]> Raphaƫl G. Git Repositories - youtubedl/blob - youtube_dl/extractor/vrv.py
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[youtubedl] / youtube_dl / extractor / vrv.py
1 # coding: utf-8
2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
4 import base64
5 import json
6 import hashlib
7 import hmac
8 import random
9 import string
10 import time
12 from .common import InfoExtractor
13 from ..compat import (
14 compat_HTTPError,
15 compat_urllib_parse_urlencode,
16 compat_urllib_parse,
17 )
18 from ..utils import (
19 ExtractorError,
20 float_or_none,
21 int_or_none,
22 )
25 class VRVBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
26 _API_DOMAIN = None
27 _API_PARAMS = {}
28 _CMS_SIGNING = {}
29 _TOKEN = None
32 def _call_api(self, path, video_id, note, data=None):
33 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-3
34 base_url = self._API_DOMAIN + '/core/' + path
35 query = [
36 ('oauth_consumer_key', self._API_PARAMS['oAuthKey']),
37 ('oauth_nonce', ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(32)])),
38 ('oauth_signature_method', 'HMAC-SHA1'),
39 ('oauth_timestamp', int(time.time())),
40 ]
41 if self._TOKEN:
42 query.append(('oauth_token', self._TOKEN))
43 encoded_query = compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(query)
44 headers = self.geo_verification_headers()
45 if data:
46 data = json.dumps(data).encode()
47 headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
48 base_string = '&'.join([
49 'POST' if data else 'GET',
50 compat_urllib_parse.quote(base_url, ''),
51 compat_urllib_parse.quote(encoded_query, '')])
52 oauth_signature = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(
53 (self._API_PARAMS['oAuthSecret'] + '&' + self._TOKEN_SECRET).encode('ascii'),
54 base_string.encode(), hashlib.sha1).digest()).decode()
55 encoded_query += '&oauth_signature=' + compat_urllib_parse.quote(oauth_signature, '')
56 try:
57 return self._download_json(
58 '?'.join([base_url, encoded_query]), video_id,
59 note='Downloading %s JSON metadata' % note, headers=headers, data=data)
60 except ExtractorError as e:
61 if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 401:
62 raise ExtractorError(json.loads(e.cause.read().decode())['message'], expected=True)
63 raise
65 def _call_cms(self, path, video_id, note):
66 if not self._CMS_SIGNING:
67 index = self._call_api('index', video_id, 'CMS Signing')
68 self._CMS_SIGNING = index.get('cms_signing') or {}
69 if not self._CMS_SIGNING:
70 for signing_policy in index.get('signing_policies', []):
71 signing_path = signing_policy.get('path')
72 if signing_path and signing_path.startswith('/cms/'):
73 name, value = signing_policy.get('name'), signing_policy.get('value')
74 if name and value:
75 self._CMS_SIGNING[name] = value
76 return self._download_json(
77 self._API_DOMAIN + path, video_id, query=self._CMS_SIGNING,
78 note='Downloading %s JSON metadata' % note, headers=self.geo_verification_headers())
80 def _get_cms_resource(self, resource_key, video_id):
81 return self._call_api(
82 'cms_resource', video_id, 'resource path', data={
83 'resource_key': resource_key,
84 })['__links__']['cms_resource']['href']
86 def _real_initialize(self):
87 webpage = self._download_webpage(
88 'https://vrv.co/', None, headers=self.geo_verification_headers())
89 self._API_PARAMS = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
90 [
91 r'window\.__APP_CONFIG__\s*=\s*({.+?})(?:</script>|;)',
92 r'window\.__APP_CONFIG__\s*=\s*({.+})'
93 ], webpage, 'app config'), None)['cxApiParams']
94 self._API_DOMAIN = self._API_PARAMS.get('apiDomain', 'https://api.vrv.co')
97 class VRVIE(VRVBaseIE):
98 IE_NAME = 'vrv'
99 _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?vrv\.co/watch/(?P<id>[A-Z0-9]+)'
100 _TESTS = [{
101 'url': 'https://vrv.co/watch/GR9PNZ396/Hidden-America-with-Jonah-Ray:BOSTON-WHERE-THE-PAST-IS-THE-PRESENT',
102 'info_dict': {
103 'id': 'GR9PNZ396',
104 'ext': 'mp4',
106 'description': 'md5:4ec8844ac262ca2df9e67c0983c6b83f',
107 'uploader_id': 'seeso',
108 },
109 'params': {
110 # m3u8 download
111 'skip_download': True,
112 },
113 }, {
114 # movie listing
115 'url': 'https://vrv.co/watch/G6NQXZ1J6/Lily-CAT',
116 'info_dict': {
117 'id': 'G6NQXZ1J6',
118 'title': 'Lily C.A.T',
119 'description': 'md5:988b031e7809a6aeb60968be4af7db07',
120 },
121 'playlist_count': 2,
122 }]
123 _NETRC_MACHINE = 'vrv'
125 def _real_initialize(self):
126 super(VRVIE, self)._real_initialize()
128 email, password = self._get_login_info()
129 if email is None:
130 return
132 token_credentials = self._call_api(
133 'authenticate/by:credentials', None, 'Token Credentials', data={
134 'email': email,
135 'password': password,
136 })
137 self._TOKEN = token_credentials['oauth_token']
138 self._TOKEN_SECRET = token_credentials['oauth_token_secret']
140 def _extract_vrv_formats(self, url, video_id, stream_format, audio_lang, hardsub_lang):
