]> Raphaël G. Git Repositories - youtubedl/blob - youtube_dl/extractor/theplatform.py
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[youtubedl] / youtube_dl / extractor / theplatform.py
1 # coding: utf-8
2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
4 import re
5 import time
6 import hmac
7 import binascii
8 import hashlib
11 from .once import OnceIE
12 from .adobepass import AdobePassIE
13 from ..compat import (
14 compat_parse_qs,
15 compat_urllib_parse_urlparse,
16 )
17 from ..utils import (
18 determine_ext,
19 ExtractorError,
20 float_or_none,
21 int_or_none,
22 sanitized_Request,
23 unsmuggle_url,
24 update_url_query,
25 xpath_with_ns,
26 mimetype2ext,
27 find_xpath_attr,
28 )
30 default_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/SMIL21/Language'
31 _x = lambda p: xpath_with_ns(p, {'smil': default_ns})
34 class ThePlatformBaseIE(OnceIE):
35 def _extract_theplatform_smil(self, smil_url, video_id, note='Downloading SMIL data'):
36 meta = self._download_xml(
37 smil_url, video_id, note=note, query={'format': 'SMIL'},
38 headers=self.geo_verification_headers())
39 error_element = find_xpath_attr(meta, _x('.//smil:ref'), 'src')
40 if error_element is not None and error_element.attrib['src'].startswith(
41 'http://link.theplatform.com/s/errorFiles/Unavailable.'):
42 raise ExtractorError(error_element.attrib['abstract'], expected=True)
44 smil_formats = self._parse_smil_formats(
45 meta, smil_url, video_id, namespace=default_ns,
46 # the parameters are from syfy.com, other sites may use others,
47 # they also work for nbc.com
48 f4m_params={'g': 'UXWGVKRWHFSP', 'hdcore': '3.0.3'},
49 transform_rtmp_url=lambda streamer, src: (streamer, 'mp4:' + src))
51 formats = []
52 for _format in smil_formats:
53 if OnceIE.suitable(_format['url']):
54 formats.extend(self._extract_once_formats(_format['url']))
55 else:
56 media_url = _format['url']
57 if determine_ext(media_url) == 'm3u8':
58 hdnea2 = self._get_cookies(media_url).get('hdnea2')
59 if hdnea2:
60 _format['url'] = update_url_query(media_url, {'hdnea3': hdnea2.value})
62 formats.append(_format)
64 subtitles = self._parse_smil_subtitles(meta, default_ns)
66 return formats, subtitles
68 def _download_theplatform_metadata(self, path, video_id):
69 info_url = 'http://link.theplatform.com/s/%s?format=preview' % path
70 return self._download_json(info_url, video_id)
72 def _parse_theplatform_metadata(self, info):
73 subtitles = {}
74 captions = info.get('captions')
75 if isinstance(captions, list):
76 for caption in captions:
77 lang, src, mime = caption.get('lang', 'en'), caption.get('src'), caption.get('type')
78 subtitles.setdefault(lang, []).append({
79 'ext': mimetype2ext(mime),
80 'url': src,
81 })
83 duration = info.get('duration')
84 tp_chapters = info.get('chapters', [])
85 chapters = []
86 if tp_chapters:
87 def _add_chapter(start_time, end_time):
88 start_time = float_or_none(start_time, 1000)
89 end_time = float_or_none(end_time, 1000)
90 if start_time is None or end_time is None:
91 return
92 chapters.append({
93 'start_time': start_time,
94 'end_time': end_time,
95 })
97 for chapter in tp_chapters[:-1]:
98 _add_chapter(chapter.get('startTime'), chapter.get('endTime'))
99 _add_chapter(tp_chapters[-1].get('startTime'), tp_chapters[-1].get('endTime') or duration)
101 return {
102 'title': info['title'],
103 'subtitles': subtitles,
104 'description': info['description'],
105 'thumbnail': info['defaultThumbnailUrl'],
106 'duration': float_or_none(duration, 1000),
107 'timestamp': int_or_none(info.get('pubDate'), 1000) or None,
108 'uploader': info.get('billingCode'),
109 'chapters': chapters,
110 }
112 def _extract_theplatform_metadata(self, path, video_id):
113 info = self._download_theplatform_metadata(path, video_id)
114 return self._parse_theplatform_metadata(info)
117 class ThePlatformIE(ThePlatformBaseIE, AdobePassIE):
118 _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
119 (?:https?://(?:link|player)\.theplatform\.com/[sp]/(?P<provider_id>[^/]+)/
120 (?:(?:(?:[^/]+/)+select/)?(?P<media>media/(?:guid/\d+/)?)?|(?P<config>(?:[^/\?]+/(?:swf|config)|onsite)/select/))?
