--max-quality FORMAT highest quality format to download
-F, --list-formats list all available formats (currently youtube
+## Subtitle Options:
--write-sub write subtitle file (currently youtube only)
--write-auto-sub write automatic subtitle file (currently youtube
--only-sub [deprecated] alias of --skip-download
--all-subs downloads all the available subtitles of the
- video (currently youtube only)
+ video
--list-subs lists all available subtitles for the video
- (currently youtube only)
- --sub-format FORMAT subtitle format [srt/sbv/vtt] (default=srt)
- (currently youtube only)
- --sub-lang LANG language of the subtitles to download (optional)
- use IETF language tags like 'en'
+ --sub-format FORMAT subtitle format (default=srt) ([sbv/vtt] youtube
+ only)
+ --sub-lang LANGS languages of the subtitles to download (optional)
+ separated by commas, use IETF language tags like
+ 'en,pt'
## Authentication Options:
-u, --username USERNAME account username
processing; the video is erased by default
--no-post-overwrites do not overwrite post-processed files; the post-
processed files are overwritten by default
+ --embed-subs embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4
+ videos)
--max-quality FORMAT highest quality format to download
-F, --list-formats list all available formats (currently youtube
+Subtitle Options:
--write-sub write subtitle file (currently youtube only)
--write-auto-sub write automatic subtitle file (currently youtube
--only-sub [deprecated] alias of --skip-download
--all-subs downloads all the available subtitles of the
- video (currently youtube only)
+ video
--list-subs lists all available subtitles for the video
- (currently youtube only)
- --sub-format FORMAT subtitle format [srt/sbv/vtt] (default=srt)
- (currently youtube only)
- --sub-lang LANG language of the subtitles to download (optional)
- use IETF language tags like 'en'
+ --sub-format FORMAT subtitle format (default=srt) ([sbv/vtt] youtube
+ only)
+ --sub-lang LANGS languages of the subtitles to download (optional)
+ separated by commas, use IETF language tags like
+ 'en,pt'
Authentication Options:
processing; the video is erased by default
--no-post-overwrites do not overwrite post-processed files; the post-
processed files are overwritten by default
+ --embed-subs embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4
+ videos)
import urllib.request
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
- print('Specify the version number as parameter')
- sys.exit()
+ print('Specify the version number as parameter')
+ sys.exit()
version = sys.argv[1]
with open('update/LATEST_VERSION', 'w') as f:
- f.write(version)
+ f.write(version)
versions_info = json.load(open('update/versions.json'))
if 'signature' in versions_info:
- del versions_info['signature']
+ del versions_info['signature']
new_version = {}
-filenames = {'bin': 'youtube-dl', 'exe': 'youtube-dl.exe', 'tar': 'youtube-dl-%s.tar.gz' % version}
+filenames = {
+ 'bin': 'youtube-dl',
+ 'exe': 'youtube-dl.exe',
+ 'tar': 'youtube-dl-%s.tar.gz' % version}
for key, filename in filenames.items():
- print('Downloading and checksumming %s...' %filename)
- url = 'http://youtube-dl.org/downloads/%s/%s' % (version, filename)
- data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
- sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
- new_version[key] = (url, sha256sum)
+ print('Downloading and checksumming %s...' % filename)
+ url = 'https://yt-dl.org/downloads/%s/%s' % (version, filename)
+ data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
+ sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
+ new_version[key] = (url, sha256sum)
versions_info['versions'][version] = new_version
versions_info['latest'] = version
-json.dump(versions_info, open('update/versions.json', 'w'), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+with open('update/versions.json', 'w') as jsonf:
+ json.dump(versions_info, jsonf, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
<atom:link href="http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl" />
<atom:content type="xhtml">
<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- Downloads available at <a href="http://youtube-dl.org/downloads/@VERSION@/">http://youtube-dl.org/downloads/@VERSION@/</a>
+ Downloads available at <a href="https://yt-dl.org/downloads/@VERSION@/">https://yt-dl.org/downloads/@VERSION@/</a>
with open('update/releases.atom','w',encoding='utf-8') as atom_file:
(cd build/$version/ && sha512sum $RELEASE_FILES > SHA2-512SUMS)
git checkout HEAD -- youtube-dl youtube-dl.exe
-/bin/echo -e "\n### Signing and uploading the new binaries to youtube-dl.org..."
+/bin/echo -e "\n### Signing and uploading the new binaries to yt-dl.org ..."
for f in $RELEASE_FILES; do gpg --detach-sig "build/$version/$f"; done
scp -r "build/$version" ytdl@yt-dl.org:html/tmp/
ssh ytdl@yt-dl.org "mv html/tmp/$version html/downloads/"
# 90
- # 88
+ # 89
+ ("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM!@#$%^&*()_-+={[]}|:;?/>.<'",
+ "/?;:|}<[{=+-_)(*&^%$#@!MqBVCXZASDFGHJKLPOIUYTREWQ0987654321mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuyt"),
+ # 88 - vflapUV9V 2013/08/28
- "J:|}][{=+-_)(*&;%$#@>MNBVCXZASDFGH^KLPOIUYTREWQ0987654321mnbvcxzasdfghrklpoiuytej"),
- # 87 - vflART1Nf 2013/07/24
+ "ioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm12<4567890QWERTYUIOZLKJHGFDSAeXCVBNM!@#$%^&*()_-+={[]}|:;?/>.3"),
+ # 87
- "tyuioplkjhgfdsazxcv<nm1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM!@#$^&*()_-+={[]}|:;?/>"),
- # 86 - vflm_D8eE 2013/07/31
+ "uioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm1t34567890QWE2TYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVeNM!@#$^&*()_-+={[]}|:;?/>.<"),
+ # 86 - vflg0g8PQ 2013/08/29
- ">.1}|[{=+-_)(*&^%$#@!MNBVCXZASDFGHJK<POIUYTREW509876L432/mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytre"),
- # 85 - vflSAFCP9 2013/07/19
+ ">/?;}|[{=+-_)(*&^%$#@!MNBVCXZASDFGHJKLPOIUYTREWq0987654321mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytr"),
+ # 85
- "ertyuiqplkjhgfdsazx$vbnm1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM!@#<%^&*()_-+={[};?/c"),
- # 84
+ ".>/?;}[{=+-_)(*&^%$#@!MNBVCXZASDFGHJKLPOIUYTREWQ0q876543r1mnbvcx9asdfghjklpoiuyt2"),
+ # 84 - vflg0g8PQ 2013/08/29 (sporadic)
- "<.>?;}[{=+-_)(*&^%$#@!MNBVCXZASDFGHJKLPOIUYTREWe098765432rmnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuyt1"),
- # 83 - vflTWC9KW 2013/08/01
+ ">?;}[{=+-_)(*&^%$#@!MNBVCXZASDFGHJKLPOIUYTREWq0987654321mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytr"),
+ # 83
- "qwertyuioplkjhg>dsazxcvbnm1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM!#$%^&*()_+={[};?/f"),
- # 82
+ ".>/?;}[{=+_)(*&^%<#!MNBVCXZASPFGHJKLwOIUYTREWQ0987654321mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytreq"),
+ # 82 - vflZK4ZYR 2013/08/23
- "Q>/?;}[{=+-(*<^%$#@!MNBVCXZASDFGHKLPOIUY8REWT0q&7654321mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrew9"),
+ "wertyuioplkjhgfdsaqxcvbnm1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKHGFDSAZXCVBNM!@#$%^&z(-+={[};?/>.<"),
# 81 - vflLC8JvQ 2013/07/25
+ # 80 - vflZK4ZYR 2013/08/23 (sporadic)
+ ("qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKHGFDSAZXCVBNM!@#$%^&*(-+={[};?/>",
+ "wertyuioplkjhgfdsaqxcvbnm1234567890QWERTYUIOPLKHGFDSAZXCVBNM!@#$%^&z(-+={[};?/>"),
# 79 - vflLC8JvQ 2013/07/25 (sporadic)
self.assertEqual(YoutubeIE()._extract_id('http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=BaW_jenozKc'), 'BaW_jenozKc')
self.assertEqual(YoutubeIE()._extract_id('https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=BaW_jenozKc'), 'BaW_jenozKc')
self.assertEqual(YoutubeIE()._extract_id('https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BaW_jenozKc'), 'BaW_jenozKc')
+ self.assertEqual(YoutubeIE()._extract_id('https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=BaW_jenozKc'), 'BaW_jenozKc')
def test_no_duplicates(self):
ies = gen_extractors()
info_dict = json.load(infof)
for (info_field, expected) in tc.get('info_dict', {}).items():
if isinstance(expected, compat_str) and expected.startswith('md5:'):
- self.assertEqual(expected, 'md5:' + md5(info_dict.get(info_field)))
+ got = 'md5:' + md5(info_dict.get(info_field))
got = info_dict.get(info_field)
- self.assertEqual(
- expected, got,
- u'invalid value for field %s, expected %r, got %r' % (info_field, expected, got))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, got,
+ u'invalid value for field %s, expected %r, got %r' % (info_field, expected, got))
# If checkable fields are missing from the test case, print the info_dict
test_info_dict = dict((key, value if not isinstance(value, compat_str) or len(value) < 250 else 'md5:' + md5(value))
DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
- sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
- self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '4cd9278a35ba2305f47354ee13472260')
+ sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles']['en']
+ self.assertEqual(md5(sub), '4cd9278a35ba2305f47354ee13472260')
def test_youtube_subtitles_it(self):
DL = FakeYDL()
DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
- DL.params['subtitleslang'] = 'it'
+ DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = ['it']
IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
- sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
- self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '164a51f16f260476a05b50fe4c2f161d')
+ sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles']['it']
+ self.assertEqual(md5(sub), '164a51f16f260476a05b50fe4c2f161d')
def test_youtube_onlysubtitles(self):
DL = FakeYDL()
DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
DL.params['onlysubtitles'] = True
IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
- sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
- self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '4cd9278a35ba2305f47354ee13472260')
+ sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles']['en']
+ self.assertEqual(md5(sub), '4cd9278a35ba2305f47354ee13472260')
def test_youtube_allsubtitles(self):
DL = FakeYDL()
DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
subtitles = info_dict[0]['subtitles']
- self.assertEqual(len(subtitles), 13)
+ self.assertEqual(len(subtitles.keys()), 13)
def test_youtube_subtitles_sbv_format(self):
DL = FakeYDL()
DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'sbv'
IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
- sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
- self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '13aeaa0c245a8bed9a451cb643e3ad8b')
+ sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles']['en']
+ self.assertEqual(md5(sub), '13aeaa0c245a8bed9a451cb643e3ad8b')
def test_youtube_subtitles_vtt_format(self):
DL = FakeYDL()
DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'vtt'
IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
- sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
- self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '356cdc577fde0c6783b9b822e7206ff7')
+ sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles']['en']
+ self.assertEqual(md5(sub), '356cdc577fde0c6783b9b822e7206ff7')
def test_youtube_list_subtitles(self):
DL = FakeYDL()
DL.params['listsubtitles'] = True
def test_youtube_automatic_captions(self):
DL = FakeYDL()
DL.params['writeautomaticsub'] = True
- DL.params['subtitleslang'] = 'it'
+ DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = ['it']
IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
info_dict = IE.extract('8YoUxe5ncPo')
- sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
- self.assertTrue(sub[2] is not None)
+ sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles']['it']
+ self.assertTrue(sub is not None)
+ def test_youtube_multiple_langs(self):
+ DL = FakeYDL()
+ DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+ langs = ['it', 'fr', 'de']
+ DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = langs
+ IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
+ subtitles = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')[0]['subtitles']
+ for lang in langs:
+ self.assertTrue(subtitles.get(lang) is not None, u'Subtitles for \'%s\' not extracted' % lang)
if __name__ == '__main__':
\-\-max\-quality\ FORMAT\ \ \ \ \ \ \ highest\ quality\ format\ to\ download
\-F,\ \-\-list\-formats\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ list\ all\ available\ formats\ (currently\ youtube
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ only)
+.SS Subtitle Options:
\-\-write\-sub\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ write\ subtitle\ file\ (currently\ youtube\ only)
\-\-write\-auto\-sub\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ write\ automatic\ subtitle\ file\ (currently\ youtube
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ only)
\-\-only\-sub\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ [deprecated]\ alias\ of\ \-\-skip\-download
\-\-all\-subs\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ downloads\ all\ the\ available\ subtitles\ of\ the
-\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ video\ (currently\ youtube\ only)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ video
\-\-list\-subs\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ lists\ all\ available\ subtitles\ for\ the\ video
-\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (currently\ youtube\ only)
-\-\-sub\-format\ FORMAT\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ subtitle\ format\ [srt/sbv/vtt]\ (default=srt)
-\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (currently\ youtube\ only)
-\-\-sub\-lang\ LANG\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ language\ of\ the\ subtitles\ to\ download\ (optional)
-\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ use\ IETF\ language\ tags\ like\ \[aq]en\[aq]
+\-\-sub\-format\ FORMAT\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ subtitle\ format\ (default=srt)\ ([sbv/vtt]\ youtube
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ only)
+\-\-sub\-lang\ LANGS\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ languages\ of\ the\ subtitles\ to\ download\ (optional)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ separated\ by\ commas,\ use\ IETF\ language\ tags\ like
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[aq]en,pt\[aq]
.SS Authentication Options:
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ processing;\ the\ video\ is\ erased\ by\ default
\-\-no\-post\-overwrites\ \ \ \ \ \ \ do\ not\ overwrite\ post\-processed\ files;\ the\ post\-
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ processed\ files\ are\ overwritten\ by\ default
+\-\-embed\-subs\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ embed\ subtitles\ in\ the\ video\ (only\ for\ mp4
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ videos)
local cur prev opts
- opts="--help --version --update --ignore-errors --dump-user-agent --user-agent --referer --list-extractors --extractor-descriptions --proxy --no-check-certificate --playlist-start --playlist-end --match-title --reject-title --max-downloads --min-filesize --max-filesize --date --datebefore --dateafter --rate-limit --retries --buffer-size --no-resize-buffer --test --title --id --literal --auto-number --output --autonumber-size --restrict-filenames --batch-file --no-overwrites --continue --no-continue --cookies --no-part --no-mtime --write-description --write-info-json --write-thumbnail --quiet --simulate --skip-download --get-url --get-title --get-id --get-thumbnail --get-description --get-filename --get-format --newline --no-progress --console-title --verbose --dump-intermediate-pages --format --all-formats --prefer-free-formats --max-quality --list-formats --write-sub --write-auto-sub --only-sub --all-subs --list-subs --sub-format --sub-lang --username --password --netrc --video-password --extract-audio --audio-format --audio-quality --recode-video --keep-video --no-post-overwrites"
+ opts="--help --version --update --ignore-errors --dump-user-agent --user-agent --referer --list-extractors --extractor-descriptions --proxy --no-check-certificate --playlist-start --playlist-end --match-title --reject-title --max-downloads --min-filesize --max-filesize --date --datebefore --dateafter --rate-limit --retries --buffer-size --no-resize-buffer --test --title --id --literal --auto-number --output --autonumber-size --restrict-filenames --batch-file --no-overwrites --continue --no-continue --cookies --no-part --no-mtime --write-description --write-info-json --write-thumbnail --quiet --simulate --skip-download --get-url --get-title --get-id --get-thumbnail --get-description --get-filename --get-format --newline --no-progress --console-title --verbose --dump-intermediate-pages --format --all-formats --prefer-free-formats --max-quality --list-formats --write-sub --write-auto-sub --only-sub --all-subs --list-subs --sub-format --sub-lang --username --password --netrc --video-password --extract-audio --audio-format --audio-quality --recode-video --keep-video --no-post-overwrites --embed-subs"
if [[ ${cur} == * ]] ; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
converted = float(bytes) / float(1024 ** exponent)
return '%.2f%s' % (converted, suffix)
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_seconds(seconds):
+ (mins, secs) = divmod(seconds, 60)
+ (hours, eta_mins) = divmod(mins, 60)
+ if hours > 99:
+ return '--:--:--'
+ if hours == 0:
+ return '%02d:%02d' % (mins, secs)
+ else:
+ return '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, mins, secs)
def calc_percent(byte_counter, data_len):
if data_len is None:
return '--:--'
rate = float(current) / dif
eta = int((float(total) - float(current)) / rate)
- (eta_mins, eta_secs) = divmod(eta, 60)
- if eta_mins > 99:
- return '--:--'
- return '%02d:%02d' % (eta_mins, eta_secs)
+ return FileDownloader.format_seconds(eta)
def calc_speed(start, now, bytes):
"""Report it was impossible to resume download."""
