if ! python3 -c 'import rsa' 2>/dev/null; then echo 'ERROR: python3-rsa is missing'; exit 1; fi
if ! python3 -c 'import wheel' 2>/dev/null; then echo 'ERROR: wheel is missing'; exit 1; fi
if ! python3 -c 'import rsa' 2>/dev/null; then echo 'ERROR: python3-rsa is missing'; exit 1; fi
if ! python3 -c 'import wheel' 2>/dev/null; then echo 'ERROR: wheel is missing'; exit 1; fi
/bin/echo -e "\n### Changing version in version.py..."
sed -i "s/__version__ = '.*'/__version__ = '$version'/" youtube_dl/version.py
/bin/echo -e "\n### Changing version in version.py..."
sed -i "s/__version__ = '.*'/__version__ = '$version'/" youtube_dl/version.py
/bin/echo -e "\n### Committing documentation, templates and youtube_dl/version.py..."
make README.md CONTRIBUTING.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md supportedsites
/bin/echo -e "\n### Committing documentation, templates and youtube_dl/version.py..."
make README.md CONTRIBUTING.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md supportedsites
git commit $gpg_sign_commits -m "release $version"
/bin/echo -e "\n### Now tagging, signing and pushing..."
git commit $gpg_sign_commits -m "release $version"
/bin/echo -e "\n### Now tagging, signing and pushing..."