121 |theplatform:)(?P<id>[^/\?&]+)'''
123 _TESTS = [{
124 # from http://www.metacafe.com/watch/cb-e9I_cZgTgIPd/blackberrys_big_bold_z30/
125 'url': 'http://link.theplatform.com/s/dJ5BDC/e9I_cZgTgIPd/meta.smil?format=smil&Tracking=true&mbr=true',
126 'info_dict': {
127 'id': 'e9I_cZgTgIPd',
128 'ext': 'flv',
129 'title': 'Blackberry\'s big, bold Z30',
130 'description': 'The Z30 is Blackberry\'s biggest, baddest mobile messaging device yet.',
131 'duration': 247,
132 'timestamp': 1383239700,
133 'upload_date': '20131031',
134 'uploader': 'CBSI-NEW',
135 },
136 'params': {
137 # rtmp download
138 'skip_download': True,
139 },
140 'skip': '404 Not Found',
141 }, {
142 # from http://www.cnet.com/videos/tesla-model-s-a-second-step-towards-a-cleaner-motoring-future/
143 'url': 'http://link.theplatform.com/s/kYEXFC/22d_qsQ6MIRT',
144 'info_dict': {
145 'id': '22d_qsQ6MIRT',
146 'ext': 'flv',
147 'description': 'md5:ac330c9258c04f9d7512cf26b9595409',
148 'title': 'Tesla Model S: A second step towards a cleaner motoring future',
149 'timestamp': 1426176191,
150 'upload_date': '20150312',
151 'uploader': 'CBSI-NEW',
152 },
153 'params': {
154 # rtmp download
155 'skip_download': True,
156 }
157 }, {
158 'url': 'https://player.theplatform.com/p/D6x-PC/pulse_preview/embed/select/media/yMBg9E8KFxZD',
159 'info_dict': {
160 'id': 'yMBg9E8KFxZD',
161 'ext': 'mp4',
162 'description': 'md5:644ad9188d655b742f942bf2e06b002d',
163 'title': 'HIGHLIGHTS: USA bag first ever series Cup win',
164 'uploader': 'EGSM',
165 }
166 }, {
167 'url': 'http://player.theplatform.com/p/NnzsPC/widget/select/media/4Y0TlYUr_ZT7',
168 'only_matching': True,
169 }, {
170 'url': 'http://player.theplatform.com/p/2E2eJC/nbcNewsOffsite?guid=tdy_or_siri_150701',
171 'md5': 'fb96bb3d85118930a5b055783a3bd992',
172 'info_dict': {
173 'id': 'tdy_or_siri_150701',
174 'ext': 'mp4',
175 'title': 'iPhone Siri’s sassy response to a math question has people talking',
176 'description': 'md5:a565d1deadd5086f3331d57298ec6333',
177 'duration': 83.0,
178 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
179 'timestamp': 1435752600,
180 'upload_date': '20150701',
181 'uploader': 'NBCU-NEWS',
182 },
183 }, {
184 # From http://www.nbc.com/the-blacklist/video/sir-crispin-crandall/2928790?onid=137781#vc137781=1
185 # geo-restricted (US), HLS encrypted with AES-128
186 'url': 'http://player.theplatform.com/p/NnzsPC/onsite_universal/select/media/guid/2410887629/2928790?fwsitesection=nbc_the_blacklist_video_library&autoPlay=true&carouselID=137781',
187 'only_matching': True,
188 }]
190 @classmethod
191 def _extract_urls(cls, webpage):
192 m = re.search(
193 r'''(?x)
194 <meta\s+
195 property=(["'])(?:og:video(?::(?:secure_)?url)?|twitter:player)\1\s+
196 content=(["'])(?P<url>https?://player\.theplatform\.com/p/.+?)\2
197 ''', webpage)
198 if m:
199 return [m.group('url')]
201 # Are whitesapces ignored in URLs?