self.to_screen(u'[download] Unable to resume')
- def report_finish(self):
+ def report_finish(self, data_len_str, tot_time):
"""Report download finished."""
if self.params.get('noprogress', False):
self.to_screen(u'[download] Download completed')
- self.to_screen(u'')
+ clear_line = (u'\x1b[K' if sys.stderr.isatty() and os.name != 'nt' else u'')
+ self.to_screen(u'\r%s[download] 100%% of %s in %s' %
+ (clear_line, data_len_str, self.format_seconds(tot_time)))
def _download_with_rtmpdump(self, filename, url, player_url, page_url, play_path, tc_url):
self.report_error(u'Did not get any data blocks')
return False
- self.report_finish()
+ self.report_finish(data_len_str, (time.time() - start))
if data_len is not None and byte_counter != data_len:
raise ContentTooShortError(byte_counter, int(data_len))
self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
programs = ['avprobe', 'avconv', 'ffmpeg', 'ffprobe']
return dict((program, executable(program)) for program in programs)
- def run_ffmpeg(self, path, out_path, opts):
+ def run_ffmpeg_multiple_files(self, input_paths, out_path, opts):
if not self._exes['ffmpeg'] and not self._exes['avconv']:
raise FFmpegPostProcessorError(u'ffmpeg or avconv not found. Please install one.')
- cmd = ([self._exes['avconv'] or self._exes['ffmpeg'], '-y', '-i', encodeFilename(path)]
+ files_cmd = []
+ for path in input_paths:
+ files_cmd.extend(['-i', encodeFilename(path)])
+ cmd = ([self._exes['avconv'] or self._exes['ffmpeg'], '-y'] + files_cmd
+ opts +
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout,stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
msg = stderr.strip().split('\n')[-1]
raise FFmpegPostProcessorError(msg)
+ def run_ffmpeg(self, path, out_path, opts):
+ self.run_ffmpeg_multiple_files([path], out_path, opts)
def _ffmpeg_filename_argument(self, fn):
# ffmpeg broke --, see https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/2127 for details
if fn.startswith(u'-'):
FFmpegPostProcessor.run_ffmpeg(self, path, out_path, opts)
except FFmpegPostProcessorError as err:
- raise AudioConversionError(err.message)
+ raise AudioConversionError(err.msg)
def run(self, information):
path = information['filepath']
etype,e,tb = sys.exc_info()
if isinstance(e, AudioConversionError):
- msg = u'audio conversion failed: ' + e.message
+ msg = u'audio conversion failed: ' + e.msg
msg = u'error running ' + (self._exes['avconv'] and 'avconv' or 'ffmpeg')
raise PostProcessingError(msg)
information['format'] = self._preferedformat
information['ext'] = self._preferedformat
return False,information
+class FFmpegEmbedSubtitlePP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
+ # See http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ISO-639-2_utf-8.txt
+ _lang_map = {
+ 'aa': 'aar',
+ 'ab': 'abk',
+ 'ae': 'ave',
+ 'af': 'afr',
+ 'ak': 'aka',
+ 'am': 'amh',
+ 'an': 'arg',
+ 'ar': 'ara',
+ 'as': 'asm',
+ 'av': 'ava',
+ 'ay': 'aym',
+ 'az': 'aze',
+ 'ba': 'bak',
+ 'be': 'bel',
+ 'bg': 'bul',
+ 'bh': 'bih',
+ 'bi': 'bis',
+ 'bm': 'bam',
+ 'bn': 'ben',
+ 'bo': 'bod',
+ 'br': 'bre',
+ 'bs': 'bos',
+ 'ca': 'cat',
+ 'ce': 'che',
+ 'ch': 'cha',
+ 'co': 'cos',
+ 'cr': 'cre',
+ 'cs': 'ces',
+ 'cu': 'chu',
+ 'cv': 'chv',
+ 'cy': 'cym',
+ 'da': 'dan',
+ 'de': 'deu',
+ 'dv': 'div',
+ 'dz': 'dzo',
+ 'ee': 'ewe',
+ 'el': 'ell',
+ 'en': 'eng',
+ 'eo': 'epo',
+ 'es': 'spa',
+ 'et': 'est',
+ 'eu': 'eus',
+ 'fa': 'fas',
+ 'ff': 'ful',
+ 'fi': 'fin',
+ 'fj': 'fij',
+ 'fo': 'fao',
+ 'fr': 'fra',
+ 'fy': 'fry',
+ 'ga': 'gle',
+ 'gd': 'gla',
+ 'gl': 'glg',
+ 'gn': 'grn',
+ 'gu': 'guj',
+ 'gv': 'glv',
+ 'ha': 'hau',
+ 'he': 'heb',
+ 'hi': 'hin',
+ 'ho': 'hmo',
+ 'hr': 'hrv',
+ 'ht': 'hat',
+ 'hu': 'hun',
+ 'hy': 'hye',
+ 'hz': 'her',
+ 'ia': 'ina',
+ 'id': 'ind',
+ 'ie': 'ile',
+ 'ig': 'ibo',
+ 'ii': 'iii',
+ 'ik': 'ipk',
+ 'io': 'ido',
+ 'is': 'isl',
+ 'it': 'ita',
+ 'iu': 'iku',
+ 'ja': 'jpn',
+ 'jv': 'jav',
+ 'ka': 'kat',
+ 'kg': 'kon',
+ 'ki': 'kik',
+ 'kj': 'kua',
+ 'kk': 'kaz',
+ 'kl': 'kal',
+ 'km': 'khm',
+ 'kn': 'kan',
+ 'ko': 'kor',
+ 'kr': 'kau',
+ 'ks': 'kas',
+ 'ku': 'kur',
+ 'kv': 'kom',
+ 'kw': 'cor',
+ 'ky': 'kir',
+ 'la': 'lat',
+ 'lb': 'ltz',
+ 'lg': 'lug',
+ 'li': 'lim',
+ 'ln': 'lin',
+ 'lo': 'lao',
+ 'lt': 'lit',
+ 'lu': 'lub',
+ 'lv': 'lav',
+ 'mg': 'mlg',
+ 'mh': 'mah',
+ 'mi': 'mri',
+ 'mk': 'mkd',
+ 'ml': 'mal',
+ 'mn': 'mon',
+ 'mr': 'mar',
+ 'ms': 'msa',
+ 'mt': 'mlt',
+ 'my': 'mya',
+ 'na': 'nau',
+ 'nb': 'nob',
+ 'nd': 'nde',
+ 'ne': 'nep',
+ 'ng': 'ndo',
+ 'nl': 'nld',
+ 'nn': 'nno',
+ 'no': 'nor',
+ 'nr': 'nbl',
+ 'nv': 'nav',
+ 'ny': 'nya',
+ 'oc': 'oci',
+ 'oj': 'oji',
+ 'om': 'orm',
+ 'or': 'ori',
+ 'os': 'oss',
+ 'pa': 'pan',
+ 'pi': 'pli',
+ 'pl': 'pol',
+ 'ps': 'pus',
+ 'pt': 'por',
+ 'qu': 'que',
+ 'rm': 'roh',
+ 'rn': 'run',
+ 'ro': 'ron',
+ 'ru': 'rus',
+ 'rw': 'kin',
+ 'sa': 'san',
+ 'sc': 'srd',
+ 'sd': 'snd',
+ 'se': 'sme',
+ 'sg': 'sag',
+ 'si': 'sin',
+ 'sk': 'slk',
+ 'sl': 'slv',
+ 'sm': 'smo',
+ 'sn': 'sna',
+ 'so': 'som',
+ 'sq': 'sqi',
+ 'sr': 'srp',
+ 'ss': 'ssw',
+ 'st': 'sot',
+ 'su': 'sun',
+ 'sv': 'swe',
+ 'sw': 'swa',
+ 'ta': 'tam',
+ 'te': 'tel',
+ 'tg': 'tgk',
+ 'th': 'tha',
+ 'ti': 'tir',
+ 'tk': 'tuk',
+ 'tl': 'tgl',
+ 'tn': 'tsn',
+ 'to': 'ton',
+ 'tr': 'tur',
+ 'ts': 'tso',
+ 'tt': 'tat',
+ 'tw': 'twi',
+ 'ty': 'tah',
+ 'ug': 'uig',
+ 'uk': 'ukr',
+ 'ur': 'urd',
+ 'uz': 'uzb',
+ 've': 'ven',
+ 'vi': 'vie',
+ 'vo': 'vol',
+ 'wa': 'wln',
+ 'wo': 'wol',
+ 'xh': 'xho',
+ 'yi': 'yid',
+ 'yo': 'yor',
+ 'za': 'zha',
+ 'zh': 'zho',
+ 'zu': 'zul',
+ }
+ def __init__(self, downloader=None, subtitlesformat='srt'):
+ super(FFmpegEmbedSubtitlePP, self).__init__(downloader)
+ self._subformat = subtitlesformat
+ @classmethod
+ def _conver_lang_code(cls, code):
+ """Convert language code from ISO 639-1 to ISO 639-2/T"""
+ return cls._lang_map.get(code[:2])
+ def run(self, information):
+ if information['ext'] != u'mp4':
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Subtitles can only be embedded in mp4 files')
+ return True, information
+ sub_langs = [key for key in information['subtitles']]
+ filename = information['filepath']
+ input_files = [filename] + [subtitles_filename(filename, lang, self._subformat) for lang in sub_langs]
+ opts = ['-map', '0:0', '-map', '0:1', '-c:v', 'copy', '-c:a', 'copy']
+ for (i, lang) in enumerate(sub_langs):
+ opts.extend(['-map', '%d:0' % (i+1), '-c:s:%d' % i, 'mov_text'])
+ lang_code = self._conver_lang_code(lang)
+ if lang_code is not None:
+ opts.extend(['-metadata:s:s:%d' % i, 'language=%s' % lang_code])
+ opts.extend(['-f', 'mp4'])
+ temp_filename = filename + u'.temp'
+ self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Embedding subtitles in \'%s\'' % filename)
+ self.run_ffmpeg_multiple_files(input_files, temp_filename, opts)
+ os.remove(encodeFilename(filename))
+ os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
+ return True, information
allsubtitles: Downloads all the subtitles of the video
listsubtitles: Lists all available subtitles for the video
subtitlesformat: Subtitle format [srt/sbv/vtt] (default=srt)
- subtitleslang: Language of the subtitles to download
+ subtitleslangs: List of languages of the subtitles to download
keepvideo: Keep the video file after post-processing
daterange: A DateRange object, download only if the upload_date is in the range.
skip_download: Skip the actual download of the video file
def __init__(self, params):
"""Create a FileDownloader object with the given options."""
self._ies = []
+ self._ies_instances = {}
self._pps = []
self._progress_hooks = []
self._download_retcode = 0
def add_info_extractor(self, ie):
"""Add an InfoExtractor object to the end of the list."""
+ self._ies_instances[ie.ie_key()] = ie
+ def get_info_extractor(self, ie_key):
+ """
+ Get an instance of an IE with name ie_key, it will try to get one from
+ the _ies list, if there's no instance it will create a new one and add
+ it to the extractor list.