141 if not url or stream_format not in ('hls', 'dash', 'adaptive_hls'):
142 return []
143 stream_id_list = []
144 if audio_lang:
145 stream_id_list.append('audio-%s' % audio_lang)
146 if hardsub_lang:
147 stream_id_list.append('hardsub-%s' % hardsub_lang)
148 format_id = stream_format
149 if stream_id_list:
150 format_id += '-' + '-'.join(stream_id_list)
151 if 'hls' in stream_format:
152 adaptive_formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
153 url, video_id, 'mp4', m3u8_id=format_id,
154 note='Downloading %s information' % format_id,
155 fatal=False)
156 elif stream_format == 'dash':
157 adaptive_formats = self._extract_mpd_formats(
158 url, video_id, mpd_id=format_id,
159 note='Downloading %s information' % format_id,
160 fatal=False)
161 if audio_lang:
162 for f in adaptive_formats:
163 if f.get('acodec') != 'none':
164 f['language'] = audio_lang
165 return adaptive_formats
167 def _real_extract(self, url):
168 video_id = self._match_id(url)
170 object_data = self._call_cms(self._get_cms_resource(
171 'cms:/objects/' + video_id, video_id), video_id, 'object')['items'][0]
172 resource_path = object_data['__links__']['resource']['href']
173 video_data = self._call_cms(resource_path, video_id, 'video')
174 title = video_data['title']
175 description = video_data.get('description')
177 if video_data.get('__class__') == 'movie_listing':
178 items = self._call_cms(
179 video_data['__links__']['movie_listing/movies']['href'],
180 video_id, 'movie listing').get('items') or []
181 if len(items) != 1:
182 entries = []
183 for item in items:
184 item_id = item.get('id')
185 if not item_id:
186 continue
187 entries.append(self.url_result(
188 'https://vrv.co/watch/' + item_id,
189 self.ie_key(), item_id, item.get('title')))
190 return self.playlist_result(entries, video_id, title, description)
191 video_data = items[0]
193 streams_path = video_data['__links__'].get('streams', {}).get('href')
194 if not streams_path:
195 self.raise_login_required()
196 streams_json = self._call_cms(streams_path, video_id, 'streams')
198 audio_locale = streams_json.get('audio_locale')
199 formats = []
200 for stream_type, streams in streams_json.get('streams', {}).items():
201 if stream_type in ('adaptive_hls', 'adaptive_dash'):
202 for stream in streams.values():
203 formats.extend(self._extract_vrv_formats(
204 stream.get('url'), video_id, stream_type.split('_')[1],
205 audio_locale, stream.get('hardsub_locale')))
206 self._sort_formats(formats)
208 subtitles = {}
209 for k in ('captions', 'subtitles'):
210 for subtitle in streams_json.get(k, {}).values():
211 subtitle_url = subtitle.get('url')
212 if not subtitle_url:
213 continue
214 subtitles.setdefault(subtitle.get('locale', 'en-US'), []).append({
215 'url': subtitle_url,
216 'ext': subtitle.get('format', 'ass'),
217 })
219 thumbnails = []
220 for thumbnail in video_data.get('images', {}).get('thumbnails', []):
221 thumbnail_url = thumbnail.get('source')
222 if not thumbnail_url:
223 continue
224 thumbnails.append({
225 'url': thumbnail_url,
226 'width': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('width')),
227 'height': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('height')),
228 })
230 return {
231 'id': video_id,
232 'title': title,
233 'formats': formats,
234 'subtitles': subtitles,
235 'thumbnails': thumbnails,
236 'description': description,
237 'duration': float_or_none(video_data.get('duration_ms'), 1000),
238 'uploader_id': video_data.get('channel_id'),
239 'series': video_data.get('series_title'),
240 'season': video_data.get('season_title'),
241 'season_number': int_or_none(video_data.get('season_number')),
242 'season_id': video_data.get('season_id'),
243 'episode': title,
244 'episode_number': int_or_none(video_data.get('episode_number')),
245 'episode_id': video_data.get('production_episode_id'),
246 }
249 class VRVSeriesIE(VRVBaseIE):
250 IE_NAME = 'vrv:series'
251 _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?vrv\.co/series/(?P<id>[A-Z0-9]+)'
252 _TEST = {
253 'url': 'https://vrv.co/series/G68VXG3G6/The-Perfect-Insider',
254 'info_dict': {
255 'id': 'G68VXG3G6',
256 },
257 'playlist_mincount': 11,
258 }
260 def _real_extract(self, url):
261 series_id = self._match_id(url)
263 seasons_path = self._get_cms_resource(
264 'cms:/seasons?series_id=' + series_id, series_id)
265 seasons_data = self._call_cms(seasons_path, series_id, 'seasons')
267 entries = []
268 for season in seasons_data.get('items', []):
269 episodes_path = season['__links__']['season/episodes']['href']
270 episodes = self._call_cms(episodes_path, series_id, 'episodes')
271 for episode in episodes.get('items', []):
272 episode_id = episode['id']
273 entries.append(self.url_result(
274 'https://vrv.co/watch/' + episode_id,
275 'VRV', episode_id, episode.get('title')))
277 return self.playlist_result(entries, series_id)