]> Raphaël G. Git Repositories - youtubedl/blob - youtube_dl/extractor/dvtv.py
Use canonical URL in Vcs-Git.
[youtubedl] / youtube_dl / extractor / dvtv.py
1 # coding: utf-8
2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
4 import re
6 from .common import InfoExtractor
7 from ..utils import (
8 determine_ext,
9 ExtractorError,
10 int_or_none,
11 js_to_json,
12 mimetype2ext,
13 try_get,
14 unescapeHTML,
15 parse_iso8601,
16 )
19 class DVTVIE(InfoExtractor):
20 IE_NAME = 'dvtv'
21 IE_DESC = 'http://video.aktualne.cz/'
22 _VALID_URL = r'https?://video\.aktualne\.cz/(?:[^/]+/)+r~(?P<id>[0-9a-f]{32})'
23 _TESTS = [{
24 'url': 'http://video.aktualne.cz/dvtv/vondra-o-ceskem-stoleti-pri-pohledu-na-havla-mi-bylo-trapne/r~e5efe9ca855511e4833a0025900fea04/',
25 'md5': '67cb83e4a955d36e1b5d31993134a0c2',
26 'info_dict': {
27 'id': 'dc0768de855511e49e4b0025900fea04',
28 'ext': 'mp4',
29 'title': 'Vondra o Českém století: Při pohledu na Havla mi bylo trapně',
30 'duration': 1484,
31 'upload_date': '20141217',
32 'timestamp': 1418792400,
33 }
34 }, {
35 'url': 'http://video.aktualne.cz/dvtv/dvtv-16-12-2014-utok-talibanu-boj-o-kliniku-uprchlici/r~973eb3bc854e11e498be002590604f2e/',
36 'info_dict': {
37 'title': r'DVTV 16. 12. 2014: útok Talibanu, boj o kliniku, uprchlíci',
38 'id': '973eb3bc854e11e498be002590604f2e',
39 },
40 'playlist': [{
41 'md5': 'da7ca6be4935532241fa9520b3ad91e4',
42 'info_dict': {
43 'id': 'b0b40906854d11e4bdad0025900fea04',
44 'ext': 'mp4',
45 'title': 'Drtinová Veselovský TV 16. 12. 2014: Témata dne',
46 'description': 'md5:0916925dea8e30fe84222582280b47a0',
47 'timestamp': 1418760010,
48 'upload_date': '20141216',
49 }
50 }, {
51 'md5': '5f7652a08b05009c1292317b449ffea2',
52 'info_dict': {
53 'id': '420ad9ec854a11e4bdad0025900fea04',
54 'ext': 'mp4',
55 'title': 'Školní masakr možná změní boj s Talibanem, říká novinářka',
56 'description': 'md5:ff2f9f6de73c73d7cef4f756c1c1af42',
57 'timestamp': 1418760010,
58 'upload_date': '20141216',
59 }
60 }, {
61 'md5': '498eb9dfa97169f409126c617e2a3d64',
62 'info_dict': {
63 'id': '95d35580846a11e4b6d20025900fea04',
64 'ext': 'mp4',
65 'title': 'Boj o kliniku: Veřejný zájem, nebo právo na majetek?',
66 'description': 'md5:889fe610a70fee5511dc3326a089188e',
67 'timestamp': 1418760010,
68 'upload_date': '20141216',
69 }
70 }, {
71 'md5': 'b8dc6b744844032dab6ba3781a7274b9',
72 'info_dict': {
73 'id': '6fe14d66853511e4833a0025900fea04',
74 'ext': 'mp4',
75 'title': 'Pánek: Odmítání syrských uprchlíků je ostudou české vlády',
76 'description': 'md5:544f86de6d20c4815bea11bf2ac3004f',
77 'timestamp': 1418760010,
78 'upload_date': '20141216',
79 }
80 }],
81 }, {
82 'url': 'https://video.aktualne.cz/dvtv/zeman-si-jen-leci-mindraky-sobotku-nenavidi-a-babis-se-mu-te/r~960cdb3a365a11e7a83b0025900fea04/',
83 'md5': 'f8efe9656017da948369aa099788c8ea',
84 'info_dict': {
85 'id': '3c496fec365911e7a6500025900fea04',
86 'ext': 'mp4',
87 'title': 'Zeman si jen léčí mindráky, Sobotku nenávidí a Babiš se mu teď hodí, tvrdí Kmenta',
88 'duration': 1103,
89 'upload_date': '20170511',
90 'timestamp': 1494514200,
91 },
92 'params': {
93 'skip_download': True,
94 },
95 }, {
96 'url': 'http://video.aktualne.cz/v-cechach-poprve-zazni-zelenkova-zrestaurovana-mse/r~45b4b00483ec11e4883b002590604f2e/',