+ """
+ ie = self._ies_instances.get(ie_key)
+ if ie is None:
+ ie = get_info_extractor(ie_key)()
+ self.add_info_extractor(ie)
+ return ie
def add_default_info_extractors(self):
Add the InfoExtractors returned by gen_extractors to the end of the list
if ie_key:
- ie = get_info_extractor(ie_key)()
- ie.set_downloader(self)
- ies = [ie]
+ ies = [self.get_info_extractor(ie_key)]
ies = self._ies
if self.params.get('forceid', False):
if self.params.get('forceurl', False):
- compat_print(info_dict['url'])
+ # For RTMP URLs, also include the playpath
+ compat_print(info_dict['url'] + info_dict.get('play_path', u''))
if self.params.get('forcethumbnail', False) and 'thumbnail' in info_dict:
if self.params.get('forcedescription', False) and 'description' in info_dict:
self.report_error(u'Cannot write description file ' + descfn)
- if (self.params.get('writesubtitles', False) or self.params.get('writeautomaticsub')) and 'subtitles' in info_dict and info_dict['subtitles']:
+ subtitles_are_requested = any([self.params.get('writesubtitles', False),
+ self.params.get('writeautomaticsub'),
+ self.params.get('allsubtitles', False)])
+ if subtitles_are_requested and 'subtitles' in info_dict and info_dict['subtitles']:
# subtitles download errors are already managed as troubles in relevant IE
# that way it will silently go on when used with unsupporting IE
- subtitle = info_dict['subtitles'][0]
- (sub_error, sub_lang, sub) = subtitle
+ subtitles = info_dict['subtitles']
sub_format = self.params.get('subtitlesformat')
- if sub_error:
- self.report_warning("Some error while getting the subtitles")
- else:
+ for sub_lang in subtitles.keys():
+ sub = subtitles[sub_lang]
+ if sub is None:
+ continue
- sub_filename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + u'.' + sub_lang + u'.' + sub_format
+ sub_filename = subtitles_filename(filename, sub_lang, sub_format)
with io.open(encodeFilename(sub_filename), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as subfile:
- subfile.write(sub)
+ subfile.write(sub)
except (OSError, IOError):
self.report_error(u'Cannot write subtitles file ' + descfn)
- if self.params.get('allsubtitles', False) and 'subtitles' in info_dict and info_dict['subtitles']:
- subtitles = info_dict['subtitles']
- sub_format = self.params.get('subtitlesformat')
- for subtitle in subtitles:
- (sub_error, sub_lang, sub) = subtitle
- if sub_error:
- self.report_warning("Some error while getting the subtitles")
- else:
- try:
- sub_filename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + u'.' + sub_lang + u'.' + sub_format
- self.report_writesubtitles(sub_filename)
- with io.open(encodeFilename(sub_filename), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as subfile:
- subfile.write(sub)
- except (OSError, IOError):
- self.report_error(u'Cannot write subtitles file ' + descfn)
- return
if self.params.get('writeinfojson', False):
infofn = filename + u'.info.json'
'Johny Mo Swag',
'Axel Noack',
'Albert Kim',
+ 'Pierre Rudloff',
__license__ = 'Public Domain'
import warnings
import platform
from .utils import *
from .update import update_self
from .version import __version__
return "".join(opts)
+ def _comma_separated_values_options_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value.split(','))
def _find_term_columns():
columns = os.environ.get('COLUMNS', None)
if columns:
return None
+ def _hide_login_info(opts):
+ opts = list(opts)
+ for private_opt in ['-p', '--password', '-u', '--username']:
+ try:
+ i = opts.index(private_opt)
+ opts[i+1] = '<PRIVATE>'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return opts
max_width = 80
max_help_position = 80
selection = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Video Selection')
authentication = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Authentication Options')
video_format = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Video Format Options')
+ subtitles = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Subtitle Options')
downloader = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Download Options')
postproc = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Post-processing Options')
filesystem = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Filesystem Options')
action='store', dest='format_limit', metavar='FORMAT', help='highest quality format to download')
video_format.add_option('-F', '--list-formats',
action='store_true', dest='listformats', help='list all available formats (currently youtube only)')
- video_format.add_option('--write-sub', '--write-srt',
+ subtitles.add_option('--write-sub', '--write-srt',
action='store_true', dest='writesubtitles',
help='write subtitle file (currently youtube only)', default=False)
- video_format.add_option('--write-auto-sub', '--write-automatic-sub',
+ subtitles.add_option('--write-auto-sub', '--write-automatic-sub',
action='store_true', dest='writeautomaticsub',
help='write automatic subtitle file (currently youtube only)', default=False)
- video_format.add_option('--only-sub',
+ subtitles.add_option('--only-sub',
action='store_true', dest='skip_download',
help='[deprecated] alias of --skip-download', default=False)
- video_format.add_option('--all-subs',
+ subtitles.add_option('--all-subs',
action='store_true', dest='allsubtitles',
- help='downloads all the available subtitles of the video (currently youtube only)', default=False)
- video_format.add_option('--list-subs',
+ help='downloads all the available subtitles of the video', default=False)
+ subtitles.add_option('--list-subs',
action='store_true', dest='listsubtitles',
- help='lists all available subtitles for the video (currently youtube only)', default=False)
- video_format.add_option('--sub-format',
+ help='lists all available subtitles for the video', default=False)
+ subtitles.add_option('--sub-format',
action='store', dest='subtitlesformat', metavar='FORMAT',
- help='subtitle format [srt/sbv/vtt] (default=srt) (currently youtube only)', default='srt')
- video_format.add_option('--sub-lang', '--srt-lang',
- action='store', dest='subtitleslang', metavar='LANG',
- help='language of the subtitles to download (optional) use IETF language tags like \'en\'')
+ help='subtitle format (default=srt) ([sbv/vtt] youtube only)', default='srt')
+ subtitles.add_option('--sub-lang', '--sub-langs', '--srt-lang',
+ action='callback', dest='subtitleslang', metavar='LANGS', type='str',
+ default=[], callback=_comma_separated_values_options_callback,
+ help='languages of the subtitles to download (optional) separated by commas, use IETF language tags like \'en,pt\'')
downloader.add_option('-r', '--rate-limit',
dest='ratelimit', metavar='LIMIT', help='maximum download rate (e.g. 50k or 44.6m)')
help='keeps the video file on disk after the post-processing; the video is erased by default')
postproc.add_option('--no-post-overwrites', action='store_true', dest='nopostoverwrites', default=False,
help='do not overwrite post-processed files; the post-processed files are overwritten by default')
+ postproc.add_option('--embed-subs', action='store_true', dest='embedsubtitles', default=False,
+ help='embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4 videos)')
+ parser.add_option_group(subtitles)
userConfFile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'youtube-dl.conf')
systemConf = _readOptions('/etc/youtube-dl.conf')
userConf = _readOptions(userConfFile)
- commandLineConf = sys.argv[1:]
+ commandLineConf = sys.argv[1:]
argv = systemConf + userConf + commandLineConf
opts, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if opts.verbose:
- sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] System config: ' + repr(systemConf) + '\n')
- sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] User config: ' + repr(userConf) + '\n')
- sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] Command-line args: ' + repr(commandLineConf) + '\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] System config: ' + repr(_hide_login_info(systemConf)) + '\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] User config: ' + repr(_hide_login_info(userConf)) + '\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] Command-line args: ' + repr(_hide_login_info(commandLineConf)) + '\n')
return parser, opts, args
# Set user agent
if opts.user_agent is not None:
std_headers['User-Agent'] = opts.user_agent
# Set referer
if opts.referer is not None:
std_headers['Referer'] = opts.referer
proxy_handler = compat_urllib_request.ProxyHandler(proxies)
https_handler = make_HTTPS_handler(opts)
opener = compat_urllib_request.build_opener(https_handler, proxy_handler, cookie_processor, YoutubeDLHandler())
+ # Delete the default user-agent header, which would otherwise apply in
+ # cases where our custom HTTP handler doesn't come into play
+ # (See https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/1309 for details)
+ opener.addheaders =[]
socket.setdefaulttimeout(300) # 5 minutes should be enough (famous last words)
'allsubtitles': opts.allsubtitles,
'listsubtitles': opts.listsubtitles,
'subtitlesformat': opts.subtitlesformat,
- 'subtitleslang': opts.subtitleslang,
+ 'subtitleslangs': opts.subtitleslang,
'matchtitle': decodeOption(opts.matchtitle),
'rejecttitle': decodeOption(opts.rejecttitle),
'max_downloads': opts.max_downloads,
- sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] Python version %s - %s' %(platform.python_version(), platform.platform()) + u'\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] Python version %s - %s' %(platform.python_version(), platform_name()) + u'\n')
sys.stderr.write(u'[debug] Proxy map: ' + str(proxy_handler.proxies) + u'\n')
ydl.add_post_processor(FFmpegExtractAudioPP(preferredcodec=opts.audioformat, preferredquality=opts.audioquality, nopostoverwrites=opts.nopostoverwrites))
if opts.recodevideo:
+ if opts.embedsubtitles:
+ ydl.add_post_processor(FFmpegEmbedSubtitlePP(subtitlesformat=opts.subtitlesformat))
# Update version
if opts.update_self:
--- /dev/null
+__all__ = ['aes_encrypt', 'key_expansion', 'aes_ctr_decrypt', 'aes_decrypt_text']
+import base64
+from math import ceil
+from .utils import bytes_to_intlist, intlist_to_bytes
+def aes_ctr_decrypt(data, key, counter):
+ """
+ Decrypt with aes in counter mode
+ @param {int[]} data cipher
+ @param {int[]} key 16/24/32-Byte cipher key
+ @param {instance} counter Instance whose next_value function (@returns {int[]} 16-Byte block)
+ returns the next counter block
+ @returns {int[]} decrypted data
+ """
+ expanded_key = key_expansion(key)
+ block_count = int(ceil(float(len(data)) / BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES))
+ decrypted_data=[]
+ for i in range(block_count):
+ counter_block = counter.next_value()
+ block = data[i*BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES : (i+1)*BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES]
+ block += [0]*(BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - len(block))
+ cipher_counter_block = aes_encrypt(counter_block, expanded_key)
+ decrypted_data += xor(block, cipher_counter_block)
+ decrypted_data = decrypted_data[:len(data)]
+ return decrypted_data
+def key_expansion(data):
+ """
+ Generate key schedule
+ @param {int[]} data 16/24/32-Byte cipher key
+ @returns {int[]} 176/208/240-Byte expanded key
+ """
+ data = data[:] # copy
+ rcon_iteration = 1
+ key_size_bytes = len(data)
+ expanded_key_size_bytes = (key_size_bytes // 4 + 7) * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES
+ while len(data) < expanded_key_size_bytes:
+ temp = data[-4:]
+ temp = key_schedule_core(temp, rcon_iteration)
+ rcon_iteration += 1
+ data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes : 4-key_size_bytes])
+ for _ in range(3):
+ temp = data[-4:]
+ data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes : 4-key_size_bytes])
+ if key_size_bytes == 32:
+ temp = data[-4:]
+ temp = sub_bytes(temp)
+ data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes : 4-key_size_bytes])
+ for _ in range(3 if key_size_bytes == 32 else 2 if key_size_bytes == 24 else 0):
+ temp = data[-4:]
+ data += xor(temp, data[-key_size_bytes : 4-key_size_bytes])
+ data = data[:expanded_key_size_bytes]
+ return data
+def aes_encrypt(data, expanded_key):
+ """
+ Encrypt one block with aes
+ @param {int[]} data 16-Byte state
+ @param {int[]} expanded_key 176/208/240-Byte expanded key
+ @returns {int[]} 16-Byte cipher
+ """
+ rounds = len(expanded_key) // BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - 1
+ data = xor(data, expanded_key[:BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES])
+ for i in range(1, rounds+1):
+ data = sub_bytes(data)
+ data = shift_rows(data)
+ if i != rounds:
+ data = mix_columns(data)
+ data = xor(data, expanded_key[i*BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES : (i+1)*BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES])
+ return data
+def aes_decrypt_text(data, password, key_size_bytes):
+ """
+ Decrypt text
+ - The first 8 Bytes of decoded 'data' are the 8 high Bytes of the counter
+ - The cipher key is retrieved by encrypting the first 16 Byte of 'password'
+ with the first 'key_size_bytes' Bytes from 'password' (if necessary filled with 0's)
+ - Mode of operation is 'counter'
+ @param {str} data Base64 encoded string
+ @param {str,unicode} password Password (will be encoded with utf-8)
+ @param {int} key_size_bytes Possible values: 16 for 128-Bit, 24 for 192-Bit or 32 for 256-Bit
+ @returns {str} Decrypted data
+ """
+ data = bytes_to_intlist(base64.b64decode(data))
+ password = bytes_to_intlist(password.encode('utf-8'))
+ key = password[:key_size_bytes] + [0]*(key_size_bytes - len(password))
+ key = aes_encrypt(key[:BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES], key_expansion(key)) * (key_size_bytes // BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES)
+ nonce = data[:NONCE_LENGTH_BYTES]
+ cipher = data[NONCE_LENGTH_BYTES:]
+ class Counter:
+ __value = nonce + [0]*(BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES - NONCE_LENGTH_BYTES)
+ def next_value(self):
+ temp = self.__value
+ self.__value = inc(self.__value)
+ return temp
+ decrypted_data = aes_ctr_decrypt(cipher, key, Counter())
+ plaintext = intlist_to_bytes(decrypted_data)
+ return plaintext
+RCON = (0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36)
+SBOX = (0x63, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7B, 0xF2, 0x6B, 0x6F, 0xC5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2B, 0xFE, 0xD7, 0xAB, 0x76,
+ 0xCA, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0x59, 0x47, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xD4, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0x9C, 0xA4, 0x72, 0xC0,
+ 0xB7, 0xFD, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xCC, 0x34, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0xF1, 0x71, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x15,
+ 0x04, 0xC7, 0x23, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9A, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xE2, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xB2, 0x75,
+ 0x09, 0x83, 0x2C, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0xA0, 0x52, 0x3B, 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x29, 0xE3, 0x2F, 0x84,
+ 0x53, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xED, 0x20, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xBE, 0x39, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x58, 0xCF,
+ 0xD0, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xF9, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0xA8,
+ 0x51, 0xA3, 0x40, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x38, 0xF5, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0x21, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xD2,
+ 0xCD, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x64, 0x5D, 0x19, 0x73,
+ 0x60, 0x81, 0x4F, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xEE, 0xB8, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x5E, 0x0B, 0xDB,
+ 0xE0, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x0A, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5C, 0xC2, 0xD3, 0xAC, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xE4, 0x79,
+ 0xE7, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xD5, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xEA, 0x65, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x08,
+ 0xBA, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2E, 0x1C, 0xA6, 0xB4, 0xC6, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x74, 0x1F, 0x4B, 0xBD, 0x8B, 0x8A,
+ 0x70, 0x3E, 0xB5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xB9, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x9E,
+ 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x94, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x87, 0xE9, 0xCE, 0x55, 0x28, 0xDF,
+ 0x8C, 0xA1, 0x89, 0x0D, 0xBF, 0xE6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0xB0, 0x54, 0xBB, 0x16)
+MIX_COLUMN_MATRIX = ((2,3,1,1),
+ (1,2,3,1),
+ (1,1,2,3),
+ (3,1,1,2))
+def sub_bytes(data):
+ return [SBOX[x] for x in data]
+def rotate(data):
+ return data[1:] + [data[0]]
+def key_schedule_core(data, rcon_iteration):
+ data = rotate(data)
+ data = sub_bytes(data)
+ data[0] = data[0] ^ RCON[rcon_iteration]
+ return data
+def xor(data1, data2):
+ return [x^y for x, y in zip(data1, data2)]
+def mix_column(data):
+ data_mixed = []
+ for row in range(4):
+ mixed = 0
+ for column in range(4):
+ addend = data[column]
+ if MIX_COLUMN_MATRIX[row][column] in (2,3):
+ addend <<= 1
+ if addend > 0xff:
+ addend &= 0xff
+ addend ^= 0x1b
+ if MIX_COLUMN_MATRIX[row][column] == 3:
+ addend ^= data[column]
+ mixed ^= addend & 0xff
+ data_mixed.append(mixed)
+ return data_mixed
+def mix_columns(data):
+ data_mixed = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ column = data[i*4 : (i+1)*4]
+ data_mixed += mix_column(column)
+ return data_mixed
+def shift_rows(data):
+ data_shifted = []
+ for column in range(4):
+ for row in range(4):
+ data_shifted.append( data[((column + row) & 0b11) * 4 + row] )
+ return data_shifted
+def inc(data):
+ data = data[:] # copy
+ for i in range(len(data)-1,-1,-1):
+ if data[i] == 255:
+ data[i] = 0
+ else:
+ data[i] = data[i] + 1
+ break
+ return data
+from .appletrailers import AppleTrailersIE
+from .addanime import AddAnimeIE
from .archiveorg import ArchiveOrgIE
from .ard import ARDIE
from .arte import ArteTvIE
from .bliptv import BlipTVIE, BlipTVUserIE
from .breakcom import BreakIE
from .brightcove import BrightcoveIE
+from .c56 import C56IE
from .canalplus import CanalplusIE
+from .canalc2 import Canalc2IE
+from .cnn import CNNIE
from .collegehumor import CollegeHumorIE
from .comedycentral import ComedyCentralIE
from .condenast import CondeNastIE
from .generic import GenericIE
from .googleplus import GooglePlusIE
from .googlesearch import GoogleSearchIE
+from .hark import HarkIE
from .hotnewhiphop import HotNewHipHopIE
from .howcast import HowcastIE
from .hypem import HypemIE
from .ina import InaIE
from .infoq import InfoQIE
from .instagram import InstagramIE
+from .jeuxvideo import JeuxVideoIE
from .jukebox import JukeboxIE
from .justintv import JustinTVIE
from .kankan import KankanIE
from .liveleak import LiveLeakIE
from .livestream import LivestreamIE
from .metacafe import MetacafeIE
+from .mit import TechTVMITIE, MITIE
from .mixcloud import MixcloudIE
from .mtv import MTVIE
from .muzu import MuzuTVIE
from .myspass import MySpassIE
from .myvideo import MyVideoIE
from .nba import NBAIE
+from .nbc import NBCNewsIE
from .ooyala import OoyalaIE
+from .orf import ORFIE
+from .pbs import PBSIE
from .photobucket import PhotobucketIE
from .pornotube import PornotubeIE
from .rbmaradio import RBMARadioIE
from .redtube import RedTubeIE
from .ringtv import RingTVIE
+from .ro220 import Ro220IE
from .roxwel import RoxwelIE
+from .rtlnow import RTLnowIE
from .sina import SinaIE
+from .slashdot import SlashdotIE
+from .sohu import SohuIE
from .soundcloud import SoundcloudIE, SoundcloudSetIE
from .spiegel import SpiegelIE
from .stanfordoc import StanfordOpenClassroomIE
from .tf1 import TF1IE
from .thisav import ThisAVIE
from .traileraddict import TrailerAddictIE
+from .trilulilu import TriluliluIE
from .tudou import TudouIE
from .tumblr import TumblrIE
from .tutv import TutvIE
+from .unistra import UnistraIE
from .ustream import UstreamIE
from .vbox7 import Vbox7IE
from .veoh import VeohIE
from .videofyme import VideofyMeIE
from .vimeo import VimeoIE, VimeoChannelIE
from .vine import VineIE
-from .c56 import C56IE
from .wat import WatIE
from .weibo import WeiboIE
from .wimp import WimpIE
def gen_extractors():
""" Return a list of an instance of every supported extractor.