202 # https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/12044
203 matches = re.findall(
204 r'(?s)<(?:iframe|script)[^>]+src=(["\'])((?:https?:)?//player\.theplatform\.com/p/.+?)\1', webpage)
205 if matches:
206 return [re.sub(r'\s', '', list(zip(*matches))[1][0])]
208 @staticmethod
209 def _sign_url(url, sig_key, sig_secret, life=600, include_qs=False):
210 flags = '10' if include_qs else '00'
211 expiration_date = '%x' % (int(time.time()) + life)
213 def str_to_hex(str):
214 return binascii.b2a_hex(str.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')
216 def hex_to_bytes(hex):
217 return binascii.a2b_hex(hex.encode('ascii'))
219 relative_path = re.match(r'https?://link\.theplatform\.com/s/([^?]+)', url).group(1)
220 clear_text = hex_to_bytes(flags + expiration_date + str_to_hex(relative_path))
221 checksum = hmac.new(sig_key.encode('ascii'), clear_text, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
222 sig = flags + expiration_date + checksum + str_to_hex(sig_secret)
223 return '%s&sig=%s' % (url, sig)
225 def _real_extract(self, url):
226 url, smuggled_data = unsmuggle_url(url, {})
228 mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
229 provider_id = mobj.group('provider_id')
230 video_id = mobj.group('id')
232 if not provider_id:
233 provider_id = 'dJ5BDC'
235 path = provider_id + '/'
236 if mobj.group('media'):
237 path += mobj.group('media')
238 path += video_id
240 qs_dict = compat_parse_qs(compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url).query)
241 if 'guid' in qs_dict:
242 webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
243 scripts = re.findall(r'<script[^>]+src="([^"]+)"', webpage)
244 feed_id = None
245 # feed id usually locates in the last script.
246 # Seems there's no pattern for the interested script filename, so
247 # I try one by one
248 for script in reversed(scripts):
249 feed_script = self._download_webpage(
250 self._proto_relative_url(script, 'http:'),
251 video_id, 'Downloading feed script')
252 feed_id = self._search_regex(
253 r'defaultFeedId\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"', feed_script,
254 'default feed id', default=None)
255 if feed_id is not None:
256 break
257 if feed_id is None:
258 raise ExtractorError('Unable to find feed id')
259 return self.url_result('http://feed.theplatform.com/f/%s/%s?byGuid=%s' % (
260 provider_id, feed_id, qs_dict['guid'][0]))
262 if smuggled_data.get('force_smil_url', False):
263 smil_url = url
264 # Explicitly specified SMIL (see https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/7385)
265 elif '/guid/' in url:
266 headers = {}
267 source_url = smuggled_data.get('source_url')
268 if source_url:
269 headers['Referer'] = source_url
270 request = sanitized_Request(url, headers=headers)
271 webpage = self._download_webpage(request, video_id)
272 smil_url = self._search_regex(
273 r'<link[^>]+href=(["\'])(?P<url>.+?)\1[^>]+type=["\']application/smil\+xml',
274 webpage, 'smil url', group='url')
275 path = self._search_regex(
276 r'link\.theplatform\.com/s/((?:[^/?#&]+/)+[^/?#&]+)', smil_url, 'path')
277 smil_url += '?' if '?' not in smil_url else '&' + 'formats=m3u,mpeg4'
278 elif mobj.group('config'):
279 config_url = url + '&form=json'
280 config_url = config_url.replace('swf/', 'config/')
281 config_url = config_url.replace('onsite/', 'onsite/config/')
282 config = self._download_json(config_url, video_id, 'Downloading config')
283 if 'releaseUrl' in config:
284 release_url = config['releaseUrl']
285 else:
286 release_url = 'http://link.theplatform.com/s/%s?mbr=true' % path
287 smil_url = release_url + '&formats=MPEG4&manifest=f4m'
288 else:
289 smil_url = 'http://link.theplatform.com/s/%s?mbr=true' % path
291 sig = smuggled_data.get('sig')
292 if sig:
293 smil_url = self._sign_url(smil_url, sig['key'], sig['secret'])
295 formats, subtitles = self._extract_theplatform_smil(smil_url, video_id)
296 self._sort_formats(formats)
