
+ state['downloaded_bytes'] += frag_total_bytes - ctx['prev_frag_downloaded_bytes']
+ ctx['complete_frags_downloaded_bytes'] = state['downloaded_bytes']
+ ctx['prev_frag_downloaded_bytes'] = 0
frag_downloaded_bytes = s['downloaded_bytes']
- frag_progress = self.calc_percent(frag_downloaded_bytes,
- frag_total_bytes)
- progress = self.calc_percent(state['frag_index'], total_frags)
- progress += frag_progress / float(total_frags)
- state['eta'] = self.calc_eta(
- start, time_now, estimated_size, state['downloaded_bytes'] + frag_downloaded_bytes)
+ state['downloaded_bytes'] += frag_downloaded_bytes - ctx['prev_frag_downloaded_bytes']
+ if not ctx['live']:
+ state['eta'] = self.calc_eta(
+ start, time_now, estimated_size,
+ state['downloaded_bytes'])
state['speed'] = s.get('speed')
+ ctx['prev_frag_downloaded_bytes'] = frag_downloaded_bytes