The order does matter; the first extractor matched is the one handling the URL.
return [klass() for klass in _ALL_CLASSES]
def get_info_extractor(ie_name):
"""Returns the info extractor class with the given ie_name"""
return globals()[ie_name+'IE']
--- /dev/null
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+ compat_HTTPError,
+ compat_str,
+ compat_urllib_parse,
+ compat_urllib_parse_urlparse,
+ ExtractorError,
+class AddAnimeIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'^http://(?:\w+\.)?add-anime\.net/watch_video.php\?(?:.*?)v=(?P<video_id>[\w_]+)(?:.*)'
+ IE_NAME = u'AddAnime'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://www.add-anime.net/watch_video.php?v=24MR3YO5SAS9',
+ u'file': u'24MR3YO5SAS9.flv',
+ u'md5': u'1036a0e0cd307b95bd8a8c3a5c8cfaf1',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u"description": u"One Piece 606",
+ u"title": u"One Piece 606"
+ }
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ try:
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('video_id')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+ except ExtractorError as ee:
+ if not isinstance(ee.cause, compat_HTTPError):
+ raise
+ redir_webpage = ee.cause.read().decode('utf-8')
+ action = self._search_regex(
+ r'<form id="challenge-form" action="([^"]+)"',
+ redir_webpage, u'Redirect form')
+ vc = self._search_regex(
+ r'<input type="hidden" name="jschl_vc" value="([^"]+)"/>',
+ redir_webpage, u'redirect vc value')
+ av = re.search(
+ r'a\.value = ([0-9]+)[+]([0-9]+)[*]([0-9]+);',
+ redir_webpage)
+ if av is None:
+ raise ExtractorError(u'Cannot find redirect math task')
+ av_res = int(av.group(1)) + int(av.group(2)) * int(av.group(3))
+ parsed_url = compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url)
+ av_val = av_res + len(parsed_url.netloc)
+ confirm_url = (
+ parsed_url.scheme + u'://' + parsed_url.netloc +
+ action + '?' +
+ compat_urllib_parse.urlencode({
+ 'jschl_vc': vc, 'jschl_answer': compat_str(av_val)}))
+ self._download_webpage(
+ confirm_url, video_id,
+ note=u'Confirming after redirect')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+ video_url = self._search_regex(r"var normal_video_file = '(.*?)';",
+ webpage, u'video file URL')
+ video_title = self._og_search_title(webpage)
+ video_description = self._og_search_description(webpage)
+ return {
+ '_type': 'video',
+ 'id': video_id,
+ 'url': video_url,
+ 'ext': 'flv',
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'description': video_description
+ }
--- /dev/null
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+ determine_ext,
+class AppleTrailersIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?trailers.apple.com/trailers/(?P<company>[^/]+)/(?P<movie>[^/]+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u"url": u"http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/manofsteel/",
+ u"playlist": [
+ {
+ u"file": u"manofsteel-trailer4.mov",
+ u"md5": u"11874af099d480cc09e103b189805d5f",
+ u"info_dict": {
+ u"duration": 111,
+ u"thumbnail": u"http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/manofsteel/images/thumbnail_11624.jpg",
+ u"title": u"Trailer 4",
+ u"upload_date": u"20130523",
+ u"uploader_id": u"wb",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ u"file": u"manofsteel-trailer3.mov",
+ u"md5": u"07a0a262aae5afe68120eed61137ab34",
+ u"info_dict": {
+ u"duration": 182,
+ u"thumbnail": u"http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/manofsteel/images/thumbnail_10793.jpg",
+ u"title": u"Trailer 3",
+ u"upload_date": u"20130417",
+ u"uploader_id": u"wb",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ u"file": u"manofsteel-trailer.mov",
+ u"md5": u"e401fde0813008e3307e54b6f384cff1",
+ u"info_dict": {
+ u"duration": 148,
+ u"thumbnail": u"http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/manofsteel/images/thumbnail_8703.jpg",
+ u"title": u"Trailer",
+ u"upload_date": u"20121212",
+ u"uploader_id": u"wb",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ u"file": u"manofsteel-teaser.mov",
+ u"md5": u"76b392f2ae9e7c98b22913c10a639c97",
+ u"info_dict": {
+ u"duration": 93,
+ u"thumbnail": u"http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/manofsteel/images/thumbnail_6899.jpg",
+ u"title": u"Teaser",
+ u"upload_date": u"20120721",
+ u"uploader_id": u"wb",
+ },
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ movie = mobj.group('movie')
+ uploader_id = mobj.group('company')
+ playlist_url = url.partition(u'?')[0] + u'/includes/playlists/web.inc'
+ playlist_snippet = self._download_webpage(playlist_url, movie)
+ playlist_cleaned = re.sub(r'(?s)<script>.*?</script>', u'', playlist_snippet)
+ playlist_html = u'<html>' + playlist_cleaned + u'</html>'
+ size_cache = {}
+ doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(playlist_html)
+ playlist = []
+ for li in doc.findall('./div/ul/li'):
+ title = li.find('.//h3').text
+ video_id = movie + '-' + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', title).lower()
+ thumbnail = li.find('.//img').attrib['src']
+ date_el = li.find('.//p')
+ upload_date = None
+ m = re.search(r':\s?(?P<month>[0-9]{2})/(?P<day>[0-9]{2})/(?P<year>[0-9]{2})', date_el.text)
+ if m:
+ upload_date = u'20' + m.group('year') + m.group('month') + m.group('day')
+ runtime_el = date_el.find('./br')
+ m = re.search(r':\s?(?P<minutes>[0-9]+):(?P<seconds>[0-9]{1,2})', runtime_el.tail)
+ duration = None
+ if m:
+ duration = 60 * int(m.group('minutes')) + int(m.group('seconds'))
+ formats = []
+ for formats_el in li.findall('.//a'):
+ if formats_el.attrib['class'] != 'OverlayPanel':
+ continue
+ target = formats_el.attrib['target']
+ format_code = formats_el.text
+ if 'Automatic' in format_code:
+ continue
+ size_q = formats_el.attrib['href']
+ size_id = size_q.rpartition('#videos-')[2]
+ if size_id not in size_cache:
+ size_url = url + size_q
+ sizepage_html = self._download_webpage(
+ size_url, movie,
+ note=u'Downloading size info %s' % size_id,
+ errnote=u'Error while downloading size info %s' % size_id,
+ )
+ _doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(sizepage_html)
+ size_cache[size_id] = _doc
+ sizepage_doc = size_cache[size_id]
+ links = sizepage_doc.findall('.//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}ul/{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}li/{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a')
+ for vid_a in links:
+ href = vid_a.get('href')
+ if not href.endswith(target):
+ continue
+ detail_q = href.partition('#')[0]
+ detail_url = url + '/' + detail_q
+ m = re.match(r'includes/(?P<detail_id>[^/]+)/', detail_q)
+ detail_id = m.group('detail_id')
+ detail_html = self._download_webpage(
+ detail_url, movie,
+ note=u'Downloading detail %s %s' % (detail_id, size_id),
+ errnote=u'Error while downloading detail %s %s' % (detail_id, size_id)
+ )
+ detail_doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(detail_html)
+ movie_link_el = detail_doc.find('.//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a')
+ assert movie_link_el.get('class') == 'movieLink'
+ movie_link = movie_link_el.get('href').partition('?')[0].replace('_', '_h')
+ ext = determine_ext(movie_link)
+ assert ext == 'mov'
+ formats.append({
+ 'format': format_code,
+ 'ext': ext,
+ 'url': movie_link,
+ })
+ info = {
+ '_type': 'video',
+ 'id': video_id,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'formats': formats,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'duration': duration,
+ 'thumbnail': thumbnail,
+ 'upload_date': upload_date,
+ 'uploader_id': uploader_id,
+ 'user_agent': 'QuickTime compatible (youtube-dl)',
+ }
+ # TODO: Remove when #980 has been merged
+ info['url'] = formats[-1]['url']
+ info['ext'] = formats[-1]['ext']
+ playlist.append(info)
+ return {
+ '_type': 'playlist',
+ 'id': movie,
+ 'entries': playlist,
+ }
_TEST ={
u'url': u'http://www.56.com/u39/v_OTM0NDA3MTY.html',
- u'file': u'93440716.mp4',
- u'md5': u'9dc07b5c8e978112a6441f9e75d2b59e',
+ u'file': u'93440716.flv',
+ u'md5': u'e59995ac63d0457783ea05f93f12a866',
u'info_dict': {
u'title': u'网事知多少 第32期:车怒',
--- /dev/null
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+class Canalc2IE(InfoExtractor):
+ _IE_NAME = 'canalc2.tv'
+ _VALID_URL = r'http://.*?\.canalc2\.tv/video\.asp\?idVideo=(\d+)&voir=oui'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://www.canalc2.tv/video.asp?idVideo=12163&voir=oui',
+ u'file': u'12163.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'060158428b650f896c542dfbb3d6487f',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'Terrasses du Numérique'
+ }
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ video_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).group(1)
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+ file_name = self._search_regex(
+ r"so\.addVariable\('file','(.*?)'\);",
+ webpage, 'file name')
+ video_url = 'http://vod-flash.u-strasbg.fr:8080/' + file_name
+ title = self._html_search_regex(
+ r'class="evenement8">(.*?)</a>', webpage, u'title')
+ return {'id': video_id,
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'url': video_url,
+ 'title': title,
+ }
from ..utils import unified_strdate
class CanalplusIE(InfoExtractor):
- _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.canalplus\.fr/.*?\?vid=(?P<id>\d+)'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://(www\.canalplus\.fr/.*?\?vid=|player\.canalplus\.fr/#/)(?P<id>\d+)'
_VIDEO_INFO_TEMPLATE = 'http://service.canal-plus.com/video/rest/getVideosLiees/cplus/%s'
IE_NAME = u'canalplus.fr'
--- /dev/null
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import determine_ext
+class CNNIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)https?://(edition\.)?cnn\.com/video/(data/.+?|\?)/
+ (?P<path>.+?/(?P<title>[^/]+?)(?:\.cnn|(?=&)))'''
+ _TESTS = [{
+ u'url': u'http://edition.cnn.com/video/?/video/sports/2013/06/09/nadal-1-on-1.cnn',
+ u'file': u'sports_2013_06_09_nadal-1-on-1.cnn.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'3e6121ea48df7e2259fe73a0628605c4',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'Nadal wins 8th French Open title',
+ u'description': u'World Sport\'s Amanda Davies chats with 2013 French Open champion Rafael Nadal.',
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ u"url": u"http://edition.cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2013/08/21/sot-student-gives-epic-speech.georgia-institute-of-technology&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_topstories+%28RSS%3A+Top+Stories%29",
+ u"file": u"us_2013_08_21_sot-student-gives-epic-speech.georgia-institute-of-technology.mp4",
+ u"md5": u"b5cc60c60a3477d185af8f19a2a26f4e",
+ u"info_dict": {
+ u"title": "Student's epic speech stuns new freshmen",
+ u"description": "A Georgia Tech student welcomes the incoming freshmen with an epic speech backed by music from \"2001: A Space Odyssey.\""
+ }
+ }]
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ path = mobj.group('path')
+ page_title = mobj.group('title')
+ info_url = u'http://cnn.com/video/data/3.0/%s/index.xml' % path
+ info_xml = self._download_webpage(info_url, page_title)
+ info = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(info_xml.encode('utf-8'))
+ formats = []
+ for f in info.findall('files/file'):
+ mf = re.match(r'(\d+)x(\d+)(?:_(.*)k)?',f.attrib['bitrate'])
+ if mf is not None:
+ formats.append((int(mf.group(1)), int(mf.group(2)), int(mf.group(3) or 0), f.text))
+ formats = sorted(formats)
+ (_,_,_, video_path) = formats[-1]
+ video_url = 'http://ht.cdn.turner.com/cnn/big%s' % video_path
+ thumbnails = sorted([((int(t.attrib['height']),int(t.attrib['width'])), t.text) for t in info.findall('images/image')])
+ thumbs_dict = [{'resolution': res, 'url': t_url} for (res, t_url) in thumbnails]
+ return {'id': info.attrib['id'],
+ 'title': info.find('headline').text,
+ 'url': video_url,
+ 'ext': determine_ext(video_url),
+ 'thumbnail': thumbnails[-1][1],
+ 'thumbnails': thumbs_dict,
+ 'description': info.find('description').text,
+ }
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
+ determine_ext,
class CollegeHumorIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'^(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?collegehumor\.com/(video|embed|e)/(?P<videoid>[0-9]+)/?(?P<shorttitle>.*)$'
- _TEST = {
+ _TESTS = [{
u'url': u'http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6902724/comic-con-cosplay-catastrophe',
u'file': u'6902724.mp4',
u'md5': u'1264c12ad95dca142a9f0bf7968105a0',
u'title': u'Comic-Con Cosplay Catastrophe',
u'description': u'Fans get creative this year at San Diego. Too creative. And yes, that\'s really Joss Whedon.',
- }
+ },
+ {
+ u'url': u'http://www.collegehumor.com/video/3505939/font-conference',
+ u'file': u'3505939.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'c51ca16b82bb456a4397987791a835f5',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'Font Conference',
+ u'description': u'This video wasn\'t long enough, so we made it double-spaced.',
+ },
+ }]
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
info['description'] = videoNode.findall('./description')[0].text
info['title'] = videoNode.findall('./caption')[0].text
info['thumbnail'] = videoNode.findall('./thumbnail')[0].text
- manifest_url = videoNode.findall('./file')[0].text
+ next_url = videoNode.findall('./file')[0].text
except IndexError:
raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid metadata XML file')
- manifest_url += '?hdcore=2.10.3'
- manifestXml = self._download_webpage(manifest_url, video_id,
- u'Downloading XML manifest',
- u'Unable to download video info XML')
- adoc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(manifestXml)
- try:
- media_node = adoc.findall('./{http://ns.adobe.com/f4m/1.0}media')[0]
- node_id = media_node.attrib['url']
- video_id = adoc.findall('./{http://ns.adobe.com/f4m/1.0}id')[0].text
- except IndexError as err:
- raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid manifest file')
+ if next_url.endswith(u'manifest.f4m'):
+ manifest_url = next_url + '?hdcore=2.10.3'
+ manifestXml = self._download_webpage(manifest_url, video_id,
+ u'Downloading XML manifest',
+ u'Unable to download video info XML')
- url_pr = compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(info['thumbnail'])
+ adoc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(manifestXml)
+ try:
+ media_node = adoc.findall('./{http://ns.adobe.com/f4m/1.0}media')[0]
+ node_id = media_node.attrib['url']
+ video_id = adoc.findall('./{http://ns.adobe.com/f4m/1.0}id')[0].text
+ except IndexError as err:
+ raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid manifest file')
+ url_pr = compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(info['thumbnail'])
+ info['url'] = url_pr.scheme + '://' + url_pr.netloc + video_id[:-2].replace('.csmil','').replace(',','')
+ info['ext'] = 'mp4'
+ else:
+ # Old-style direct links
+ info['url'] = next_url
+ info['ext'] = determine_ext(info['url'])
- info['url'] = url_pr.scheme + '://' + url_pr.netloc + video_id[:-2].replace('.csmil','').replace(',','')
- info['ext'] = 'mp4'
- return [info]
+ return info
uploader_id: Nickname or id of the video uploader.
