- **Bpb**: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
- **BR**: Bayerischer Rundfunk Mediathek
- **Break**
- - **Brightcove**
+ - **brightcove:legacy**
+ - **brightcove:new**
- **bt:article**: Bergens Tidende Articles
- **bt:vestlendingen**: Bergens Tidende - Vestlendingen
- **BuzzFeed**
- **Discovery**
- **Dotsub**
- **DouyuTV**: 斗鱼
+ - **DPlay**
- **dramafever**
- **dramafever:series**
- **DRBonanza**
- **GodTube**
- **GoldenMoustache**
- **Golem**
- - **GorillaVid**: GorillaVid.in, daclips.in, movpod.in, fastvideo.in, realvid.net and filehoot.com
- **Goshgay**
- **Groupon**
- **Hark**
- **nowness:playlist**
- **nowness:series**
- **NowTV**
+ - **NowTVList**
- **nowvideo**: NowVideo
- **npo**: npo.nl and ntr.nl
- **npo.nl:live**
- **qqmusic:playlist**: QQ音乐 - 歌单
- **qqmusic:singer**: QQ音乐 - 歌手
- **qqmusic:toplist**: QQ音乐 - 排行榜
- - **Quickscope**: Quick Scope
- **QuickVid**
- **R7**
- **radio.de**
- **soompi:show**
- **soundcloud**
- **soundcloud:playlist**
+ - **soundcloud:search**: Soundcloud search
- **soundcloud:set**
- **soundcloud:user**
- **soundgasm**
- **WSJ**: Wall Street Journal
- **XBef**
- **XboxClips**
+ - **XFileShare**: XFileShare based sites: GorillaVid.in, daclips.in, movpod.in, fastvideo.in, realvid.net, filehoot.com and vidto.me
- **XHamster**
- **XHamsterEmbed**
- **XMinus**
- **youtube:show**: YouTube.com (multi-season) shows
- **youtube:subscriptions**: YouTube.com subscriptions feed, "ytsubs" keyword (requires authentication)
- **youtube:user**: YouTube.com user videos (URL or "ytuser" keyword)
+ - **youtube:user:playlists**: YouTube.com user playlists
- **youtube:watchlater**: Youtube watch later list, ":ytwatchlater" for short (requires authentication)
- **Zapiks**
- **ZDF**