97 'only_matching': True,
98 }, {
99 # Test live stream video (liveStarter) parsing
100 'url': 'https://video.aktualne.cz/dvtv/zive-mistryne-sveta-eva-samkova-po-navratu-ze-sampionatu/r~182654c2288811e990fd0cc47ab5f122/',
101 'md5': '2e552e483f2414851ca50467054f9d5d',
102 'info_dict': {
103 'id': '8d116360288011e98c840cc47ab5f122',
104 'ext': 'mp4',
105 'title': 'Živě: Mistryně světa Eva Samková po návratu ze šampionátu',
106 'upload_date': '20190204',
107 'timestamp': 1549289591,
108 },
109 'params': {
110 # Video content is no longer available
111 'skip_download': True,
112 },
113 }]
115 def _parse_video_metadata(self, js, video_id, timestamp):
116 data = self._parse_json(js, video_id, transform_source=js_to_json)
117 title = unescapeHTML(data['title'])
119 live_starter = try_get(data, lambda x: x['plugins']['liveStarter'], dict)
120 if live_starter:
121 data.update(live_starter)
123 formats = []
124 for tracks in data.get('tracks', {}).values():
125 for video in tracks:
126 video_url = video.get('src')
127 if not video_url:
128 continue
129 video_type = video.get('type')
130 ext = determine_ext(video_url, mimetype2ext(video_type))
131 if video_type == 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' or ext == 'm3u8':
132 formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
133 video_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
134 m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False))
135 elif video_type == 'application/dash+xml' or ext == 'mpd':
136 formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats(
137 video_url, video_id, mpd_id='dash', fatal=False))
138 else:
139 label = video.get('label')
140 height = self._search_regex(
141 r'^(\d+)[pP]', label or '', 'height', default=None)
142 format_id = ['http']
143 for f in (ext, label):
144 if f:
145 format_id.append(f)
146 formats.append({
147 'url': video_url,
148 'format_id': '-'.join(format_id),
149 'height': int_or_none(height),
150 })
151 self._sort_formats(formats)
153 return {
154 'id': data.get('mediaid') or video_id,
155 'title': title,
156 'description': data.get('description'),
157 'thumbnail': data.get('image'),
158 'duration': int_or_none(data.get('duration')),
159 'timestamp': int_or_none(timestamp),
160 'formats': formats
161 }
163 def _real_extract(self, url):
164 video_id = self._match_id(url)
165 webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
166 timestamp = parse_iso8601(self._html_search_meta(
167 'article:published_time', webpage, 'published time', default=None))
169 items = re.findall(r'(?s)playlist\.push\(({.+?})\);', webpage)
170 if items:
171 return self.playlist_result(
172 [self._parse_video_metadata(i, video_id, timestamp) for i in items],
173 video_id, self._html_search_meta('twitter:title', webpage))
175 item = self._search_regex(
176 r'(?s)BBXPlayer\.setup\((.+?)\);',
177 webpage, 'video', default=None)
178 if item:
179 # remove function calls (ex. htmldeentitize)
180 # TODO this should be fixed in a general way in the js_to_json
181 item = re.sub(r'\w+?\((.+)\)', r'\1', item)
182 return self._parse_video_metadata(item, video_id, timestamp)
184 raise ExtractorError('Could not find neither video nor playlist')