location: Physical location of the video.
player_url: SWF Player URL (used for rtmpdump).
- subtitles: The subtitle file contents.
+ subtitles: The subtitle file contents as a dictionary in the format
+ {language: subtitles}.
view_count: How many users have watched the video on the platform.
urlhandle: [internal] The urlHandle to be used to download the file,
like returned by urllib.request.urlopen
def suitable(cls, url):
"""Receives a URL and returns True if suitable for this IE."""
- return re.match(cls._VALID_URL, url) is not None
+ # This does not use has/getattr intentionally - we want to know whether
+ # we have cached the regexp for *this* class, whereas getattr would also
+ # match the superclass
+ if '_VALID_URL_RE' not in cls.__dict__:
+ cls._VALID_URL_RE = re.compile(cls._VALID_URL)
+ return cls._VALID_URL_RE.match(url) is not None
def working(cls):
"""Real extraction process. Redefine in subclasses."""
+ @classmethod
+ def ie_key(cls):
+ """A string for getting the InfoExtractor with get_info_extractor"""
+ return cls.__name__[:-2]
def IE_NAME(self):
return type(self).__name__[:-2]
except (compat_urllib_error.URLError, compat_http_client.HTTPException, socket.error) as err:
if errnote is None:
errnote = u'Unable to download webpage'
- raise ExtractorError(u'%s: %s' % (errnote, compat_str(err)), sys.exc_info()[2])
+ raise ExtractorError(u'%s: %s' % (errnote, compat_str(err)), sys.exc_info()[2], cause=err)
def _download_webpage_handle(self, url_or_request, video_id, note=None, errnote=None):
""" Returns a tuple (page content as string, URL handle) """
urlh = self._request_webpage(url_or_request, video_id, note, errnote)
content_type = urlh.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
+ webpage_bytes = urlh.read()
m = re.match(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+/[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\s*;\s*charset=(.+)', content_type)
if m:
encoding = m.group(1)
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- webpage_bytes = urlh.read()
+ m = re.search(br'<meta[^>]+charset=[\'"]?([^\'")]+)[ /\'">]',
+ webpage_bytes[:1024])
+ if m:
+ encoding = m.group(1).decode('ascii')
+ else:
+ encoding = 'utf-8'
if self._downloader.params.get('dump_intermediate_pages', False):
url = url_or_request.get_full_url()
u'file': u'x33vw9.mp4',
u'md5': u'392c4b85a60a90dc4792da41ce3144eb',
u'info_dict': {
- u"uploader": u"Alex and Van .",
+ u"uploader": u"Amphora Alex and Van .",
u"title": u"Tutoriel de Youtubeur\"DL DES VIDEO DE YOUTUBE\""
video_id = mobj.group('id')
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
- video_url = self._html_search_regex(r'<video[^>]*>\s*<source[^>]*>\s*<source src="(?P<url>[^"]+)"',
+ video_url = self._search_regex(r'type: "video/mp4", src: "(.*?)"',
webpage, u'video URL', flags=re.DOTALL)
- title = self._html_search_regex((r"<h1 class='player_page_h1'.*?>(?P<title>.*?)</h1>",
- r'<title>(?P<title>[^<]+?)</title>'), webpage, 'title', flags=re.DOTALL)
info = {
'id': video_id,
'url': video_url,
'ext': 'mp4',
- 'title': title,
+ 'title': self._og_search_title(webpage),
'description': self._og_search_description(webpage),
return [info]
+ compat_urlparse,
from .brightcove import BrightcoveIE
class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = u'Generic downloader that works on some sites'
_VALID_URL = r'.*'
u'file': u'13601338388002.mp4',
u'md5': u'85b90ccc9d73b4acd9138d3af4c27f89',
u'info_dict': {
- u"uploader": u"www.hodiho.fr",
+ u"uploader": u"www.hodiho.fr",
u"title": u"R\u00e9gis plante sa Jeep"
return new_url
def _real_extract(self, url):
- new_url = self._test_redirect(url)
- if new_url: return [self.url_result(new_url)]
+ try:
+ new_url = self._test_redirect(url)
+ if new_url:
+ return [self.url_result(new_url)]
+ except compat_urllib_error.HTTPError:
+ # This may be a stupid server that doesn't like HEAD, our UA, or so
+ pass
video_id = url.split('/')[-1]
raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid URL: %s' % url)
- # Look for BrigthCove:
+ # Look for BrightCove:
m_brightcove = re.search(r'<object.+?class=([\'"]).*?BrightcoveExperience.*?\1.+?</object>', webpage, re.DOTALL)
if m_brightcove is not None:
self.to_screen(u'Brightcove video detected.')
# We only look in og:video if the MIME type is a video, don't try if it's a Flash player:
if m_video_type is not None:
mobj = re.search(r'<meta.*?property="og:video".*?content="(.*?)"', webpage)
+ if mobj is None:
+ # HTML5 video
+ mobj = re.search(r'<video[^<]*>.*?<source .*?src="([^"]+)"', webpage, flags=re.DOTALL)
if mobj is None:
raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid URL: %s' % url)
raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid URL: %s' % url)
video_url = compat_urllib_parse.unquote(mobj.group(1))
+ video_url = compat_urlparse.urljoin(url, video_url)
video_id = os.path.basename(video_url)
# here's a fun little line of code for you:
webpage, 'title', default=u'NA')
# Step 2, Simulate clicking the image box to launch video
- DOMAIN = 'https://plus.google.com'
- video_page = self._search_regex(r'<a href="((?:%s)?/photos/.*?)"' % re.escape(DOMAIN),
+ DOMAIN = 'https://plus.google.com/'
+ video_page = self._search_regex(r'<a href="((?:%s)?photos/.*?)"' % re.escape(DOMAIN),
webpage, u'video page URL')
if not video_page.startswith(DOMAIN):
video_page = DOMAIN + video_page
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import json
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import determine_ext
+class HarkIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.hark\.com/clips/(.+?)-.+'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://www.hark.com/clips/mmbzyhkgny-obama-beyond-the-afghan-theater-we-only-target-al-qaeda-on-may-23-2013',
+ u'file': u'mmbzyhkgny.mp3',
+ u'md5': u'6783a58491b47b92c7c1af5a77d4cbee',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u"Obama: 'Beyond The Afghan Theater, We Only Target Al Qaeda' on May 23, 2013",
+ u'description': u'President Barack Obama addressed the nation live on May 23, 2013 in a speech aimed at addressing counter-terrorism policies including the use of drone strikes, detainees at Guantanamo Bay prison facility, and American citizens who are terrorists.',
+ u'duration': 11,
+ }
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group(1)
+ json_url = "http://www.hark.com/clips/%s.json" %(video_id)
+ info_json = self._download_webpage(json_url, video_id)
+ info = json.loads(info_json)
+ final_url = info['url']
+ return {'id': video_id,
+ 'url' : final_url,
+ 'title': info['name'],
+ 'ext': determine_ext(final_url),
+ 'description': info['description'],
+ 'thumbnail': info['image_original'],
+ 'duration': info['duration'],
+ }
Some videos of it.ign.com are also supported
- _VALID_URL = r'https?://.+?\.ign\.com/(?:videos|show_videos)(/.+)?/(?P<name_or_id>.+)'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://.+?\.ign\.com/(?P<type>videos|show_videos|articles)(/.+)?/(?P<name_or_id>.+)'
IE_NAME = u'ign.com'
_CONFIG_URL_TEMPLATE = 'http://www.ign.com/videos/configs/id/%s.config'
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
name_or_id = mobj.group('name_or_id')
+ page_type = mobj.group('type')
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, name_or_id)
+ if page_type == 'articles':
+ video_url = self._search_regex(r'var videoUrl = "(.+?)"', webpage, u'video url')
+ return self.url_result(video_url, ie='IGN')
video_id = self._find_video_id(webpage)
result = self._get_video_info(video_id)
description = self._html_search_regex(self._DESCRIPTION_RE,
class OneUPIE(IGNIE):
"""Extractor for 1up.com, it uses the ign videos system."""