298 ret = self._extract_theplatform_metadata(path, video_id)
299 combined_subtitles = self._merge_subtitles(ret.get('subtitles', {}), subtitles)
300 ret.update({
301 'id': video_id,
302 'formats': formats,
303 'subtitles': combined_subtitles,
304 })
306 return ret
309 class ThePlatformFeedIE(ThePlatformBaseIE):
310 _URL_TEMPLATE = '%s//feed.theplatform.com/f/%s/%s?form=json&%s'
311 _VALID_URL = r'https?://feed\.theplatform\.com/f/(?P<provider_id>[^/]+)/(?P<feed_id>[^?/]+)\?(?:[^&]+&)*(?P<filter>by(?:Gui|I)d=(?P<id>[\w-]+))'
312 _TESTS = [{
313 # From http://player.theplatform.com/p/7wvmTC/MSNBCEmbeddedOffSite?guid=n_hardball_5biden_140207
314 'url': 'http://feed.theplatform.com/f/7wvmTC/msnbc_video-p-test?form=json&pretty=true&range=-40&byGuid=n_hardball_5biden_140207',
315 'md5': '6e32495b5073ab414471b615c5ded394',
316 'info_dict': {
317 'id': 'n_hardball_5biden_140207',
318 'ext': 'mp4',
319 'title': 'The Biden factor: will Joe run in 2016?',
320 'description': 'Could Vice President Joe Biden be preparing a 2016 campaign? Mark Halperin and Sam Stein weigh in.',
321 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
322 'upload_date': '20140208',
323 'timestamp': 1391824260,
324 'duration': 467.0,
325 'categories': ['MSNBC/Issues/Democrats', 'MSNBC/Issues/Elections/Election 2016'],
326 'uploader': 'NBCU-NEWS',
327 },
328 }]
330 def _extract_feed_info(self, provider_id, feed_id, filter_query, video_id, custom_fields=None, asset_types_query={}, account_id=None):
331 real_url = self._URL_TEMPLATE % (self.http_scheme(), provider_id, feed_id, filter_query)
332 entry = self._download_json(real_url, video_id)['entries'][0]
333 main_smil_url = 'http://link.theplatform.com/s/%s/media/guid/%d/%s' % (provider_id, account_id, entry['guid']) if account_id else None
335 formats = []
336 subtitles = {}
337 first_video_id = None
338 duration = None
339 asset_types = []
340 for item in entry['media$content']:
341 smil_url = item['plfile$url']
342 cur_video_id = ThePlatformIE._match_id(smil_url)
343 if first_video_id is None:
344 first_video_id = cur_video_id
345 duration = float_or_none(item.get('plfile$duration'))
346 for asset_type in item['plfile$assetTypes']:
347 if asset_type in asset_types:
348 continue
349 asset_types.append(asset_type)
350 query = {
351 'mbr': 'true',
352 'formats': item['plfile$format'],
353 'assetTypes': asset_type,
354 }
355 if asset_type in asset_types_query:
356 query.update(asset_types_query[asset_type])
357 cur_formats, cur_subtitles = self._extract_theplatform_smil(update_url_query(
358 main_smil_url or smil_url, query), video_id, 'Downloading SMIL data for %s' % asset_type)
359 formats.extend(cur_formats)
360 subtitles = self._merge_subtitles(subtitles, cur_subtitles)
362 self._sort_formats(formats)
364 thumbnails = [{
365 'url': thumbnail['plfile$url'],
366 'width': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('plfile$width')),
367 'height': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('plfile$height')),
368 } for thumbnail in entry.get('media$thumbnails', [])]
370 timestamp = int_or_none(entry.get('media$availableDate'), scale=1000)
371 categories = [item['media$name'] for item in entry.get('media$categories', [])]
373 ret = self._extract_theplatform_metadata('%s/%s' % (provider_id, first_video_id), video_id)
374 subtitles = self._merge_subtitles(subtitles, ret['subtitles'])
375 ret.update({
376 'id': video_id,
377 'formats': formats,
378 'subtitles': subtitles,
379 'thumbnails': thumbnails,
380 'duration': duration,
381 'timestamp': timestamp,
382 'categories': categories,
383 })
384 if custom_fields:
385 ret.update(custom_fields(entry))
387 return ret
389 def _real_extract(self, url):
390 mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
392 video_id = mobj.group('id')
393 provider_id = mobj.group('provider_id')
394 feed_id = mobj.group('feed_id')
395 filter_query = mobj.group('filter')
397 return self._extract_feed_info(provider_id, feed_id, filter_query, video_id)