- _VALID_URL = r'https?://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/(?P<name_or_id>.+)'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://gamevideos.1up.com/(?P<type>video)/id/(?P<name_or_id>.+)'
IE_NAME = '1up.com'
_DESCRIPTION_RE = r'<div id="vid_summary">(.+?)</div>'
--- /dev/null
+# coding: utf-8
+import json
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+class JeuxVideoIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'http://.*?\.jeuxvideo\.com/.*/(.*?)-\d+\.htm'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://www.jeuxvideo.com/reportages-videos-jeux/0004/00046170/tearaway-playstation-vita-gc-2013-tearaway-nous-presente-ses-papiers-d-identite-00115182.htm',
+ u'file': u'5182.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'e0fdb0cd3ce98713ef9c1e1e025779d0',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'GC 2013 : Tearaway nous présente ses papiers d\'identité',
+ u'description': u'Lorsque les développeurs de LittleBigPlanet proposent un nouveau titre, on ne peut que s\'attendre à un résultat original et fort attrayant.\n',
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ title = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).group(1)
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, title)
+ m_download = re.search(r'<param name="flashvars" value="config=(.*?)" />', webpage)
+ xml_link = m_download.group(1)
+ id = re.search(r'http://www.jeuxvideo.com/config/\w+/0011/(.*?)/\d+_player\.xml', xml_link).group(1)
+ xml_config = self._download_webpage(xml_link, title,
+ 'Downloading XML config')
+ config = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(xml_config.encode('utf-8'))
+ info = re.search(r'<format\.json>(.*?)</format\.json>',
+ xml_config, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL).group(1)
+ info = json.loads(info)['versions'][0]
+ video_url = 'http://video720.jeuxvideo.com/' + info['file']
+ return {'id': id,
+ 'title' : config.find('titre_video').text,
+ 'ext' : 'mp4',
+ 'url' : video_url,
+ 'description': self._og_search_description(webpage),
+ 'thumbnail': config.find('image').text,
+ }
video_id = mobj.group('id')
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
- title = self._search_regex(r'G_TITLE=[\'"](.+?)[\'"]', webpage, u'video title')
- gcid = self._search_regex(r'lurl:[\'"]http://.+?/.+?/(.+?)/', webpage, u'gcid')
+ title = self._search_regex(r'(?:G_TITLE=|G_MOVIE_TITLE = )[\'"](.+?)[\'"]', webpage, u'video title')
+ surls = re.search(r'surls:\[\'.+?\'\]|lurl:\'.+?\.flv\'', webpage).group(0)
+ gcids = re.findall(r"http://.+?/.+?/(.+?)/", surls)
+ gcid = gcids[-1]
video_info_page = self._download_webpage('http://p2s.cl.kankan.com/getCdnresource_flv?gcid=%s' % gcid,
video_id, u'Downloading video url info')
--- /dev/null
+import re
+import json
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+ clean_html,
+ get_element_by_id,
+class TechTVMITIE(InfoExtractor):
+ IE_NAME = u'techtv.mit.edu'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://techtv\.mit\.edu/(videos|embeds)/(?P<id>\d+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://techtv.mit.edu/videos/25418-mit-dna-learning-center-set',
+ u'file': u'25418.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'1f8cb3e170d41fd74add04d3c9330e5f',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'MIT DNA Learning Center Set',
+ u'description': u'md5:82313335e8a8a3f243351ba55bc1b474',
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('id')
+ raw_page = self._download_webpage(
+ 'http://techtv.mit.edu/videos/%s' % video_id, video_id)
+ clean_page = re.compile(u'<!--.*?-->', re.S).sub(u'', raw_page)
+ base_url = self._search_regex(r'ipadUrl: \'(.+?cloudfront.net/)',
+ raw_page, u'base url')
+ formats_json = self._search_regex(r'bitrates: (\[.+?\])', raw_page,
+ u'video formats')
+ formats = json.loads(formats_json)
+ formats = sorted(formats, key=lambda f: f['bitrate'])
+ title = get_element_by_id('edit-title', clean_page)
+ description = clean_html(get_element_by_id('edit-description', clean_page))
+ thumbnail = self._search_regex(r'playlist:.*?url: \'(.+?)\'',
+ raw_page, u'thumbnail', flags=re.DOTALL)
+ return {'id': video_id,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'url': base_url + formats[-1]['url'].replace('mp4:', ''),
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'description': description,
+ 'thumbnail': thumbnail,
+ }
+class MITIE(TechTVMITIE):
+ IE_NAME = u'video.mit.edu'
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://video\.mit\.edu/watch/(?P<title>[^/]+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://video.mit.edu/watch/the-government-is-profiling-you-13222/',
+ u'file': u'21783.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'7db01d5ccc1895fc5010e9c9e13648da',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'The Government is Profiling You',
+ u'description': u'md5:ad5795fe1e1623b73620dbfd47df9afd',
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ page_title = mobj.group('title')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, page_title)
+ self.to_screen('%s: Extracting %s url' % (page_title, TechTVMITIE.IE_NAME))
+ embed_url = self._search_regex(r'<iframe .*?src="(.+?)"', webpage,
+ u'embed url')
+ return self.url_result(embed_url, ie='TechTVMIT')
--- /dev/null
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import find_xpath_attr, compat_str
+class NBCNewsIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.nbcnews\.com/video/.+?/(?P<id>\d+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://www.nbcnews.com/video/nbc-news/52753292',
+ u'file': u'52753292.flv',
+ u'md5': u'47abaac93c6eaf9ad37ee6c4463a5179',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'Crew emerges after four-month Mars food study',
+ u'description': u'md5:24e632ffac72b35f8b67a12d1b6ddfc1',
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('id')
+ info_xml = self._download_webpage('http://www.nbcnews.com/id/%s/displaymode/1219' % video_id, video_id)
+ info = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(info_xml.encode('utf-8')).find('video')
+ return {'id': video_id,
+ 'title': info.find('headline').text,
+ 'ext': 'flv',
+ 'url': find_xpath_attr(info, 'media', 'type', 'flashVideo').text,
+ 'description': compat_str(info.find('caption').text),
+ 'thumbnail': find_xpath_attr(info, 'media', 'type', 'thumbnail').text,
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# coding: utf-8
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+import json
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+ compat_urlparse,
+ ExtractorError,
+ find_xpath_attr,
+class ORFIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://tvthek.orf.at/(programs/.+?/episodes|topics/.+?)/(?P<id>\d+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://tvthek.orf.at/programs/1171769-Wetter-ZIB/episodes/6557323-Wetter',
+ u'file': u'6566957.flv',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'Wetter',
+ u'description': u'Christa Kummer, Marcus Wadsak und Kollegen präsentieren abwechselnd ihre täglichen Wetterprognosen für Österreich.\r \r Mehr Wetter unter wetter.ORF.at',
+ },
+ u'params': {
+ # It uses rtmp
+ u'skip_download': True,
+ }
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ playlist_id = mobj.group('id')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, playlist_id)
+ flash_xml = self._search_regex('ORF.flashXML = \'(.+?)\'', webpage, u'flash xml')
+ flash_xml = compat_urlparse.parse_qs('xml='+flash_xml)['xml'][0]
+ flash_config = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(flash_xml.encode('utf-8'))
+ playlist_json = self._search_regex(r'playlist\': \'(\[.*?\])\'', webpage, u'playlist').replace(r'\"','"')
+ playlist = json.loads(playlist_json)
+ videos = []
+ ns = '{http://tempuri.org/XMLSchema.xsd}'
+ xpath = '%(ns)sPlaylist/%(ns)sItems/%(ns)sItem' % {'ns': ns}
+ webpage_description = self._og_search_description(webpage)
+ for (i, (item, info)) in enumerate(zip(flash_config.findall(xpath), playlist), 1):
+ # Get best quality url
+ rtmp_url = None
+ for q in ['Q6A', 'Q4A', 'Q1A']:
+ video_url = find_xpath_attr(item, '%sVideoUrl' % ns, 'quality', q)
+ if video_url is not None:
+ rtmp_url = video_url.text
+ break
+ if rtmp_url is None:
+ raise ExtractorError(u'Couldn\'t get video url: %s' % info['id'])
+ description = self._html_search_regex(
+ r'id="playlist_entry_%s".*?<p>(.*?)</p>' % i, webpage,
+ u'description', default=webpage_description, flags=re.DOTALL)
+ videos.append({
+ '_type': 'video',
+ 'id': info['id'],
+ 'title': info['title'],
+ 'url': rtmp_url,
+ 'ext': 'flv',
+ 'description': description,
+ })
+ return videos
--- /dev/null
+import re
+import json
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+class PBSIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://video.pbs.org/video/(?P<id>\d+)/?'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://video.pbs.org/video/2365006249/',
+ u'file': u'2365006249.mp4',
+ u'md5': 'ce1888486f0908d555a8093cac9a7362',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'A More Perfect Union',
+ u'description': u'md5:ba0c207295339c8d6eced00b7c363c6a',
+ u'duration': 3190,
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('id')
+ info_url = 'http://video.pbs.org/videoInfo/%s?format=json' % video_id
+ info_page = self._download_webpage(info_url, video_id)
+ info =json.loads(info_page)
+ return {'id': video_id,
+ 'title': info['title'],
+ 'url': info['alternate_encoding']['url'],
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'description': info['program'].get('description'),
+ 'thumbnail': info.get('image_url'),
+ 'duration': info.get('duration'),
+ }
--- /dev/null
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+ clean_html,
+ compat_parse_qs,
+class Ro220IE(InfoExtractor):
+ IE_NAME = '220.ro'
+ _VALID_URL = r'(?x)(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?220\.ro/(?P<category>[^/]+)/(?P<shorttitle>[^/]+)/(?P<video_id>[^/]+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u"url": u"http://www.220.ro/sport/Luati-Le-Banii-Sez-4-Ep-1/LYV6doKo7f/",
+ u'file': u'LYV6doKo7f.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'03af18b73a07b4088753930db7a34add',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u"title": u"Luati-le Banii sez 4 ep 1",
+ u"description": u"Iata-ne reveniti dupa o binemeritata vacanta. Va astept si pe Facebook cu pareri si comentarii.",
+ }
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('video_id')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+ flashVars_str = self._search_regex(
+ r'<param name="flashVars" value="([^"]+)"',
+ webpage, u'flashVars')
+ flashVars = compat_parse_qs(flashVars_str)
+ info = {
+ '_type': 'video',
+ 'id': video_id,
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'url': flashVars['videoURL'][0],
+ 'title': flashVars['title'][0],
+ 'description': clean_html(flashVars['desc'][0]),
+ 'thumbnail': flashVars['preview'][0],
+ }
+ return info
--- /dev/null
+# encoding: utf-8
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+ clean_html,
+ ExtractorError,
+class RTLnowIE(InfoExtractor):
+ """Information Extractor for RTL NOW, RTL2 NOW, SUPER RTL NOW and VOX NOW"""
+ _VALID_URL = r'(?:http://)?(?P<url>(?P<base_url>rtl-now\.rtl\.de/|rtl2now\.rtl2\.de/|(?:www\.)?voxnow\.de/|(?:www\.)?superrtlnow\.de/)[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.php\?(?:container_id|film_id)=(?P<video_id>[0-9]+)&player=1(?:&season=[0-9]+)?(?:&.*)?)'
+ _TESTS = [{
+ u'url': u'http://rtl-now.rtl.de/ahornallee/folge-1.php?film_id=90419&player=1&season=1',
+ u'file': u'90419.flv',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'upload_date': u'20070416',
+ u'title': u'Ahornallee - Folge 1 - Der Einzug',
+ u'description': u'Folge 1 - Der Einzug',
+ },
+ u'params': {
+ u'skip_download': True,
+ },
+ u'skip': u'Only works from Germany',
+ },
+ {
+ u'url': u'http://rtl2now.rtl2.de/aerger-im-revier/episode-15-teil-1.php?film_id=69756&player=1&season=2&index=5',
+ u'file': u'69756.flv',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'upload_date': u'20120519',
+ u'title': u'Ärger im Revier - Ein junger Ladendieb, ein handfester Streit...',
+ u'description': u'Ärger im Revier - Ein junger Ladendieb, ein handfester Streit u.a.',
+ u'thumbnail': u'http://autoimg.static-fra.de/rtl2now/219850/1500x1500/image2.jpg',
+ },
+ u'params': {
+ u'skip_download': True,
+ },
+ u'skip': u'Only works from Germany',
+ },
+ {
+ u'url': u'www.voxnow.de/voxtours/suedafrika-reporter-ii.php?film_id=13883&player=1&season=17',
+ u'file': u'13883.flv',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'upload_date': u'20090627',
+ u'title': u'Voxtours - Südafrika-Reporter II',
+ u'description': u'Südafrika-Reporter II',
+ },
+ u'params': {
+ u'skip_download': True,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ u'url': u'http://superrtlnow.de/medicopter-117/angst.php?film_id=99205&player=1',
+ u'file': u'99205.flv',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'upload_date': u'20080928',
+ u'title': u'Medicopter 117 - Angst!',
+ u'description': u'Angst!',
+ u'thumbnail': u'http://autoimg.static-fra.de/superrtlnow/287529/1500x1500/image2.jpg'
+ },
+ u'params': {
+ u'skip_download': True,
+ },
+ }]
+ def _real_extract(self,url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ webpage_url = u'http://' + mobj.group('url')
+ video_page_url = u'http://' + mobj.group('base_url')
+ video_id = mobj.group(u'video_id')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(webpage_url, video_id)
+ note_m = re.search(r'''(?sx)
+ <div[ ]style="margin-left:[ ]20px;[ ]font-size:[ ]13px;">(.*?)
+ <div[ ]id="playerteaser">''', webpage)
+ if note_m:
+ msg = clean_html(note_m.group(1))
+ raise ExtractorError(msg)
+ video_title = self._html_search_regex(r'<title>(?P<title>[^<]+)</title>',
+ webpage, u'title')
+ playerdata_url = self._html_search_regex(r'\'playerdata\': \'(?P<playerdata_url>[^\']+)\'',
+ webpage, u'playerdata_url')
+ playerdata = self._download_webpage(playerdata_url, video_id)
+ mobj = re.search(r'<title><!\[CDATA\[(?P<description>.+?)\s+- (?:Sendung )?vom (?P<upload_date_d>[0-9]{2})\.(?P<upload_date_m>[0-9]{2})\.(?:(?P<upload_date_Y>[0-9]{4})|(?P<upload_date_y>[0-9]{2})) [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} Uhr\]\]></title>', playerdata)
+ if mobj:
+ video_description = mobj.group(u'description')
+ if mobj.group('upload_date_Y'):
+ video_upload_date = mobj.group('upload_date_Y')
+ else:
+ video_upload_date = u'20' + mobj.group('upload_date_y')
+ video_upload_date += mobj.group('upload_date_m')+mobj.group('upload_date_d')
+ else:
+ video_description = None
+ video_upload_date = None
+ self._downloader.report_warning(u'Unable to extract description and upload date')
+ # Thumbnail: not every video has an thumbnail
+ mobj = re.search(r'<meta property="og:image" content="(?P<thumbnail>[^"]+)">', webpage)
+ if mobj:
+ video_thumbnail = mobj.group(u'thumbnail')
+ else:
+ video_thumbnail = None
+ mobj = re.search(r'<filename [^>]+><!\[CDATA\[(?P<url>rtmpe://(?:[^/]+/){2})(?P<play_path>[^\]]+)\]\]></filename>', playerdata)
+ if mobj is None:
+ raise ExtractorError(u'Unable to extract media URL')
+ video_url = mobj.group(u'url')
+ video_play_path = u'mp4:' + mobj.group(u'play_path')
+ video_player_url = video_page_url + u'includes/vodplayer.swf'
+ return [{
+ 'id': video_id,
+ 'url': video_url,
+ 'play_path': video_play_path,
+ 'page_url': video_page_url,
+ 'player_url': video_player_url,
+ 'ext': 'flv',
+ 'title': video_title,
+ 'description': video_description,
+ 'upload_date': video_upload_date,
+ 'thumbnail': video_thumbnail,
+ }]
--- /dev/null
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+class SlashdotIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://tv.slashdot.org/video/\?embed=(?P<id>.*?)(&|$)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://tv.slashdot.org/video/?embed=JscHMzZDplD0p-yNLOzTfzC3Q3xzJaUz',
+ u'file': u'JscHMzZDplD0p-yNLOzTfzC3Q3xzJaUz.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'd2222e7a4a4c1541b3e0cf732fb26735',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u' Meet the Stampede Supercomputing Cluster\'s Administrator',
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('id')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+ ooyala_url = self._search_regex(r'<script src="(.*?)"', webpage, 'ooyala url')
+ return self.url_result(ooyala_url, 'Ooyala')
--- /dev/null
+# encoding: utf-8
+import json
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import ExtractorError
+class SohuIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'https?://tv\.sohu\.com/\d+?/n(?P<id>\d+)\.shtml.*?'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://tv.sohu.com/20130724/n382479172.shtml#super',
+ u'file': u'382479172.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'bde8d9a6ffd82c63a1eefaef4eeefec7',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'MV:Far East Movement《The Illest》',
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ def _fetch_data(vid_id):
+ base_data_url = u'http://hot.vrs.sohu.com/vrs_flash.action?vid='
+ data_url = base_data_url + str(vid_id)
+ data_json = self._download_webpage(
+ data_url, video_id,
+ note=u'Downloading JSON data for ' + str(vid_id))
+ return json.loads(data_json)
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('id')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+ raw_title = self._html_search_regex(r'(?s)<title>(.+?)</title>',
+ webpage, u'video title')
+ title = raw_title.partition('-')[0].strip()
+ vid = self._html_search_regex(r'var vid="(\d+)"', webpage,
+ u'video path')
+ data = _fetch_data(vid)
+ QUALITIES = ('ori', 'super', 'high', 'nor')
+ vid_ids = [data['data'][q + 'Vid']
+ for q in QUALITIES
+ if data['data'][q + 'Vid'] != 0]
+ if not vid_ids:
+ raise ExtractorError(u'No formats available for this video')
+ # For now, we just pick the highest available quality
+ vid_id = vid_ids[-1]
+ format_data = data if vid == vid_id else _fetch_data(vid_id)
+ part_count = format_data['data']['totalBlocks']
+ allot = format_data['allot']
+ prot = format_data['prot']
+ clipsURL = format_data['data']['clipsURL']
+ su = format_data['data']['su']
+ playlist = []
+ for i in range(part_count):
+ part_url = ('http://%s/?prot=%s&file=%s&new=%s' %
+ (allot, prot, clipsURL[i], su[i]))
+ part_str = self._download_webpage(
+ part_url, video_id,
+ note=u'Downloading part %d of %d' % (i+1, part_count))
+ part_info = part_str.split('|')
+ video_url = '%s%s?key=%s' % (part_info[0], su[i], part_info[3])
+ video_info = {
+ 'id': '%s_part%02d' % (video_id, i + 1),
+ 'title': title,
+ 'url': video_url,
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ }
+ playlist.append(video_info)
+ if len(playlist) == 1:
+ info = playlist[0]
+ info['id'] = video_id
+ else:
+ info = {
+ '_type': 'playlist',
+ 'entries': playlist,
+ 'id': video_id,
+ }
+ return info
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
+ compat_urlparse,
_VALID_URL = r'''^(?:https?://)?
+ |(?P<widget>w.soundcloud.com/player/?.*?url=.*)
IE_NAME = u'soundcloud'
if track_id is not None:
info_json_url = 'http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/' + track_id + '.json?client_id=' + self._CLIENT_ID
full_title = track_id
+ elif mobj.group('widget'):
+ query = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(compat_urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
+ return self.url_result(query['url'][0], ie='Soundcloud')
# extract uploader (which is in the url)
uploader = mobj.group(1)
class StatigramIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'(?:http://)?(?:www\.)?statigr\.am/p/([^/]+)'
_TEST = {
- u'url': u'http://statigr.am/p/484091715184808010_284179915',
- u'file': u'484091715184808010_284179915.mp4',
- u'md5': u'deda4ff333abe2e118740321e992605b',
+ u'url': u'http://statigr.am/p/522207370455279102_24101272',
+ u'file': u'522207370455279102_24101272.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'6eb93b882a3ded7c378ee1d6884b1814',
u'info_dict': {
- u"uploader_id": u"videoseconds",
- u"title": u"Instagram photo by @videoseconds"
- }
+ u'uploader_id': u'aguynamedpatrick',
+ u'title': u'Instagram photo by @aguynamedpatrick (Patrick Janelle)',
+ },
def _real_extract(self, url):
--- /dev/null
+import json
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+class TriluliluIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'(?x)(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?trilulilu\.ro/video-(?P<category>[^/]+)/(?P<video_id>[^/]+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u"url": u"http://www.trilulilu.ro/video-animatie/big-buck-bunny-1",
+ u'file': u"big-buck-bunny-1.mp4",
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u"title": u"Big Buck Bunny",
+ u"description": u":) pentru copilul din noi",
+ },
+ # Server ignores Range headers (--test)
+ u"params": {
+ u"skip_download": True
+ }
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
+ video_id = mobj.group('video_id')
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+ title = self._og_search_title(webpage)
+ thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage)
+ description = self._og_search_description(webpage)
+ log_str = self._search_regex(
+ r'block_flash_vars[ ]=[ ]({[^}]+})', webpage, u'log info')
+ log = json.loads(log_str)
+ format_url = (u'http://fs%(server)s.trilulilu.ro/%(hash)s/'
+ u'video-formats2' % log)
+ format_str = self._download_webpage(
+ format_url, video_id,
+ note=u'Downloading formats',
+ errnote=u'Error while downloading formats')
+ format_doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(format_str)
+ video_url_template = (
+ u'http://fs%(server)s.trilulilu.ro/stream.php?type=video'
+ u'&source=site&hash=%(hash)s&username=%(userid)s&'
+ u'key=ministhebest&format=%%s&sig=&exp=' %
+ log)
+ formats = [
+ {
+ 'format': fnode.text,
+ 'url': video_url_template % fnode.text,
+ }
+ for fnode in format_doc.findall('./formats/format')
+ ]
+ info = {
+ '_type': 'video',
+ 'id': video_id,
+ 'formats': formats,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'description': description,
+ 'thumbnail': thumbnail,
+ }
+ # TODO: Remove when #980 has been merged
+ info['url'] = formats[-1]['url']
+ info['ext'] = formats[-1]['format'].partition('-')[0]
+ return info
--- /dev/null
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+class UnistraIE(InfoExtractor):
+ _VALID_URL = r'http://utv.unistra.fr/(?:index|video).php\?id_video\=(\d+)'
+ _TEST = {
+ u'url': u'http://utv.unistra.fr/video.php?id_video=154',
+ u'file': u'154.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'736f605cfdc96724d55bb543ab3ced24',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'title': u'M!ss Yella',
+ u'description': u'md5:104892c71bd48e55d70b902736b81bbf',
+ },
+ }
+ def _real_extract(self, url):
+ id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).group(1)
+ webpage = self._download_webpage(url, id)
+ file = re.search(r'file: "(.*?)",', webpage).group(1)
+ title = self._html_search_regex(r'<title>UTV - (.*?)</', webpage, u'title')
+ video_url = 'http://vod-flash.u-strasbg.fr:8080/' + file
+ return {'id': id,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'ext': 'mp4',
+ 'url': video_url,
+ 'description': self._html_search_regex(r'<meta name="Description" content="(.*?)"', webpage, u'description', flags=re.DOTALL),
+ 'thumbnail': self._search_regex(r'image: "(.*?)"', webpage, u'thumbnail'),
+ }
Accepts urls from vevo.com or in the format 'vevo:{id}'
(currently used by MTVIE)
- _VALID_URL = r'((http://www.vevo.com/watch/.*?/.*?/)|(vevo:))(?P<id>.*)$'
+ _VALID_URL = r'((http://www.vevo.com/watch/.*?/.*?/)|(vevo:))(?P<id>.*?)(\?|$)'
_TEST = {
u'url': u'http://www.vevo.com/watch/hurts/somebody-to-die-for/GB1101300280',
u'file': u'GB1101300280.mp4',
u'md5': u'06bea460acb744eab74a9d7dcb4bfd61',
u'info_dict': {
- u"upload_date": u"20130624",
- u"uploader": u"Hurts",
+ u"upload_date": u"20130624",
+ u"uploader": u"Hurts",
u"title": u"Somebody to Die For"
_TEST = {
u'url': u'http://www.videofy.me/thisisvideofyme/1100701',
u'file': u'1100701.mp4',
- u'md5': u'2046dd5758541d630bfa93e741e2fd79',
+ u'md5': u'c77d700bdc16ae2e9f3c26019bd96143',
u'info_dict': {
u'title': u'This is VideofyMe',
u'description': None,
config = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(config_xml.encode('utf-8'))
video = config.find('video')
sources = video.find('sources')
- url_node = find_xpath_attr(sources, 'source', 'id', 'HQ on')
- if url_node is None:
- url_node = find_xpath_attr(sources, 'source', 'id', 'HQ off')
+ url_node = next(node for node in [find_xpath_attr(sources, 'source', 'id', 'HQ %s' % key)
+ for key in ['on', 'av', 'off']] if node is not None)
video_url = url_node.find('url').text
return {'id': video_id,
_VALID_URL = r'(?P<proto>https?://)?(?:(?:www|player)\.)?vimeo(?P<pro>pro)?\.com/(?:(?:(?:groups|album)/[^/]+)|(?:.*?)/)?(?P<direct_link>play_redirect_hls\?clip_id=)?(?:videos?/)?(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?:[?].*)?$'
_NETRC_MACHINE = 'vimeo'
IE_NAME = u'vimeo'
- _TEST = {
- u'url': u'http://vimeo.com/56015672',
- u'file': u'56015672.mp4',
- u'md5': u'8879b6cc097e987f02484baf890129e5',
- u'info_dict': {
- u"upload_date": u"20121220",
- u"description": u"This is a test case for youtube-dl.\nFor more information, see github.com/rg3/youtube-dl\nTest chars: \u2605 \" ' \u5e78 / \\ \u00e4 \u21ad \U0001d550",
- u"uploader_id": u"user7108434",
- u"uploader": u"Filippo Valsorda",
- u"title": u"youtube-dl test video - \u2605 \" ' \u5e78 / \\ \u00e4 \u21ad \U0001d550"
- }
- }
+ _TESTS = [
+ {
+ u'url': u'http://vimeo.com/56015672',
+ u'file': u'56015672.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'8879b6cc097e987f02484baf890129e5',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u"upload_date": u"20121220",
+ u"description": u"This is a test case for youtube-dl.\nFor more information, see github.com/rg3/youtube-dl\nTest chars: \u2605 \" ' \u5e78 / \\ \u00e4 \u21ad \U0001d550",
+ u"uploader_id": u"user7108434",
+ u"uploader": u"Filippo Valsorda",
+ u"title": u"youtube-dl test video - \u2605 \" ' \u5e78 / \\ \u00e4 \u21ad \U0001d550",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ u'url': u'http://vimeopro.com/openstreetmapus/state-of-the-map-us-2013/video/68093876',
+ u'file': u'68093876.mp4',
+ u'md5': u'3b5ca6aa22b60dfeeadf50b72e44ed82',
+ u'note': u'Vimeo Pro video (#1197)',
+ u'info_dict': {
+ u'uploader_id': u'openstreetmapus',
+ u'uploader': u'OpenStreetMap US',
+ u'title': u'Andy Allan - Putting the Carto into OpenStreetMap Cartography',
+ },
+ },
+ ]
def _login(self):
(username, password) = self._get_login_info()
video_id = mobj.group('id')
if not mobj.group('proto'):
url = 'https://' + url
- if mobj.group('direct_link') or mobj.group('pro'):
+ elif mobj.group('pro'):
+ url = 'http://player.vimeo.com/video/' + video_id
+ elif mobj.group('direct_link'):
url = 'https://vimeo.com/' + video_id
# Retrieve video webpage to extract further information
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
- compat_urllib_parse,
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
+ unescapeHTML,
+ determine_ext,
video_url = compat_urllib_parse.unquote(mobj.group('file'))
video_url = mobj.group('server')+'/key='+mobj.group('file')
- video_extension = video_url.split('.')[-1]
video_title = self._html_search_regex(r'<title>(?P<title>.+?) - xHamster\.com</title>',
webpage, u'title')
- # Can't see the description anywhere in the UI
- # video_description = self._html_search_regex(r'<span>Description: </span>(?P<description>[^<]+)',
- # webpage, u'description', fatal=False)
- # if video_description: video_description = unescapeHTML(video_description)
+ # Only a few videos have an description
+ mobj = re.search('<span>Description: </span>(?P<description>[^<]+)', webpage)
+ if mobj:
+ video_description = unescapeHTML(mobj.group('description'))
+ else:
+ video_description = None
mobj = re.search(r'hint=\'(?P<upload_date_Y>[0-9]{4})-(?P<upload_date_m>[0-9]{2})-(?P<upload_date_d>[0-9]{2}) [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} [A-Z]{3,4}\'', webpage)
if mobj:
return [{
'id': video_id,
'url': video_url,
- 'ext': video_extension,
+ 'ext': determine_ext(video_url),
'title': video_title,
- # 'description': video_description,
+ 'description': video_description,
'upload_date': video_upload_date,
'uploader_id': video_uploader_id,
'thumbnail': video_thumbnail
+from ..aes import (
+ aes_decrypt_text
class YouPornIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'^(?:https?://)?(?:\w+\.)?youporn\.com/watch/(?P<videoid>[0-9]+)/(?P<title>[^/]+)'
_TEST = {
u'url': u'http://www.youporn.com/watch/505835/sex-ed-is-it-safe-to-masturbate-daily/',
u'file': u'505835.mp4',
- u'md5': u'c37ddbaaa39058c76a7e86c6813423c1',
+ u'md5': u'71ec5fcfddacf80f495efa8b6a8d9a89',
u'info_dict': {
u"upload_date": u"20101221",
u"description": u"Love & Sex Answers: http://bit.ly/DanAndJenn -- Is It Unhealthy To Masturbate Daily?",
# Get all of the links from the page
LINK_RE = r'(?s)<a href="(?P<url>[^"]+)">'
links = re.findall(LINK_RE, download_list_html)
- if(len(links) == 0):
+ # Get link of hd video if available
+ mobj = re.search(r'var encryptedQuality720URL = \'(?P<encrypted_video_url>[a-zA-Z0-9+/]+={0,2})\';', webpage)
+ if mobj != None:
+ encrypted_video_url = mobj.group(u'encrypted_video_url')
+ video_url = aes_decrypt_text(encrypted_video_url, video_title, 32).decode('utf-8')
+ links = [video_url] + links
+ if not links:
raise ExtractorError(u'ERROR: no known formats available for video')
self.to_screen(u'Links found: %d' % len(links))
- req_format = self._downloader.params.get('format', None)
+ req_format = self._downloader.params.get('format', 'best')
self.to_screen(u'Format: %s' % req_format)
if req_format is None or req_format == 'best':
(?: # the various things that can precede the ID:
(?:(?:v|embed|e)/) # v/ or embed/ or e/
|(?: # or the v= param in all its forms
- (?:watch|movie(?:_popup)?(?:\.php)?)? # preceding watch(_popup|.php) or nothing (like /?v=xxxx)
+ (?:(?:watch|movie)(?:_popup)?(?:\.php)?)? # preceding watch(_popup|.php) or nothing (like /?v=xxxx)
(?:\?|\#!?) # the params delimiter ? or # or #!
(?:.*?&)? # any other preceding param (like /?s=tuff&v=xxxx)
# Listed in order of quality
_available_formats = ['38', '37', '46', '22', '45', '35', '44', '34', '18', '43', '6', '5', '17', '13',
'95', '94', '93', '92', '132', '151',
+ # 3D
'85', '84', '102', '83', '101', '82', '100',
+ # Dash video
+ '138', '137', '248', '136', '247', '135', '246',
+ '245', '244', '134', '243', '133', '242', '160',
+ # Dash audio
+ '141', '172', '140', '171', '139',
_available_formats_prefer_free = ['38', '46', '37', '45', '22', '44', '35', '43', '34', '18', '6', '5', '17', '13',
'95', '94', '93', '92', '132', '151',
'85', '102', '84', '101', '83', '100', '82',
+ # Dash video
+ '138', '248', '137', '247', '136', '246', '245',
+ '244', '135', '243', '134', '242', '133', '160',
+ # Dash audio
+ '172', '141', '171', '140', '139',
_video_extensions = {
'13': '3gp',
'100': 'webm',
'101': 'webm',
'102': 'webm',
# videos that use m3u8
'92': 'mp4',
'93': 'mp4',
'96': 'mp4',
'132': 'mp4',
'151': 'mp4',
+ # Dash mp4
+ '133': 'mp4',
+ '134': 'mp4',
+ '135': 'mp4',
+ '136': 'mp4',
+ '137': 'mp4',
+ '138': 'mp4',
+ '139': 'mp4',
+ '140': 'mp4',
+ '141': 'mp4',
+ '160': 'mp4',
+ # Dash webm
+ '171': 'webm',
+ '172': 'webm',
+ '242': 'webm',
+ '243': 'webm',
+ '244': 'webm',
+ '245': 'webm',
+ '246': 'webm',
+ '247': 'webm',
+ '248': 'webm',
_video_dimensions = {
'5': '240x400',
'96': '1080p',
'100': '360p',
'101': '480p',
- '102': '720p',
+ '102': '720p',
'132': '240p',
'151': '72p',
+ '133': '240p',
+ '134': '360p',
+ '135': '480p',
+ '136': '720p',
+ '137': '1080p',
+ '138': '>1080p',
+ '139': '48k',
+ '140': '128k',
+ '141': '256k',
+ '160': '192p',
+ '171': '128k',
+ '172': '256k',
+ '242': '240p',
+ '243': '360p',
+ '244': '480p',
+ '245': '480p',
+ '246': '480p',
+ '247': '720p',
+ '248': '1080p',
+ }
+ _special_itags = {
+ '82': '3D',
+ '83': '3D',
+ '84': '3D',
+ '85': '3D',
+ '100': '3D',
+ '101': '3D',
+ '102': '3D',
+ '133': 'DASH Video',
+ '134': 'DASH Video',
+ '135': 'DASH Video',
+ '136': 'DASH Video',
+ '137': 'DASH Video',
+ '138': 'DASH Video',
+ '139': 'DASH Audio',
+ '140': 'DASH Audio',
+ '141': 'DASH Audio',
+ '160': 'DASH Video',
+ '171': 'DASH Audio',
+ '172': 'DASH Audio',
+ '242': 'DASH Video',
+ '243': 'DASH Video',
+ '244': 'DASH Video',
+ '245': 'DASH Video',
+ '246': 'DASH Video',
+ '247': 'DASH Video',
+ '248': 'DASH Video',
- _3d_itags = ['85', '84', '102', '83', '101', '82', '100']
IE_NAME = u'youtube'
_TESTS = [
u"info_dict": {
u"upload_date": u"20120506",
u"title": u"Icona Pop - I Love It (feat. Charli XCX) [OFFICIAL VIDEO]",
- u"description": u"md5:b085c9804f5ab69f4adea963a2dceb3c",
- u"uploader": u"IconaPop",
+ u"description": u"md5:3e2666e0a55044490499ea45fe9037b7",
+ u"uploader": u"Icona Pop",
u"uploader_id": u"IconaPop"
elif len(s) == 89:
return s[84:78:-1] + s[87] + s[77:60:-1] + s[0] + s[59:3:-1]
elif len(s) == 88:
- return s[48] + s[81:67:-1] + s[82] + s[66:62:-1] + s[85] + s[61:48:-1] + s[67] + s[47:12:-1] + s[3] + s[11:3:-1] + s[2] + s[12]
+ return s[7:28] + s[87] + s[29:45] + s[55] + s[46:55] + s[2] + s[56:87] + s[28]
elif len(s) == 87:
return s[6:27] + s[4] + s[28:39] + s[27] + s[40:59] + s[2] + s[60:]
elif len(s) == 86:
- return s[5:20] + s[2] + s[21:]
+ return s[83:36:-1] + s[0] + s[35:2:-1]
elif len(s) == 85:
return s[83:34:-1] + s[0] + s[33:27:-1] + s[3] + s[26:19:-1] + s[34] + s[18:3:-1] + s[27]
elif len(s) == 84:
- return s[83:27:-1] + s[0] + s[26:5:-1] + s[2:0:-1] + s[27]
+ return s[81:36:-1] + s[0] + s[35:2:-1]
elif len(s) == 83:
return s[81:64:-1] + s[82] + s[63:52:-1] + s[45] + s[51:45:-1] + s[1] + s[44:1:-1] + s[0]
elif len(s) == 82:
- return s[36] + s[79:67:-1] + s[81] + s[66:40:-1] + s[33] + s[39:36:-1] + s[40] + s[35] + s[0] + s[67] + s[32:0:-1] + s[34]
+ return s[1:19] + s[0] + s[20:68] + s[19] + s[69:82]
elif len(s) == 81:
return s[56] + s[79:56:-1] + s[41] + s[55:41:-1] + s[80] + s[40:34:-1] + s[0] + s[33:29:-1] + s[34] + s[28:9:-1] + s[29] + s[8:0:-1] + s[9]
+ elif len(s) == 80:
+ return s[1:19] + s[0] + s[20:68] + s[19] + s[69:80]
elif len(s) == 79:
return s[54] + s[77:54:-1] + s[39] + s[53:39:-1] + s[78] + s[38:34:-1] + s[0] + s[33:29:-1] + s[34] + s[28:9:-1] + s[29] + s[8:0:-1] + s[9]
sub_list = compat_urllib_request.urlopen(request).read().decode('utf-8')
except (compat_urllib_error.URLError, compat_http_client.HTTPException, socket.error) as err:
- return (u'unable to download video subtitles: %s' % compat_str(err), None)
+ self._downloader.report_warning(u'unable to download video subtitles: %s' % compat_str(err))
+ return {}
sub_lang_list = re.findall(r'name="([^"]*)"[^>]+lang_code="([\w\-]+)"', sub_list)
sub_lang_list = dict((l[1], l[0]) for l in sub_lang_list)
if not sub_lang_list:
- return (u'video doesn\'t have subtitles', None)
+ self._downloader.report_warning(u'video doesn\'t have subtitles')
+ return {}
return sub_lang_list
def _list_available_subtitles(self, video_id):
def _request_subtitle(self, sub_lang, sub_name, video_id, format):
- Return tuple:
- (error_message, sub_lang, sub)
+ Return the subtitle as a string or None if they are not found
self.report_video_subtitles_request(video_id, sub_lang, format)
params = compat_urllib_parse.urlencode({
sub = compat_urllib_request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
except (compat_urllib_error.URLError, compat_http_client.HTTPException, socket.error) as err:
- return (u'unable to download video subtitles: %s' % compat_str(err), None, None)
+ self._downloader.report_warning(u'unable to download video subtitles for %s: %s' % (sub_lang, compat_str(err)))
+ return
if not sub:
- return (u'Did not fetch video subtitles', None, None)
- return (None, sub_lang, sub)
+ self._downloader.report_warning(u'Did not fetch video subtitles')
+ return
+ return sub
def _request_automatic_caption(self, video_id, webpage):
"""We need the webpage for getting the captions url, pass it as an
argument to speed up the process."""
- sub_lang = self._downloader.params.get('subtitleslang') or 'en'
+ sub_lang = (self._downloader.params.get('subtitleslangs') or ['en'])[0]
sub_format = self._downloader.params.get('subtitlesformat')
self.to_screen(u'%s: Looking for automatic captions' % video_id)
mobj = re.search(r';ytplayer.config = ({.*?});', webpage)
err_msg = u'Couldn\'t find automatic captions for "%s"' % sub_lang
if mobj is None:
- return [(err_msg, None, None)]
+ self._downloader.report_warning(err_msg)
+ return {}
player_config = json.loads(mobj.group(1))
args = player_config[u'args']
subtitles_url = caption_url + '&' + params
sub = self._download_webpage(subtitles_url, video_id, u'Downloading automatic captions')
- return [(None, sub_lang, sub)]
- except KeyError:
- return [(err_msg, None, None)]
- def _extract_subtitle(self, video_id):
+ return {sub_lang: sub}
+ # An extractor error can be raise by the download process if there are
+ # no automatic captions but there are subtitles
+ except (KeyError, ExtractorError):
+ self._downloader.report_warning(err_msg)
+ return {}
+ def _extract_subtitles(self, video_id):
- Return a list with a tuple:
- [(error_message, sub_lang, sub)]
+ Return a dictionary: {language: subtitles} or {} if the subtitles
+ couldn't be found
- sub_lang_list = self._get_available_subtitles(video_id)
+ available_subs_list = self._get_available_subtitles(video_id)
sub_format = self._downloader.params.get('subtitlesformat')
- if isinstance(sub_lang_list,tuple): #There was some error, it didn't get the available subtitles
- return [(sub_lang_list[0], None, None)]
- if self._downloader.params.get('subtitleslang', False):
- sub_lang = self._downloader.params.get('subtitleslang')
- elif 'en' in sub_lang_list:
- sub_lang = 'en'
+ if not available_subs_list: #There was some error, it didn't get the available subtitles
+ return {}
+ if self._downloader.params.get('allsubtitles', False):
+ sub_lang_list = available_subs_list
- sub_lang = list(sub_lang_list.keys())[0]
- if not sub_lang in sub_lang_list:
- return [(u'no closed captions found in the specified language "%s"' % sub_lang, None, None)]
- subtitle = self._request_subtitle(sub_lang, sub_lang_list[sub_lang].encode('utf-8'), video_id, sub_format)
- return [subtitle]
- def _extract_all_subtitles(self, video_id):
- sub_lang_list = self._get_available_subtitles(video_id)
- sub_format = self._downloader.params.get('subtitlesformat')
- if isinstance(sub_lang_list,tuple): #There was some error, it didn't get the available subtitles
- return [(sub_lang_list[0], None, None)]
- subtitles = []
+ if self._downloader.params.get('subtitleslangs', False):
+ reqested_langs = self._downloader.params.get('subtitleslangs')
+ elif 'en' in available_subs_list:
+ reqested_langs = ['en']
+ else:
+ reqested_langs = [list(available_subs_list.keys())[0]]
+ sub_lang_list = {}
+ for sub_lang in reqested_langs:
+ if not sub_lang in available_subs_list:
+ self._downloader.report_warning(u'no closed captions found in the specified language "%s"' % sub_lang)
+ continue
+ sub_lang_list[sub_lang] = available_subs_list[sub_lang]
+ subtitles = {}
for sub_lang in sub_lang_list:
subtitle = self._request_subtitle(sub_lang, sub_lang_list[sub_lang].encode('utf-8'), video_id, sub_format)
- subtitles.append(subtitle)
+ if subtitle:
+ subtitles[sub_lang] = subtitle
return subtitles
def _print_formats(self, formats):
for x in formats:
print('%s\t:\t%s\t[%s]%s' %(x, self._video_extensions.get(x, 'flv'),
self._video_dimensions.get(x, '???'),
- ' (3D)' if x in self._3d_itags else ''))
+ ' ('+self._special_itags[x]+')' if x in self._special_itags else ''))
def _extract_id(self, url):
mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url, re.VERBOSE)
# subtitles
video_subtitles = None
- if self._downloader.params.get('writesubtitles', False):
- video_subtitles = self._extract_subtitle(video_id)
- if video_subtitles:
- (sub_error, sub_lang, sub) = video_subtitles[0]
- if sub_error:
- self._downloader.report_warning(sub_error)
- if self._downloader.params.get('writeautomaticsub', False):
+ if self._downloader.params.get('writesubtitles', False) or self._downloader.params.get('allsubtitles', False):
+ video_subtitles = self._extract_subtitles(video_id)
+ elif self._downloader.params.get('writeautomaticsub', False):
video_subtitles = self._request_automatic_caption(video_id, video_webpage)
- (sub_error, sub_lang, sub) = video_subtitles[0]
- if sub_error:
- self._downloader.report_warning(sub_error)
- if self._downloader.params.get('allsubtitles', False):
- video_subtitles = self._extract_all_subtitles(video_id)
- for video_subtitle in video_subtitles:
- (sub_error, sub_lang, sub) = video_subtitle
- if sub_error:
- self._downloader.report_warning(sub_error)
if self._downloader.params.get('listsubtitles', False):
if m_s is not None:
self.to_screen(u'%s: Encrypted signatures detected.' % video_id)
video_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'] = [args['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map']]
+ m_s = re.search(r'[&,]s=', args.get('adaptive_fmts', u''))
+ if m_s is not None:
+ if 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' in video_info:
+ video_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'][0] += ',' + args['adaptive_fmts']
+ else:
+ video_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'] = [args['adaptive_fmts']]
+ elif 'adaptive_fmts' in video_info:
+ if 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' in video_info:
+ video_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'][0] += ',' + video_info['adaptive_fmts'][0]
+ else:
+ video_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'] = video_info['adaptive_fmts']
except ValueError:
video_format = '{0} - {1}{2}'.format(format_param if format_param else video_extension,
self._video_dimensions.get(format_param, '???'),
- ' (3D)' if format_param in self._3d_itags else '')
+ ' ('+self._special_itags[format_param]+')' if format_param in self._special_itags else '')
'id': video_id,
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import datetime
+import email.utils
import errno
import gzip
import io
import json
import locale
import os
+import platform
import re
+import socket
import sys
import traceback
import zlib
-import email.utils
-import socket
-import datetime
import urllib.request as compat_urllib_request
except ImportError: # Python 2
import httplib as compat_http_client
+ from urllib.error import HTTPError as compat_HTTPError
+except ImportError: # Python 2
+ from urllib2 import HTTPError as compat_HTTPError
from subprocess import DEVNULL
compat_subprocess_get_DEVNULL = lambda: DEVNULL
def find_xpath_attr(node, xpath, key, val):
""" Find the xpath xpath[@key=val] """
assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]+$', key)
- assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z@\s]*$', val)
+ assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9@\s]*$', val)
expr = xpath + u"[@%s='%s']" % (key, val)
return node.find(expr)
class ExtractorError(Exception):
"""Error during info extraction."""
- def __init__(self, msg, tb=None, expected=False):
+ def __init__(self, msg, tb=None, expected=False, cause=None):
""" tb, if given, is the original traceback (so that it can be printed out).
If expected is set, this is a normal error message and most likely not a bug in youtube-dl.
self.traceback = tb
self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() # preserve original exception
+ self.cause = cause
def format_traceback(self):
if self.traceback is None:
old_resp = resp
# gzip
if resp.headers.get('Content-encoding', '') == 'gzip':
- gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(resp.read()), mode='r')
- resp = self.addinfourl_wrapper(gz, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code)
+ content = resp.read()
+ gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(content), mode='rb')
+ try:
+ uncompressed = io.BytesIO(gz.read())
+ except IOError as original_ioerror:
+ # There may be junk add the end of the file
+ # See http://stackoverflow.com/q/4928560/35070 for details
+ for i in range(1, 1024):
+ try:
+ gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(content[:-i]), mode='rb')
+ uncompressed = io.BytesIO(gz.read())
+ except IOError:
+ continue
+ break
+ else:
+ raise original_ioerror
+ resp = self.addinfourl_wrapper(uncompressed, old_resp.headers, old_resp.url, old_resp.code)
resp.msg = old_resp.msg
# deflate
if resp.headers.get('Content-encoding', '') == 'deflate':
return default_ext
+def subtitles_filename(filename, sub_lang, sub_format):
+ return filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + u'.' + sub_lang + u'.' + sub_format
def date_from_str(date_str):
Return a datetime object from a string in the format YYYYMMDD or
return self.start <= date <= self.end
def __str__(self):
return '%s - %s' % ( self.start.isoformat(), self.end.isoformat())
+def platform_name():
+ """ Returns the platform name as a compat_str """
+ res = platform.platform()
+ if isinstance(res, bytes):
+ res = res.decode(preferredencoding())
+ assert isinstance(res, compat_str)
+ return res
+def bytes_to_intlist(bs):
+ if not bs:
+ return []
+ if isinstance(bs[0], int): # Python 3
+ return list(bs)
+ else:
+ return [ord(c) for c in bs]
+def intlist_to_bytes(xs):
+ if not xs:
+ return b''
+ if isinstance(chr(0), bytes): # Python 2
+ return ''.join([chr(x) for x in xs])
+ else:
+ return bytes(xs)
-__version__ = '2013.08.17'
+__version__ = '2013.08.29'